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posted by ashesandwine
Dany's question: Favorite thing about life? The simple things like staying up all night watching scary movies or eating too much chocolate. I love most things about life and even accept some of the bad. Good friends and a supportive family make everything alright.

Brenda's question: Which of your favorite artist's lyrics do you think are the best? Hmm, I love so many lyrics, but my favourite band is Coldplay so I`ll go with some lyrics by them. From Swallowed In the Sea:
"Well that`s where I belong and you belong with me, not swallowed in the sea." but I also love the lyric "I wanna love you, but I don`t know if I can."

Holly's questions:
1.) If you had the power to write the following episodes, what would happen in each episode?: {You can do anything! You can go back and write/re-write an episode in a specific season in order to change things. You can write a completely new episode etc.}
-An episode of Lost: Well i like Lost the way it is {i.e PERFECT!}, but I wouldn`t mind doing another episode in season 4 and seeing more of Jate`s life together. Just some sexy/fluffy Jate scenes would be enough for me (:
-An episode of OTH: Well obviously I`d try and get BL to never break-up. I`d re-write 3x16 and NOT have the LP kiss instead Brooke would be in the library and her and Lucas would share a kiss and hopefully they`d be the ones getting married in season 6! {sorry to all my LP friends, I DO like them together, just BL more}
-An episode of TVD: I haven`t watched all of season 3 so I don`t exactly know what`s happened, but I`d write an episode with another epic ball/dance. Damon&Elena would go together and there would be some sexual tension, but they`d kiss before the night ended showing their love to everyone.
Matt would end up dancing with Caroline and she`d realised that things didn`t work with Tyler as she wasn`t over Matt. I`d also like some slightly flirty Stefan/Caroline scenes {maybe a dance like in season 1?}and a few jealous!Stefan/vying for Elena scenes.
-A crossover episode between Supernatural/TVD: Haha, great idea for a crossover although my favourite crossover ship is Brooke/Dean. Hmm I can see Damon dislking Dean and the two getting into arguments with Dean teasing him about his hair or something. Dean could take a shining to Elena which would lead to protective!Damon. So it`d be a Dean/Elena/Stefan/Damon rectangle?? haha
I can imagine Sam having a crush on Caroline, but knowing his track records of liking female "monsters" he might end up killing her and I wouldn`t want that to happen!

2.) What female character do you relate to the most?
I relate to so many, but there are two that I feel most similar to: Caroline Forbes and Santana Lopez.
Caroline is a little insecure and sometimes blurts out stuff she doesn`t mean. She rambles on a lot (which i`m kind of doing now xD). But she`s a good person underneath that, or at least she tries to be. I feel the way she does sometimes: never being good enough and always being second choice. Caroline is a lot more organised than me, though.
I relate to Santana too, but i don`t think I`m as bitchy [?]
She struggles with her personality and sexuality and even though she appears tough she`s struggling. But she`s also passionate and shows moments of kindness. I think I most relate to her as she`s always trying to prove herself even though she doesn`t need to. She never backs down.

3.) Mixing up your top 2 couples - which do you think would be a better pairing & why?Brooke/Jack or Lucas/Kate?
Good question! I can see Lucas/Kate being a failure, but Brooke/Jack that doesn`t sound too bad {my two favourite characters- together!} Jack is a hero-type of guy, he likes to protect others and fights for what he wants. He`s a little emotional {like Lucas}, but he has a good heart and wants what`s best for the ones he loves. I can see him treating Brooke like a princess and never doubting his love for her.
Kate is too flighty for Lucas I can see him giving up on her easily.

4.) When i say _______ who is the first character you associate them with?
Nadia - Damon Salvatore
Brenda - Seth Cohen
Angi - Elena Gilbert
Cat - Castiel
Sam - Jack Shephard
Casey - Lyla Garrity
Maria - Serena Van der Woodsen
Dany - Brooke Davis
Ally - Dean Winchester
Francy - Effy Stonem
Dina - Buffy Summers
Jess - Nathan Scott
Katie - Dean Winchester
Kir - Hermione Granger
Laura - Peyton Sawyer
Maham - Kate Beckett
Celine - Haley James Scott
Chelsea - Veronica Mars
Me - Caroline Forbes

Laura's question: If you could describe yourself in one song, what would it be? I Don`t Wanna Be by Gavin DeGraw, not just because it holds so many OTH memories, but also because of the lyrics. It`s about someone having an identity crisis, but then realising that they shouldn`t have to change themself. I think everyone can relate to that.

