Damon & Bonnie Damon/Bonnie fans, please read this (RANT).

ApplePie88 posted on Feb 25, 2011 at 01:28AM
This fandom just makes me roll my eyes incessantly. I can’t tell you how fed up I am of this entire fandom, it’s just beyond annoying. If there is anything that makes my blood boil, it is most definitely more then half of this TVD fandom. One of the things that really makes me beyond annoyed when reading more then half the forums and messages boards is that Ian ONLY has chemistry with Nina, or that Ian BELONGS to Nina. I mean, what the fuck is this shit??????!! When I read shit like this, I seriously shake my head in appall and disgust. And not only that, if someone or anyone on any forum or message board mentions that Ian has chemistry with Kat (Graham), they (being mostly Delena shippers of course), jump on them and attack them viciously and at the same time, repeatedly trying to say that he doesn’t have chemistry with Katerina. I’m sorry but Delena shippers are fucking IN DENIAL. It’s about time someone tell it like it is and I am tired of the rest of this fandom being afraid of the Delena supporters out of fear of being attacked. I got one thing to say: I, FOR ONE, AM NOT AFRAID OF DELENA SUPPORTERS. Why is it that we (mostly the Stelena/Bamon shippers) have to feel so incredibly guilty for expressing our own opinions on a fucking forum or message board because we are so afraid and intimidated by what the Delena supporters think and have to say? Why are we so intimidated by them? All I have to say is: I AM NOT INTIMIDATED BY THEM ONE BIT. Why do we have to feel the need to bow down to Delena’s fans wants and wishes when the rest of this entire fandom takes the brunt of it by listening to their constant bitching and complaining when they don’t get their way? I’m sick of it and I am just done with it. Delena fans don’t own the TVD fandom. They don’t own shit, so therefore, other people who DON’T ship Delena should feel free to express their opinion(s) without fear as they see fit. It’s time the rest of this TVD fandom who are not part of the Delena cult, and yes, even the writers of the show and even the own author of the books (L.J. Smith) stop letting these rabid Delena fans overpower them and tell them how to write their story and how they should feel and think. We feel overpowered by the DE fan base because we let them, because we are not vocal enough. Stelena/Bamon supporters I have noticed, are much more passive then the DE fans.

What bugs me the most is the constant bashing of Bonnie Bennett/Katerina Graham and trust me, I see it everywhere; there is absolutely no escape from it. I’ve come to the conclusion that Delena/Nian supporters bash her (Kat/Bonnie) because they are purely insecure and jealous. They can’t stand the idea or even the fact that Ian might have chemistry with someone that isn’t Nina Dobrev. Because God forbid Ian have chemistry with another female actress that ISN’T Nina Dobrev, right? Delena fans (or shall I say Dullena fans) keep on repeatedly stating that Ian/Damon doesn’t have any chemistry with Kat/Bonnie but the truth is THEY ARE IN DENIAL. If a whole group of people are trying to convince me that two actors don’t have any chemistry together, chances are that the two actors in fact do. And not only that, chances are if a whole massive group of people are trying to convince me that two actors have loads of chemistry with each other, chances are that they don’t have as much chemistry as you think. The bottom line is this: IAN SOMERHALDER AND KATERINA GRAHAM OOZE FUCKING CHEMISTRY and I don’t give a fuck what anyone says. I’m tired of defending myself and more then half of the Bamon fanbase that constantly gets attacked by the Dullena fan base for stating such a thing. They have tons of it (chemistry) and anyone who can’t see it must have their head so far stuck up Delena/Nian’s ass or they just don’t understand the concept of what on-screen chemistry actually looks like. And I’m sorry but making intense and buggy eyes at someone does NOT equate to having chemistry. Because if I’m being completely and bluntly honest (which is what I am), Ian tends to do that eye thing in his scenes with Nina that bug the hell out of me. Just because Ian’s eyes are all intense around Nina in their scenes together, does not mean that they have this major chemistry. Am I saying that I don’t think that Ian/Nina have chemistry? No, I’m not saying that. I admit, they have chemistry however, I do find that many of their scenes together fall flat; they are too one-dimensional. Ian/Nina’s scenes together as Damon/Elena at times feel forced to me, the flow is not that great from time to time. Chemistry is not just about eye sex in my opinion, it is about FLOW. How well two actors play off of each other. This is why I believe that Paul/Nina have much better chemistry then Ian/Nina. Paul/Nina’s chemistry is diverse and Paul/Nina play well off of each other. It’s not just about eye sex or intense stares and anyone who says that chemistry starts and ends with eye sex is fooling themselves.

