Bella cigno Club
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added by sweet_twilight
Source: New Moon Companion
added by samsgirl84
added by lead
posted by elizasmomma
I thought my life would never change moving to Forks,Washington, with my dad charlie but it did,

The first time i saw him walking towards me, it was like my cuore stopped beating for a minuto and then a secondo went by, i didn't know it then but we would be together forever.

Looking back on that first meeting in forks, highschool i knew that we would be together, but the giorno that he left me, i knew that my life was completely over, it was like i had died and my whole cuore stopped beating, and that was when i found my best friend Jacob Black (aka Jake) he was the one that helped me get over the fact that he was gone, but it wasn't emough to heal up the pain of him leaving me all alone to fend for my self.
added by greyswan618
added by ebcullen4ever
posted by pompeybabe
[This is just my opinion, not meaning to offend anyone o piss anyone off. This is just how I feel.]

There's so much crap on the internet regarding Bella cigno being a terrible, undeveloped, idiotic character. Maybe some of that is true ... I'm not sure. I try not to discuss Stephenie Meyer's Scrivere skills too much because I end up screaming at people but she isn't the best, admit it.

Anyway, I personally Amore Bella Swan. I am incredibly fed up and aggravated da the idea that women nowadays have to know some kind of immense self-defense o have a super power to be considered a powerful female...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
ok start agin!!!!!!!
i Lost it!!!!!
freak accident!!!!!!!!!!
so chapter 13 TAKE TWO!

to Migutza2006

edwards POV!

I stood behind the tree. just watching, bella lied streched across the open grass, beleiving i had just left.. again.
Like i could, i dont think i ever could, i dont know how i even did it the first time, and how i kept it up for so long.
i dont know how long forever is, o how long imortal is, but i do know that as long im living it , bella will be in too. wheither under ground, o with me.
i hope.
There was a life in her life now. i little life. but a large part in her life. how...
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added by greyswan618
added by Cittycat19
added by princessbella
I had to call, to see if the rumors where true. I picked up the phone and dialed the number I forgot. Its been three years since they left, a lot had happened that he needed to know about. The phone rang twice before someone answered. I imagined his green eyes.
"Hello, Cullen Residence." A female voice said.
"Hi,Is Edward there?" I said.
"UM yes,Hold on." I heard the voice yell Edward away from the phone."May I ask who's calling?" The voice detto when it came back to the phone.
"It's Bella,Bella Swan." I said.
"Oh,Bella! " I heard the voice squeal."It's Alice,How have te been?" She asked. I should...
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added by aprildawn73
Source: pinterest
added by Natbr
Source: fuckyeahteambella
added by Irja
added by ebcullen4ever
added by greyswan618
added by Zukania99
added by ebcullen4ever
added by Cittycat19