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NOTE: The following stories are for a friend of mine. I just wanted to let te guys know this. Enjoy.

Valentines Spirit

In Yagami high school, romance can be seen everywhere. Imadori, the Casanova everyone knows, has always pondered through the hearts of every girl in all the classes. But his desires for them don’t last longer when Karen Ichijo comes around. Any sposta he pulls usually results in a giant punch, but she always makes up for his mistakes and doesn’t mean any harm.

Even the beautiful Eri Sawachika has her fair share of crushes. Almost all the guys within school try asking her out, but she rejects them as she doesn’t want to take the pressure. While this was the case she continued being pursued and for every time this occurred, she turned them down again and again. So much for good romance right?

Eri of course isn’t the only one who has to deal with the “love bug” from the boys. Mikoto’s share of romance also blossoms around this time of year. However, the biggest reason a lot of boys go for her is because she is a double D as far as her chest size is concerned. It drives her mad, but when it comes to it all it can’t be helped. Imadori has always tried scoring with her, but to little success. So sometimes she has her share but not often.

Possibly the biggest moment in all of Yagami high school is the fact that KC, the new student, has just stricken luck in lover’s lane. Most of the guys within her class have asked her out and even put secret Amore letters in her locker. While the other girls believed it’s stupid, KC felt differently. She never had guys fall for her before and this was her biggest moment ever. She couldn’t wait to share it with Kasey.

Later on, at their apartment household, both KC and Kasey had just finished dinner. KC gathered the dishes and walked to the kitchen. She was surprised to find Kasey, as an orangutan, scrubbing some of the dirty dishes and cups with the sponge. “You don’t have to do that Kasey,” She implied. “I can do it myself.” Kasey however hesitated and detto that he would take care of them on his own and that she needed to do her homework. Smiling, she didn’t say anything and just dropped the plates she carried into the skink.

KC had finally finished her assignments and decided that the time was now to tell him what happened today. She checked to make sure Kasey had finished cleaning the dishes and managed to catch him at the right time after he had put them in the dishwasher. “Kasey, I have something very important to tell you.” She detto as she smiled. He looked at her a little concerned at first, but then returned to having a smile. “Okay,” He detto as he sat on the floor. “Go on.”

It was then she explained all the Amore letters she got in her locker as well as most of the boys from Class 2-C that tried asking her out. As she explained, Kasey couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He was a little unsettled at first but grew accustomed later on. After all, this was the first time, in a while, he had ever seen her open up to situations like this. “So, what do te think? Is all of this alright with you?” He simply smiled as he respond, “I guess so. But I must make sure they treat te right.” She let out a little cheer as she hugged him. He too hugged her in return.

When it was time for bed, Kasey, who was now a cat, had already curled himself up on his little bed. KC had just gotten herself comfortable as she turned the lamp on her scrivania, reception off and told Kasey goodnight, to at which he detto the same in return. About a moment later, KC’s eyes were still opened. She clearly had something on her mind but it wasn’t clear what it was. She kept tossing and turning as she tried closing her eyes. Nothing was helping. She then quickly rose herself up and turned to Kasey, who was still sleeping on his pet bed. “It must be- because I’m feeling bad for him..” She detto in her mind.

It became clear on the following day. KC didn’t only wake up late, but her mind was frizzed as she didn’t pay much attention during class. This concerned Eri, Mikoto, Tenma, and Akira as they could only watch. When lunch break arrived, they decided to get to the root of the situation “Is everything okay KC?” Tenma asked with concern. She didn’t respond, but rather sighed as her entire face was covered da arms. “I’ve never seen her like this before,” Mikoto implied. “It’s kind of weird.” Eri didn’t have much to say, but rather stared. “It must be because- she’s depressed with tons of Amore and desires.” Akira detto in a dramatic tone. Everyone, except KC, looked at her with weird expressions as well as sweat drops appearing on the side of their heads. “I honestly doubt that’s why Akira,” Eri said. “But whatever it is, it can’t be good.”

