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This is amazing article/essay da Kat AKA xDriftAway90x. It's called The Complete Idiot's Guide To Shipping Bamon. Please read, it is AMAZING. Here it is:

OTP. It means “One True Pairing.” And when I think about Bonnie Bennett and Damon Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries, those are the only words that come to mind. It’s hard for me to explain what it is about them that gets me so passionate, so invested, so utterly hooked. The truth is, I’m not the type of person to get so attached to a pairing o ship. I usually just watch Televisione shows and like the couple that viewers are meant to like. It never goes beyond that o touches me on a deeper level. So when I tell te that I’ve never wanted two characters to be together so badly in my life, I truly mean that with every fiber of my being. There is just something about Bonnie and Damon. Something that pulls me in and keeps me there. Something that makes me want to root for them. Something that makes my cuore rate increase whenever they have scenes together. I like to call it the “Bamon effect.” So how is it possible that these two characters who very rarely get scenes together ha rubato, stola my cuore in such a powerful way? Well, it was difficult trying to piece together the many reasons why I believe Bamon is the greatest ship of all time, but I’ve never been one to back down from a challenge. Here are my personal superiore, in alto nine reasons for why I ship Bamon.

9. Beautiful People + Insane Chemistry = Me Likey

-Probably the first and most shallow reason I have for why I want Bonnie and Damon together. It’s the attractiveness of the pairing. Ian Somerhalder is, in my opinion, the most beautiful man on this earth. So when I first watched The Vampire Diaries, I couldn’t help but think that the woman who he is matched with would pale in comparison. That is, until I saw Katerina Graham. Some might disagree, but I think she is the most gorgeous female on the mostra and the only one who is an equal and match to Ian’s looks. The entire cast is full of good looking people, but there was something about Katerina that hit me right away. She was much più exotic looking and unique than any of the other female leads. I often found my eyes drifting towards Bonnie whenever she had a scene with the other female characters. Yes, I did develop a bit of a girl crush. So whenever Bonnie and Damon had a scene together, before I even shipped them, I couldn’t help but think “Damn! They look good together.”

I won’t go into this any further though because beauty is something that is entirely subjective. But it’s not only the beauty of Katerina and Ian that first caught my attention. It was also the chemistry between the two actors. Deny it all te want Delena fans, but Ian Somerhalder has the best on-screen chemistry with Katerina Graham and Katerina Graham has the best on-screen chemistry with Ian Somerhalder. And if te think that they don’t have any chemistry, it is clearly the bias that is influencing you. Chemistry is another concept that is subjective, but when te already have a pairing that te are rooting for (such as Delena), naturally te would be less inclined to see chemistry between another pairing. te can only tell when two people have chemistry together if te can watch the mostra through an unbiased perspective. Meaning te are not a diehard shipper and/or te are just a casual viewer. And guess what? Nine out of ten of those people will tell te that Katerina Graham and Ian Somerhalder have an insane amount of chemistry in their scenes. I hear it all the time. Mom’s who just watch the mostra for one episode asking “Does he like the witch?” Friends who watch the mostra sporadically asking “Are Damon and Bonnie sleeping together?” And reviewers of the mostra saying “Who else thinks these two are gonna have sex?” It’s because with Damon and Bonnie, the chemistry they share is not something that can easily be ignored. It’s the type of explosive chemistry that has me wondering why these two don’t just rip each other’s clothes off. It’s the type of chemistry that has me questioning how it’s even possible that these two haven’t jumped each other’s Bones yet. It is in-your-face, raw, sexual tension, o as some people like to call it- UST. Katerina and Ian are the masters of UST. They have perfected it. They have raised the standards of UST so high that any other pairing that even tries to have UST will fall flat in comparison. Look, all I’m saying is that Damon and Bonnie just have way too much unresolved sexual tension that they just need to…. resolve…. preferably, in Damon’s bedroom.

8. The Vampire Diaries Book Series

-This is a common misconception about Bamon shippers. Most people tend to think that we want Bamon because of the Bonnie and Damon connection that was established in the novels. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. As a person who is actively in the Bamon communities, I can tell te that the majority shipped Bamon because of the Televisione show. However, this is not to say that we haven’t ever read the books. I first started shipping Bamon after Season One ended. And at that time, I had no idea that a book series even existed. Later on, I began to become più involved in the fandom and the communities and that was when I found out that Bonnie and Damon had something going on in the novels. Naturally, I was curious, so I bought all the novels and read them. And boy, did my cuore swoon. Bonnie and Damon, in the novels, are enough to make any cold and amaro cuore melt and crumble into a million little pieces. Their interactions are precious and pure and it only increased my Amore for Bamon all the more. But I know I will get flack for this reason because the Televisione mostra is nothing like the novels and TV Bonnie and Damon are nothing like book Bonnie and Damon. I know that they are two different things. I actually do see many similarities between the book’s version of Bonnie and Damon and the show’s version, but that’s not the point I am trying to make. See, the thing is, the novels helped me to understand that Bonnie and Damon are essentially meant for each other, yet neither o them realize this and try to deny it in every way. In the books, Bonnie is Damon’s weakness and he is hers, yet they have no idea how powerful their own bond is. So it’s not about me wanting the Televisione Bamon to be like the book Bamon, it is about me seeing the POTENTIAL in the Bamon connection. The libri helped me to see what it could be like for Bonnie and Damon to exist on the mostra and how truly amazing it could be for both characters. One of the reasons why I want TV Bamon so badly is because I don’t think LJ Smith would have created something so beautiful in the novels if it was not highly important for both of her characters. And I would think that the person who created both Bonnie and Damon would know what is best for them. I don’t believe that Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson will entirely dismiss the possibility of Bonnie and Damon considering the Bamon bond is so pivotal in the libri series. So while the novels might not have been a reason why I shipped Bamon to begin with, it certainly did help me to see why people are so insistent that Julie and Kevin include it in the show. And it helped me to see how potentially amazing Bonnie and Damon could be in the mostra if the writers do choose to go down that avenue. I could elaborate on this more, but I am strictly focusing on TV Bamon in this article, so I’ll end this one here.

