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Now even though I detto there was gonna be like a big contest for this, we need to keep moving, I've started to draw out the begining of When Dexter met Dexi2: doujinshi edition, and so far have some of the character's done.So we're techniqually behind schedule, so that's why I am typing at the speed of light and not stopping for spelling errors.Soo here we go!

In Megaville(Future)

Blossom:Ummmm excuse me,Mr.Ummmm Older Dexter I've noticed something.

adult Dexter: What?

Blossom: Donagan and Dee are sixteen and fifteen, and te detto te married older Blossom after te fought Mandark, and that was only thirteen years ago.

Adult Dexter:Oh......Ummmm...

Blossom: That means Older me had them before te two got married!What happend?!

Adult Dexter: Ugh, I was hoping te would'nt notice. Well.... te see..... I married Blossom before I fought Mandark.

Blossom: But then what-

Adult Dexter: We got divorced, she detto I was making our marriage bad, and all I cared about was defeating Mandark. She did'nt realize though when we were divorced she was pregnant with Dee.

Blossom: So then what happend?

Adult Dexter: Well, I had to stay around for them, sooo I decided when this whole thing was over , I would get back together with her and finish everything I started.

Younger Dexter had come back from washing his face, his eyes were still a little red from crying earlier.Older Dexter just sorta tried to creep away when younger Dexter stopped him.

Dexter: Ummmmm I have a domanda to....where's Deka?

adult Dexter:Well....I was hoping this would'nt happen.Dexter, there's something te should know about Deka, something I should have told te as soon as te got here.

Dexter: What is it? what did older her marry Otto o something? Cause that I can handle.

Adult Dexter: Remeber how Deka looks alot like you, much different. No matter how hard te try te always end up recitazione like a father toward her, even though te think te Amore her.

Dexter: Ya....but how did te know that? I mean I know your me but really I don't-

adult Dexter: I'm sorry ok! it's a little hard to explain! especially to a ten anno old version of myself! AND ONE OF MY WIFE!

DoDe: YO guys we're leaving!

Dexter: But we did'nt even get help on the clue!

DoDe:Don't need to! found the successivo riddle, and our thing to stop Dexi!

Bubbles: What is it?

DoDe: Ummmm well, I would'nt say it's an it, so much as a he!

DoDe stepped out of the way, revealing Otto of the time squad.

Dexter: Otto? What are te doing here?!

Otto: well..... I knew Dexi a long time ago, and was one of people picked to help te guys!

Dexter: Wait!? there are others? Who?!

Otto: Dunno, unfortunatly.

Blossom: well who sent you? and what was the answer to that clue?

Otto: Well the answer was Him. te know, weird evil red guy with the claws for hands. As for who sent me......well, te won't believe me when I tell you.....

Meanwhile, back at Dexi's home in the past....

Princess:Wait, te did'nt finish the story! what happened???????

Dexi: No time..I'll tell te the rest another day. For now, is time.....

Mandark:Now? but we don't have the chemical X!We can't do it without....

Dexi: Actually, we won't need it...I have had the chemical all along, but I made it into something al little better.....

Princess: Wait....What do te guys need Chemical X for?

Dexi: well.....I'm making something that we'll probably outdate even the powerpuffs......That's why I needed te Princess, te see we wanted to promise te something te could never have......To be a powerpuff girl. As te know, both the rowdyruffs, and the Powerpffs rejected you. new girls shall need a leader... te see I am making my own little recreations of those, cute little brats!Mandark!Bring in......the vat!

Mandark stepped out of the room. He came back moments later,behind him in a wheel barrow a small pot, covered with a red cloth.

Dexi: Princess, I have mixed everything used to make the powerpuff girls, sugar, pice everything nice te know,all that dumb stuff. But I have added a little più to the concoction, using my genius brain I have sucessfully done this without the chance of side-effects.

Mandark: Should I get the-

Dexi: Shut up Mandark!we're talking business!

Mandark looked angrily at her, opened his mouth to speak, then just walked out of the room without saying a word.Things were better when they were enemies Mandark thought. I mean sure things were great since they had started dating, but Dexi never listened, she never cared, and the only time she has ever detto she loved him was when Dexter was cringing in fear at them, begging for mercy.Mandark began to wonder if Dexi liked Dexter. Liked the fact that he was the reason Mandy was dead, and...was jealous of Blossom. It would make sense, I mean, Dexi hated Dexter the moment they met.Could it have been truly her hiding a secret passion? Mandark could'nt tell.All Mandark knew was that Dexi was starting to go to far, even for Mandark's standards.