None of what they were saying was actually helping. In fact, it seemed to have made the moment a lot weirder. Eri decided that the time was now to convince KC to open up. “Listen KC,” She detto close to her right ear. “We are your Friends right? Whatever’s bothering you, te can tell us okay? We will be here to listen and support te no matter what the situation is.” She then moved back a little, hoping that helped. It didn’t as she continued lying still, with her face completely covered da her arms. Even Tenma’s cheerfulness couldn’t help.

Then, slowly but surly, she uncovered her face which sent a little relief to everyone. “I’m feeling a little out of it today,” She detto with a little horsed in her voice. “I’m sorry if I worried you.” Hearing the way she was talking kind of sent sadness. “Could te at lease tell us what is wrong KC?” Mikoto asked. Letting out a little sigh, she explained her situation to them. As she explained, Eri, Mikoto, and Tenma all shared the same expression- not quite, but a little close. “I had no idea,” Mikoto detto as she looked down a little. “That must be difficult even for him.” Poor Tenma felt like crying. “Why would te be concerned over that?” Eri asked. Everyone turned and stared at her with surprise. “What do te mean Eri?” KC asked as she looked a little confused. “Are te saying I shouldn’t be concerned over his feelings?”

She did her best not to make it sound worse, but there was hardly much she could say. “I’m just implying that te shouldn’t be feeling guilty over things like this. I mean, he is a mature being isn’t he? Not to mention te just explained to us that he cannot fall in Amore with anyone.” Mikoto was on the verge of getting angry. However, KC did understand what she meant. “It’s true he is, but I always feel bad because of that. If only he didn’t have these powers than he would be normal like a lot of us.” “Are te saying he isn’t normal now? Why would te say that?” Mikoto asked with surprise. KC however denied and told her that wasn’t what she meant. “I just mean if he wasn’t all animal right now, then his life could possibly be easier. That’s what I’m implying.” Everyone then understood and felt bad for applying that. “But still,” Eri said. “Even if he can’t get a data o a girl to fall in Amore with, that doesn’t mean none of us should be concerned. The way I see it, I think he’s got quite the grand life even without falling in love. Don’t te guys agree?” Everyone nodded in response.

Even though the situation was resolved, Tenma was completely drenched with tears. “I-I wanna do something special for him still! He-He deserves it!” Mikoto calmed her down as she patted her on the back softly. “Don’t worry Tenma, we are going to do something special for him, but the domanda is- what exactly can we do?” KC then had an idea.” I’ve just had an inspiration,” She answered. “We will get all of the class to pitch in and throw something very special for him. We can throw him- a surprise Valentine’s party.” It was a good idea, but Eri had a con to comment. “How exactly is this going to make him happy? We’re trying to make him feel loved right?” “This will work,” KC implied as she smiled. “It will. Trust me. I’ve thrown too many surprises to not let this one fail.”

The following giorno had soon arrived and KC’s plan to throw a super surprise, Valentine’s party for Kasey was currently in operations. Tenma and most of the other students were already busy decorating. While they were that, KC’s job was to keep Kasey distracted until the right time. She decided the best way to keep him occupied was to make a trip up to the school’s rooftop. “Come on Kasey,” She exclaimed as she turned and looked inside the stairway. “You’re going to enjoy this.” Kasey, who was a bobcat, slowly made his way up and entered outside. “We shouldn’t play hooky.” He moaned. KC was too busy giggling as she skipped not very far. “We’re not playing hooky,” She implied as she smiled. “Don’t be such a aspro, acida puss.” He didn’t think the joke was funny sense he was a bobcat at the moment. She then told him to come look and enjoy the beauty of the school yards from way up high.

Viewing way on superiore, in alto of the roof was beautiful as it was astonishing. The sun was clearly seen high up in the sky, a few buildings could be seen from the distance, and the track was also shown a pretty good mile away. Seeing everyone out there was like observing tiny ants running in a circle. Kasey continued staring while KC turned her head slightly to the right, looking at him with a soft smile.