7. A Supernatural Amore Story Of Epic Proportion

-If you’re like me, The Vampire Diaries isn’t the first vampire mostra o story that you’ve ever encountered. Personally, I’m a huge fan of the Underworld Trilogy, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, True Blood, and I’m also familiar with the Twilight Saga. So when I say, it’s all been done before, I really mean, it’s all been done before. For something to make an impact on me, it has to be original and something new, something that hasn’t been so overly done. In the vampire genre, it has become increasingly hard to do this. It’s one of the many reasons why I Amore the Underworld Trilogy. Because it explored themes that no one had ever thought of exploring before. It was Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. vs. lycans (werewolves). Yes, that’s been done. But what would happen if there was a mix of the breed? What would happen if a vampire and lycan created a union between the two enemy bloodlines. This is what Underworld is about. If there is anyone who has not seen it, I encourage te to do so immediately. It soars far and above with it’s storytelling and originality. So I was thinking, we’ve seen the human/vampire Amore story dynamic. We’ve seen the human/werewolf Amore story dynamic. We’ve seen the werewolf/vampire Amore story dynamic. We’ve seen the witch/werewolf Amore story dynamic. Do te know what we haven’t seen? A witch and a vampire! But not only does The Vampire Diaries have a huge opening to do something creative and original here, the writers have also constructed their mostra so well that Bonnie and Damon could be one of the most amazing Amore stories ever told. How, te ask? Let’s see. I’m sure I’m not the only one to notice the similarities that the mostra tries to make between witchcraft and slavery. In TVD, the witches and warlocks are the servants of the vampires. They are constantly used and abused for the Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. benefits, even though the witches are più powerful. Also, is it any coincidence that all of the witches and warlocks happen to be black (minus Maddox)? Clearly, the writers are trying to make some heavy comparisons. So how amazing would it be if a vampire and witch fell for each other and broke that trend? It could be a classic underdog, forbidden Amore tale and also a huge step for interracial couples. And if there is any vampire who could break this vampire/witch stereotypical dynamic, it is Damon Salvatore. One of the biggest running themes in TVD happens to be the events and circumstances that happened a long time fa in the past- in the anno 1864. Now, I don’t know how many of te paid attention in history class, but this was one of the peak years in the Civil War. The Civil War was a war against slavery. One of the reasons why Damon’s father was so disappointed in him had to do with Damon’s refusal to fight in the war and support the South (the side that supported slavery). So, clearly, he was against racial stereotypes, at a time when the opposite was expected of him. Damon has also never shared the “witches are our slaves” mindset that Katherine and the other Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. have. He seems to have a great deal of respect for the Bennett women and he strives for a truce with Bonnie, rather than treating her like his own personal magic trick. And, similarly, if there is any witch who could break this vampire/witch stereotypical dynamic, it is Bonnie Bennett. Because Bonnie is not the type of witch that te can just walk all over. She doesn’t let people treat her as inferior. Bonnie is entirely badass and she treats the Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. as equals, not as if she owes them anything. Rather than working FOR the vampires, she works WITH them, earning their respect as she goes along.

This is why Damon and Bonnie could break the mold. But even that is not the biggest reason why Damon and Bonnie could have such an epic Amore story. There’s also another huge element missing- Damon Salvatore was the protector of the Bennett lineage! That’s right. Damon is the reason why Bonnie is even alive right now. He protected Emily’s children and made sure that her bloodline continued. I say it a lot, but I have to say it again, there is SO MUCH that the writers can do with this storyline, SOOOO MUCH. The possibilities are endless. Damon and the Bennetts go way back and if the writers really want to keep things interesting, they could definitely go più in-depth with this. I have a strong feeling they will, as there are many hints that there is più to the story that we don’t know yet. Damon and Bonnie could be the first vampire/witch alliance, breaking a whole CENTURIES worth of history between the two Supernatural lineages. I’m a sucker for epic Amore stories like this and I want it so bad!!! Come on TVD writers, do te not see the potential te have on your hands right now?!

6. Equals In Every Sense Of The Word

-This was one of the first reasons why I started to like the idea of Bamon. Bonnie and Damon are equals. Bonnie is the type of girl Damon NEEDS and Damon is the type of guy Bonnie NEEDS. I can’t stress it enough- Bonnie is the BEST POTENTIAL MATCH for Damon on the show. For one thing, Bonnie is a witch. This means that she is supernatural, she is powerful, she is headstrong, and she most certainly can hold her own against Damon. Damon needs someone like this. He has a huge ego and he needs a woman that can keep him in check, not through force o through manipulation, but just da having a strong woman da his side. The type of bullshit Damon pulls on a daily basis, he would never be able to do with Bonnie. When Damon had his hands around Jeremy’s throat in the secondo season premiere, all I was thinking the whole time was- “where the hell is Bonnie when te need her?” Because it’s the truth. If the situation had happened to Bonnie, Damon’s culo would have already been out the window da the time he even got near Jeremy. Actually, if Bonnie was there, Damon would never do something like that to begin with. He knows his limits when he is around her and I Amore that. Elena does not present this challenge to Damon. There is no incentive for him to change. And to the Delena shippers who somehow think Elena will change Damon through love, I’m sorry, but life does not work that way. It’s so romantic, wanting the good girl to change the bad boy, but it’s a delusional and unhealthy ideal. Damon Salvatore has severe issues! This isn’t just a normal bad boy who likes to gamble and drink. We’re talking about a guy who helped Katherine to kill people when he was HUMAN. Damon’s darkness is rooted very deeply within him and without someone like Bonnie, he can never sposta past it. He will constantly fuck up, apologize, then do it again. This is what Damon and Elena would be like. It’s already happened in the mostra so many times. Just look at the Jeremy neck-snap fiasco. He fucked up, he apologized, and then in the very successivo episode he tried to kill Caroline. Like I said, there is no one CHALLENGING Damon. Elena’s “be the better man” is not a challenge to Damon. How can Elena challenge Damon when she doesn’t even have his respect? Damon does not consider Elena to be his equal. He does not respect her! He never gives her a choice o allows her to make her own decisions. In “The Last Dance”, Elena had to practically manipulate Damon into telling her he was going to follow her rules and he did so begrudgingly. And I really don’t think I need to elaborate on Damon’s lack of respect for Elena in the last episode. It would just be too easy. Damon does not value Elena’s input o what she wants!

But he does for Bonnie. Throughout the entire dance episode, Damon and Bonnie were a unit. He gave her a choice. He asked Bonnie if she was still willing to do whatever it takes to kill Klaus. Bonnie ALREADY told Damon that she would do whatever it takes, even giving her own life, but Damon asked her AGAIN. He had to make sure it was what SHE wanted. Do te know how rare that is? Do te know how rare it is that Damon ever cares about what somebody else wants to do for a change? It was entirely Bonnie’s choice and he supported her decision. And rather than just throwing her in there to battle Klaus, he helped her to come up with a way to save herself. But I know a lot of people will say Damon only gave Bonnie a choice because it went along with what he wanted. That’s true, but Damon has ALWAYS been this way with Bonnie, even when her choices didn’t benefit him. He never forces her into anything. He talks to her and tries to convince her that she can trust him. He tries to convince her that he is her ally. Again, he strives for a truce and understanding between them, rather than ordering her to help him. But I also know the counter-argument to this. Damon doesn’t try to force Bonnie to help him because he can’t, as she is più powerful than he is. Well, my answer to that is- when has that ever stopped Damon before? Do te remember Lexi, Pearl, Anna, Bree, Elijah, and Mason? All people who were più powerful than Damon was, yet that never stopped him from trying to hurt them in some way o doing some dumb thing to piss them off and create an enemy. But Damon is never this way with Bonnie. Even when Bonnie tried to kill him, Damon still told a faux-Elena that she had EVERY REASON TO HATE HIM. Damon defended Bonnie’s decision!!! Even though it didn’t benefit him, he still respected her choice! Again, do te guys realize the rarity of this? ANY other person in the mostra who tries to destroy Damon is considered a dead man in his eyes, like the above people that I just mentioned. Mason and Elijah even offered Damon a truce, which he rejected. But with Bonnie, he practically begs her to give him another chance.

