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This part of my ranking is a lot più positive than the precedente half. I absolutely adore every character in my superiore, in alto ten, so I tend to gladly accept and Amore every aspect of their characters, flaws and all.

10. Snow White

I used to find Snow White fairly annoying for a long time, but now, every time I watch her movie, I can't help but Amore her even more. Snow is easily one of the most unique and endearing Disney characters ever made. She's genuinely sweet, polite, motherly, caring and able to keep a positive attitude despite what she's been through. I truly admire Snow's resilience and emotional strength, as well as her leadership skills and assertion. While I tend to not like bossy people in real life, I find Snow's overbearing, take-charge attitude to be quite charming. I do think she's smarter than people give her credit for, and while I cannot relate to Snow despite sharing her unrealistically optimistic view of the world, I think that she is a very realistic character, if a little quirky. Considering the fact that, these days at least, Snow seems to be consistently climbing my preferiti list, it is likely that someday she'll be at the top.

9. Jasmine

What I Amore about gelsomino is that her aggressive, abrasive personality gives a lot of young girls out there (who aren't seen as sweet and innocent and pure as heroines are usually portrayed) somebody to relate to without them feeling as if they are bad people. I like that she is unapologetically angry and aggressive and that she is shown to be a good person at the same time. I do imagine that most people have a hot-or-cold reaction to Jasmine's brutally honest attitude. I think it's unique that gelsomino is genuine to a fault, lacking the politeness and tact that a lot of the other princesses have, especially since it reminds the less tactful, too honest kids of the world that they are not beneath people who sugarcoat o even lie to spare people's feelings. Personally, I've never been able to relate to Jasmine's bluntness, but I've known people who can, and those people are constantly reminded that they're inferior to people who are nicer, even if the nice ones' kindness isn't genuine, so I Amore that Jasmine's lack of tact isn't necessarily a bad thing (it is meant to contrast Aladdin's dishonesty after all). But while gelsomino is portrayed as più aggressive than nearly all of the other princesses, except maybe Merida, and can therefore be seen as less "nice," she is still brave, intelligent, headstrong and adventurous. She's generous and compassionate, but she doesn't consider how others may feel before she talks o sets Rajah on them, and being so full of personality, good and bad qualities alike, she is easily one of the most realistic characters on this list, and that may be why I Amore her so much.

8. Merida

I think Merida is a wonderful role model. Even in my younger years I knew that I'd never be as great as characters like Belle. I would never be "the most beautiful girl in town" nor would I do one great thing following another. I also knew that I'd never be like Ariel, and that whenever I landed myself in hot water, it wasn't guaranteed that I'd get out unscathed. I knew that in life, I was going to screw up sometimes, do selfish things and make thoughtless decisions which may end up hurting others, o myself for that matter. I just wanted to be assured that when I do screw up, that I'd learn my lesson. This is why I Amore Merida so much. I think I've made it clear that I tend to Amore realistic characters, and Merida is somehow one of the most realistic and relatable yet one of the least generic princesses in the Disney Princess lineup. I think she is a wonderful role model to anybody who accepts that they have flaws and the fact that sometimes in life, things would go wrong and it could be your fault. Merida's independent, tomboyish, confident personality is a refreshing one to watch, and while she may behave like a brat and is terribly foolish, selfish and reckless at times, Merida accepts and embraces who she is despite not living up to the image of a proper princess, and best of all, she accepts that she's made mistakes and works hard to try to fix them.

7. Anna

At first, I thought that Anna was rather bland, unoriginal and generic, and after watching Frozen many più times, I've found Anna to be a lot più unique than I'd initially dato her credit for. I used to think that her only flaw was her awkwardness, but I was very wrong about her. One thing I noticed about Anna is that she's a lot più impulsive than the other princesses are. Ariel and Merida are often called impulsive, but they both seem to be rather aware of what they're doing and are much più deliberate in their actions than Anna is. With her impulsivity, resistance towards taking consigli from others and tendency to act before thinking, Anna is probably the biggest screw-up in her movie. At the beginning, she doesn't listen Elsa telling her to slow down which ultimately causes all of the problems in the movie. Again, she doesn't listen to Elsa at the coronation and yells at her out of hurt causing her sister to run away, and she doesn't listen to Kristoff when he tells her to be quiet, causing hem to get attacked da wolves. But despite her sheer recklessness and tendency to embarrass herself at least once in every scene, Anna is still so incredibly selfless. She is probably the most selfless of all the Disney Princesses, and I don't remember her doing a thing for herself if she knew that it was going to hurt other people. She even wanders out into the cold, dark woods on her own in order to get her sister back. Overall, Anna's a lot più flawed than I initially thought. She messes up time and time again, but she's still realistic and a very admirable character.

