Draco Malfoy & Hermione Granger Club
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Hermione Granger ran down the streets of a dirty South American city dodging carts and people as fast as she could. She had been spotted da suspected Death eaters who she was supposed to be keeping an eye on. Her long brown hair flew behind her as she ran panting and trying to catch her breath. She saw an out of the way pub and darted inside the door heading for the ladies room. She threw the barkeep some oro and he nodded before she shut the bathroom door behind her. A wave of her wand locked the door and she kept her ear close so she could hear any outside conversation.

"Senior, did a woman with long brown hair just come in here?" the man asked.

"No, been pretty dead all afternoon." she heard the barkeep tell him.

"You sure about that old man?"

"Si, I am sure."

"Check the successivo one." the death eater screamed before she heard them retreat out of the bar. Hermione waited fifteen minuti to make sure they didn't return before she left the ladies room.

"Gracias senior." Hermione detto smiling at the old bartender.

"You are welcome miss, are te in trouble?" he asked.

"You could say that." she answered peering out the front window. The dusty streets were empty. She sat down at a sgabello and ordered water. The old man brought it and she gulped it down. She had been watching these men all last night and into the morning. She had accidentally sneezed due to the dust when they heard her and she ran for her life through the crowded streets. As soon as she finished her water she planned on apperating back to number 12 Grimmauld Place to give her segnala to Harry. Ron was on assignment with the order elsewhere. Just then she heard the doorknob turn. She colomba behind the counter and put her finger to her lips. The barkeep nodded. Hermione heard a stumbling and then a loud thump. She tugged at the old man's pants and mouthed;

'What was that?'

He motioned for her to stand up. Hermione held her wand in her pocket just in case and stood up. There, on the floor da the entrance was a tall blonde man covered in blood. He was face down on the dirty floor. His clothes were ripped and dirty.

"Get me some rags and water please senior." she yelled and he nodded. As soon as the old man was out of sight Hermione pulled her wand out and pointed it at the front door. She waved it and said;

"Colloportus!" to keep other muggles from coming in while she found out what was going on. She hoped that this muggle had not felt the wrath of the death eaters because of her. She turned the man over and gasped. Bloody and broken in front of her was Draco Malfoy.

"Shit!" she yelled. Just then the man came back with a bowl of clean water and some rags.

"Can I get te anything else?" he asked. She shook her head no. Hermione grabbed the rag, dipped it in the water and wrung it out. Gently she wiped the blood off of his face checking for damage. There were several cuts and bruises marring his normally pale smooth skin, but nothing serious. Hermione's eyes were drawn to the cut on his abdomen where his camicia was torn. It was rather deep. She was having a moral dilemma now. No one had seen o heard from Draco Malfoy since the night he failed to kill Dumbledore on the astronomy tower over a anno ago. He was presumed dead.

"Sir, do te have any bandages and can I have some alcohol to clean these wounds?" she asked. He ran off to the back room. Hermione took advantage and pulled out her wand again and said;

"Enervate!" Nothing happened.

"Enervate, enervate!" she detto again and again hoping for some signs of life. Nothing happened. He had a pulse but not much else. His shallow breathing worried Hermione. She feared he might have a punctured lung. She knew she needed to sposta him quickly before whoever did this to him returned. He may have useful information about the whereabouts of death eaters, Horcruxes o even Lord Voldemort himself. She needed to act fast before the barkeep returned. She grabbed hold of him, closed her eyes and pictured Grimmauld Place in her mind. A sudden swirling and feelings of being pushed though a tube followed and she arrived in the front yard of a house that did not exist until she looked up. With all of her strength she dragged his limp body up the steps and into the aging house. As soon as she was inside of the front door she yelled;

"Harry, Harry where are you? I need help!" soon she heard footsteps running towards her.

"Hermione are te alright?" he called as he came into view.

"I'm fine, I just need your help." she detto as she drug Malfoy into the living room.

"HERMIONE!" Harry yelled in surprise. "WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE?"

"I was spotted da the Death Eaters and hid in a pub. He came stumbling in about 20 minuti later bloodied and unconscious." Harry helped her lift him onto the sofa.

"So why did te bring him back here?" Harry scolded.

"I thought he could have some useful information. We still have three Horcruxes to find. South America was a bust. The Death eaters down there were just torturing muggles. They had nothing useful."