Ally's question: Naley or Brucas? Jeyton or Leyton?
Brucas!! forever <3 I love Naley, but nothing beats BL for me not even horror movies, Lost, Naya Rivera or Coldplay.
& for the second one I`ll go with Jeyton. I`ve come to appreciate and like LP, but man I`m still a little bitter about the BL and JP breakups. Jeyton were adorable together and brought out the fun side. I wonder what would`ve happened if Peyton hadn`t said Luke`s name in her sleep. I guess we`ll never know. *sighs sadly*

Jess' question: We all know Rochelle loves LOST so if something like this happens to you name:
a.) 5 things you would take with you
1. Ipod to listen to music, but it`d be a magic Ipod that would never run out of power (;
2. A stocked fridge that would also be magic and never run out of delicious food i.e ice cream, pizzas and wraps.
3. Wireless laptop so I could go on fanpop and watch the new episodes of Glee
4. Change of clothes cos I really don`t wanna be wearing the same outfit for 4 years :S
5. My Harry Potter books. i need to re-read them anyway, but can never find the time (;
I guess this list shows how much I depend on technology. I love Lost, but I don`t think I`d wanna be trapped on an island for years even if Jack Shephard was there with me!
b.) 5 people from the BLL you wish were with you
1. Holly for obvious reasons. She`s my Lost buddy! She can get dibs on Sawyer as long as I get Jack
2. Sam as she also loves Lost. I can see us fighting over Jack!
3. Cat because I can see her not freaking out in that situation and being a leader, but also being a fun and lighthearted person to have as company.
4. Francy because she`s a HBIC type and would get the slackers {like myself} helping out. She`d also be good to chill with on the island.
5. Dina because she`s levelheaded and mature. She`d be the peacemaker and break up the fights {over Jack...}
c.) 5 famous people you wish were with you ;)
1. Matthew Fox {a.k.a Jack Shephard}
2. Darren Criss so he could chill everyone out by jamming on his guitar plus he`s eye candy.
3. Candice Accola, she`s a sweetheart and would cheer up everyones spirits.
4. Ian Somerhalder as he`s in two of the best shows Lost and TVD, he knows how to deal with both worlds and he`d look good on the beach (;
5. Naya Rivera because I said so. LOL

Francy's question: If you had the money to afford absolutely anything, what would be the first three things you buy?
Tough one, there`s so much stuff I want to buy! but I`ll go with...
1. Front row tickets to Coldplay. THEY ARE COMING TO AUSTRALIA SOMETIME THIS YEAR!! AGHHHH! Haha, it might not seem like a big deal to some, but they are my absolute favourite band & i`ve wanted to see them forever...{hopefully I can actually get tickets, but it`d probably not be front row}
2. A chocolate fountain. I love them especially with strawberries and marshmallows dipped in!
3. A diamond necklace from Tiffany`s and Co because the stuff there is beautiful, but i don`t think i`ll be able to afford it in this lifetime (;

Maria's question: Which is your favourite book? My favourite book of all time is The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides. It`s just a haunting, but beautiful book that leaves a lasting impression. The film is great too.

Cat's question: say something about each BLL girl.
I don`t know everyone, but i`ll do the people that i know a bit about...

Jess- Jess is amazing. She`s an easygoing and fun person. You can just talk to her about any random thing for ages. I don`t think there`s a person on here who doesn`t love her?! haha. & her artwork is amazing <3

Holly- Holly, my brain twinny <3 She`s such a lovable, kind person who sticks up for what`s right. She isn`t biased towards certain ships and hears everyones side. I don`t know how you couldn`t love this amazing girl <3 plus she loves Lost!

Dany- She`s the glue that sticks this spot together! She gets everyone involved and I love seeing her inventive picks whenever I go on the page. She also has real dedication to her BL and Chophia love <3

Francy- The HBIC! She has such awesome taste, she`s pretty and an amazing song and story writer. I`m jealous! She`s a sweet person and very easy to talk to and she makes awesome picks!

Brenda- I haven`t talked to her in awhile so i need to do that and soon! But I was pretty close to her a while ago. She`s very intelligent and funny and has great taste in shows and music. And she loves James McAvoy <3

Dina- She`s so passionate and mature. She has this way with words and when she has a comment you just want to stop and read what she has to say. She`s also very pretty and her love for Buffy the Vampire Slayer is out of this world <3

Kir- She`s so cute! She`s friendly, sweet, pretty and a down to earth person. You wouldn`t guess that she`s the youngest of us all! & we share similar opinions about ships & shows.

Ally- Her love for She`s a dedicated, passionate person. & is honest which is a quality I really admire.

Cat- Cat is hilarious! She`s easy to talk to & we have similar shipping taste. & she loves Supernatural and always has the most awesome icons. We should get chatting a bit more as she`s always fun to talk with.

Sam- Sam is a sweetheart! She adds such a light spirit to the BLL spot & it`s such a joy to read comments from her. I don`t think I`ve ever seen her bad-mouth anyone.

Maham- Maham makes the most gorgeous art! She has such a warm personality & is always there to help with arts or to give advice. She always complimemts people on their picks, arts, icons & I`ve never seen her be rude to anyone. Just a respectful, lovely person.

I might have forgotten a few people so i am sorry for that. Love you all <3 & if you don`t really know me just comment on my page. I love chatting to new people. & I don`t bite (;
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