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So I've finally decided on my lista of Disney Couples. The thing is....I only like 5 of them. Yeah, te read right. I only like half of the Disney couples. Why? As a general rule, I like couples who Amore più based on action rather than talking. The little things couples do for each other, like smile at something else the other is doing, rather than saying "you're beautiful", is più convincing to me. To be frank, I also base it very much on their first meeting. Those who have an instant connection are usually higher than those who don't. Too many of the DP couples are like that; they talk a lot and have these frivolous arguments and then suddenly Amore each other. I'd take the Amore at first sight couples way over most of the falling in Amore couples, mostly because of the overused formula of a hate to Amore relationship. It gets tiresome.

///////////////////Here are the couples I pretty much dislike////////////////

10. Shulan
It's not that they annoy me. In fact, the higher ranked couples annoy me much more. They just aren't a couple to me. I don't know if it just hasn't sunk in o whatever, I just don't see them as a couple. When people say "Mulan and Shang", I think of them seperately, as opposed to the other couples. They are so unconvincing and rushed, added in the last five minutes. I don't see attraction between them at all. How can they? They barely know each other's personalities. If you're going to do a falling in Amore couple (and this goes for the other couples as well), then have it BUILD UP. Don't just throw it in. This is why the only falling in Amore couple I TRULY LOVE is Derrick and Odette. Because they have a build up. But I don't want to start a whole discussion on then. Mulan and Shang are just a joke to me. I don't take that last 5 minuti of Mulan with them seriously, at all. It's just really dumb.

This is another couple I felt absolutely nothing for. Seriously, when I walked out of the theater, I was like "YAY! RAPUNZEL! YAY! FLYNN!" and my friend goes, "THEY WERE SO CUTE TOGETHER!" and I just stopped and in my mind there were crickets. Talk about lack of build up. First, Flynn sees Rapunzel as a minor pest, then he's sort of interested in her, then he has a minor crush, then suddenly he's in love. Yeah, okay. te just skipped like 8 stages there. Why does he suddenly like Rapunzel? I don't get it. And why does she like him? Because he told her his name was Eugene? Wow, how deep. Actually, the first time I saw the movie, when they started Canto "I See The Light" I actually detto "WHAT?" out loud and started laughing for like the whole scene. I mean, where the hell did that come from? Flynn suddenly loves her? Flynn is suddenly some soppy, romantic bro? I mean come ON. And another thing that annoys me is Rapunzel never laughs at any of Flynn's jokes. I mean really laughs. And he's a funny guy. And seriously, just based on personalities, they aren't a match for me. I just don't see Flynn being interested in someone like Rapunzel, o Rapunzel being interested in someone like Flynn. Whatever, they're just stupid to me. Typical Disney cheap couple.

I really like Jaladdin at first. I like how they meet, I think it's really cute how they instantly connect, and I Amore when they're up in Aladdin's nook talking and relating. I think it's really cute. When they're about to kiss, they're just sluts, but whatever, they're teenagers, they all have something going on in their pants all the time. It's just afterward that they get annoying. Aladdin becomes really shallow, and they try to play it off as love. gelsomino is sort of ...well, what, Aladdin has lied to her this whole time and she knows it, and he offers her a magic carpet ride and suddenly everything's cool? Very shallow as well. Now I don't mind shallow couples as long as they're not played off as being deeper than they are. But that's what Jaladdin is. Notwithstanding, the ending is really cute, when gelsomino "chooses" Aladdin, and the final reprise is adorable. But the buildup is...hmmm, yes... shallow and pedantic *Peter Griffin strokes chin*

Meh, I have no real problem with Philrora. They're just boring. When I first watched Sleeping Beauty I found them very romantic. Then again, when I first watched Sleeping Beauty Aurora became my preferito princess, so.... -_-.
They're romantic, straightforward, a little shallow, but they're okay. Just nothing special. No special actions, but no annoying words. Just cute.