Ian/Katerina FASCINATE ME when they are on-screen together. They magnetize me and pull me in to the point where I want to watch every single interaction between them. Ian/Nina DO NOT have that IMO. The way I see it, Ian/Kat play very well off each other. The banter, the eye stares/eye sex, the flow of their lines with each other; the flow between these two is just flawless and impeccable in my honest opinion. I just enjoy watching them the same way that enjoy reading the Bamon scenes in the books. As a viewer, it is obvious to see that Ian and Kat actually have “fun” when they are doing scenes together, whereas, I feel like when Ian does scenes with Nina, there is something “forced” and “dull” about them. Aside from the fact that Ian & Katerina are both drop-dead gorgeous together and would make a HOT on-screen couple (I honestly think that Ian & Kat should just make gorgeous babies together IRL but anyways), both Ian and Kat’s acting abilities both as actors and as their characters (Damon/Bonnie) are at their best or at their peak when they do scenes together. When Ian does scenes with Nina, he does this “eye thing” that annoys the hell out of me and it has the constant habit of taking me out of a scene. But when Ian does a scene with Kat, that annoying eye thing goes away and he actually “looks” at her but at the same time, his look to her (Kat) is smoldering hot. I even noticed the same eye thing that Ian does when he did scenes with Candice (Accola). The bottom line is, what I am basically trying to say is that out of all the female actors on this show, it is my firm belief that Ian Somerhalder has the BEST chemistry with Katerina Graham. Again, good chemistry between two people (especially on screen) DOES NOT mean tons and tons of intense eye stares and eye sex. It is SO much more then that and I think that is what more then half the Delena fan base does not seem to understand or comprehend whatsoever. This is why it bugs me like no other when they keep saying that Ian doesn’t have chemistry with Kat, when in fact it’s the opposite. If the Delena fans have to keep on saying that Ian/Kat don’t have on-screen chemistry, this only makes them look very insecure and in translation, they are really saying that they believe that they in fact do have chemistry. So every time I see Delena shipper say such a thing from now on, I view them as an insecure shipper. I see it as their opportunity to try to tear down Bonnie because they know that she poses a significant threat to their precious Delena ship in the future. If the show is based off of the novels, then Bamon will definitely have something (possible pretty serious) in the future. Besides, it has been stated in L.J. Smith’s blog that Bamon has a HUGE chance of being the series endgame along with Stelena (which is the way it has always been since the very beginning of this series whether anyone wants to admit it or not). So get used to it.

Another thing that bugs me is how Delena fans are running around saying that it has always been Delena from the very start of the series which IS NOT TRUE. It has ALWAYS been Stelena from the beginning, the same way that it has been Bamon from the beginning (you have to read Damon & Bonnie: After Hours to understand this). What bugs me about this is the fact that most Delena fans haven’t even read the fucking books to begin with. They are basing all of their theories and opinions strictly from the TV show. Because when it comes to the books, most TVD book fans were Stelena & Bamon shippers and I would know because I read the first four books when I was 13 years old. None of my friends who were also reading the books at the time were Delena supporters because in the first four books, Delena barely fucking existed. Delena only really started happening in Shadow Souls and that was the book that came out after the TV show aired and all the Delena frenzy started happening because Ian Somerhalder has pretty blue eyes. Coincidence anyone? This goes to show you that all of these people supporting Delena have no idea about the true concept of the story. Hell, most Delena fans don’t even understand the concept of the Bamon connection which is probably why they resort to bashing Bonnie and Bamon. Most Delena fans don’t know that Bonnie was THE FIRST PERSON Damon met when he first came to Fells Church in the book series (After Hours). Most Delena fans don’t even realize that in the original story, Bonnie was the first person whom Damon revealed his true inner self to, his humanity. She is the first person he saved and he kissed her way before Elena. Most Delena fans don’t understand that Stefan and Elena were instantly and indescribably drawn to each other and went through a rough time due to the connection that they had. Most Delena fans don’t know that before Stefan and Elena became an actual couple in the series, they had a rather up and down, tumultuous relationship including individual struggles of both Stefan/Elena and also, many outside forces and obstacles trying to come between them (i.e. Damon, Katherine). Most Delena fans don’t understand the “Soulmate Principle” in the series (which was for the first time, implemented in Shadow Souls), which is a principle that L.J. Smith has been using in her many trilogies for years. The soulmate principle suggests that if two people’s souls (Stefan and Elena in The Vampire Diaries case) are connected by a “silver cord”, then they are the true soulmates, in other words, they are Twin Flames/Twin Souls. Most Delena fans like to call Delena Twin Flames, but they are not Twin Flames, they are indeed, Karmic Soulmates. I say this because it has been proven over and over again that the only type of Soulmate relationship that involves a silver cord connection are Twin Flames/Twin Souls/Twin Rays. Regular and simple soulmate connections are NOT connected by a silver cord. Most Delena fans don’t realize that a silver cord connection between two people represents eternity, eternal, forever. It also means that the two people connected by the silver cord are the other half of each other’s soul; they are literally ONE SOUL (two halves of a whole), they are born for each other. L.J. Smith stated this herself in her own blog. Yet even though she confirms this, the Delena fans refuse to accept and understand the depth and meaningful epic love of Stefan/Elena because they are quote “boring”. Most Delena fans like to call Stelena’s relationship “perfect” but in the novels, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Stefan/Elena have had a rather tumultuous relationship. They have had their ups and downs and their issues. Any one who has actually read all 6 novels would know and understand this. Even on the TV show, I don’t get why Delena fans like to bash Stelena’s relationship for being “too perfect”. Again, it is not true AT ALL. And you know what? I am PROUD that Stefan/Elena don’t have a perfect relationship but at the same time, I am also so happy that their relationship is not based on negative feelings and intentions such as hatred, jealousy, revenge, anger, obsession etc (i.e. Delena).