Not long after gazing, they were then seen sitting against a wall. KC was looking straight while Kasey was simply looking up at the blue, clear sky. After a brief moment of silence, KC started to speak. “Kasey, I really am sorry for being a bad friend.” He quickly turned his head to her as a look of confusion and surprise filled his cat-like face. “Whatever are te talking about?!” She turned to him with a little sadness. “Come on, te know what I mean. About te not having a Valentine.” It was then he understood. He took a little sigh as he smiled at her. “Listen KC, te have no reason- absolutely no reason at all to feel bad about that. I’ve already gone over this with te a long time ago. I don’t need to fall in Amore with anybody because I cannot let my powers be shared with others. It doesn’t concern te at all got it?” While she was still sad, she did nod in response.

“It’s got to be hard though,” She detto as she turned her head inoltrare, avanti and looked straight ahead. “Not having a relationship for years on end.” Kasey didn’t have much to say, but sighed as he looked back up at the sky. A brief moment of silence once again occurred as neither of them spoke again. However, after a while of hanging on the roof superiore, in alto it was time to head back to class. Kasey still remained a bobcat as he led the way down stairs. KC meanwhile followed from behind.

After walking through the empty hallways, they made it to Class 2-C and as KC opened the sliding door the lights turned on and confetti started falling everywhere. Kasey had a look of shock as he had no idea what was going on. But then, the entire class shouted, “Happy Valentine’s giorno Kasey!” all together as they clapped and smiled. He continued to be filled with confusion. Then, KC managed to explain what her goal was and why this party happened. “We all wanted to pitch in and make this the best Valentine’s giorno ever for you,” She said. “We just couldn’t help it.” As much as he was surprised, he couldn’t help but grin a little. “Thank te guys very much for this. Just being here is the best thing about my life and every holiday.” Everyone laughed together as the party was about to start.

Hours later, it had finally ended. Everyone pitched in and cleaned everything. As everyone headed out, KC and Kasey joined Tenma, Eri, Mikoto, and Akira who were all standing near the entrance. “It went wonderfully te guys! Thank te so much!” KC detto as she smiled. Everyone smiled as well. “You have got to be one lucky guy.” Mikoto detto as she winked at Kasey. He stared at her with confusion. “What exactly do te mean da that?” She didn’t really need to explain as it was clear, but he wouldn’t let it go and kept insisting on understanding what she meant. Valentine’s giorno would certainly be a holiday everyone within Yagami high school will enjoy on the years to come.

Tenma Strikes Twice!

The giorno after Valentine’s giorno is like any normal day. The students at Yagami high school come in, ready to learn, o usually get involve with crazy things. But some of the students continue to pursue their duties. Imadori for example goes around asking the hottest girls out and gets rejected o fooled every time. Most may say this gets old pretty quickly, but for others it’s refreshing to return to normal moments like this.

On others however, it’s the “daring” that pays the bill. Sense missing her luck yesterday, Tenma has once again gone on the quest of confessing her desires to Karasuma. Through all the school years, she has been at this countless times and never got around to it. Distractions are sometimes involved; while other times it is herself that causes the moments to fail. Even after dealing with conflicts countless efforts, she’ll never quit pursuing her chance to confess to him. And today happens to be the day.

“Are te sure?” Eri asked as she looked at Tenma with confusion. She nodded very quickly in response. “Trust me Eri! This will work! It’s the giorno after Valentine’s giorno after all. All I have to do is give Karasuma these baskets of spare Cioccolato hearts and I will finally tell him how I feel!” She started squealing like a little girl, much to Eri’s dismay. Mikoto on the other hand was very encouraging of her efforts and always gave her the best of luck. “You get him girl!” She exclaimed as she put her right hand on Tenma’s right shoulder and smiled. Tenma’s eyes lighted up with sparkles as she tightly hugged her on the waist.