Why does Damon reject the help of other, equally as powerful people, all the while trying to gain Bonnie’s trust instead? It’s simple. Damon considers Bonnie to be an equal to him. Damon’s subconscious acceptance of Bonnie as his equal is best noticed when compared with how Damon treats the girl he “loves.” Damon treats Elena like a child, o at worst, like a pet. He may Amore Elena, but he does not treat her like an equal! So I ask again, how is Elena going to change Damon when Damon doesn’t even respect her enough to care about what she wants? Elena’s “talks” with Damon and befriending him will do no good. IT WILL NEVER WORK. te can not change someone like Damon without giving him boundaries. te have to be strong-willed and te have to be relentless. The ONLY person to EVER act this way concerning Damon is BONNIE. Bonnie doesn’t just forgive Damon for all the terrible things he does. He can’t charm his way into her good graces. He has to work for it. She does not tolerate his bullshit. If I detto it before, I’m saying it again, Bonnie Bennett is the type of woman Damon NEEDS in his life. And if Bonnie Bennett is the best potential match for Damon, that only means Damon is the BEST POTENTIAL MATCH for Bonnie. Damon is strong, protective, and he has incredible resolve. Damon is prepared for the type of lifestyle that Bonnie’s life demands. Bonnie is the hero of Mystic Falls and she has a higher purpose in life. What she needs più than anything is someone to support her, rather than constantly worry about her. She needs someone who will consider her their equal, because Bonnie is not the type of girl who can just sit on the sidelines. As much as I think that Jeremy and Bonnie’s relationship is cute and sweet, I couldn’t help but notice how incompatible they are in the last two episodes. When Bonnie was in the witches house receiving the power from her ancestors, Jeremy was constantly questioning her and he was cowering on the floor. Now, I don’t fault Jeremy at all for this. That’s his girl. He cares about her. Of course he will worry about her. Plus, he’s only human so he couldn’t really help the cowering. But the whole time the scene was happening, I just kept thinking to myself, if it was Damon with her instead of Jeremy, the scene would have played out so differently. But nothing expressed più clearly to me how incompatible Bonnie and Jeremy are than the dance episode. When they were standing outside, Bonnie had to resort to lying to Jeremy. She knew she was going to die, but she told Jeremy that she had a 50/50 shot of survival. She couldn’t tell Jeremy the truth, because he would never let her do it and he would complain about it and he would tell Elena and Stefan. Jeremy doesn’t “get” Bonnie. He doesn’t understand why she feels as though she needs to do this. Contrast this with Damon. The moment that Damon and Bonnie started dancing, Damon asked Bonnie if she had a 50/50 shot of surviving and Bonnie told Damon the TRUTH. Why is that? Why was it that Bonnie lied to her own boyfriend, but she told Damon the truth? Because she knew that Damon could handle the truth. She knew Damon wouldn’t try to stop her. But she still trusted that Damon had her best interests at heart. Let me repeat, she TRUSTED Damon. She trusted him with her life! da Jeremy telling Stefan that Bonnie was going to die, he put both Stefan and Elena in harms way, which is exactly what Bonnie was trying to avoid. But Damon instead supported her, trying to help her find a way to save her life. It was a team effort and just showed me all the più that my assumptions are correct- Bonnie and Damon are at their best when they are working together. They are a dynamic duo. The last episode was just confirmation that they both consider each other to be EQUALS. So just as much as I think Bonnie is good for Damon, I think that Damon is just as good for Bonnie. They NEED each other.

5. Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall… Who’s The Greatest Ship Of All?

-Bonnie and Damon are both flawed characters. Actually that is putting it lightly. Not only are Bonnie and Damon both flawed characters, but they are the two most flawed characters on the mostra and heavily misunderstood da those around them and also da viewers. They both share the same complexities and imperfections. They also have rather similar reactions to circumstances. Because of this, I believe that they are MIRRORS of one another and it’s one of the reasons why I think they understand each other so well. Both Bonnie and Damon react in the same way to grief. When Damon is upset, he tries to pretend like nothing bothers him. He tries to pretend like he doesn’t need anyone. When he found out that Katherine was never in the tomb and not looking for him, he got drunk with some college girls and acted as if he could care less, even though he was dying inside. And when Katherine returned, he tried to pretend as if he was unfazed da it and as if he could ignore her. But when he was in the Salvatore house making out with her, he stopped and told her, “I just need the truth.” He needed to know that someone needed him back. Because for the majority of Damon’s life, he’s spent it loving someone who didn’t give a damn about him. Not only does Damon pretend that he doesn’t need anyone when he is grief-stricken, but he tries to drive a wedge between the very few people who do actually Amore him. In the secondo season premiere, when Damon was at the Lockwood Estate, he tried to pick a fight with Stefan. He even stooped so low to remind Stefan that he kissed faux-Elena, trying to rile his brother up. Why? Because that is Damon’s reaction to grief. He tries to push everyone away when he is upset. This is the exact same reaction to grief that Bonnie has. When Bonnie is upset, she too tries to pretend like she doesn’t need anyone. She distances herself with the people who Amore her. When Bonnie’s grandmother died, she tried to distance herself with Elena and Stefan. When Caroline got turned into a vampire, she tried to distance herself with Caroline. Rather than admit how much she is hurting, she holds it inside her and pretends like she can live without these people. It is a defense mechanism. A way to keep herself guarded so that she won’t get hurt. Both Bonnie and Damon react off of impulse as well, especially when they are upset. When Damon got upset at his multiple rejections in the secondo season premiere, he killed Jeremy. In the very successivo episode, Bonnie gets upset over Caroline becoming a vampire and she tries to kill Damon. The parallels between Bonnie and Damon’s character astound me. Bonnie and Damon are also the two characters who are always secondo best. Damon lives in the shadow of his younger brother and Bonnie lives in the shadow of her best friend. Everyone always chooses Stefan, everyone always does everything for Stefan, everyone always tries to protect Stefan. Damon has never been anyone’s first choice. It is the same with Bonnie. Everyone always tries to protect Elena and everyone does everything for Elena. Bonnie’s life is just as much at risk as Elena’s is, yet she does not get the attention that Elena does. But neither Damon nor Bonnie ever vocalize their unhappiness with these positions. Because the fact of the matter is, Damon loves Stefan and Bonnie loves Elena. Let’s take this one step further though. Not only are there parallels in Damon’s relation to Stefan with Bonnie’s relation to Elena but there are also massive parallels in Damon’s relation to Elena with Bonnie’s relation to Stefan. Damon is willing to do anything for Elena (except apologize to Elijah apparently). He loves her. He will go to any length to protect her and save her life. Even if Damon doesn’t want to do something, he will budge when Elena is involved. For example, when Rose kidnapped Elena, Damon went with Stefan to rescue her because, simply, “it’s Elena.” This is exactly Bonnie’s response to Stefan. Although she doesn’t Amore him in the same way that Damon loves Elena, her platonic Amore for him runs very deeply.