And honestly, as a reader of the TVD novels, Book Elena is for the most part rather unbearable. The only time when I find her tolerable is when she is with Stefan. She is at her best when she is with Stefan. STEFAN BRINGS OUT THE BEST IN HER (ELENA). She is a significantly better individual when she is with him or even in his mere presence. She becomes more caring, kind, giving, warm, compassionate and selfless, THE TRUE ELENA ON THE INSIDE. But when she is with Damon, she becomes selfish, obsessive, needy, icy and aggressive, she becomes a big time bitch. And not only that, she becomes rather slutty and promiscuous when she is around Damon. Damon brings out the WORST in Elena, both on the TV show and in the books. Damon makes Elena INTOLERABLE and vice versa. In the books, Elena turns Damon into an obsessive, narcissistic frat boy who worships and fawns all over her like she is the 2nd coming of Jesus. On the TV show, Elena turns Damon into a whiny, emo, vulnerable crybaby vampire who acts like more of a wuss then Edward Cullen. Bottom line is, whether it is the books or the TV show, ELENA STIFLES DAMON AND SHE BRINGS OUT THE WORST IN HIM. The fact of the matter is that the Delena relationship is entirely and remotely unhealthy, both for Elena and for Damon as individuals. In the novels, Elena’s BEST inner self comes out when she is with Stefan, who she really is at the core of her being. SHE IS HER TRUE INNER SELF, not the selfish, shallow, vain girl that she is on the OUTSIDE and even though Elena has those flaws, Stefan ACCEPTS THEM because HE ACCEPTS HER and vice versa with Elena to Stefan. The same for the TV show, Elena is her true self around Stefan, she can be who she really is around him, she can communicate with him because even though Stefan and Elena are rather opposite in terms of characteristics (Elena is popular/Stefan is a loner, Elena is outgoing/Stefan is shy and quiet, Elena is active/Stefan is reserved etc), they share the same outlook on life, the same goals, values and beliefs; THAT is what makes them compatible. They are the equal and the opposite of each other, they “get” each other. They are not too opposite and they are not too similar, they are just right so they complement each other. Basically, Stefan/Elena’s relationship is not just any love relationship. If anyone has read the novels, they would understand that Stefan/Elena’s relationship is a spiritual relationship; it involves the soul. Their relationship has significant meaning and it has a grand purpose. I don’t think that Delena fans realize that part of the purpose of Stelena’s relationship is to help to “heal” Damon, to help him to understand unconditional love and acceptance. Stefan/Elena’s love for each other plays a HUGE part in Damon’s redemption. Both Stefan and Elena influence Damon as individuals but they also influence Damon as a couple.

