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gotdroti45 ha detto riguardo a Total Drama All-Stars
Who thinks it would be a good idea for them to do like a Natale episode called "Merry Chris-Mclean-mas",just cause Natale is pretty close? I'm just thinking out loud,so,what do te guys think?Good,or Bad idea? postato più di un anno fa
sarafina123321 commentato…
lo it would be cool più di un anno fa
PuppiesXD commentato…
lol I agree with you. Even though the contestants gift to him is entertainment and da entertainment I mean torture. And if they have like some kind of competition with bringing up like heavy stuff but with dangerous traps. And if so, Owen may o may not cameo and dress up as Santa. o Chris will dress as Santa and chef would be an elf. o something else different. più di un anno fa
gotdroti45 commentato…
ha went through my mind and i thought of chris bringing back all of the tdas cast,and make them do a huge challenge for the holidays.and yes,i was thinking chris as santa,and chef as an elf.hey @ least chef wouldnt be wearing a dress huh? :) più di un anno fa
big smile
gotdroti45 detto …
OMG TDAS was ah-mazing and I'm so psyched for season 6!!Yay Mike won in the U.S.,and Zoey won in Canada!SWEET!!!! postato più di un anno fa
PuppiesXD mi ha dato omaggio per my pop quiz questions
Ty for adding me! :) Here's your first omaggio postato più di un anno fa
can't wait for Total Drama All-Stars! postato più di un anno fa
gotdroti45 ha detto riguardo a Mike and Zoey
looking 4ward 2 the successivo season of total drama!! its gonna be gr8!! postato più di un anno fa