Mandark slipped quietly out of Dexi's home, and ran for it.You see my young friends, Mandark is'nt all he seems. He shall actually play an important role in Dexi's down fall.....wether even he knows it o not. Mandark stepped quietly through the town, where he was going.....unknown even to him. All he knew was he had to get out of that a cursed town, away from that....that, vile little red headed Demon in high-heeled boots. I mean, the girls only 10! why the heck would a girl only ten years old wear high heels?

Back inside of Dexi's house, princess and her chatted. Going on and on about how Dexi's plan worked.Finally after about three hours of endless rambling, Dexi called Mandark.

Dexi: MANDARK!darn it where is that boy?Mandark!

Princess: hmmmmmm maybe he left.

Dexi: he is'nt allowed to leave without my notification. If he had then a microchip I implanted secretly in his glasses would have gone off.

Princess: te mean like the one going off in the other room?


Dexi screamed like a wild banshee,you could almost hear it from another town. Mandark who of course was going through the underground tunnels, cringed in fear. Dexi was a tuff gal to outrun, especially when your life depends on it. Dexi would find him any secondo now, but of course would'nt kill him......Oh no that would be to easy!She woule first try to find out why he tried to leave using slow, very painful torture... Mandark knew Dexi almost to well.


Princess: well why not finish up with your experiment and send them after him?

Dexi: Send-THAT'S IT!I'll be right back.

Dexi grinned with a devilishly evil smile, giggling as she did so, and ran out of the room.Dexi came back moments later holding what looked like a bottle of Chemical X.

Princess: How did te get...

Dexi: oh no, I've had this for a very long time!but it is not just chemical X! Oh no this.....this is......CHEMICAL Z!

Dexi laughed maniacly, her laughter echoing off the walls.

Dexi: Now.....I need te to help me here Princess, it has to be added accidentaly to go perfectly. So when I try to pour it, I want te to bump my arm so I spill it into the vat!

Princess:well if te want it to really be accidental then just have me do......THIS!

Princess pushed Dexi hard, Dexi fell over, and the bottle went flying. The bottle fell straight in to the vat of bubbling liquid.....It began to glow a a purplish green color, then a redish black, and then a whitish blue.


Dexi jumped toward the ground her arms held over her head, shaking in fear. Princess did the same.The pot blew, spurting out the grotesque glop inside it. About three minuti later, Dexi stood up, making sure the coast was clear.

Dexi: what?! But I don't- There nothing! just big globs of that disgusting concoction!I don't understand what went wrong!

?????: What went wrong? if your looking for us then we're right here!

Dexi screamed if fear, turned around still shaking...there they were. Three little girls, one that looked happy gleefull and bubbly like buuble, though a magenta rosa dress.The one that had spoke, who seemed to be the smartest, a dark green, and one that looked to be a tuff, kick butt ask domande later kind of girl, who's dress was black with a purple stripe.

Dexi: well....who do we have here?

?????: well te made us.... your supposed to name us! But a better domanda is who are you?

Dexi: I am Dexterina: girl genius, and creator of te three girls, but please, call me Dexi.

?????: ok then, Dexi. But ummm we're not your only creations.


?????: Well.....You see, te also made them.

The Magenta one pointed over toward the shadowy part of the room, three boys stepped out.One wearing maroon, one that wore an even darker green then the smartest of the three girls, and the final one wearing black with a darker purple stripe.

Dexi: ummmmmm who are they?

??????: Our brothers! who ya think?

Dexi: ummmmm ok then, I guess then I'll just name the six of you.Ok you......seem to be a cute little gal, truth be told though when the boys probably they'll all blush.......That's it!You shall be Blush!

The magenta one giggled.She liked the new name.

Dexi: ok were very open with me,just like something Blooming.... I've got it! you'll be my little Bloom!

The dark green girl smiled confidently.She obviously thought the name suited.

Dexi: ok, now you......hmmmm...

The Black with the purple stripe looked enthusiacticly at her.

Dexi: You'll be......Basherup! look like te like to fight first ask domande later, if ever.

She looked with deviant smile, obviously Dexi had called that one correct.

Dexi: ok... now the boys....Hmmm...

Princess: I say te call the maroon one Barney.

Dexi: Why?

Princess he looks like a Barney.

Dexi:Ummmmmmm well......what do te think?

Barney: I like it!

Dexi: ok then, your Barney.......Next is you....well....uhhhhhhh..

Princess:I say te name him Blade.

Dexi: why? cause he looks lik a Blade?

Princess: Ya.....OF GRASS!

Dexi: well.....I dunno,whaddya think?

Blade: I like it as long as I don't get called erba boy!

Dexi: ok then, Blade it is......Princess te might as well name the last one too...

