Clopin Trouillefou Club
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added by dnjfemelwmsl
added by dnjfemelwmsl
added by dnjfemelwmsl
added by dnjfemelwmsl
added by Simza
added by killerklownzz
added by Straggy
Source: Various Artists at DeviantART
added by lovegypsy64
added by Violet_Shade
Source: Canadian-Rainwater on da
Hello fellow HOND fans!

Like many of you, I fell in Amore with this movie, and one gypsy particular captured me with his aweseomeness...Clopin. =)

I was in highschool when this movie came out and I became obsessed. I bought anything and everything that came out for this movie,I even made trips to Disneyland for the sole purpose of seeing "The Festival of fools" and buying Clopin merchandise.

As much as I Amore this movie, I am now a mom and a wife and I've had my HOND stuff packed away for many years. I'm just now rediscovering it and while it holds many great memories, I have no where to put it...
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1. I named named my cat after him.

2. I had him on my birthday cake for one of my birthdays.

3. I made a Clopin costume and was him for Halloween once. (I'd like to go as him again this year.)

4. I have the Clopin plushie,action figure,BK toy and puppet.

5. I have kept the tag that was attached to my puppet and part of the action figure's box simply because they both have Clopin's picture on them.

6. I have a pin of Clopin's adorable,sweet smiling face.

7. I carved Clopin's face in a zucca the past fall.

8. I've become interested in masks and harlequin/jester outfits.

9. Whenever someone calls Clopin...
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added by Straggy
Source: Various Artists at DeviantART
added by lovegypsy64
added by lovegypsy64
added by lovegypsy64
added by lovegypsy64
added by lovegypsy64
added by lovegypsy64
added by lovegypsy64
added by lovegypsy64