bambini Club
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posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Use this 6-sided dice to play:

Part 1. Your name is (NAME) and te are a fifteen-year-old freshman in high school. You, your parents, and your twelve-year-old brother are going home after going out to eat on a Sunday night. It's snowing and the car slips on a patch of black ice and swerves off the road. Your mom dies at the scene, your dad dies in surgery, and your brother is brain dead for a week before finally dying. te survive with a concussion, broken arm, cracked ribs, and internal bleeding.
What were your parents' names?
first & middle names from link
What was your little brother's name?
first & middle names from link

Roll the dice to find out what happens now. If te roll a...
1 o 2: te are sent to live with your grandparents in (CITY). They are caring and supportive, helping te adjust to your new home and school, as well getting te into grief counseling. Your grandma introduces te to a friend's granddaughter and she introduces te to people. It takes time and effort, but te assimilate into your new life, and te finally bounce back.
What are your grandparents' names?
first & middle names from link
What is your friend's name?
first & middle names from link

3 o 4: te are sent to live with your aunt and uncle in (CITY). They have two children, a seventeen-year-old son and a fifteen-year-old daughter. You've always had a rivalry with your female cousin. But your male cousin, your aunt, and your uncle are really nice. te become close to two other girls, who happen to be Friends with your female cousin.
What are your aunt & uncle's names?
first & middle names from link
What is your male cousin's name?
first & middle names from link
What is your female cousin's name?
first & middle names from link
What are your two girlfriends' names?
first & middle names from link

5 o 6: With no relatives, te are put into foster care. te sink further and further into a depression, your grades slipping, te are barely sleeping, and eating little. te meet an older boy who gets te involved in experimenting with drugs, alcohol, and casual sex.
What is the boy's name?
first & middle names from link


Part 2.
1 o 2: te are very happy living with your grandparents. te get into the college of your dreams, (WHAT COLLEGE DO te GO TO?) and the major te want, (WHAT IS YOUR MAJOR?). te have a fabulous roommate, who introduces te to her twin brother--your future husband. te data for (HOW MANY YEARS DO te data FOR?) years before he proposes to te and te have the wedding of your dreams.

What is your roommate's name?
first & middle names from link

What is DH's name? (your choice)

How does DH propose? Roll the dice
1 o 2: During a walk in the park at night
3 o 4: On the spiaggia at sunset
5 o 6: On one knee, at the spot where te first kissed

What kind of wedding do te have? Roll the dice
1 o 2: Traditional wedding
3 o 4: Backyard wedding
5 o 6: Glamorous wedding

What does your engagement ring look like? Roll the dice
1 o 2: link
3 o 4: link
5 o 6: link

What does your wedding dress look like? Roll the dice
1 o 2: link
3 o 4: link
5 o 6: link

Where do te go for your honeymoon? Roll the dice
1 o 2: Jamaica
3 o 4: Caribbean
5 o 6: Hawaii

What does te & DH's first home look like? Roll the dice
1 o 2: link
3 o 4: link
5 o 6: link

3 o 4: te and your female cousin learn to live together, but te still hate each other's guts. When te are a senior in high school, your male cousin introduces te to a college friend of his. te start dating him a few weeks after te meet him. He takes te to your prom and te have sex with him in a hotel room afterwards. A mese later, te find out you're pregnant and your uncle makes your boyfriend marry you. te have a small, shotgun wedding in (CITY) and your engagement ring is a ring that belonged to your boyfriend's late grandmother. te got into your second-best college, (WHAT COLLEGE WAS IT?), on a scholarship and take your classes during the day. Seven months later, te and your husband sposta into a small apartment and te have the baby.

What does your engagement ring look like? Roll the dice
1 o 2: link
3 o 4: link
5 o 6: link

What does your wedding dress look like? Roll the dice
1 o 2: link
3 o 4: link
5 o 6: link

What does your apartment look like? Roll the dice
1 o 2: link
3 o 4: link
5 o 6: link

What's your baby's gender? Roll the dice
1: Boy, first & middle names from link
2: Girl, first & middle names from link
3: Boy, first & middle names from link
4: Girl, first & middle names from link
5: Boy, first & middle names from link
6: Girl, first & middle names from link

What's your baby's name?

