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posted by princesslullaby
First let me apologize for the pictures. My life is marmellata packed right now and I wanted to get this articolo published seeing as that we are already past gelsomino month. So I used tiffany88's moodboards instead.

Well, it's that time again, now that gelsomino mese has ended to give te my lista of who I think Jasmine's preferito princesses would be. Sorry that it's a little late. As always, I don't profess to be an expert on this. Also, I eventually just ended up posting this because I couldn't really come to a conclusion.

10. Cinderella

Yeah...I think we all saw this one coming. Though it's predictable, it's not without merit. gelsomino and Cenerentola are possibly the two most dissimilar princesses. While Cenerentola handles most issues with tact and foresight, gelsomino is immediately temperamentally responsive and impulsive. I think Cinderella's situation would totally frustrate gelsomino as well as Cinderella's propensity to trust blindly in faith and dreams; gelsomino doesn't believe in any of that and takes matters into her own hands. Also, Jasmine's tenacity in speaking her own mind would clash terribly with Cinderella's "keep your head down and just keep believing" mentality. I could see gelsomino yelling at her screen, imploring Cenerentola to speak up for herself and tell the stepsisters off.

9. Aurora

Like Cinderella, Aurora also blindly goes where she is directed and we never see gelsomino have any sense of duty towards being a princess, and I think she would be very frustrated with Aurora accompanying the fate to the castello after she discovers she is a princess; gelsomino would surely run away to prevent being condemned to that life. I think she may find Aurora a least a bit clever, we don't see Aurora's sass o outspokenness at all, so I don't see any reason gelsomino would have any fondness for her.

8. Snow White

I think that gelsomino might be really bothered da the stereotypes that Snow White perpetuates, but I think she would at least care più for Snow White's mouth and snark and how Snow White managed to care for herself out on her own, because that's something gelsomino wanted to do.

7. Rapunzel

The strong parallel here is being cooped up and never leaving one location; Rapunzel has never left the tower, and gelsomino has never been outside the palace walls. I think the disconnect begins with Rapunzel's insecure, optimistic, and endlessly adorable attitude. gelsomino is not easily approached o impressed and while she can definitely be naïve, she doesn't allow the wool to be pulled over her eyes as often as Rapunzel does. I think Rapunzel also doesn't have the level of independence that gelsomino seeks.

6. Belle

gelsomino would be very fond of Belle's persistent rejection of Gaston, her refusal to back down from the Beast's outrageous demands, and how Belle longs for adventure, but they don't really have a lot in common. gelsomino would probably never change places with her father and if she did I think she would hold a lot of contempt for the Beast. I highly doubt gelsomino would ever be Friends with the Beast, let alone fall for him, even if he started treating her with kindness. Frankly I don't think that would happen because I think the conversation between gelsomino and Beast would be MUCH più explosive and I think gelsomino would have tried to escape and she certainly wouldn't try to heal his wounds (though I don't think she would leave him to die in the snow). I don't think she would understand how Belle would ever Amore her captor, even if he did change for the better, although I don't think she would necessarily blame Belle for it. I think she also may be part of the pack that gets irritated that Belle laments about her situation but doesn't do anything about it, considering that gelsomino was forcibly cooped up da the law and the physical constraints of the palace, and Belle never had those kind of constrictions. I think gelsomino would definitely like Belle, but not as much as some other princesses.

5. Tiana

gelsomino would definitely admire Tiana's independence and how she's made her own name for herself and works hard towards obtaining her restaurant. gelsomino wants to be autonomous and have her own identity besides 'princess' and I think she would Amore that Tiana creates her own dream and does everything on her own. She would especially Amore that Tiana gets to be a princess in the end and have all those luxuries but it's più of a bonus along with her finally obtaining her restaurant. I think gelsomino would also Amore that Tiana doesn't suffer fools and constantly spurns men and criticizes Naveen because I think gelsomino would see Naveen as deserving of it. I see Jas as a little più fun loving than Tiana so maybe she would wish that Tiana would take più risks and let loose once in awhile, but mostly she would Amore her.