KC and Kasey then arrived. “Hey guys,” KC detto as she waved to them. “What’s up?” What was on Kasey’s mind was why Tenma was hugging Mikoto. It was a long story, but both Eri and she explained it to them. KC and Kasey were filled with surprise and good emotions. “That is so cute!!” KC exclaimed as she blushed a little on the cheek. She then started to feel warm as Kasey did what he could to cool her off. “You’ll have to forgive her,” He sighed as he continued fanning her face. “She has a huge desire for romantic things.” While it was hard to believe, Eri and Mikoto understood. When everything was settled, KC returned to her normal self. “So, how long have te known this guy?” She asked. Tenma explained that she had known Karasuma for a very long time. She also explained how many times she tried confessing her feelings, but always ended up failing. While it was emotional, Tenma cheered the moment up da exclaiming she wasn’t going to fail this time. KC clapped and cheered for her. Kasey, Eri, and Mikoto however sat back with sweat drops on the backs of their heads. They knew chaos would soon behold them, as Akira mentioned while looking at the screen.

It was now the start of the lunch ora and Karasuma had just arrived out in a part of the school yard. As he was walking, he didn’t notice someone following him from behind. It took him a good while to realize that someone was following him and as he turned, he saw Tenma in full view. Poor Tenma blushed ever so hard as little smoke puffs could be seen coming out of her head. She then gulped a big gulp as she detto in her mind, “Come on Tenma! te can do this! te can! Now is your chance! Go do it!” She finally had the strength to open up and asked him if she could unisciti him for lunch. A moment of silence then filled the area as Karasuma then responds that yes it was fine for her to join. In her mind, she felt extremely jittery, if also not ecstatic.

As they walked away, five hidden faces were seen behind the hedges. They were revealed to be Eri, Mikoto, Akira, KC, and Kasey. “Remind me again why we are doing this?” KC asked. “We have to keep an eye on them to make sure everything’s working out.” Eri respond quietly. KC then wondered if they do this all the time. It wasn’t much of a joke to Eri and Mikoto as keeping eyes on their best friend was an important priority. She then apologized. “You need to be careful what te say,” Kasey implied. “Remember: Think before te talk.” She didn’t need his knowledge and told him to shut up. Then, Tenma and Karasuma were on the sposta as Eri detto they were moving on and that they need to follow. Quietly, they all followed as they continued to stay hidden behind the hedges.

Tenma and Karasuma had sat down underneath a shady spot da one of the larger trees. A pallet was already in place as they sat comfortably and quietly. Karasuma was the first to open his lunch and started eating. Tenma was busy gazing at him that she completely forgot to open her lunch. While it was an embarrassing moment, he hardly detto anything and continued eating. For a while, she didn’t take a nibble of her riso ball. In fact she continued staring and watching Karasuma as he ate. Meanwhile, Eri and the others were not too far and continued observing the situation. “Why is she not even eating?” Eri asked with confusion. Mikoto implied that it was because she was busy admiring him, thereby loosing total concentration. Eri didn’t quite get it but KC did as her eyes lighted up with Kawaiiness. Eri and Mikoto both had weirded reactions while Kasey sighed.

Not long afterwards, Karasuma had finished his lunch and detto he had to go. After he detto that, Tenma quickly shook her head as she returned back to reality and told him to wait. “I uh! Wanted to say something to you.” She detto as she looked down at her shoes as they moved a little. Karasuma turned and stood still as he listened. Eri and the others were anticipated to finally hear Tenma confess her feelings. Out of everyone, Eri and Mikoto were exited the most. She did her hardest to finally let her feelings out, but before she could the campana, bell then rung. Karasuma had to go and he made sure to thank her for hanging out at lunch. As he walked away, poor Tenma was colored like solid rock. She kept stuttering while her body twitched and shivered. Even Eri and the others sighed with humiliation and disappointment. “She did what she could,” Kasey detto as he tried brightening the moment. “And I’m sure she’ll do it successivo time.” Everyone turned their heads and stared at him with either cold eyes o a blank stare. Thinking he might’ve crossed a line, he quickly leaped out of the hedges and sprinted away.