The Bamon connection in the novels has been taken for granted by Delena fans because they just don’t understand it. This is why many, many TVD book fans are Bamon shippers. Delena fans don’t realize that Damon’s spiritual journey in the books started with Bonnie. It has always been her from the start. Reading the short story After Hours confirmed this for me. Because for the first time in centuries, Damon actually put his ego aside and did something SELFLESS for a human being. Elena may have been the one to help Damon on his redemption journey, but Bonnie was the one to “trigger” Damon’s redemption, she set everything in motion. This is why I believe that Bonnie McCullough has and always will be Damon Salvatore’s true beloved/true love. I thought this when I was 14 years old and I still think it today at 22 years old and it’s not going to change anytime soon. L.J. Smith implemented the Bamon connection from the start for a reason and it bugs me, as both a TVD book fan and a TVD show fan, that many people (mostly Delena fans of course) like to brush off this connection as if it is nothing. And it makes me even more annoyed when Delena fans try to deny the fact that Ian/Kat do have a good chemistry with each other on-screen. Why can’t they just admit that Ian has the spark with Kat? You don’t have to support or even like a ship to say that two people have good on-screen chemistry. And in a way, I feel bad for both Katerina Graham and yes, even Ian Somerhalder. I’m sure that there isn’t a time when Kat doesn't receives massive amounts of hate messages from rabid Delena fans about how much she sucks because she talks about Bamon and a possibility of a relationship between Damon/Bonnie. THE SHAAAAAAME. And Ian is probably massively bombarded with these silly fangirls going bezurko over him and Delena that Ian probably feels so incredibly stifled and forced into talking about Delena non-stop just to please the fans. It’s no wonder Ian once had to tell the fans (consisting mostly of Delena shippers of course) of the show to stop the unnecessary hate towards Katerina. Oh, I’m sure they forgot about that.It just bugs me that Katerina can’t mention anything about Bamon without being attacked but when Nina talks about Delena, you don’t see Bamon/Stelena supporters attacking her for expressing her views and opinions on the matter. Again, the shaaaaame.
All in all, this rant just proves to me that I am basically tired of the drama within the fandom. The shipper wars, the sense of entitlement from the Delena fans and the constant and unnecessary bashing of characters on this show (i.e. Stefan, Bonnie, Matt). I really don’t care if my rant is unpopular opinion because I don’t care about being popular opinion. I come off blunt and if I offend anyone then I apologize. I’m just basically frustrated with the whole TVD fandom. This is literally like One Tree Hill all over again.

Geez. OK, I’m done. Anyone else sick of all the Delena craze as I am?
last edited on Feb 25, 2011 at 06:35AM

Damon & Bonnie 14 risposte

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più di un anno fa aceg said…
From what I've experienced, it seems DE fans are less agressive towards to Ian/Candice. This make me curious.
più di un anno fa Lannieluv7 said…
I agree with everything you said. It makes me so mad when people who havent even read the books say anything about bamon. Please read the books then say something because if you did you would know there bond is undeniable. They have a connection that goes beyond anything delena will have.
più di un anno fa Damon-Bamon12 said…
I just realized that I don't hate Elena.

~Damon makes Elena INTOLERABLE~

No wonder I tought I hated Elena! I hated that she would turn into this bitchy self but never realized that it was only with Damon.

I so far, LIKE Elena.

This article was everything I tought about DE (except the difference of Elena with Stefan/Damon)and I totally hate it when they act like they are in charge! I'm sick of them bashing on us whent ehy don't even see the REAL thing. I think Delena is just some fantasy or fairy tale for them, I think it's obvious that SE is going to happen in the show. Sorry for spelling mistakes! :D
più di un anno fa ducky8abug said…
I do think quite a few posters are hypersensitive and may need to see a shrink, but otherwise I'm cool.

I do find it a little weird that Delena and Bamon fans feel so passionate about whom Damon is with, but if given a choice, I'd definitely like to see him hook up with Bonnie (if and only if she fries his ass). My reasons are simple: I want to see this 5'3 witch kick the shit out of a 6'0, 148 year old vampiric douche-bag. I figured, that's a whole lot more fun to watch than the shit we got now; and God knows you gotta get drunk to watch this stuff...that or skip it altogether (which I practice on a regular basis) but I digress.

Yes, Apple, TVD has their share of obnoxious freaks! Yes, there are Bamon fans who will go up against nay-sayers and spray their point of view. However, its been a long while since Bonnie and Damon have had any scenes together, and its kinda hard batting out the views when those scenes are far and few between. As a viewer, I need to be fed some material before doling out my special brand of enlightenment; and that's all I can say about that.

Me and my unpopular opinions are going to get me kicked out of a forum one day, but there it is...

più di un anno fa aceg said…
@ducky8abug " reasons are simple: I want to see this 5'3 witch kick the shit out of a 6'0, 148 year old vampiric douche-"

throw him to the walls and then add some kinky punishing staff will be more fun and appealing to me.
By the way, your comment made me laugh so hard and kind of ease my feelings of pessimism.
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più di un anno fa skysamuelle said…
I agree with you on everything, and particularly on this point:

"Why is it that we (mostly the Stelena/Bamon shippers) have to feel so incredibly guilty for expressing our own opinions on a fucking forum or message board because we are so afraid and intimidated by what the Delena supporters think and have to say? Why are we so intimidated by them? All I have to say is: I AM NOT INTIMIDATED BY THEM ONE BIT. "

thia is why i keep strolling in general threads discussion even if i have putting up with stupid comments 'Elena's reaction to Stefan being imprisoned inside the tomb was not specific to Stefan, she would have reacted that way if the same thing happened at ANY boyfriend she was in love at the time. Someday Elena will love Damon just as much'

Do you notice the maddening level of DElusion i'm talking about here?