"Damn." Harry detto under his breath.

"It's been over a anno since Malfoy has been seen. I wondered where he has been; maybe he knows the location of important information, o at least the location of Voldemort himself."

"But he is unconscious. Do te know what happened to him?" Hermione shook her head no.

"I thought I could try to take care of his wounds and then we could figure it out."

"Shit Hermione, why would te bring him back here?" He muttered as he motioned for her to follow him out of the room.

"Harry te told me how he acted on the astronomy tower, he may be a prat but I don't think he is evil. And like I detto he could be useful." she told him sternly.

"Let's hope so." Harry detto adjusting his glasses. Hermione went into the cucina and retuned minuti later with a bowl of clean water and some clean towels. She passed Harry who was standing in the doorway glaring at Malfoy. Kneeling on the side of the divano she began to carefully clean the wound on his abdomen. It was quite severe. She dabbed at it with the water and gently washed off all of the dried blood and dirt. When it was as clean as she could get it she pointed her wand at him and whispered;

"Ferula!" and instantly his abdomen was wrapped tightly in bandages. She wiped his face and hands clean successivo carefully removing his ripped and torn camicia and discarding it in the nearby wastebasket.

"Harry, have te got any extra clothing?" she asked him. He leered back and rolled his eyes.

"I think so, hold on." he stormed off in the direction of his bedroom. She removed his shoes and socks successivo tossing those into the fire. She had never seen Malfoy look so worn and ragged. Like he had lived on the streets for the past year, which she reminded herself he probably had. Hermione had no desire to remove his trousers o under things so she waited for Harry to return.

"Uh, Harry…can te get the rest of his clothes off for me and redress him partially?" she asked in her nicest voice.

"Are te bloody MAD?" he shouted causing Hermione to put her finger to her lips to shush him.

"Come on Harry, te know I can't do it." she pleaded.

"No way. te brought him here, te take care of it." he detto in a foul voice that wasn't his own.

"Do te really want me to see Malfoy naked?" she asked.

"Better te than me. I have enough nightmares." he said.

"Fine." she detto shortly as she pulled off his ripped trousers.

"Here are the clothes." Harry detto as he handed Hermione some pajamas and clean boxers. She ripped them from his hands and placed them successivo to where she was kneeling. Sighing heavily she wiped his legs with the cloth before she grabbed the waistband of his shorts. She half closed her eyes so as not to look and pulled them off in one veloce, swift motion. Hermione threw them into the fuoco and watched them burn before she pulled Harry's boxers on Malfoys slim frame. She reopened her eyes and pulled on the pajama bottoms. She looked him over. He looked much better then when she had first found him. She smiled to herself. He would probably be furious when he found out that it was her that found him and helped him. Hermione retuned her attention to his face. She cleaned it up as best she could. He only had minor scrapes and abrasions and a fat lip. She wiped the rest of the dirt from his face and hair. She looked over his sleeping face. He almost looked human when he slept. He stirred slightly when she wiped his forehead.

"Malfoy?" she detto softly "Malfoy are te awake?"

"I can't…" he moaned. "Please, not her."

Hermione figured he must have known she was attending to his injuries. She backed away and sat in the chair across from the sofa watching his every move. It was 12 long and boring hours later and he still was sleeping. Harry came down the stairs rubbing his eyes.

"Hermione have te been up all this time?" he asked sleepily.

"I slept a little." she detto yawning.

"Go to bed, I will keep an eye out." he said.

"No, I think he will freak out if he wakes up and finds te standing over him glaring like te are now."

Harry scowled.

"I am fine, but I could use some coffee o something." she said.

"I'll make some." Harry detto as he left the room.

Hermione knelt da the sofa again and felt his forehead. It was cool and dry, a good sign against the infection Hermione feared. She wrung out the cloth and wiped his lips which were rather dry. His eyes fluttered under his eyelids.

"Mum…" he whispered.

"No Malfoy, can te wake up?" she asked.

"Not mum" he detto before he became silent again.

Harry walked back in the room with two steaming cups of coffee. Hermione sipped it and it instantly woke her up.

"He been awake at all?" Harry asked thumbing at Malfoy.

"He's mumbled a few things, nothing coherent." she replied.

"Like what?" Harry asked.

"Something like 'I can't, not her, not mum.' didn't make any sense." Hermione detto plainly.