Bonnie will do anything for Stefan and even if she doesn’t want to do something, she will budge when Stefan asks her to. When Stefan ran into the tomb to save Elena in season one, Bonnie did everything in her power to get him out even though it took a toll on her and her Grams. When Bonnie didn’t want to make the ring for Caroline, Stefan told her that if she couldn’t trust Caroline, to trust him instead. And that was it. Bonnie made the ring. When Stefan ran into the burning building to save Damon, Bonnie ran after him and told him not to go. When Stefan went in anyways, Bonnie lowered the fuoco and I am certain that is a decision Bonnie would have made whether o not Elena showed up at that instant. Because the moment that Stefan went in, that was when the situation changed for Bonnie. How about we take this parallel up another notch? Not only will Damon do anything for Elena, just as Bonnie will do anything for Stefan, but both Damon and Bonnie are aware of the other’s attachment to their respective characters. In the secondo season premiere at the hospital, Bonnie told Damon that she knows he will give Caroline the blood because he would be doing it “for Elena.” In Plan B, when Bonnie told Damon she wasn’t going to help him with Mason, Damon said- “that’s why I brought him” and turned to Stefan. Parallel mindfuck.

Alright, I think I drove that point home so let’s sposta on. Another way in which Bonnie and Damon have the same imperfections? They are both judgmental and have a tendency to think too much of themselves, especially when they are around each other. It’s because they have a power-play between them. They both are judgmental against people who are different from them- Damon with the licantropi and Bonnie with the vampires. I talked earlier about Damon having a big ego, but Bonnie has quite an ego herself and it flares up whenever she is around Damon, as he constantly challenges her abilities. A final massive similarity between Damon and Bonnie is that they are the two characters in the mostra who Amore harder than anyone else. It’s one of the reasons why they worked so well together in the dance episode. Because when they Amore the people that they love, they REALLY Amore them and they will go to any extent to protect that person. Damon doesn’t have many people who he is attached to. But those people who he decides he does care about, he loves them hard. It is the same with Bonnie. She doesn’t let too many people into her cerchio of trust, but those who she does, she loves them with all her heart. Out of all the characters on the show, the ones whose Amore I would value the most would be Bonnie and Damon’s. This is why I feel like they need each other. Because they are both two broken halves that could complete one another. Damon needs a girl who can Amore him as much as he can Amore her and Bonnie needs a guy who can Amore her as much as she can Amore him. Nothing showed this più to me than the closing montage of episode 14 in season one. Bonnie’s grams dies in the same episode that Damon is heartbroken over Katherine never being in the tomb, another parallel. The two scenes were played back to back, Damon sitting in front of the fuoco with Stefan as silent support and Bonnie breaking down with Elena’s arms holding her. My cuore broke for both of them. I think that was the moment when a Bamon flame was lit inside of me.

4. Ships Of A Feather, Flock Together

-So if te have never watched an episode of Smallville in your life and/or if te are not a fan of the Clark and Lois pairing, I would advise te to skip this number. I’m sorry, it’s just that when I talk about how amazing Bamon could be, I find that I ALWAYS have to bring up Clois. Although Damon and Bonnie don’t share much similarities with Clark and Lois, it is not the characters that I am trying to compare. It is the actual pairing of the two characters put together that remind me so much of Damon and Bonnie. It is the dynamic within the pairing and più than anything, it is the BUILD-UP. I’ve detto it before and I’ll say it again, Clark and Lois’s build-up and eventual relationship on Smallville was a Televisione masterpiece. I hear a lot of Delena fan saying things like “Damon will never Amore Bonnie as much as he loves Elena” o “How can they make Bonnie and Damon seem plausible if they are building up Damon and Elena.” The answer is simple. They did it on Smallville. If Damon and Bonnie are built anything like Clark and Lois, there is no doubt in my mind that it will be the ultimate pairing. And just for your information, for those who don’t know yet, one of the Smallville writers is now a writer for TVD. So what do I mean when I say Bamon reminds me of Clois? Well, when Lois first showed up in Smallville, her and Clark didn’t get along much. It’s not that they hated one another, but there was a dislike there. They used to annoy each other constantly, bicker back and forth, and snark at each other. It was often very humorous. This reminds me so much of Bonnie and Damon’s interactions, especially in Plan B. Both of the pairings had sexy banter, intense smoldering stares, teasing, annoyance, protectiveness, and sincerity.