Princess:Hmmmmmmmm I say te name him Blotch.

Dexi: why?

Princess: I dunno, cause it starts with a B i guess....

Dexi: ok then......You'll be Blotch...

Blotch looked angrily at them, but did'nt say a word.

Dexi: ok then, Now! I have a special job for te six!you must go and find Mandark! he is-

Basherup: Dexi! we know all about everything!remember?!

Dexi: oh yeah, I made it so you'd know everything about the plans, mission, people, everything..

Blade: yup, just gotta ask, why again do te hate thid Dex guy?

Dexi: he is the partial reason for my late sisters death.

Barney: ya Blade, quit makin dexi have to keep thinking about that!

Blush: YA!

Blotch: Look can we get back to the point?what do te need us do Dexi?

Dexi: I need te to bring me Mandark, Alive, o dead. Truth be told it's your choice.

Basherup: which would te prefer?

Dexi: well,because of my anger I prefer Dead, but I seriously think alive would be best.

Blade: what about barely alive?

Dexi: Hmmmmmmm ya I guess that works to.Now GO!

Bloom: alright then, let's go gals!

Blade: ya! let's book it boys!

Dexi: Awwwwww.....they are going to be the cutest little rulers of the world someday!

Princess: ciao kids, wait up! I'm your leader!

Princess took off after the girls, leaving Dexi da herself.Dexi looked around her lab, thinking about everything she was doing.

Things with our heros were not getting any better.Since they had been back in the past they learned two things. That Buttercup was alive, and that Mandark was thinking of turning against Dexi.The group gasped as Otto told his thrilling tale, from meeting the rebellion, to turning into a spy. Finally once Otto finished, crowd looked shocked in aww and horror. No one spoke untill Dexter cried out.

Dexter: Why did'nt te tell us that before!

Otto: well when I tried to tell you, Deka had disappeared! I had to find her first, she was important to the rebellion.We call ourselves....Dexi's downfall.

Dexter: so that's why in the clue kept mentioning Dexi's downfall!it was'nt meaning it would help us defeat her! It would help the group made to defeat her!

Otto: yup. da the way I should mention te guys are part and parcel to the group to.

Bubbles: so Buttercup's alive? But, where is she?

Otto: Well, she's kinda being a spy back in Ultratown. That's why we know Mandark is trying to get out of Dexi's plans.

Dexter: but why? Why would Mandark want to be the good guys for once? why would he want to save me?

Mandark: Because I know te did'nt do it.That, and I have to save Dexi from herself.

The group gauked as Mandark stepped from the shadows. Dexter looked the most astonished of all.

Dexter: But, But- Why? I mean, te would do anything to get me gone!and Dexi is probably the only girl that has ever found te slightly attractive!

Mandark: actually, there was Bell, but now is'nt the time for explanations.My reasons stand, though I shall mention, te have traitors in your mist.

DoDe: Ya.....sure Mandork!

The rowdyruff boys suddenly looked a little upset and worried, except Boomer, he looked a little mad at his brothers.

Boomer: tell them.

Brick: No!

Butch: NEVER!

Boomer: Fine! Then I will!Brick and Butch are the traitors!

Dexter: wow.....why am not suprised da this?

Otto: why'd ya do guys!? te were two of best agents?

Brick: well.....Dexi Uhhhhh...

Dexter: Oh my gosh!YOU LIKE DEXI!

Brick: DO NOT!

Bubbles: DO TO! Brick and Dexi sitting in a albero K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

Brick: SHUT UP! I DO NOT LIKE HER!OK.... I...I...I Amore HER OK! THERE I detto IT! SO SHUT UP!

Dexter and Bubbles burst out laughing, Mandark just stood there angrily. Blossom and Otto just looked kinda shocked.

Blossom: ummmmm..well then why did Butch unisciti in?

Butch: well uhhhhhhhh....

Dexter: oh great! te to? does'nt this mean Buttercup liked me?

Otto: Nope not anymore, there's actually another smart guy that's caught her eye, evil villan o not.

Otto shook his head over toward Mandark. Dexter looked nervously. Buttercup had been betrayed da Mandark....was it possible she still loved him though?

Mandark: I say we dump the jerks and get going. Dexi's got her new little preferiti on my tail.

Dexter: te mean she made them?But how?

Mandark: turns out she had a bottle of the X, she modified it though. and made a new chemical. Chemical Z. those little puffs are più powerfull then any puff you've every even seen combined, including the rowdyruffs and powerpuffs.

Dexter: wow.

Mandark: wow is a insult for them.

Bubbles: but what do we do?

Boomer: well I don't know, but I did'nt betray te guys, so i'm sticken with ya.