Those people get away with belittling, overcompensatory, hidiotic comments like that all the time because she gang on fans of other fanbases whenever a different POV than a pro-DE one is getting expressed.

I never saw anything like this in any fandom and i'm SICK and NAUSEATED of it.

We need to stop bending our necks to those bullies. They don't deserve getting what they want.
più di un anno fa ApplePie88 said…
@ aceg - ITA and this makes me wonder as well. A part of me can't help but feel that the Delena fangirls are just insecure because Katerina happens to be the most beautiful girl on the show (IMO anyways) and that makes them feel insecure.
più di un anno fa Blairwaldorffan said…
Truly outstanding post and applepie88 I agree with you.
last edited più di un anno fa
più di un anno fa hinata26 said…
I agree with you we shouldn't be afraid to xpress ourself.
I think De are like precheur and lobbyistes at the same time.
The worst is that they have a lot of weight on the story's developpement.
The only thing that we could against them is to find a original way to show writers that people love Bonnie she could have more screentime and do the same thing for bamon.
I asked how we could do that once. The great chazzaf told me that she didn't know but she's in if we do something. AngelusB suggested that we could do something on twitter for bonnie.
The real question is are we motivate and enough courageous to do something about it ?
più di un anno fa bibsd21 said…
I absolutely Agree with everything you just said, i think ian and kat has immense chemistry onscreen. I picked it up as soon as i watched the show actually. I never read the books till after the show aired and after i had shown intrest in bamon, i saw it all over online that they might have had something going on in the book which made me excited and go get the books. I loved it. I knew it. I knew that damon and bonnie totally were made for each other. I aint scared of dullena fans either. DULLena is just that - DULL. I absolutely also hate the way elena is leading him on in the tv series. She knows how he feels about her and yet she says stupid things like "for me" and things like that. I hate it. But on the other hand, i think stefan and her make such a cute couple tho. But she just really needs to leave damon alone!
più di un anno fa katesbon said…
I FOR ONE DON'T HAVE ANY FEAR towards DE!!cos most of them r immatured and i hate going to less place like them,i used to go to alot of forums its like a disease ,every where i go all I see is them so why would i want to argue wit peopel who only open thire eyes to a weird ship wit creepy eye contact ,so i am ignoring them and be "a better person"for the sake of my nice bamanatores!!
più di un anno fa SalvatoreBroFTW said…
this is soo true ... most DE lovers are like 13 year olds .. no offense to anyone here ... but i have come across some who are actually old enough to be adults... yet they act immaturely!
più di un anno fa jereimy said…
ITA ITA amazing opinion, yes sometimes bamon and stelena fans doesnt do anything because delena army of zombies attacked us jajajajaasjajja I like nina but I dont like elena just when she is with stefan, for a bad girl we have katherine already so if delena happens elena will be katherine and I dont want to see this again...

I think all couples have chemistry but the difference is in the story, for me it is more appealing bamon than delena, damon acting like the good boy for elena and elena getting drunk and forget about their friends mmmm doesnt sounds right to me ( I say this because delena fans says that elena can be relaxed when he is with DamonWTF????? It means elena drunk, slutty and selfish???? IDK) bamon could be powerful couple and I dont think Bonnie will chance Damon for being Stefan, he could be hymself and Bonnie too, she is strong who is not afraid of him, and besides witch and vampire would be awesome and unexpected.

più di un anno fa stefanswifey10 said…
Did Ian really have to tell DE fans to stop saying nasty things about Kat that's a shame.I feel bad for Kat she has to get bashed for speaking her thoughts on bamon.I agree with this whole rant about DE and SE and bamon it pisses me off about DE fans bashing bamon and Stelena fans for who they ship they think all of us should ship DE WHY it wouldn't make since if we shipped the same shipped dumb people I tell ya.I really agree with Damon bringing out the bad in Elena and Elena bringing out the bad in damon I can't stand Damon or Elena when they are around each other.I do realize Ian does do that thing with his eyes it does get annoying but I do realize Ian licks his lips when he has scenes with Kat for some reason.I'm glad someone feels the same way I do.