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After two weeks, of rebuilding the Southern Water Tribe; everyone went back to their duties and other obligations. Toph and Hiru went back to the Earth Kingdom, Toph couldn't stand the cold and wanted her earthbending abilities back, so did Hiru. Kaya went along with them too, for she needed to master earthbending! And iro went back to the fuoco Nation.
Before Kaya went to Appa to fly to the Earth Kingdom with Toph and Hiru, Katara caught up with her.
"Kaya!" she shouted. "Wait!"
"What is it?" asked Kaya concerned.
"I'm coming with you!" Katara declared. "You still need some training in waterbending!"
She smiled. So did Kaya.
"Okay mom." she agreed.
She still needed a few più training on waterbending also. So the four of them went on Appa to fly off to the Earth Kingdom, learn Earthbending(and get some traing on Waterbending), and maybe, a long the way, have some good times.

After hours flying, Kaya landed Appa on a near da Earth Kingdom town for a rest. When everyone was unloading and setting up camp, Hiru noticed a huge commotion from the very distant.
"Hey! What's that?" he asked.
"I think it's a circus tent!" answered Kaya unsure.
"It is a circus tent!" shouted Toph. "I can feel it with my own two feet!"
"Can we check it out?" asked Kaya anxious.
"Sure." Katara answered. "Prehaps I can visit an old friend of mine!"
Everyone was confused, except for Toph, for she knew what Katara was talking about.

The circus wasn't on yet, the preformers were practcing their parts, and animali were being tamed. Katara aproached to a familiar person, twisting her body in many shapes and forms.
"Hello Ty Lee." greeted Katara.
"KATARA!" cried Ty Lee in amazement. "Oh it has been so long!"
"Yes I know." responded Katara.
Ty Lee then gasped loudly on Katara's ear while she was hugging her.
"Is that beautiful girl your daughter?" Ty Lee asked.
"Yes, she is!" answered Katara while rubbing her ear.
Ty Lee went running towards Kaya, and hugged her; but because of the force, Kaya almost fell backwards!
"Where's the bald Avatar?" Ty Lee asked.
Katara looked aside. Her eyes showed depression.
"What's wrong?" asked Ty Lee.
"My father died when I was born." explained Kaya.
Ty Lee gasped even louder.
"I am so sorry!" cried Ty Lee. "I didn't knew! I'm terribly sorry!"
"It's okay." Katara whispered. "But there's still hope, my daughter, Kaya, is the successivo Avatar."
Ty Lee gasped even louder than before!
"Oh how foolish of me not noticing it!!!" cried Ty Lee. "It is a pleasure meeting you...Avatar Kaya!"
Ty Lee bowed towards her. Then did a cartwheel and guestured the visitors to come in. They came in a large circus tent, where some preformers where practicing. In the middle of the circus tent, where two young preformers, who did magnificant twrils and flips. Everyone applauded.
"Thoses are my children." Ty Lee mentioned with pride. "They're twins! Lee and Lin!"
Ty Lee gestured the twins to come and greet the visitors. The first one is a boy, he was fithteen, with short brown hair, brown eyes, and white skin(like Ty Lee's). The secondo is a girl, about the same age as Lee, and same characteristics as her brother(brown hair, brown eyes, and a white skin just like her mother's).
"I'm Lee!" he greeted.
"And I'm Lin!" she greeted also. "And we're....'The Magnificant Twins!'"
Everyone applauded.
"Can we stay?" asked Kaya. "Really want to see the show!"
"Well, I don't know Kaya." responded Katara. "You really need to learn Earthbending, not to mention catch up on your Waterbening!"
"Oh come on Katara!" nagged Toph. "Let the poor girl have some fun! Besides, we barely came here, and te want to leave already?"
"Fine!" Katara agreed. "But just one mostra okay?"
After a few hours, the mostra began. The circus tent was crowed, and everyone had a good time! The preformers did a magnifacent job! The animali were very well tammed, and 'The Magnifacant Twins' did a swell preformance! Even Katara had fun and completely forgot about what she detto this morning! After the mostra was over, Kaya went outside of the tent, and was petting one of the animali that was tammed. Lee came.
"So uh...you're the Avatar huh?" he asked.
"Yep!" she responded, she was getting used to the idea of being the Avatar.
"Must be very...um...thrilling." he mentioned.
"Very." she responded.
They were both silent.
"My mom detto that your mother used to be a Kyoshi Warroir, is that true?" Kaya asked.
"Yeah," he replied. "But she quit."
"Why?" asked Kaya interested.
"She detto that fighting wasn't her calling, preforming is; that's why she went back to unisciti the circus." he explained. "Me and my sister were born to be in the circus. We were actually born in the circus."
"That's amazing!" Kaya replied. "I was born in an igloo."
"That's...exciting." he replied.
"It's okay, te can laugh!" Kaya confessed.
"No no, I really do think it's exciting!" asured Lee.
Kaya glanced at Lee, his brown hair glistened in the stary night. He was gazing at the stars.
"You know," he began. "I saw te sitting successivo to that guy. Is he your boyfriend?"
"What? No!" she answered. "Hiru is not my boyfriend, he's....just a friend."
"I see." he spoke softly.
He was holding a piece of rock, the threw it at the far distance.
"Lee," she began. "I must go, I need to go to Gaoling, and I need to master Earthbending, not to mention to catch up on my waterbending skills! It was nice meeting te however!"
"Wait!" Lee shouted.
"What?" Kaya asked.
There was a long pause.
"Can I come with you?" he asked.
"Why?" asked Kaya.
"I'm tired of living the life of a circus preformer, I want to fight! To save the world...with you!"
Kaya blushed.
"Okay," she agreed. "You can come."
Lee and Kaya went up to the group. Hiru noticed Lee and Kaya walking together, and raised an eyebrow. Lee explained to his mother about is choice.
"But Lee," began Ty Lee. "Aren't te happy with the life te have?"
"Mom, I want to do other thing than preform on stage! I want to fight! To defend myslef! To save people, to save the world! And this, this is the oppurtunity that life gave me, and I will grab it!" Lee explained.
There was a long silence.
"I want to come too!" declared Lin. "I want to fight too; and defend others in need too!"
"Fine." Ty Lee agreed. "But if te change your mind, I'll be here."
The twins hugged their mother, and went towards Appa and the rest of the group to fly to Gaoling, and cerca for some adventure!
Very funny :)
WARNING: The following FANMADE story that te are about to read is FANMADE, I DO NOT OWN Avatar THE LAST AIRBENDER!!!! This is MY version of how the story continues!!!! This is a fan FICTION story!!!!

