Dr. James E. Wilson Club
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added by caramelmilk
Source: volpe
added by Bery
Source: volpe - edited da me
added by Bery
Source: volpe / edited da me
added by Olivine
Source: volpe Flash
because I'm sometimes tired of Bery talking 24/7 about her preferito Wonder boy oncologist's balls... (and there even isn't a decent enough metaphor XDD)

For all te Wilson fan that realize that they are not THAT much of a Wilson fan when they meet someone like Bery...


You know that you're not obsessed with Wilson, but your friend is when:

1.Your friend starts every conversation with 'Wilson this' o 'Wilson that'

2. Your friend tweets 24 tweets/min with Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson related stuff ONLY

3. when those same tweets have a #hashtag #wilsonday

4. Your...
continue reading...
added by misanthrope86
added by caramelmilk
Source: unknown ..
added by Olivine
Source: AquaticFishy at deviantart
added by jameswilson
Source: Me!
added by caramelmilk
Source: FOX, edited da ME
added by misanthrope86
Source: darcylupin
added by caramelmilk
Source: unknown ..
added by misanthrope86
Source: volpe / made da me
added by caramelmilk
Source: drhouse-forum.de&fox
added by caramelmilk
Source: volpe and me
added by Angel
Source: edited da me
added by Olivine
Source: me
added by lovehousemd_frv
added by oldmovie