bffs Wall

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purpleslurp12 detto …
My bffl and I r the closest! We r like sisters! Luv ya!( as a friend of course) postato più di un anno fa
Draculaura10 commentato…
LYLAS! (luv u like a sis!) più di un anno fa
terra_rocker detto …
i have a bff who confides everything in me and me her i trust her with my life literally postato più di un anno fa
terra_rocker commentato…
2 più di un anno fa
terra_rocker commentato…
2 bffs typoo più di un anno fa
Dhampires detto …
Best Friends are the ones that te can count on,have a great time with,and grow old with^^ postato più di un anno fa
andybea detto …
We are the best BFFS because we even made a joint fanpop account! -Andy and Bea postato più di un anno fa