"PUSH!!!" yelled Suki.
Katara was dripping in sweat from the awful pain that she felt. Her husband, Aang, was fighting against a group of people at the earth kingdom with Sokka and Zuko, and could not participate in the birth of his child.
"PUSH!!!" yelled Suki once more.
Mai was with them too, watching Katara giving birth to her child. At last, a faint cry is heard from the distance, and everyone...
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added by avatarluver990
This is the opening of the Anime show: "Ouran High School Host Club" in english version. This is a really good show!
Ouran High School Host Club
"YOU'RE WHAT?!" shouted Katara.
"I'm going to the Earth Kingdom to find an earthbending teacher!" explained Kaya for the secondo time.
"And you're going ALONE?" asked Katara.
"I'm not!" replied Kaya. "I'm going with Appa!"
"Well, who else te are going with?" asked Katara.
"Well, no one." Kaya confessed.
"You are not going alone!" demanded Katara.
"Oh come on mom, I'll be fine!" comforted Kaya. "Trust me!"
"Fine!" Katara finally agreed.
Kaya hopped on Appa, placed her stuff, and flew off.

It took about half an ora to reach to the Earth Kingdom. When they did, Kaya was surprised to see that...
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added by avatarluver990
Source: AvatarSpirit.net
added by avatarluver990
added by avatarluver990
added by avatarluver990
Source: Google & whoever made this -_-
added by avatarluver990
added by avatarluver990
added by avatarluver990
Kaya placed the warm tè cup in the ground and sat down, as the rest of the group tasted its deliciousness.
"Wow Kaya! I'm impressed!" remmarked Katara. "Iroh must have taught te well in making tea!"
"He did!" replied Kaya. "He taught me everything I know!"
"Not only you're the master of all four elements, you're a master at tè too!" joked Miko.
"Thank te but, I'm not a master yet, I still need to master Earth, and Fire!" commentato Kaya. "Not to mention Air!"
"But how are te going to master Air if there aren't any airbenders left?" asked Miko.
"Yeah, the last one was your father, and he died...
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Cool songs tht match the 4th book of PJ&TO: The Battle of The Labyrinth
The Little Mermaid II song "For A Moment" in multilanguage ;)
posted by avatarluver990
This is a anteprima of my successivo story coming up! Hope u like it ;)

Even though my cuore was pounding hard and my mind was racing, I still felt slow. As if my legs are moving slower da the second. Yes I'm running, running from this dumb mission that I just had to be part of. Running from this hellish place called SFYA, School For Young Agents. I'm one of them. But now I'm just running from them. They took everything from me. My home, my family, my life! I want it back, I want justice, I want revenge! But for now, I'm just running. My feet are sore and burised, my arms are covered with cuts and blood, and my face is sprayed with tears and sweat. I need to get out of this living nightmare, I need to be free. But right now I'm running, running from them.
added by avatarluver990
AWSOME!!! Can't wait to watch it XD
I woke up the successivo morning. I felt misserable! If your guessing today's Monday, then your totally wrong! I Amore Mondays! What I DO hate are Fridays! Why? 'Cause Fridays are the days I get Swirlies. If you're wondering how a Swrily feels like, it's very horrifying. First, the "Really Cool People" grab te unexpectedly, and trap te with their muscular arms so te can't get out! Then, they drag te all the way to the Boy's Bathroom. Finally, they girp te hair tight and stuff te in the toilet. But the worst part is when they flush the toilet, and it is such a horrifying scene that even words...
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added by avatarluver990
Kool song :)