I thought my life would never change moving to Forks,Washington, with my dad charlie but it did,
The first time i saw him walking towards me, it was like my cuore stopped beating for a minuto and then a secondo went by, i didn't know it then but we would be together forever.
Looking back on that first meeting in forks, highschool i knew that we would be together, but the giorno that he left me, i knew that my life was completely over, it was like i had died and my whole cuore stopped beating, and that was when i found my best friend Jacob Black (aka Jake) he was the one that helped me get over the fact that he was gone, but it wasn't emough to heal up the pain of him leaving me all alone to fend for my self.
The first time i saw him walking towards me, it was like my cuore stopped beating for a minuto and then a secondo went by, i didn't know it then but we would be together forever.
Looking back on that first meeting in forks, highschool i knew that we would be together, but the giorno that he left me, i knew that my life was completely over, it was like i had died and my whole cuore stopped beating, and that was when i found my best friend Jacob Black (aka Jake) he was the one that helped me get over the fact that he was gone, but it wasn't emough to heal up the pain of him leaving me all alone to fend for my self.