I guess I wouldn't have such a problem with Naveen if they hadn't been forced to be "in love" in the end. They're a cute couple, but I only see them reaching the stage of "like/love", not "in love". Why does every couple have to be in Amore at the end? Look at Esmeralda + Phoebus. I love them as a couple, and it's because they're realistic. They're not "in love" at the end. They just really like each other. And it's nice, they don't have to be in Amore to be enjoyed. I also don't see exactly at what point Tiana fell for Naveen. She seems focused on her restaurant the whole time, and seems to only mildly like Naveen. Someone enlighten me? But they are cute, and match well. da the end I'm happy they're together, but not in the way they were. I guess they're the lesser of five evils.

////////////////The couples I actually like////////////////

5.Beauty and the Beast
The only true "falling in love" couple that actually makes the lista of couples I like. I like their fighting in the beginning, where Beast rescues Belle is so romantic, and I find it sweet how Belle loves him, even though he's basically a living animal area rug. I think it's really heartwarming when Beast lets Belle go because he loves her. ♥ So romantic. The death scene is really touching and convincing, and their final dance scene is so passionate. They're really cute, a great match, perfect for each other, I guess I just don't squeal and sigh over them like I do the others.

Ahhh!! They're so cute! Do te see the way he smiles at her? Do te see the way she smiles at him? And how they can't keep their eyes off each other when they dance? And how he approaches her is so gentlemanly and polite and soft....And the way her dress sways, and the way she runs away but she doesn't want to, and he chases after her...and they run down the stairs after the wedding so happily, and baciare in the carraige. It's just plain perfect. ♥ I only wish I had seen Charming react when he finally found Cenerentola after she presented the other slipper.

So passionate. So romantic. And the way they So stunning and beautiful, and not a single word is uttered. Just the most wonderful meeting ever. The score is great. When he reaches out his hand and she takes it and he pulls her to the shore....and the leaves swirl around them....*siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh*. I don't really see Pocahontas and John as a true "falling in love" couple. They're not. They have an instant connection, an instant...I don't know what to call it. They just know they belong together. It's so meaningful and strong. They don't have trivial little conversations, they talk meaningful and passionately. They're so exciting and deep. I l♥ve them.

2.Snow Prince
OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! they're just meant to be. The way he sings to her is so romantic, his approach is hilarious, her reaction is so sweet, and at the end of their scene the way they just grin at each other, like they're each other's everything. And at the end, oh, how they react to each other when they wake up! It's like all of the Snow White's happiness in the world is inside the Prince, and vice versa. Like they need each other to be happy. It's just so uplifting and full of love.

"She’s like… te know! How about… And then… Am I right? I don’t know how to say it! I’ll prove it to her. I’ll prove my love! " -Derek, cigno Princess

To me, that sentence, truly describes Ariel and Eric's Amore for each other. Funny, because that sentences doesn't literally describe anything. They have so many little actions in how they interact that I just love. They don't change, at least in personality, to be with each other. To me, they seem to be the couple that's happiest together. They are CONSTANTLY smiling while in each other's presence. They just seem to be so happy and content with each other. They seem to enjoy the simplest things with each other. At dinner, all they do is smile at each other, and Eric is happy, and Ariel is happy, and they don't need to talk ....god, I just love them. The fact that they don't have to talk, they can just be with each other doing nearly anything and be SO happy. In the kingdom, it's so cute, how Eric laughs at the little weird things Ariel does. That's another thing about them; they enjoy each other's flaws. Eric loves Ariel's weird hyperness, how spazzy she is, and random, and he still loves her. And Ariel...well, she's a mermaid who loves a human. How much più imperfect can te get. They're not some perfectly perfect couple. I could go on and on about everything, about how nice Eric is to her, about how sweet she finds him, but I won't, because it would take up the whole god damn article. They're incredibly flawed, and genuine, and I l♥ve them.
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