Capitan Jack Sparrow Club
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Everything was darkness. Jack lay on the ground waiting for something to happen, anything. Where was he? perhaps he had gotten too drunk again and fallen in another barrel like last time. Gibbs would wake him up any minuto now,although last time it had taken him hours to find him, and even più to get Jack back to the ship. That would explain the lack of breeze where he lay, but why was there no noise than? had he gone deaf? He tried to remember what he had done the night, not the night,the day. It all hit Jack suddenly, Elizabeth, the handcuffs...the kraken.He sat up quickly and looked around. So he had finally died, no, worse than died, he was in Davy Jones'locker.
'Well, great' thought Jack 'What have we to learn now?oh, of course, never trust woman'. He got up and took a look around. Well, at least he was in a familiar place. He was aboard the Black Pearl He had seen the damage done to the Black Pearl, a damage that would have left any ship in splinters, yet here she stood, tall and proud and with only the usual scratches that the crew had already made. Why, he could just sail away and leave Davy Jone's Locker with her! Except,he realized, that he was in the middle of a dessert that seemed to have no ending.
With no one around Jack figured that it wouldn't hurt to think outloud for a while.
"Come on now,it can't be this bad. Sure, te have no crew, no wind, no map, you're stuck in the middle of a dessert, and it's hot enough to boil rum in its bottle but it's really not that bad." He looks into the mirror in his ship. "Well, look at the bright side Jack, te might be dead, but you're still a lady killer" As vain as Jack was the thought still didn't cheer him up that much.
"Nothing left to do but to get her sailing"He told himself. He climbed up the mast and searched for something of interes, anything, but there was nothing but the endless sea of sand. Frustrated, he climbed down and sat on the ground. The heat was much più than he'd ever had to endure adn he could feel his head swimming. o was it really his head? was he even there at all? and where was here?
"Well, te always knew that you'd end up here didn't you? So what are te complaining about?" Jack sat up. Her hadn't detto that had he? he turned and saw himself leaning against the mast.
"Who are you?" he asked himself.
"Aren't te able to recognize me lad?" Jack answered. "Well, come on! We're like cousins me and you. Being in the locker not a very pleasant experience eh? Well, don't worry, i'm taking the giorno off especially for te and now that we have the rest of eternity we can one great big party! so how about it mate?"He smiled and motioned for Jack to follow him.Confused, the real Jack followed him.
"You see mate, Davy Jones never lets a soul go, and te Jack he has been seeking for quite a while. Jones does't like to be made a fool of. Now to pay te have to stay here.Forever." He beckoned around him." all of you." And aboard the ship Jack saw da far the strangest sights he had ever seen. Jack saw himself, and him, and Jack aboard the ship. he was everywhere, tending the sails, turning the wheel, cleaning the skiff. So many of him.
'Well' thought the real Jack at least now i have a crew He instantly leaped away from the Jack successivo to him, kicked a bucket that Jack was using to haul water in and stepped up on it.
"Listen up crew!...or rather me's" that would be confusing."We need to get out of this godforsakken place and we need to do it now! I'm captain of this ship so i want no questioning of my authority, sabby?"
"Aye, aye, sir!" detto the Jack's as one except for teh one that was busy chewing on his boot.
Well what are te standing around for te incompetent fools!” Bellowed Jack.” Raise the sails! You, take a lookout position! I want her ready to sail da the end of this day!” All the Jacks ran to follow his orders. In their rush to complete the job some of them fell on each other. Jack watched them scrutinizing their progress. Would they make it? The sun was high overhead, its rays burning his skin. If he could just reach the horizon, find out what was there. Not that that was possible without water. Perhaps he could make all the other Jacks push the ship there…
“Captain, what direction shall we take?” Jack looked at Jack; this one was shirtless and had tatoos covering his arms, not exactly to the real Jack’s liking. Jack took out his compass, the needle spun wildly. ‘Why that’s più than maddeningly unhelpful’ thought Jack.
“Captain?” repeated shirtless Jack.
“Wherever the wind blows!” detto Jack annoyed.
“But sir,” detto Jack shrinking back from the look Jack gave him “there’s no wind.”
“Than stand there until te feel a breeze!” snapped Jack. Shirtless Jack resumed position with his finger out in the air waiting for some wind. As far as Jack saw this situation was hopeless. Maybe some rum would cheer him up. He took a swing of his rum bottle waiting for the sweet nectar, but instead he gagged on the dry sand that went down his throat.
“Well that was refreshing,” detto Jack out loud. Perhaps some food… didn’t he have a arachide, arachidi in his pocket before he died? He searched excitedly. Yes! There it was, half a arachide, arachidi ready to eat. He drew it slowly closer to his mouth, for all he knew this could be the last bit of Cibo he ever ate. He was about to bite into it when Jack came running hauling some water and bumped hard onto him. The arachide, arachidi slipped from Jack’s hand. Jack made a wild grab for it but the arachide, arachidi fell in the crack between the floorboards. Jack sat staring at the spot where the arachide, arachidi had disappeared, his left eye twitching. He turned slowly to face the water-hoarding Jack.
“Mr. Sparrow, do te realize what te have just done?” he detto in a low voice. Fake Jack stood frozen. “My deepest apologies captain,” he detto quickly “I assure te it was all an-” He didn’t finish. Jack had run him through with his sword. Jack wiped his sword of his blood. Nothing left to do now but to cerca for his peanut. If it took him all eternity he would find it.
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