Another reason why I compare Bamon to Clois is because, like Damon, Clark was also in Amore with someone else- Lana Lang. I actually recall one time when Clark even told Lana that he couldn’t stand Lois. Very strong words for Clark to say about his destined soulmate. Lana’s response?- “The best ones always start that way.” YES! Thank te Lana for your many pearls of wisdom. But back to what I was saying. Clark was so madly and obsessively in Amore with Lana. He couldn’t see that there was any other person that he would ever be in Amore with. He even told Lois that he couldn’t imagine loving someone other than Lana, not knowing that the girl he would Amore più than anything was staring him right in the face. This is what I believe will happen with Bonnie and Damon. Damon is in Amore with Elena right now. He is obsessed with her, just like Clark was obsessed with Lana (which, da the way, Elena actually reminds me so much of Lana, it’s ridiculous). So right now, Damon can’t see himself loving anyone other than Elena, but that’s not to say that he is right. Clark certainly wasn’t right on Smallville. It’s why I don’t store too much faith in Damon’s “I will always choose you” line. te never know Damon, te might just surprise yourself in the future. Even though Clark and Lois didn’t get along at the beginning of their relationship, Clark and Lois UNDERSTOOD each other so well. This is another similarity they have with Bamon. Bonnie and Damon understand each other so well. It’s so strange actually because they have very little scenes together, but from those little scenes, it’s so apparent how much they just GET one another. Damon knows Bonnie so well. He knows what motivates her, he knows what scares her, he knows her weaknesses. I always find it ironic how the person who Bonnie is afraid to mostra weakness to is Damon, yet he is the one who can see her weakness better than anyone. Damon knew Bonnie from their very first scene together. When he was bothering her during the Halloween episode, he brought Caroline up just to piss her off. And when she reacted exactly like he expected, he detto “oh Bonnie, so loyal” in a tone that made me think her loyalty was so typical to him. And in the parking lot he could sense her fear and he used it to try and convince her to give him the necklace. Damon also knew he couldn’t trust Bonnie to disable the device and he only gave in because Elena told him to trust her instead. Not even Elena, someone who Bonnie knew her whole life, doubted that Bonnie would do the spell. Wouldn’t her best friend know her a little better? Wouldn’t she know that Bonnie would never do something like that? Actually, it was Stefan who had to piece together this bit of information for Elena during the finale. Damon knew that Bonnie felt guilty about what happened to Caroline. Damon also knew that Bonnie would do anything for Stefan and Elena. He knows that will motivate her and he uses it to convince her to help him. Damon knows that even though Bonnie acts so tough, she is terrified underneath it all. That’s why he grabbed Mason’s hand as soon as it went on her in Plan B. Isn’t it surprising how well Damon knows Bonnie considering how little time they actually spend together? But what’s even più surprising is that Damon is aware of how well he knows Bonnie. In “Know Thy Enemy” he told Bonnie- “I didn’t know te and father witch were so close.” My only reaction to that line was “um, Damon, what makes te think te know anything about Bonnie at all?” It made me wonder if they were spending time together off-screen o something, discussing Bonnie’s relationship with the Martins. That’s just not the type of thing te say to someone who you’re not close to. But that’s the thing. Bonnie and Damon are not close. They just KNOW each other somehow. And Bonnie knows Damon. Bonnie knows that Damon’s motivation is Elena. She knows that Damon has it within him to change, o else she wouldn’t have spared his life in the season finale. But nothing clued me in più to how tuned into each other Damon and Bonnie are than the dance episode. I can’t stress this enough. Damon KNEW Bonnie was lying to Jeremy. How? How did he know? How could he tell Bonnie was lying? He just knew. And Bonnie also KNEW that Damon knew. Just da him looking at her, she knew. This was also confirmed when they started dancing, because the moment that Damon got there she brought it up. Ah, the dance. From the moment that their eyes met, they were just completely and perfectly in sync with one another. I wasn’t the only one saying it either. I saw many tweets saying- “Why does it seem like Damon and Bonnie have been dancing together their entire lives?” It is the honest truth! Step for step, they flowed in unison, almost like they could anticipate what the other would do. And I detto it before, Bonnie already knew that Damon was not going to tell anyone her secret, because she told him the truth right away when he asked her, even before she told him not to tell. The entire episode, they were just clicking all over the place. I don’t believe in soulmates (outside of Clois) but boy, if I did, I would certainly think Damon and Bonnie were it. Because they naturally just fall together in the same way that Clark and Lois do. They are just so in-tune with one another on a deeper level. There was always a mutual understanding with Clark and Lois, where it was so obvious that Lois was destined for Clark, even though they didn’t know it. They just seemed to know each other somehow straight from their very first meeting. And I feel this same type of unity with Bonnie and Damon. Only time will tell though if they are meant to be. If Bamon is handled like Clois was handled though, my hopes are very high.

Clark and Lois’s relationship was built WHILE Clark was in Amore with Lana. Clana was a seven anno progression, Clois was six years… and Smallville is only a 10 anno show. Meaning that the two relationships overlapped each other. It wasn’t that Clark stopped being in Amore with Lana to focus on Lois, it was that Clark and Lois made strides in their interactions with one another even throughout Clark’s relationship with Lana and Lois’s relationship with Oliver Queen. Clark and Lois went from disliking each other, to annoying each other, to tolerating each other, to enjoying each other’s presence, to befriending one another, to liking one another, and finally, to loving one another. It was a complete step progression for them, so that da the time Clark and Lana were no more, he already had the foundation built with Lois. Clark’s relationship with Lana was necessary for Clark’s growth, just as Lois’s relationship with Oliver was necessary for her growth. It was through these failed relationships that the two of them ultimately knew they were right for one another. It was through Clark’s relationship with Lana that Clark realized Lois was the one he needed all along. And I think it’s pretty sicuro, cassetta di sicurezza to say who Clark will end up with. This could be Bamon. Right now, Bonnie and Damon are at the tolerating each other stage, although I do think Bonnie is beginning to enjoy Damon’s presence a little more. There is no doubt in my mind that Bonnie and Damon’s relationship will continue to grow, and if it does, it has the potential to be as legendary as Clark and Lois. Good stuff.

3. Bringing Out The Best

-Bonnie and Damon change one another for the better and they don’t even realize it. Yes, it’s a strong statement, but I stand da it. Damon is his best self when he is around Bonnie and Bonnie is her best self around Damon. There is no force o manipulation involved in order to change one another. It is entirely INDIRECT and NATURAL. They don’t realize that they make each other better people, but they do. Just da being near each other. Let me explain. When Damon is around Bonnie, he is so respectful and sincere. Bonnie is the one person who I feel like Damon genuinely has respect for. He is always opening car doors for her and thanking her. That’s right- THANKING her. Who has Damon ever thanked before in his life? Damon did this, not once, but TWICE. And both times, it was extremely sincere on his part. No one can bring that out of Damon except for Bonnie Bennett!