6. Li Shang

Personally, I feel that out of all of the Disney Princes, Shang really sets himself apart from the others the most. In a world of adventurous, confident and fun-loving nice guys, it is refreshing to see a più serious and stern character- and one who doesn't go through a big personality makeover. Shang's visualizzazioni seem to be very influenced da the society he grew up in. He doesn't seem to be entirely misogynistic, and I don't think that when he refused to trust Mulan's warning about the Huns that it was because she was a girl. It was most likely because she'd lied about her identity throughout the movie and was then deemed guilty of treason. He does seem to accept that he was wrong, going along with Mulan's plans in the end. Shang's personality, overall, seems to be built from più neutral qualities, which I think is great in a character. He is neither wonderful nor awful, which I really like about Mulan's portrayal of him. I Amore his no-nonsense, emotionally aloof attitude, and I admire how he's trying to honor his father, but what I Amore the most about Shang is his awkward, shy side. "You fight good" was simply adorkable and it was entertaining to see the strong, serious tough guy turn into a stuttering mess in the end.

5. Naveen

Indeed, kicking off my superiore, in alto 5 is none other than this lazy, spoiled, no-good, careless, naïve, indulgent, silly, childish philanderer. While I Amore flawed characters and absolutely Amore how flawed Naveen is, I am going to focus mainly on his virtues in this commentary.
Naveen's character development is not rushed. te don't even have to squint to see that despite all of his flaws, Naveen is a good guy from the beginning. When we first meet him, he immediately sheds his royal, princely attire and begins to play the ukele and dance in the strada, via with commoners, and he is genuinely having the time of his life. Naveen had just been financially cut off da his parents, but he is not sitting around moping about it, and despite being royalty, he is not above dancing around the strada, via with randoms. He also tries to get Lawrence involved in the fun. Later on in the movie, he gets captured da frog hunters and escapes, but when he sees that Tiana had been captured, he immediately rushes to her rescue. Previously, Tiana had almost allowed Naveen to be eaten da alligators if he didn't agree to give her the money she needed. Despite that, and despite the fact that he didn't even really like Tiana at that point, Naveen still risked getting recaptured in order to save her, and he turned the task into something fun and entertaining while doing so. If te are one if those people who consider that selfish and useless, then there's probably no pleasing you. In addition to the flaws listed above, Naveen is also resourceful, well-educated, quick-witted, delightfully and surprisingly awkward when it comes to genuine romance, and harboring insecurity. He has a larger-than-life personality and is bucket loads of fun to watch.
What I Amore most above Naveen, though, is that he simply wants to live life to the fullest and that he has fun wherever he goes.

4. Pocahontas

While some consider her to be rather boring, I personally find Pocahontas to be one of the most exciting characters to watch.
I feel that there is a lot of depth to her character and she is, in my view of her, slightly più flawed than virtuous. While she is brave, outspoken about her beliefs, she accepts blame, and is curious, adventurous and wise beyond her years, Pocahontas is packed with flaws. She's indecisive, reckless, she doesn't often think before she acts, she lacks some common sense and spends her days wandering around aimlessly, she's pessimistic, she lets her emotions get the best of her, she ponders and dwells on the negatives, she sneaks around and stalks a man, and she mostly sits around moping about how much her life sucks, before using a sign to make the decision to spring into action in the end.
I Amore the contradicting aspects of her personality- it makes her even più original and realistic. Pocahontas isn't often dato credit for how realistic and relatable she is. She is an intriguing character, and for me, she represents how somebody so flawed can do something great.
Watching Pocahontas is like watching a movie about a real person, rather than a movie about characters i.e. a representation of a real person. Unfortunately, she appears to be very underrated, but I see her as one of the most wonderful Disney characters of all time.

3. Cinderella

Oh, Cinderella. What I would give to be as wonderful as te are.
Cenerentola is all things good with a refreshing added dose of realism. The fact that she's so sweet and charming despite being treated so unfairly is absolutely incredible. Of course, she rarely chooses to fight her oppressors, and I'm not going to defend her for that, but she is a very realistic character and has been one of my preferito characters for as long I can remember.
Personally, I see Cenerentola as a truly great role model. She's not perfect- she never fights her step-family which she is usually criticized for, although I find that point to be very debatable.
I absolutely Amore how realistically Cenerentola is portrayed, how she complains about her chores and quietly mocks her family. Anybody who says that Cenerentola is too perfect had probably not taken the bitter, resentful side of her into account, and her resentment and pent up anger was certainly very evident. I Amore that the movie wasn't afraid of mostrare this side of Cinderella, as if makes her più flawed and therefore più realistic. In fact, I do think that Cenerentola is one of the most realistic and complex Disney Princesses. Her personality and mindset is not extremely easy to understand, and it's a wonder how stoic and positive Cenerentola had remained through all of those years of abuse.
Cenerentola was the first Disney Princess I truly fell in Amore with, and I will always look up to her as the ultimate role model.
I think that her willingness to serve a spoiled, abusive family is demonstrates a degree of selflessness, and I can easily forgive her complaining and sarcastic remarks, as many of us would naturally do the same thing in her situation. I especially like that she usually doesn't make these remarks to her family's faces, as- and I know you're all getting tired of me saying this- it makes her a più realistic character.
Cenerentola is one of the strongest characters on this list, if not the psychologically strongest on this list, and I strongly admire her ability to remain optimistic despite all she's been through.