"Weird." Harry replied.

They sat there in silence staring between the dying fuoco and Malfoy's lifeless body.

"I'm sorry Hermione. I have to go meet the rest of the order members, will te be alright with him?" he asked.

"I will be fine. I have a wand. He doesn't. Simple." she detto waving her wand in a teasing manner.

"Alright. If te have any trouble te know how to get in touch." he said. Hermione knew he meant the patronous charm.

"I know."

"Also if there is any change, owl me. Hedwig is upstairs." Harry detto sternly.

"Yes dad." she detto mockingly.

"Bye 'Mione. Keep safe." he detto walking out the door. She gave him an overly enthusiastic thumbs up as he closed the door.

"Like I can't take care of myself." she mumbled to no one. minuti seemed like hours sitting there. Finally nature called. She didn't want to take any chances so she pointed her wand at Malfoy's body and said;


Instantly invisible stings attached to his arms and legs and he walked like a marionette up the rickety stairs. She moved him into the room she used when she stayed with Harry and placed him on the bed. When he was secure she ran at breakneck speed down the hall to the bathroom. She finished in less than a minuto and ran back down the hall. Luckily, he was still out. Breathing a sigh of relief she sat on the edge of the letto successivo to him.

"Malfoy, come on, wake up." she said. Then to her surprise he stirred. His eyes fluttered open and he looked around the room finally setting his gaze on Hermione.

"What the…why are you…shit where am I?" he finally asked.

"Malfoy. te are safe. I found te near dead in South America. I apperated te back here. Do te remember what happened?" she asked all at once.

"Uh…no. Granger?" he asked as his eyes focused.

"Yes, te remember me then from school?" she detto her brow furrowing.

"Yeah, te are the mudblood who is Friends with the so-called chosen one. Harry freaking Potter." he detto with as much sarcasm as he could muster.

"Watch who te are calling mudblood seeing as I saved you." she detto annoyed. "And te are in Harry's house, wearing his clothes so let's have a little respect. He looked down at his bandaged stomach and pin striped pajama bottoms.

"Where the fuck are my clothes?" he asked.

"I burned them. They were filthy and disgusting and full of blood from that wound on your abdomen." He grunted in disapproval.

"Do te remember anything? How did te get injured?" she asked.

"I don't know." he detto trying to sit up a little.

"Are te hungry?" she asked.

"No, I just need to get out of here." he detto attempting to stand.

"I don't think so. First the doors are all locked magically. secondo te don't have a wand o proper clothes and third te are my ward right now. te may have useful information." she smiled. "Now are te hungry?"

"You can't keep me here mudblood against my will." he shouted.

"I can. Watch me." she said. "I am locking the door behind me." She walked out, shut the door and locked it with her wand before running downstairs to the cucina where she sent off Hedwig with a note to Harry letting him know that Malfoy was awake. She then made a tray of soup, sandwiches and cold zucca succo, succo di frutta hovering it upstairs with her wand. When she opened the door Malfoy was sitting on the letto sulking.

"I told te I didn't want any fucking food." he spat.

"Fine. I will just leave the Cibo here da the bed." as soon as she sat it down he ate like a starving man. She looked back at him with narrowed eyes.

"I didn't want to be rude. I wasn't brought up that way." he mumbled in between bites.

"I didn't say anything." she detto in a mock voice. She sat on the edge of the letto watching him.

"What?" he asked getting annoyed.


"Why are te watching me mudblood?" he asked with a mouth full of food.

"What did I say about calling me that in this house?" she asked. "Don't."

"Then let me leave." he detto attempting to stand but stumbling. Hermione stood up and caught him.

"You can't even stand up halfwit." she detto slowly helping him sit back down.

"Fine." he detto grabbing another sandwich.

Hermione thought she saw him breathe a sigh of relief.
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Credit: HersDarcy
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added by DramioneClois
Credit: lookingforastar
added by BonalDea
Credit: DramioneTouch
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added by haley_scott
Source: da ~keluar-garis
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Source: da ~hpfanatic97
added by DamianMalfoy
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Source: da ~SundryHP
Credit: DramioneTouch
added by BonalDea
Credit: Diana Meeller
Credit: missteeles
Credit: Malfoyinmyheart4ever
Credit: ldtProductions2
Credit: smileyfacebecca
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Credit: voidx