Not only that, but when Bonnie talks to Damon, he LISTENS to her. When she told him not to be disrespectful to Luka, he listened to her. And it’s not about Bonnie guilting Damon into it either like Elena does. She just speaks and it has an impact on him for no apparent reason. Again, it’s probably because of the level of respect he has for her and the fact that Bonnie challenges him. And does anyone else notice that Damon never treats Bonnie the way that he treats everyone else? So I’ve heard the counter-argument to this: Damon is never mean to Bonnie because he loves Elena. Well, let me prove all the ways in which that argument is invalid. He killed Elena’s brother. Okay, fine. te can say he regrets doing that. But really? Did te see what Damon did to Jeremy in the very successivo episode? He didn’t seem very remorseful when he had Jeremy in a headlock and threatened to shove his ring up his ass. te would think that he would try to treat Jeremy a little better considering that Elena was pissed off at him, but nope. What about Caroline? I’m pretty sure Damon tried to kill Caroline in the secondo episode of this season. Actually, Elena directly told Damon not to kill Caroline and he didn’t give a damn what she wanted. He still tried to kill Caroline. He only didn’t go through with it because Elena used her body as a shield to protect her. And up to today, Damon still treats Caroline as though she is inferior to him. So if Damon is only nice to Bonnie because of Elena, what’s the excuse for Jeremy and Caroline? Heck, Bonnie has even tried to kill Damon multiple times and Damon ain’t even mad. Again, Bonnie indirectly brings out a different side of Damon. I keep hearing Delena fan say that Elena brings out the best in Damon and she brings out his humanity. But Damon appears most human to me when he is with Bonnie (and Stefan). That’s when I see his sincerity. That’s when I see him recitazione like a normal human being rather than a murderous raving lunatic. Damon is just più likable when he is around Bonnie. I also happen to think that Damon looks sexier when he is around Bonnie as well…. but let’s not go there. It’s not only Bonnie bringing out a better side of Damon, but I feel like Damon brings out a better side of Bonnie. Not that I mind any of her sides, but does anyone besides me notice how much Bonnie changes when she is around Damon? One of the best examples has to be the dance scene.Bonnie was dancing with Jeremy and it was nice and sweet and calm and tender. Then Damon appeared and the moment that their hands met, it was like BAM! Something awakened in Bonnie. This fierce, sexy, passionate, intense individual. Bonnie is the type of character who changes depending on the person she is around. Although I Amore Bonnie and Jeremy, I sometimes see Bonnie as a child when she is with him. But when she is near Damon, she is entirely- woman, and a badass one at that. He brings out such loyalty and determination in her. I Amore it. I Amore that side of Bonnie. I sometimes wonder if Damon was not there in the dance episode, would Bonnie have had the strength to go through with taking on Klaus. It seems like whenever Damon is present, Bonnie tries so much harder. Maybe it is the power-play dynamic but there is a constant need for Bonnie to prove herself in Damon’s presence. She is afraid to mostra weakness in front of him. And although some might see this as a bad thing, I actually think it is helping her. It’s because of this need to prove herself that Bonnie is so confident about her abilities. She needs to believe in herself. She needs someone to help her believe in herself. Because, like I detto before, Bonnie is the hero of Mystic Falls. Every hero needs that little push to help them realize their full potential. I couldn’t help but notice in the last episode that this was what Bonnie was lacking from Jeremy. When they were talking in the cafeteria, she told him- “have a little faith in me.” She didn’t have the support from Jeremy that she needed. It’s probably what led her to lie to him. Contrast this with Damon. When Bonnie told him Klaus was in Alaric’s body, he told her “No! Klaus does not get to win tonight. Are te still willing to do whatever it takes to kill him?” When Bonnie busted through the doors in the successivo scene, the look on her face was pure determination. It was the BAMF walk. She got the motivation she needed from Damon. But I know what people are going to say. It’s an unfair comparison because Jeremy wanted Bonnie to live, whereas Damon didn’t care about Bonnie’s life. Well, not exactly. If you’ll notice, Damon tried to save Bonnie’s life BEFORE he knew Klaus was in Alaric’s body. When he was dancing with her he said, “All that power, is there any way to increase those odds?” He KNEW Bonnie had the power to bring herself back to life. He went over there to help her even before he knew that she was going to die that night. A lot of Bamon shippers took Damon’s actions in a negative way during the dance episode. I didn’t, because once again, I don’t see it as Damon helping Bonnie to kill herself. No one can help Bonnie kill herself. It is Bonnie’s decision! And Damon made sure Bonnie knew is was HER decision. She will do it whether o not people try to stop her. She will do it because of her Amore for Elena. Damon knows this because he understands Bonnie. So he’s not going to try and stop her. Instead he will try to help her in whatever way he possibly can. And that was what he did in the last episode. And he accepts the fact that realistically, Bonnie may have to die. She is the only one who can stop Klaus. But I’m sure Damon hopes that it won’t have to come to that and that they can find another way. Because when Elena told him that they would find another way, he detto “I hope so.” He doesn’t have a death wish for Bonnie. He doesn’t WANT Bonnie to die, but right now his obsession with Elena is the only thing on his mind. Anyways, back to what I was saying about Damon bringing out the fiery side of Bonnie, I also notice that just as Damon listens to Bonnie, Bonnie listens to him. The things he says to her do actually have an impact on her. In the season finale, when Damon thanked Bonnie, te could tell that she felt guilty for not disabling the device. In Plan B, it was Damon who told Bonnie to get off her high-horse and she did. When they are around each other, it ignites qualities in both characters that I thoroughly enjoy and admire.

2. Damon’s Internal Conflict When It Comes To Bonnie

-Alas, I must admit the truth- I’m a selfish bitch. I want it all. I want happiness for all of the characters on TVD. I want Stefan to be happy. I want Elena to be happy. I want Bonnie to be happy. But I’d be lying to te if I didn’t admit that my investment in Damon’s happiness moves me a bit more. Damon is my favorite. I Amore him and I always will. I often get asked a lot why I ship Bamon if Damon is my preferito character. Delena fan find it curious that I don’t want Damon to be with the person who he wants to be with considering he is my favorite. But there is a simple reason for this. I Amore Damon too much. I Amore him enough to want what is BEST for him, rather than what he WANTS. Because most of the time, the thing that we want is not what is best for us. I want Damon to be happy, and I don’t see how Damon will ever be happy if he is with Elena. It poses such a problem for all of the characters. Damon and Stefan are brothers. There is no way to get around this. People fall in and out of Amore all the time, going through women and men constantly, getting divorced and remarried multiple times, but your family, that is FOREVER, and te don’t get a choice. And I firmly believe that if Elena ever does fall in Amore with Damon, she will still be torn between the two brothers. It will only make things worse, and increase Damon’s pain, and saying this as a person whose preferito character is Damon, I don’t want to see him in pain. I would not ship Damon with Bonnie if I honestly did not think she is the BEST person for him. Damon being with Bonnie would not only guarantee happiness for both Damon and Bonnie, but it also ensures Stefan and Elena’s happiness. But I know some people will think that’s a stupid reason to want two people to be together. Ship Bamon just because it guarantees Stelena. Well, firstly, I don’t even ship Stelena. I ship Stefan with happiness and Elena with happiness and it just so happens that they are happy when they are with each other. A Stelena endgame because of Bamon is just an added bonus.

But I’m not just throwing Damon in a relationship with Bonnie for the hell of it. Damon likes Bonnie! Yeah… I just went there. He does. He loves Elena, I know this. But he likes Bonnie. I am sure of it. I always thought he did but the dance episode confirmed it for me. For the first time ever, I saw Damon in conflict. He wasn’t struggling with someone else, he was struggling with HIMSELF. It was internal conflict and it was because of Bonnie. Because he cares about her, despite his line about how he will “gladly let Bonnie die.” Once again, it was just words. But Damon’s actions are something entirely different. After the dance episode, there is NO ONE that can convince me that Damon does not care for Bonnie. Try all te want ex-Bamon shippers, but it’s not going to happen. Firstly, I don’t think Damon’s “controversial” line to Elena would have been spoken at all if viewers weren’t meant to domanda it. It was TOO noticeable and it was TOO definite. For one thing, the writers made sure to specifically say “Bonnie” as opposed to just “anyone.” Why? Why have Damon make such a bold statement that he would always choose Elena over specifically Bonnie? This is massive foreshadowing. Because one day, there will come a time when Damon has to choose between Bonnie and Elena, and I have a feeling, it won’t be as easy as he made it seem. Not only was his statement so bold because of mentioning Bonnie specifically, but it stood out like a sore thumb for one huge reason- for the entirety of the episode, it seemed like Damon did genuinely care for Bonnie. Let me explain. When Damon overheard Bonnie telling Jeremy she had a 50/50 chance of surviving, he made sure Bonnie knew that he heard what she said. te will notice the look on his face when he detto “evening” to her. Why? Why would it matter to Damon if Bonnie knew that he heard. If he doesn’t care about her life at all, then it wouldn’t have mattered if he did overhear her and Jeremy. And then when Jeremy and Bonnie were dancing, he went right up to her and cut into their dance. He did this right after he danced with Elena. The same song was playing, so he didn’t waste any time in talking to her. When they started dancing, Bonnie already KNEW what Damon came over to talk to her about. He was asking her if she was really going to go through with giving her life for Elena and he detto “good” because he has respect for her dedication to those she loves. He admires her resolve because Damon is the exact same way with his resolve to save Elena, he will do anything, just like Bonnie. And then he asked her if she could increase her odds. Again, this means that Damon knew Bonnie could save herself. He wanted to help her! To tell her she didn’t have to die. And I repeat again, he did this BEFORE he knew Klaus was in Alaric’s body, meaning he was concerned for her life even before he knew it was actually in jeopardy. Then when Bonnie did die, I saw the CONFLICT in Damon.