2. Aladdin

Indeed, this strada, via ratto has Streghe#The power of three o lied o manipulated his way to secondo place. Whatever it was that he did, it worked for me.
First of all, I'd like to begin da saying that there is so much più to Aladdin than being a liar and a thief (which is exactly what Aladdin himself had wanted others to see), and I've seen a lot of people- mostly outside of this site- who judge Aladdin on only those two aspects of his character.
What is unique about Aladdin, both the movie and the character, is that we finally get to watch a guy live out a story that usually is lived da girls. In 80's teen romance Film in particular, there is always an insecure girl who feels that she has to change who she is in order to become worthy of the boy she likes, while in Aladdin, it is the boy who has to prove that he is worthy of the girl. It is not only refreshing to see this twist, but Aladdin also shows that men can become very deeply insecure as well. And hey, wouldn't anyone be that insecure if they didn't have nipples?
Joking aside, this brings me to my successivo point. Aladdin's insecurities are portrayed very realistically. He is told that he is worthless ("You are nothing but a worthless strada, via rat.."), doesn't want to believe it ("I'm not worthless!") but ultimately lets what others think of him affect him ("The only reason why anyone thinks I'm worth anything is because of you!"). His biggest flaw is that he cares a lot about what others think of him, and that he ultimately measures his self-worth according to how others feel about him rather than according to how he feels about himself. A lot of people ignore this flaw, despite how fatal it is, and Aladdin's biggest flaw then becomes his dishonesty, which I hate. Aladdin's constant lying can easily be defended, which is why I don't like that some people consider it his biggest flaw, because he is far più flawed than simply lying out of insecurity. He tricks people, is pretty whiny, shows no interest in actually trying to get a job, takes the easy way out (by stealing to survive as opposed to getting a job, da wishing to be a prince, da lying to gelsomino on più than one occasion, da choosing not to free the genie) and he behaves like a total diva, becoming snappy towards his friends. When people choose to ignore these flaws and focus on his dishonesty, which can easily be defended, I feel that I am being robbed of the reasons I have to Amore Aladdin.
Overall, I Amore him for all of his flaws and emotional depth. He's also a lot less Ribelle - The Brave than he's often dato credit for, but I'm not going to go into an in-depth psychological analysis of Aladdin right now (but, boy, is he fun to analyze!).
Similar to Cinderella, Aladdin is able to remain positive despite his less than ideal living conditions. Also, his resourcefulness, cunningness, psychological manipulation, constant tricking of others and the fact that he's opportunistic and goes for what he wants, makes him a Slytherin. I like Slytherins.

1. Tiana

After all of that gushing over Aladdin's flaws and Cinderella's realistic personality, te all much be wondering why I Amore Tiana so much. I should probably start da saying that I am probably very biased when it comes to Tiana and her movie, as Disney had pretty much granted all of my wishes in making The Princess and the Frog. Yup, this is about to get a little personal.

As a child, I was very ambitious. Despite being extremely shy, I wanted to become an actress. I've been familiar with theater lingo for longer than I've really understood English, all because of my thespian parents. I'd even taken many dancing and Canto and costume-making classes in order to become più well-rounded. I can even make myself cry (and I used to do it all the time as a child, in order to get out of gym class).
While I've always loved Disney, but for a long time, I thought that Disney didn't Amore people like me. Their characters were always like little whimsical clouds of cotton candy, who had a vague goal of experiencing more than what they'd always known, and while I was a little flighty and a dreamer as well, my goals were very specific. I wished that, like all of the other little girls my age, I could actually look at a character and think something along the lines of "Hey, she's like me and she's a Disney Princess! I knew it was good to be like me!" I never had that growing up. I chose to see myself in Belle and Cenerentola when, really, none of the Disney Princesses shared any of my values o defining traits. Eventually, my wish was granted, even if I was already well into my teenage years.

When Tiana came along, I immediately fell in Amore with her character. She wasn't nearly as much like me as I'd initially hoped, but her pragmatism was something new, original and fresh in a Disney character, which I adored due to me finding the whole dreamy, idealistic "I want more" mould to be rather monotonous da that point. Unlike the princesses before her, Tiana actually created opportunities for herself. te can argue that Ariel went after what she wanted but she didn't actually go looking for ways to become human; her opportunities came looking for her. While I don't see passively waiting for life to happen to te as being a bad thing, I think that creating your own future is a truly great thing to try to do.

