A Book Comes to Life Club
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posted by AislingYJ
ciao guys! Long time no see, eh?
So I just got back from this Scrivere camp and the hot guys there as well as this one couple that I just shipped so fucking hard (not to mention lack of sleep) inspired me to make a boyband! Um...not sure why. But yeah. Here's the guide to this boy band, Stasis. te might be getting some drabbles (and smut) on them later hehe

The Members:
Name: Jonathan Lemberg
Age: 20
Height: 5'11"
Skin: pale
Hair: black, curly, messy.
Eyes: dark brown
Accessories: glasses
Instrument: drums, singing

Name: Andrew D'Lacey
Age: 19
Height: 5'9"
Skin: light
Hair: blonde/dirty blonde, straight, kinda swoops across his forehead
Eyes: light blue
Accessories: glasses
Instrument: piano, singing

Name: Jess Darnell
Age: 21
Height: 6'3"
Skin: light tan
Hair: brown, spikey/messy, usually gelled
Eyes: brown
Accessories: none
Instrument: bass, singing

Name: Jack Rayson
Age: 20
Height: 6'0"
Skin: light
Hair: auburn (red-brown), gelled and combed
Eyes: soft green with a hint of gray
Accessories: glasses
Instrument: singing

Name: Ferb Faber
Age: 21
Height: 5'7"
Skin: tan
Hair: light brown, spiked
Eyes: blue
Accessories: glasses
Instrument: guitar, singing

Name: Avery Gray
Age: 20
Height: 6'1"
Skin: light
Hair: brown, longish
Eyes: blue-gray
Accessories: none
Instrument: tech/electronic, singing

 Avery not pictured because I added him after I made this..
Avery not pictured because I added him after I made this..

From left: Andrew D'Lacey, Ferb Faber, Jack Rayson, Jess Darnell, Jonathan Lemberg
Not pictured: Avery Gray

The Pairings:
So the original ship (like the couple from the actual camp) was Jess and Jack but I decided to pair them all up.
Jessack: Jess/Jack
Andrathan: Andrew/Jonathan
Ferbery: Ferb/Avery

I'm currently Scrivere some smut and other drabbles so you'll get those soon.