Alice (of) Human Sacrifice Club
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Okay, so basically, I had to type up a loose translation of the song for an recitazione group. We were going to perform it with actions. Though, of course, I had to commento on the lines. xD Read ahead. OwO

The first Alice bravely wandered into the Wonderland, sword in hand. (plastic sword)
Cutting down countless creatures, she left a bright red path behind her. (red paint :D)
This Alice is the one of the forest, (...trees :D)
Locked away as a fugitive. (mini-jail cell...?)
If it weren't for the path she made in the forest, no one would know she existed. (and... she falls)

The secondo Alice meekly sang a song in the Wonderland. (Kaito :3)
Spreading out countless notes, he created a mad world. (I shall get the nico nico chorus voice clips for this :3)
This Alice is the one of the rose, (8D)
Shot da a madman. (aawwwwww, Kaito died.... D:)
He made one rose bloom, then admired da everyone, he withers (NNUUUUU!! Rose on de face)

The third Alice was a young girl, very cute and dear in the Wonderland. (me? dunno. needs a lolita outfit, doesn't it?)
Decieving countless people, she created a strange, green country. (oh, that would so be me. Except for the green... I wouldn't stop Kaito from being blue, though)
This Alice was the country's queen, (:D I is ebil Queen Scarf! thing?)
Possessed da that strange dream. (spinny head :D)
Fearing death, she ruled forever (woohoo! I bags Hatsune's part~!)

Following the small path through the forest, having a party beneath the rose albero (uhh, Rin and Len having a tè party on Kaito's corpse?)
The invitation from the Queen was the Trump of Hearts (ace of hearts... I am sooo miku)

The forth Alice were two twin children, who entered the Wonderland out of curiosity. (Rin and Len enter the Wonderland....... xD)
Passing through many doors, they came recently. (doors?)
The stubborn sister and a smart brother. (Rin: D:< Len: ...Kyouya pose xD)
They came closest to being the true Alice, but... (ZOMG PLOT TWIST! Meiko kills them... AGAIN)
They won't wake up from their drea. They wander forever in the Wonderland (walkity walk :3)