5 o 6: When te are seventeen, te are moved into a new foster home. Unlike the other homes, your foster parents are very good to you. te start to do better in school and te get away from drugs and alcohol. Your boyfriend gets mad and tries to get te back into it, but te resist and hope to convince him to change his lifestyle choices. Then, te find out you're pregnant and your boyfriend leaves you. Your foster parents support te in your decision to keep the baby. Your ex-boyfriend is later killed in a drug deal gone bad. Six months later, te have a healthy baby.

What are your foster parents' names?
first & middle names from link

What's your baby's gender? Roll the dice
1. Girl, first & middle names from link
2. Boy, first & middle names from link
3. Girl, first & middle names from link
4. Boy, first & middle names from link
5. Girl, first & middle names from link
6. Boy, first & middle names from link

What is your baby's name?

Part 3:
1 o 2: te and DH have been married for two years and have established your careers, with te as a (CAREER) and him as a (CAREER). On your wedding anniversary, te find out you're pregnant! Both te and DH are very happy. When te are five months pregnant, te and DH buy a new house in the suburbs of (CITY). Four months later, te have your baby(s).

What does your new house look like? Roll the dice
1: link
2: link
3: link
4: link
5: link
6: link

What's your baby(s) gender(s)? Roll the dice
1 o 2: Boy, first & middle names from link
3 o 4: Girl, first & middle names from link
5 o 6: Boy/girl twins, first & middle names from link

What is your baby's name?

3 o 4: Your baby is now three years old and te are a junior in college, going to school during the giorno and working at night. Your husband has recently graduated and is working full-time. However, te are seeing him less and less. When his birthday rolls around, te treat him to a night out, with just the two of you. Two months later, te go to the doctor with what te thought was the flu. Turns out, you're pregnant again. This is an unexpected but delightful surprise and, with your three-year-old at daycare, te go home to tell your husband the good news. When te get home, te find him in the living a very compromising position with your female cousin! He just looks right up at te and tells te it's over, the two of te aren't meant for each other. te kick them both out of the apartment. Your husband divorces you, gives up his parental rights to your child, and takes off to Europa with your cousin and is never heard from again. Eight months later, te have twins.

What are your twins' genders? Roll the dice
1 o 2: Boy/girl twins; first & middle names from link
3 o 4: Twin boys; first & middle names from link
5 o 6: Twin girls; first & middle names from link

What are your babies' names?

5 o 6: Your baby is now two years old. te bought your own apartment and are working as a waitress to put yourself through college, while saving the money te inherited from your parents. One night, a good-looking guy comes in and sits at one of your assigned tables. When he leaves, he writes his name and phone number on your tip. At first, you're uninterested, but then he comes in a few nights later and starts flirting with te in a way te can't resist. te start dating him and six months later, te fall pregnant. However, your boyfriend gets cold feet and skips out. Nine months later, te have your baby and te never hear from the father again. te buy a small house and sposta in with your children.

What was your baby's father's name? (your choice)

What are your baby's gender? Roll the dice
1: Boy, first & middle names from link
2: Girl, first & middle names from link
3: Boy, first & middle names from link
4: Girl, first & middle names from link
5: Boy, first & middle names from link
6: Girl, first & middle names from link

What is your baby's name?

Where do te sposta to? (your choice)

What does te new house look like? Roll the dice
1 o 2: link
3 o 4: link
5 o 6: link

Part 4:
1 o 2: When your first child(ren) is five, te and your husband try for another baby. te get pregnant on the first try and nine months later, your excited first born is introduced to his/her/their younger sibling.

What is your baby's gender? Roll the dice
1: Girl, first & middle names from link
2: Boy, first & middle names from link
3: Girl, first & middle names from link
4: Boy, first & middle names from link
5: Girl, first & middle names from link
6: Boy/girl twins, first & middle names from link

What is your baby's name?

3 o 4: Your first baby is four and the twins are one years old. At the consigli of your aunt, te go to a support group for young single parents. There, te meet a guy who is older than te and with children of his own that go to the same daycare as your children. te learn his wife died of breast cancer two years before. The two of become Friends and start dating 18 months after te met. Three and a half years after that, the two of te are engaged and te have a big, fat, white wedding in a church with all your Friends and family. After te return from your honeymoon, te and your three children sposta in with DH and his kids.