Damon knew she wasn’t actually dead, but STILL, he looked sad. There was no one there at that time. He didn’t have to pretend. That was entirely on Damon. He stroked her face, he closed her eyes, and he LOOKED remorseful. He looked like he did not enjoy seeing Bonnie that way and as if he never wanted to see it again. Then he gently put her in his car trunk. He wasn’t manhandling her like he does with every other dead body. And he STILL had the same conflicted look on his face. But that’s not all. Damon called Jeremy and told him to meet him there. He made sure that Jeremy was there for Bonnie when she woke up. That was something that was completely unnecessary on Damon’s part and I’m sorry, but that’s not the type of thing te do for someone that te don’t care about. I’m sorry Damon, but you’re never going to convince me that te don’t care about Bonnie! So I’m not just shipping Damon with someone who I think he doesn’t like o will never like. I genuinely believe that Damon has it fully within him to Amore Bonnie. Because if he is this conflicted over her fake death, whose to say how much più attached to her he will become in the future. As for Bonnie and her feelings for Damon, that still remains to be seen. I do think she is starting to see him in a better light though. We’ve seen Bonnie save Damon’s life multiple times, but it’s really the little things that clue te into how a person feels about someone else. Bonnie was certainly conflicted about Damon the first time he thanked her in the season finale. I also noticed her smile while she was watching Damon dance like a drunken idiot.

She is most definitely warming up to him. But the writers don’t give us Bamon scenes too often. I would Amore to see più of Bonnie being conflicted about Damon.

1. Bonnie is the Yin to Damon’s Yang

-So in reason Number 5, I described many similarities that Damon and Bonnie share and how it makes them compatible. But the truth is, if two people are TOO similar, they are incompatible. There has to be a balance. te have to have similar traits and qualities so that te can relate to one another, but te also have to have differences to attract one another. It’s through the differences that two people are naturally drawn to one another, as if the universe is trying to balance itself out. Bonnie and Damon, although similar in certain aspects, are essentially OPPOSITES. Therefore they are compatible in every way possible. Whenever Bonnie and Damon are together, there is BALANCE. Everything that Damon is lacking is what Bonnie has. Everything that Bonnie is lacking is what Damon has. Together, they just fit. Let’s elaborate. Damon and Bonnie, as characters, are completely different on outward appearance. Damon is dark, sarcastic, menacing at times, and although the fangirls might disagree, he is not a nice person. I’m sorry, but that’s the truth. Whatever way te look at it, Damon has evil within him. Bonnie is the exact opposite of this. She is a light, happy, normal, and although the fangirls might disagree, she is a good-hearted person. I don’t care what anyone says, her intentions are always in the right place and she will always do what she believes is RIGHT. Damon is the bad-boy and Bonnie is the good-girl. But this is something that I need to stress. If it was that simple, then I probably would pair Damon with Elena, as that is another bad-boy/good-girl pairing. But it’s not. Because when it comes to Damon being a bad-boy and Bonnie being a good-girl, the two of them are extreme, polar opposites. They are on the very outer edges of the opposite spectrum. What I’m trying to say is, Damon Salvatore isn’t just ANY ordinary bad-boy. Damon’s bad streak makes other bad-boy characters come up short. There is true darkness inside of Damon. This is a person who has no regard for human life whatsoever. To Damon, anyone who is not Stefan and Elena are considered “collateral damage.” He just does not give a shit. He does not care about human life o value it at all, which is striking considering that he desires to be human so badly. But that’s just it. Damon wants to be human so badly, but he doesn’t realize that he is the cause of his own inhumanity. Normal human beings care about other human life. But Damon doesn’t and that is just one of the many reasons why I know that the darkness inside of him is rooted very deeply. Not to mention, his actions while he was human were also highly questionable. As much as I Amore Damon, I say it all the time, he has severe issues. When Damon was helping Stefan to take out the guys who were beating up Jeremy, he was about to kill one of them and Stefan had to stop him. Damon knew they were compelled and that they were innocent, but he did not care. Stefan understands that the loss of an innocent life should never happen when it can be helped, which is why Stefan places such heavy restrictions on himself. This is a concept that Damon does not understand. When Katherine killed Aimee (I think that was her name) at the Masquerade ball, Stefan got worried and detto that they should call it off, but Damon told him that it was just, once again, “collateral damage.” Damon has no respect for human life. But if Damon is the baddest of all bad-boys, that can only mean one thing. Yes, that Bonnie is the greatest of all good-girls. Bonnie Bennett isn’t your typical good-girl. She is THE good-girl. Bonnie is so good that she is willing to give her life, not only for the people she loves, but for her entire town, for EVERYONE. In my eyes, that is superhero status. o Jesus! Damon needs this. For all the darkness Damon has inside of him, he needs someone più than the ordinary good-girl. He needs someone più than Elena. He needs Bonnie. Because Damon is TOO bad and he needs someone who is TOO good to balance him out. Bonnie values human life più than anything. It is number one on her priority list. She is the hero. It is her responsibility to make sure no one gets hurt. When Stefan wanted Bonnie to help them take out Katherine at the Masquerade ball, Bonnie was unsure of going through with it because she didn’t want anyone to get hurt. And it’s interesting to me that the writers had Bonnie appear as the people’s protector in the very same episode that Damon showed just how far his disregard for human life goes. And how about the dance episode. That was another one where Bonnie displayed her goodness in every possible way in the same episode where Damon once again used the term- “collateral damage.” With all the parallels and all the [whatever is the opposite of parallels], te would think the TVD writers do it on purpose o something. In the show, Bonnie is the ONLY character who shows any remorse for the dead and she is the only person to display any guilt for when she is directly o indirectly responsible for someone’s death- i.e.- Mason, Luka and Dr. Martin. Damon’s complete disregard for human life is contrasted so perfectly with Bonnie’s protection of human life. It’s why I enjoyed Bonnie and Damon’s scene in “Know Thy Enemy” so much. Damon made a joke about Luka’s dead body right successivo to Bonnie. I knew before he even finished his sentence that it wouldn’t fly with her. Bonnie told him not to be disrespectful and Damon listened to her. Perfect balance. Not to mention, it is also Bonnie’s calling as a witch to keep the order and balance of nature. This was explained da Elijah in the last episode when he detto that witches are “nature’s servants.” So if you’re wondering how does Bonnie benefit from Damon’s darkness, I have an answer for that. The truth is, being too good isn’t always a good thing. Crazy, I know, but hear me out. People who have hero complexes often have a tendency to think too much of themselves to the point where they are unwilling to budge when someone o something is different from their ideals, moral beliefs, and high standards. They usually always think they are right and if something does not go along with their beliefs, it is wrong. But life is never that black and white. There are times when te have to make a choice. This was something that Bonnie struggled with so much at the end of season one and the beginning of season two. She had to make some tough choices between her Friends vs. her beliefs. Although she always came through in the end, her actions did have some devastating repercussions. But just like no one in the mostra ever acknowledges Damon’s flaws except for Bonnie, no one in the mostra ever acknowledges Bonnie’s flaws except for… te guessed it! Damon!