A while later, Eri, Mikoto, Akira, and KC were seen standing in the hallway. They continued to look depressed. “Does this happen all the time?” KC asked. Mikoto nodded and detto that it happens almost everyday. “She keeps insisting that each giorno would finally be her day, but it doesn’t work.” “And we feel bad for her too,” Eri implied. “We always do but she pretty much puts on a Ribelle - The Brave face and says she’ll always get there successivo time. When we think about, she’s probably the bravest person we know.” Mikoto smiled at her as she agreed. Akira also agreed but didn’t have much to comment. KC also smiled as she did a slight nod. Then, she looked around as she remembered something. “Where’s Kasey?” She asked. Everyone looked at her and then looked at each other.

Several minuti had past sense the event of Tenma trying to accomplish her goal. While it didn’t work, she didn’t get depressed o upset. “Please don’t worry about me guys,” She kept saying. “I’m fine really.” She also detto that she would soon get her chance the successivo giorno and the giorno after. While she always detto this, Eri and Mikoto still couldn’t help but worry. KC and Kasey were even a little concerned. But what could they all do to spice things up for Tenma?

Not far away, someone was listening to their conversation through the right sliding door of the classroom. It was revealed to be Harima, a very tall and handsome young man who happens to be in the same class as Tenma and the others. One thing about him is that he has high hopes of confessing his own desires to the only girl of his dreams. That girl happens to be Tenma. While it may seem weird to a lot of people, it’s considered a very adorable and lovely effort. He had been listening for quite sometime and can’t help but fall in Amore with her cuteness. “I think-I think today’s my lucky day!” He exclaimed in his mind. “Today, I am going to confess my feelings to the one girl of my desire and then- I don’t know what’s going to happen next, but it’ll be wonderful!” In his imagination, he painted a vivid image of him dressed in a fancy suit while holding the hand of his beautiful bride, Tenma, and walking out of a chapel. Seeing this image really motivated him and would give the courage he deserved.

The school hours were finally over for the day. KC and Kasey were down in the locker area as she managed to get her stuff out. Kasey of course was there to help her out, carrying most of her school libri and belongings. “Please don’t mess my papers up,” She exclaimed as she shut her locker door. “It took me most of the giorno to arrange those and I don’t want them out of place.” Kasey insisted he would be careful with them. As they almost headed out, they were called da Eri and Mikoto. “Have te guys seen Tenma?” Mikoto asked. KC and Kasey looked at each other for a brief secondo and then turned to them as they shook their heads. They started wondering what the big deal was and were actually beginning to wonder if something had happened. Akira however pointed something out. She told them to come outside to where she was standing and to look at where she was looking, which was the right. As they did, they were surprised to find both Kurasuma and Tenma staring at each other. They quickly tried hiding as their eyes were all on them. “Do te think this could be it?” Mikoto asked quietly. Nobody knew for sure. Eri thought it would while Akira assumed it could happen. KC and Kasey both had the same thought, which was that it “might” happen. The only way to find out was to observe.

Tenma and Karasuma were indeed standing face to face. However, this time it was a little different. Tenma didn’t get to talk much as Karasuma was the one who did. He once again thanked her for having lunch with him and gave her something. She looked down at it and gently tore the paper covering. Her face blushed a tad as brightness filled it too. She looked up and thanked him for the gift. He then headed out of the gate as he bid her farewell.

Eri and the others came out hiding and walked to her. “What happened?” Eri asked. “Did te finally confess to him?” Mikoto asked. Tenma slowly shook her head as her little smile continued to shine. Everyone titled their heads as their expressions clearly showed they were confused. What Tenma showed them was a little riso ball that was wrapped in a paper, material covering. “I didn’t get the chance, but- he gave me this generous gift. I feel like the luckiest girl alive.” Everyone stared at her as they all smiled- except for Akira, who hardly ever smiles. Things had turned out for the best on the so called, “Brighter giorno After Valentine’s Day”.

But it wasn’t much enjoyable for a lot of folks. Harima had once più missed his chance to confess his feelings. He whined while sulking behind a tree. His tears continued flowing down his face. “Well…at lease there’s successivo time I guess. If there’s ever a successivo time..” And after that, he once again let out a big cry.