4. Pocahontas

I feel like gelsomino would have a girlcrush on Pocahontas. Pocahontas basically lives Jasmine's dream life. Pocahontas has indepdence and all the freedom in the world and people respect and value her opinions when she voices it. Pocahontas is also expected to marry Kocoum but clearly does not want to, although gelsomino doesn't seem to carry any burden of responsibility for her people the way gelsomino does for her tribe. So Pocahontas also is going through the pressures of being forced into marriage. The whole war/two sides plotline between Pocahontas and John I could see gelsomino finding somewhat romantic as well, and she may understand Pocahontas feeling so torn about John because if Pocahontas saves John, she risks disapproval from her people and possible outcasting. I think where the frustration with Pocahontas would come in would be Pocahontas' specific impulsivity. She rides waterfalls but when it comes to interpersonal confrontation she’s reticent. I think that would frustrate gelsomino who has no problem getting in faces.

3. Mulan

While they don't necessarily have a lot in common I think it wouldn't matter because what gelsomino has in verbal tenacity Mulan matches in her actions. They're almost opposites-- gelsomino talks the talk più than she walks the walk and Mulan is the reverse, still putting her head down and caring about honor and respect da the end of the film. gelsomino would think Mulan is absolutely amazing in cutting her hair, freeing herself from her societal constraints and proving herself in the army. I think she would Amore that Mulan knows how to fight, how she uses her intellect and strategy in war and how Mulan proves everybody wrong and saves China. She would see Mulan as some sort of amazing girl superhero. People may argue that Jas wouldn't like that Mulan was willing to marry to make her parents happy, but considering that gelsomino lives in the same culture, she may understand why Mulan was going to go through with it, and appreciate that it didn't happen anyway. gelsomino wants people to respect her and hear her out, and people definitely listen to Mulan.

2. Merida

There's not a lot I think gelsomino would dislike about Merida. Mer is defiant and absolutely, più than any other princess, REFUSES to let herself be wed to a complete stranger. While gelsomino is willing to marry if it's for love, Merida explicitly states she is not ready for marriage at all. I think gelsomino would feel so inspired da Merida's "And I'll be shooting for my own hand!". Like Jasmine, Merida voices her opinion quite frequently but still doesn't really have a lot of agency and has to be rescued, but she does the best with what she's got. I don't think gelsomino would be particularly bothered da Merida feeding her mother the cake, I think she would understand that the cake was not poisoned and wouldn't see it as cruel (Someone like Belle, however, would be totally disgusted da that action, poisoned cake o not.) gelsomino would Amore Merida's tomboyish streak even if gelsomino doesn't have that herself, because gelsomino can also get physical as well. I also don't think gelsomino would be bothered that Merida isn't romantic. gelsomino only wants to marry for love, so why wouldn't she be fine that Merida isn't in Amore yet? I truly think gelsomino would find Merida inspiring.

1. Ariel

What's to say here except that gelsomino would Amore everything about Ariel. I think the line "bright young women, sick of swimmin, ready to stand" would really resonate with Jasmine. Ariel is also a princess who has a lot of pressure put on her to live up to expectations that longs to explore. She stands up for herself but also actually follows through in trying to achieve her independence (whereas Mulan showed everything through action rather than verbally, Ariel did both.) gelsomino would understand the oppression Ariel feels as well as Ariel loving someone considered "forbidden" and having to change her father's mind. She would Amore Ariel's risk taking nature, her excitability when she finally ends up in the human world and both of them have this teenage rebellious streak that may not be well thought out but shows their determination. She would Amore how Ariel shows that just because te have everything, it doesn't necessarily make te happy. I wonder if she would be annoyed da Ariel's naivety when it comes to Ursula but gelsomino also didn't pick up on Jafar hypnotizing her father, so I don't know. Like I detto before, gelsomino wants her voice to be heard, and Ariel makes people listen to what she wants da ironically giving up her voice.
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