Damon completely called Bonnie on her high and mighty attitude in the secondo season premiere when they were eye-sexing inside the Lockwood Estate. And he also told Bonnie to “get over” herself in Plan B. I really don’t know how many times I can possibly say it- Bonnie and Damon completely balance each other out. Bonnie and Damon’s yin and yang aspects also stretch beyond this in other ways. For example, Damon is the most immoral character in the mostra and Bonnie is the most moral character in the show. Damon even called Bonnie the “morality police” in Plan B. I believe that this sharp contrast in Bonnie and Damon’s characters is why Bonnie is the only person in the mostra to express any disapproval towards Damon’s actions. And it’s why I say once again, Bonnie is the only person on the mostra who is compatible with Damon. But I know the Delena fan will be getting riled up right now. I’ve heard many Delena fan make claims about how Elena does call Damon out on his shit. Really? REALLY?! The extent of Elena’s disapproval towards Damon is getting a schiaffo, smack every once and a while… and then she apologizes for it. Elena could try to remain firm with Damon for, let’s say, più than an episode o so. But she doesn’t. She always forgives him and it is one of her biggest flaws.

Forgiving someone like Damon as easily as Elena does is not going to get her the respect that she is looking for. Believe me when I say, I Amore Elena. But wasn’t she the same person who laughed when Damon made an inappropriate joke about raping Caroline? Elena is too lenient. She is not the extreme opposite of Damon. If she was, she wouldn’t be so lenient with Damon. She is just different from him. I say again, Damon and Elena are NOT compatible. Another way in which Bonnie and Damon are opposites- Bonnie is the most selfless character on the show, while Damon is the most selfish. I know a lot of Damon’s più diehard fan disagree with me on this, but it’s the truth. Damon is selfish. Even his Amore for Elena is entirely selfish. He wants Elena alive because HE can’t orso the thought of losing her, yet he is not willing to let her have a life of her own, think for herself, o make any important decisions regarding her OWN life. Sorry, but I don’t really see how anyone can NOT consider this selfish love. Bonnie is the hero of the mostra (my own personal belief and also because of her role as a witch, it is her duty to protect life) and Damon is the anti-hero (which is why we sympathize with him so much). Two completely extreme and opposite roles. So how can Damon and Bonnie be so compatible if they are polar opposites. Well it’s simple. There’s a reason why people say “opposites attract.” It’s because people who are opposites need to come together in order to complete one another, to make each other whole. What Damon is lacking is what Bonnie has enough of to spare and what Bonnie is lacking is what Damon has enough of to spare. But at the same time, Bonnie and Damon are not entirely different, especially when one analyzes them from the INSIDE (their motivations, their pain, their flaws). They have that perfect harmony. They are different on the outside, but similar on the inside. I repeat, perfect balance.

Conclusion- So let’s put all this together. I believe that Bonnie and Damon would make for one heck of an epic Amore story. I believe that Bonnie and Damon are equals in every way possible. I believe that Bonnie and Damon are two completely different people on the outside, while mirroring each other on the inside. And I also believe that Bonnie and Damon have the potential to be the successivo Clois. Is it any wonder why I ship Bamon after Leggere all this? I have NEVER, in my entire 20 years of living, EVER, thought two characters were più perfectly fitted for one another. THIS is why I want Bamon so badly. THIS is why they make my shipper cuore race whenever I see them together. THIS is why Bamon is my OTP.

[0. A Amore Letter To My Fellow Bamonators

-So in case any Ribelle - The Brave soul made an attempt to actually read all of this (you poor thing), there actually was a reason why I did superiore, in alto nine reasons instead of ten. It’s because I actually do have a 10th reason, but as it’s really not Bamon-y related, I didn’t think it was deserving of a number. But I just want to add it in here because I have to. Because it means that much to me. My Amore for Bamon would be nothing right now if it was not for the incredible and amazing people who ship it with me everyday. I entered the fandom a little late, and when I joined, I didn’t ship anything. I was still on the fence about all the pairings on the mostra so I was running around to all the websites trying to find a place where I belonged. And no place welcomed me with such enthusiasm as the Bamon communities did. I mean this with all my cuore and soul when I say that being a Bamon shipper has allowed me to meet some of the most amazing people in the world. Bamon shippers are so supportive of one another. Even if they don’t agree with what you’re saying, they discuss it with te and they never hold it against you. I hear about arguments and fights happening in other shipping fandoms and I always find myself thinking- “thank God I ship Bamon.” Because that never happens in our fandom. We are a family and we work through whatever issues it is we have with one another. Everyday te guys brighten up my day. I always come home feeling tired after a long giorno and then I go on Tumblr and see the most hilarious posts ever about TVD and I just can’t help proclaiming the Amore that I feel for my fandom. The type of people who ship something are an indication of the ship itself. Bamon is only as good as the people who ship it. And I truly mean it when I say, Bamon is the greatest ship of all time. OTfuckingP.]
Ok, now that I have had sometime to sleep on it and re-watch the episode. I can now speak my mind a little bit. Firstly, all in all the episode was pretty good, the intro to start the episode I think was pointless. It took up time that could have been dato to the actual plot but it was cute… I guess.

Elene Transition.

Considering that there have been two people that have gone through transition ( Vicky and Caroline) It was nice to see them go further and really mostra us how Elena was seeing the world. How the sight, sounds and smell even had an effect on her.( I loved when she busted the light...
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Source: bamon withdrawal syndrome.tumblr.com (me)
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Source: Characters not mine, only the art work's mine. Julie Plec n CW network owns the characters.
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