The Hot for Hotness

Yagami high school is great when it comes to education and its finest students. However, the school is also great with another purpose- girls.

If you’re a guy, looking for good looking ladies, than chances are you’ve come to the right place. The school’s females are not only cute but hot to perfection. In fact, there is a secret club dedicated to this matter called the Ero Society. Their job is to keep data of every girl in Class 2-C while also documenting their activities.

But it’s più than just the students that give credit. There are also teachers that give it as well. Itoko, the physics teacher, seems to have a great body and bust to impress all the boys. Then there is Yoko Sasakura, the art teacher and close friend of Itoko. Both of them seem to have the most attention for the boys within the school and their flirty o perverted status rings way up high!

However, there is also another staff member in the school who also has a huge reputation to the guys. In fact, a lot of them fake injuries o sickness just to see her. She is the infirmary nurse of the school and her popularity is a lot higher than that of Itoko and Yoko. Her name is Tae Anegasaki.

The boys within the school will do everything in their will just to visit her. They sometimes fake illness but may also go through extremes just to be injured. It may seem dumb to most people- to Eri and Mikoto especially, but to every guy within the school it is well worth it.

“There seems to be a lot più injuries this afternoon,” Tenma detto as she looked a little concerned. Eri, Mikoto, and Akira were the only ones who didn’t seem concerned at all. It’s because they all knew what the soul purpose was for these accounts. “It’s just sick,” Eri sighed. “I mean, this goes on everyday. What’s so special about her anyway?” Mikoto gave the hint that she felt a sense of jealously. Eri however denied that fact. “If te say so,” Mikoto smirked. “But I’m beginning to think you’re jealous of the reputation she’s getting. It’s not that hard after all.” Poor Eri just blushed a little as she turned away to the right. “Just shut up.” She moaned.

Meanwhile, not far away, KC and Kasey were busy doing some cleaning in KC’s locker. “Did te hear about all the guys going to the nurse?” Kasey asked. She looked down to him and had a confused expression. “No?” Kasey wasn’t very surprised. But she however was now curious as to finding out what happened. “Can te at lease explain it to me?” She asked. He respond that he never got the full scoop. “Maybe Eri and the others will know.” KC said.

As soon as they finished cleaning her locker, they then headed to the classroom. KC opened the sliding door as she the noticed Tenma, Eri, Mikoto, and Akira gathered together. She and Kasey joined in. “Where were you?” Mikoto asked. She responds that she had to clean her locker and that Kasey helped out. Tenma leaned down as she patted him on the head and detto what a good person he was for helping. He admired her sweetness so much. “So, I wanted to ask te guys something.” KC said. Eri and the others told her not to say it because they already knew. While it was easy for her not to ask, she still wanted to know what was going on. This was when they explained it all.

“Ohhh! So, the school nurse is what’s causing this?” KC asked with surprise. Eri and Mikoto nodded. Tenma was confused- as was Kasey. “Is she really “that” hot that it drives them nuts?” He asked. “Yes,” Mikoto respond with a sigh. “One thing te both already know is that the guys here have a huge reputation with pretty girls and women. When they see one pass by, they all drool like wild animals- no offense to te Kasey.” He detto it was none taken and continued listening. “And it’s just gross, pathetic, and plain dumb,” Eri detto as she sighed and crossed her arms. “Why be crazy over a pretty face o figure? It’s just..” She wasn’t able to continue as it just upset her.

As they were talking, they were unaware of a set of eyes that watched them through the crack of the sliding door. It was Imadori and Kentaro. “I don’t know about this,” Kentaro detto worriedly. “Remember what happened the last time?” Imadori did recall on what happened, but detto that this time would be different. Kentaro moaned with despair as he continued spying. Later on, the Ero Society meeting had began and Ganji started to speak. “I suppose te all are wondering why I have assigned another meeting. It is because of Kasey, one of the new transfers. As te know, our mission to get him to unisciti our group was a complete failure and he told me in confidence that he wasn’t interested in what we do. However, that doesn’t mean he needs to be let down so easy.” One of the boys raised his hand as Ganji allowed him to speak. “Where exactly are we going with this?” He asked. Ganji respond that he was getting to the point.