DoDe: Ok then.... maybe we should get the successivo riddle, then think up a plan.

Dexter: Wow te know te are like ten times smarter then my sister DoDe? Well, I should say late sister.But yes te are correct we should figure out the successivo riddle.

"Oh yeah....well to bad boys"

A figure leapt into the shadows,The darkeness creeping over her with a dark hatred.

" as much as I would Amore letting te kiddies go....I've got a job to do."

Mandark: You.....Oh wait till he hars about this little woman!

" Oh no, see as soon as your gone, he won't exist, I won't exist,so i'll never have to get into trouble"

The figure cackled, though not normal.Her cackling was put into a two syllable pattern, much that of.....Mandark.

Dexter: who are you?

"I'm a blast from the past....or should I say, future!"

Mandark: Darkercup please!

Everyone else:Darkercup????

The figure stepped out into the light. She was about 13 years old, she wore blue tinted sunglasses over her face, and white tanktop. She looked alot like Buttercup, but older of course.Yet she seemingly had a....Mandarkish quality. The laugh, her devilish smirk, the ability to look like a complete dork even when she was supposedly looking cool.

Otto: leave Darkercup!I told you, Your father did'nt leave te mother on purpose!He went crazy! he snapped after she had you! please! don't kill him! it'll wreck the whole spazio time continum!

Darkercup: do I look like I care te little shrimp!Because of him, when my mother died I was an Orphan!Because of him I got sent to solitary confinement for almost going insane! He was never there for me! even when I begged him for help!

Mandark: now Darkercup, killing me is'nt gonna do te any good!You should know that!

Dexter:wait! she's here to kill you!? But that means she's your daughter!

Mandark shook his head slowly,up and down. Dexter had a hunch that Darkercup was one of his reasons for joining the rebellion, but what could it have been?Dexter stared at Darkercup, then realized something. She DIDlook almost exactly like Buttercup. Dexter shook off the idea of Darkercup being Mandark and Buttercup's daughter,especialy since the future was'nt written in stone.

"hold it right there Darkercup!"

Darker: Ugh! te again!

"That's right! and I detto te were never allowed in the past again! te are not allowed to mess with the fate of my dad and his friends!especially uncle Mandark!"

Mandark: wait a sec! Uncle? who the heck are-

Dexter: that my friend is one of my son's from the future, Donagan, nice kid Amore him to death.

Donagan: leave Darkercup! o I'll get not only my dad, but the entire time council on your tail!

Darkercup: fine! i'll leave! but don't get to cocky tomphson! i'll be back! and i'll get my revenge! and kill your dad while i'm at it!

Donagan: oh why don't te just shrivel up and mold te little hag!

Darkercup leapt through the time portal, and disappeared without a trace, everyone thanked Donagan greatly, and watched him leave as well.

Donagan: da the way Dad, if te see Darkercup again, just hit the button your wrench!

Dexter: what button on my-

Donagan slipped through the portal to fast for an explanation. Dexter got out the handy little tool he always had on hand. it did'nt have a button anywhere.No hatch, no button, nothing that looked like te could press it. Just a plain steel wrench.

Otto: we better get moving! I HEAR FLYING COMING FROM THE SOUTH!

The group ran as fast as ciao could back to base, aka the utonium house, and chatted about what they had seen. The Proffesor had come back to the past about 5 minuti after being in the future. He was in the kitchen, making dinner.

Proffesor: Kids your ba-AHHHH!

The Proffesor jumped with fright at the sight of Mandark.

Dexter: proffesor it's ok unfortunatly! He's joined the rebelion!

Bubbles: ya! Mandark's not so bad after all!he can be really nice when he's not out to kill us!

Mandark: why thank te Bubbles, that is very kind, but I must say I have to leave soon.

Blossom: but Mandark we need your help!

Mandark: yes but Dexi has a tracker on me! she'll know exactly where we are if I stay here!

Dexter: Mandark may have your glasses for a moment.

Mandark:Ummmmmm.... sure ok but I don't see what use they'll be.

Dexter: i've got a hunch.

Dexter took out a srewdriver, looked at the glasses for a moment,then after about five minuti had found, and removed a microchip that was hidden in one of the handles.He screwed back in the panel, handed the glasses back to Mandark, and crushed the microchip in his fist.

Mandark: how did I miss that?0-o

Dexter: no idea, but at least this means we're sicuro, cassetta di sicurezza for now.

Mandark: da the way Dexter.....Why are te letting me stay? I mean, after everything! Trying to destroy you, crush your spirits, lie to you,-

Dexter: because, I have realized that taking revenge does'nt solve anything, and that te may have finally learned your lesson.

