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posted by GabsSaw
Liverworts grew on mats of blue-green algae, which trapped nitrogen from the air. They used this nitrogen to grow.

Spriggina has a curved, shieldlike end to one part of its body. Some paleontologists think this was its head, while others think it was an anchor that secured it to the seabed.

Hemicyclaspis had eyes on superiore, in alto of its head. This suggests it lived on the seabed and used its eyes to keep a look out for predators above.

Another difference between jawed and jawless pesce was that jawed pesce had a pair of nostrils, while jawless pesce had just one.

Prehistoric sharks' jaws were fixed to the side of their skull, while modern giorno sharks' jaws hang beneath their braincase, which gives them a più powerful bite.

Suitable fins were not the only feature that meant lobe-finned pesce could evolve into land-dwelling animals. They also had lungs for breathing air!

Acanthostega had fishlike gills for breathing water as well as lungs for breathing air.

Andrias scheuchzerii was a salamandra from the miocene epoch. It was named for the Swiss scientist Johannes Scheuchzer, who discovered it in 1726.

Plants developed tough stems and leaves, spines and poisons to protect themselves from hungry reptiles.

Modern crocodiles are living fossils. They look similar to the crocodiles that were alive 100 mya.

Turtles and tortoises evolved a toothless beak for slicing flesh o plants.

Snakes are one of the few groups of reptiles that had their main evolutionary development after the dinosaurs.

Nothosaurs had nostrils on superiore, in alto of its snout, which suggests that it came to the water's surface to breathe, like crocodiles.

One large pliosaur was Rhomaleosaurus, another was Liopleurodon. Both could grow up to 50 feet long.

The first Ichthyosaurus fossil was found in 1811 da the English fossil hunter Mary Anning. It took 7 years before scientists identified the skeleton as that of a reptile.

Fossil hunters have found Rhamforhynchus fossils alongside those of the early bird Archaeopteryx in Solnofen, Germany.
added by MK33
added by MK33
added by MK33
added by MK33
added by TricaLee
added by MKlovesBoog
added by TricaLee
added by MK33
added by matt1981
added by MK33
added by godzillaman999
added by valleyer
Weirdest dinosauri 2/5
added by sirnarnian
Just a little history on Dinosaurs. te can believe it o not, but it's worth looking into.
added by valleyer
Weirdest dinosauri 5/5
added by valleyer
Weirdest dinosauri 1/5
added by valleyer
added by godzillaman999
posted by GabsSaw
Stegosaurus was the largest of the stegosaur group. Its fossils were found mainly in present-day Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming.

Like most of its group, Stegosaurus lived toward the end of the Jurassic period, about 150 mya.

Stegosaurus was about 25-30 feet long from nose to tail and probably weighed più than 2 tons.

Its most striking feature was the row of large, roughly triangular bony plates along its back.

The name Stegosaurus means "roof reptile". This is because it was first thought that its bony plates lay flat on its back, overlapping like the tiles on a roof.

It is now thought that the back...
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posted by GabsSaw
A small, wormlike creature called Pikaia is thought to be the ancestor of all backboned animals.

Its fossil remains were found in the 530- million-year-old mudstone deposits of the Burgess Shale in Canada.

Pikaia was the first known chordate. All backboned animali belong to this group as well as marine animali called tunicates and acraniates.

Pikaia was 2 inches long, with a notochord running around its body-- a kind of primitive spine that gave its body flexibility.

The notochord also allowed the animal's simple muscles to work against it, and the animal's body organs to hang from it.

Pikaia is...
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