“Every guy in this school has at lease gone to see the nurse. As far as we know, Kasey’s the only who hasn’t. So our goal this time is to get him there so that the sight and appearance of the nurse will hopefully get his urges up and might reconsider joining the Ero Society.” While the idea was grand, few disapproved. It was because of what occurred last time- when Eri, Mikoto, and Akira were always near. Ganji however detto this plan would be different. “Instead of convincing him to go there, we are going to “cause” him to go. In other words we are going to let him suffer in a freakish accident. Then, we will take him to the nurse and the rest will be taken care of.” While it was a neat plan, Kentaro was against it as he felt like this was a serious case of bullying. Ganji however insured that this was not bullying and that it was only for a good cause. Kentaro, while still feeling depressed over the situation, sat back down.

The successivo giorno had arrived. KC and Kasey were walking to class. They were discussing about what they would have for cena tonight. Not far from them, Kentaro, Imadori, and Yoshidayama were hiding behind a corner. They had recently poured water on the floor and were hoping Kasey would take the bait. “What if that girl gets in the way?” Kentaro asked. Yoshidayama respond that they would just prevent her from slipping if they needed to, which did mean that their lives would be at risk. “Just be quite and watch.” He exclaimed. Both of them were nearing the trap. As Kasey put his left paw on the wet floor, he started loosing his balance. KC gasped as she quickly picked him up. “Are te alright?” She asked with worry. He nodded in response and looked down at the wet floor. “Whoever ciclomotore this half of the hallway did a terrible job.” He said. KC couldn’t agree. The guys, who continued hiding, sighed with failure.

While the slippery plan failed, they had the whole ora to make this work. Their successivo plan was to make a bag filled with basketballs fall all over Kasey, causing one of them to at lease hit him on the head and cause him to pass out. “This one is going to work for sure,” Yoshidayama snickered. “Where else can he go on a lunch break like this?” “But what about that girl and the others?” Kentaro asked. Yoshidayama respond that there was no need to worry sense Imadori was doing his job to distract them. Kentaro then asked how they would get Kasey to come outside and once more, Yoshidayama had it covered. He explained that he left a fake note for him that detto it was signed da KC. It detto she needed him to come outside ASAP. In doing so, he was walking through the hallways until he reached outside. However, instead of walking straight out he ended up stopping da the stairs and looked around. Kentaro and Yoshidayama meanwhile were sitting perfectly still on the rooftop, waiting for him to be visible.

Kasey was still standing still da the door. He knew something didn’t felt right and wasn’t quite sure what to do. He thought about going out, but he knew the minuto he did would bring something afoot. “What in the heck could he possibly be doing??” Yoshidayama asked with irritation. Kentaro told him to be quite as he could be close da below. It wasn’t until a while later that they decided to give up and slowly came down from the roof without injuries. They looked at the door area for a while and sighed with failure. “So I guess now it’s onto the successivo plan.” Yoshidayama said. While he walked ahead, Kentaro stood still as a look of sadness filled his face. He still didn’t felt right about treating Kasey this way nor did he like the fact of sneaking around. Ganji and the whole Ero Society were counting on them to complete the task, so it was something he had to put up with for a little longer.