Mandark: What's that?

Dexter: that te are not evil, te are just,just normal. Ya a little crazy, but nowadays who is'nt?I am willing to take one last chance on te Mandark.Because I realized the first giorno we met, te acted smarter then me, it hurt my feelings. Dexi, I now realize, I did to her, what te did to me. I tried to overshadow her, though I had no idea I was. Sometimes the people we hate are the people who in the end can become our greatest allies. I hope possibly Mandark once this is over we may even be able to hold say......a truce.

Mandark: ummmmm......ok,but how'd I learn my lesson?

Dexter: Easy.....because of-


Bubbles led them out to the front living room. the rest of the group were gathered around the sofa.

Dexter: let me through!

Boomer: Dexter! It's-


Dexter pushed through the small crowd, and there lay Buttercup, barely alive, her arm being bound da the proffesor.


Buttercup: would someone please slap him for me!

Otto: gladly, but no time, what happened?

Buttercup: She knows, she knows everything, she is traveling to the abandoned mines now, have to get,rebbelion team before she does.

Dexter: calm down, who did this buttercup?

Buttercup: Olga, betrayed us, joined Dexi, Dib betrayed us, joined Dexi, Brick and Butch-

Bubbles: we know just tell us who did this!


Buttercup passed out, Dexter looked at her crazily,then began to sob.

Dexter: it's not true......please tell me it's not true....

Blossom: but why? Deka loves Dexter! why would she do something like this!?

Otto: easy, cause of Dexi.

Boomer: But Deka hates Dexi!

Otto: actually, see.......Deka......IS DEXI!


Blossom: wait, but that's impossible!

Otto: well te see Deka and Dexi are two different people, they are the same person, they are two halves of another person. Dexi was her demon, and Deka her Angel. Deka's real name is actually Dexa. Deka after running away from Dexter met up with a boy named Dexo. He detto he would help her. Stupidly she agreed. and Dexo turned her into 2 people. Dexi, her evil and Deka her angel.Dexa, is Sarah bellum and Proffesor Utonium's real daughter.

Bubbles; So what do we do?

Otto: i dunno, but I think we need to do what Buttercup said. We gotta get to the reat of the teamamtes......before they get sucked in da Dexi, and before Dexi has a whole army behind her. But the only way she can do that is with Deka. And, she has turn back into Dexa, otherwise she won't be at full power. That means we also have to find Dexo......before it's too late.

End of Chapter 5....
added by dex3fan475966
added by dex3fan475966
added by suzyisbrute
Source: me(and kinda dex3fan for making Dexi and Manwell)
added by suzyisbrute
Source: me
added by dex3fan475966
added by dex3fan475966
added by dex3fan475966
added by dex3fan475966
added by dex3fan475966
added by suzyisbrute
Source: me
added by suzyisbrute
Source: I drew this yay!
 IDK why I put this pic it's just really funny!
IDK why I put this pic it's just really funny!
Where we last left off......

Inside of Dexi's lab, Dexi was worried. She never had actually worried about losing someone before. She was also angered, she had her army's ready, she had Deka, and She had everything she needed.... but was this really worth it? Dexi pondered for a moment......UGH! she could'nt get Dexter out of her head! She was always so obsessed over getting rid of him......or was it something else? Dexi sobbed, into her arms. Something was wrong. Deka's presence was changing her. She did'nt know why she needed this Deka gal, she just did. In her mind it was crucial to her plans,...
continue reading...
Crystal Blue eyes Chapter 5: the date

That same night.....

"I need your help Blossom!"Bubbles cried rushing through the door and hugging her rosa eyed sister.
"Bubbles what happened?" Blossom said, letting go of Bubbles and helping her wipe the tears.Bubbles sat down on the divano and could'nt say a word, her sobs muffled da one of the divano throw pillows. Finally, she pulled her head up slowly, let out a saddened sigh and detto in a low tone. " I need your help, but I can't tell te the truth."

"Bubbles, te have to tell me! I can't keep handling te like this! If te wnat my help I have to know...
continue reading...
added by dex3fan475966
posted by dex3fan475966
I'm making part three again cause........i'm bored. so here goes!

Crystal blue eyes part3: poesia doth not describe her

The successivo morning......

she sat upon her bed..thinking of him....his curly blond hair looking ragged. His crystal blue eyes, shattered. The sadness she saw yesterday was too much. What did she do? nothing! all she did was go away....just like he detto to... she was feeling terrible because of it.

"I can't believe I did that to him......he did'nt leave me alone when I was crying.....but why do I care so much?!" she detto quietly to herself. She could'nt get him out of her head......
continue reading...