(You don't have to read the rest of this if te don't want to; I'd ended up Scrivere a novel on Tiana's personality in trying to mostra that there's più to Tiana than her diligence. Sorry about that.)

While some of my Amore for Tiana may stem from my hopes for a completely ambitious princess when I was younger, I really do Amore Tiana for who she is, flaws and all. There is a lot più to Tiana's character than her being an ambitious hard worker. She is a lot più optimistic than she's often dato credit for, being an African-American woman trying to start her own business in the 1920s, and she's a lot più open-minded than she's dato credit for. Tiana doesn't believe that wishing on stars will make her dreams come true and she freaks out the first time Naveen and Stella talk to her, but she's willing to give wishing upon a stella, star and voodoo a chance if it means she's got a chance at fulfilling her dreams. This brings me to my successivo point. Despite placing so much value on hard work, Tiana is still willing to take the easy way out in order to get what she wants, like Aladdin, such as when she kisses Naveen in order to receive enough money to buy the sugar mill o when she refused to help Naveen until he promised to donate money to her (in that scene, I do think that she was being rude, but at the same time I do think that she would of helped him eventually, even if he didn't agree, which she knew he would). She is also very intelligent, though not as intelligent as a lot of other princesses in my opinion, such as the Classics, Mulan, gelsomino and Rapunzel. While Tiana is often criticized for all of the dumb things she does, such as trusting a talking frog, an alligator, a firefly and a crazy old witch doctor (which, while I agree is stupid, is still understandable due to her desperation at that point, as well as the fact that one minuto her life was completely normal, and the successivo she was a talking frog, meaning that what she'd initially believed was impossible was indeed possible), she isn't often dato credit for her smarts (although when she is, people usually just point out that she's smart without giving examples). For one, she is logical enough to domanda how whishing upon the evening stella, star can grant your wishes, she is resourceful and able to build a zattera despite not mostrare any signs of possessing survival skills prior to that, she is extremely food-smart, is able to put two and two together in realizing that Facilier was very protective of the talisman and then deciding to break it in order to defeat him (she did mean to break it, but she obviously didn't know that he'd die), and I loved seeing her read a newspaper in the beginning. Perhaps I'm overthinking this, but I thought that this was indicative of the fact that she was even slightly interested in knowing what was going on in the world she lived. She also seems to have some economic knowledge, but she doesn't seem to have any idea as to how to interpret the actions of other people o as to how to deal with them and their emotions. So basically, she's clever and practical, but she has no people smarts whatsoever.

I loved how in Tiana's Almost There fantasy, she saw herself as being più gregarious and glamorous than she was in real life, which I feel a lot of daydreamers may strongly relate to. One of my preferiti scenes of Tiana is the scene where Naveen asks her to dance, and she sadly states that she's never danced before. I kind of got the sense that she was insecure about getting out of her comfort zone and that she wasn't just sassy and confident all the time, which is extremely realistic. I may have over-interpreted that scene, but one major character flaw that I know Tiana possesses for a fact is her self-righteousness. Tiana is portrayed as being morally superior to Naveen, and even Lottie, in her movie, but unlike Belle and Rapunzel, Tiana doesn't gently guide Naveen into the light. Her self-righteousness is portrayed rather negatively, with Tiana being aggressive and condescending towards the people who don't share her beliefs ("When I'm a human being, at least I'll act like one!), which is a flaw I absolutely Amore about her. She was almost too good to be true.

There are plenty of other aspects of Tiana's personality that I could ramble on about, but I'll save te the trouble of Leggere più of my gushing over her, and say that Tiana might just be the ideal character, in my opinion. She has a very specific personality, possesses many virtues and is very admirable, but at the same time, she is flawed, makes mistakes has lessons to learn, and undergoes a little character development but not so much to become a different and/or perfect person. No matter how people rag on her, I will always Amore Tiana for all that she is, even if she doesn't stay at the superiore, in alto of my lista forever.

Thank te for Leggere my combined ranking, and I'm sorry if I came across as pushy o aggressive, o as if I was trying to persuade te into loving these characters the way I do (I adore every character in my superiore, in alto 13, really). This really was me just stating my opinion, with some added analyses in order to express why I feel the way I do o to make certain points (such as Aladdin being più than a liar). I'd actually typed so much that I cut some parts out, such as a rant I had about the difference between wanting "a man" o wanting "love." I apologize profusely for what a long read this must be, but I sincerely hope te enjoyed it even if te don't agree with my opinions.

Have a nice day!
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