For a while, their successivo plans went and failed at the same rate. They tried getting Kasey to fall down the flight of stairs, tried getting him to choke on the pieces of Cibo KC served to him, and also tried preventing him from running the track during P.E. None of their tricks were working and it even surprised Ganji and the Ero Society members. “You guys failed yet again?” Ganji asked with surprise. Kentaro and Yoshidayama nodded in response. Yoshidayama did imply however that when they tried getting him not to run the track, they twisted their ankles and got the chance to visit Tae for an hour. While it was good, the hope of bringing Kasey to her continued to be an issue. “How can te guys fail so easily? I understand what happened before, but te managed to do this without getting caught da the girls. So how could this happen?” There wasn’t much to respond as they didn’t know- neither did Kentaro o Yoshidayama. “I did say before we shouldn’t do this,” Kentaro said. “And I believe he shouldn’t have done it. te cannot just force someone to choose what they believe in and I think Kasey taught us that. He doesn’t look at girls o women the way we do so it’s best to leave it alone.” While his words were a bit odd, the members did agree. Even Ganji thought so as well. He did after all recall how nice and gentle he was when he told him that. After giving some thought, Ganji declared that the mission to get Kasey to visit Tae was called off and that it was best not to lure him in any sort of business like this ever again. While the other members didn’t care at all, Kentaro was certainly happy. It appeared he cared much for Kasey- but only because despite him being an Ero Society member he also had a good, kind heart.

Later through the day, KC and Kasey were seen outside. They were practicing running laps around the track. While KC was doing the running, Kasey was più of the support and coach. He followed her from the right side while giving her a lot of motivation. It did help her a lot as she got faster and faster every lap. Not far from the track, Eri, Mikoto, and Akira were watching. “It’s so interesting how they are close.” Mikoto detto as she smiled. Eri looked at her with confusion. “What do te mean? They aren’t a couple te know.” Mikoto giggled a tad as she respond, “I know that Eri. I’m just saying that it’s interesting how much they do together and support one another. In fact, it makes me wonder what would’ve happened if Kasey didn’t have those powers of his. Maybe they would’ve been a good couple o something.” Eri couldn’t help but feel disgusted over the situation.

Just then, a loud yelp was heard. Eri, Mikoto, and Akira quickly turned their heads and made their way to the track. Kasey was lying on the dirt, moaning in pain. KC meanwhile was panicking. She kept asking why he was moaning to at which he told her that he twisted his right back leg while trying to turn on the track. Eri and the others arrived as they too were worried about what happened. “He detto he twisted his back ankle,” KC detto with panic. “What do I do??” They quickly managed to calm her and told her to take him to the school nurse. She quickly picked and carried him inside. The others followed.

They then made it to the nurse’s office and Tae was working on some filing when they immediately came in. She turned and asked what was wrong in which KC respond that her dog’s right back ankle was twisted. Tae was surprised to see the dog, but smiled and detto she would take care of him. She gently picked him up and laid him on one of the nurse beds as she checked everything including his ankle. KC and the others stood back as they watched. Eri still couldn’t get over how pretty she was and would often look away. Mikoto on the other hand grinned a little as she stared at her. “Don’t even bother…” Eri moaned quietly as she turned her head to left.

Sense this was the first time seeing her, KC had no idea how beautiful Tae really was. She finally understood why all the boys admired her. After a while, Tae eventually returned with good news. “Everything should be fine with him,” She detto as she put him down gently. “He did twist his ankle but it wasn’t serious. Make sure though he doesn’t do it again alright?” KC nodded and thanked her a lot. Tae giggled a little as she waved to her and the others as they left. When she was alone, Tae then began wondering why KC would bring a dog to the school.

With everything taken care of, KC and Kasey were the only ones walking through town. “I was so relieved when she told me te were alright.” KC detto as she looked down at him. Kasey looked up at her and said, “Well, te don’t have to worry anymore. Besides, I do have my “healing” ability te know.” While it was true, she did imply something he told her about long ago. “You detto it didn’t always activate and that te couldn’t control when te wanted it to come.” He did remember and told her it was okay to not remind him. They eventually made it to their apartment and went about their evening business until bedtime.
added by LenTao
godou kusanagi
added by Trignity
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•Music: Fever •Artist: Cascada •Program(s) used: Sony Vegas Pro. 8.0b & Photoshop CS4 •Special thanks to: Mepple, xCrystalSagax, emmefZ and DreamIdolStudio ;D!
shugo chara!
ouran high school host club & haruhi suzumiya no yuuutsu
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