How many kids does DH have? Roll the dice
1. A boy and a girl; first & middle names from link
2. Two boys; first & middle names from link
3. Two girls; first & middle names from link
4. Three boys; first & middle names from link
5: Three girls; first & middle names from link
6: Your choice of how many & the genders, first & middle names from link

What are DH's kids' names?

Where does DH live? (your choice)

What does his house look like? Roll the dice
1: link
2: link
3: link
4: link
5: link
6: link

5 o 6: Your first child is now four and your secondo child is now two. You've finished college, gotten a job as a (CAREER), and are completely devoted to your children. Then, at a coffee shop, te bump into a guy who use to live right successivo door to te and your family before your parents and brother died. te haven't seen him in over ten years and you're both really glad to see each other. He invites te to lunch with him that afternoon and te meet with him at a restaurant across the strada, via from where he works as a (CAREER). te tell him te were in foster care, te have two children da different men, both are out of the picture, and basically everything else that happened to te since the last time he saw you. te begin seeing him più often and he visits your house weekly. Your kids adore him and he spends hours playing with them. Three years later, he proposes to you, te get married, he adopts your kids, and te buy a big house in the suburbs of (TOWN).

What is DH's name? (your choice)

How does DH propose? Roll the dice
1. At your oldest child's birthday party
2. He writes it in the snow while the two of te are playing with the kids outside on Natale Day
3. On the front porch of his parents' house, which is right successivo door to the house te lived in with your parents
4. You're playing a scavenger hunt with the kids and te find the ring
5. Inside the coffee negozio where te two saw each other, at the same spot te stood talking
6. Your choice of the above o another kind of proposal

What kind of wedding do te have? Roll the dice
1: link
2: link
3: link
4: link
5: link
6: link

What does your wedding dress look like? (your choice)

What does your engagement ring look like? (your choice)

What does your new house look like? (your choice)

Part 5
1 o 2: Your first child is ten and your secondo child is five. te and DH want one più baby, but te have to turn to fertility treatments. te have più bambini than te planned, but your family is now complete!

How many bambini do te have? Roll the dice
1. Two babies--roll the dice again for genders: 1 o 2=boy/girl twins, 3 o 4=twin girls, 5 o 6=twin boys
2. Three babies--roll the dice again for genders: 1=three boys, 2=three girls, 3 o 4=two boys & a girl, 5 o 6=two girls & a boy
3. Four babies--roll the dice again for genders: 1=four girls, 2=four boys, 3=two boys & two girls, 4=three boys & a girl, 5 o 6=three girls & a boy
4. Five babies--roll the dice again for genders: 1=five boys, 2=five girls, 3=three boys & two girls, 4=three girls & two boys, 5=four boys & a girl, 6=four girls & a boy
5. Six babies--roll the dice again for genders: 1=five girls & one boy, 2=five boys & one girl, 3=three boys & three girls, 4=four boys & two girls, 5=four girls & two boys, 6=your choice of six girls o six boys
6. Your choice of how many bambini and the genders.

What are your babies' names? Roll the dice
1 o 2: first & middle names from link
3 o 4: first & middle names from link
5 o 6: first & middle names from link

What are your babies' names?

3 o 4: Over the years, te and DH have your own biological children, as well as te adopt each others children, growing and completing your family.

How many kids do te have with DH? Roll the dice
1. Two boys & two girls; boys' first & middle names from link girls' first & middle names from link
2. Three boys & two girls, first & middle names from link
3. Three girls & two boys, first & middle names from link
4. Two boys & a girl, first names are from link middle names are from link
5. Two girls & boy, first & middle names from link
6. Your choice of the above

What are your kids' names?

5 o 6: te and your husband want to have as many kids as te can. As the years go by, te and DH have five più children, creating the huge family you've always wanted.

What are the children's genders? Roll the dice
1. Five girls; first & middle names from link
2. Five boys; first & middle names from link
3. Four girls & a boy; first & middle names from link
4. Four boys & a girl; first & middle names from link
5. Three girls & two boys; first & middle names from link
6. Three boys & two girls; first & middle names from link

What are your kids' names?

FINALLY!!! The game is DONE!!!

lista everyone in your family!
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Source: Syed Junaid Khadri
added by khadrijunaid
Source: Syed Junaid Khadri
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added by suman
added by Johnny1982
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added by Johnny1982
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Source: Squidoo & Sodahead
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added by Sinna_Hime_chan
Source: centurydance
added by sapherequeen
added by sapherequeen