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Ever since I began playing D&D 8 years fa it has been one of my preferito hobbies, but within the last two years it's become an even bigger part of my life. Since I've been having so much fun with it recently, I decided it was finally time to try something I'd always wanted to do: combine two of my preferito interests and turn the Disney Princesses into D&D characters.

Over the last anno I've been slowly creating D&D characters based off of the DPs, and I spent so much time on them that I really wanted to share them here. I'll be posting a series of articles, one for each DP, in which I explain why I chose the classes, subclasses, etc. for each princess, and share the backstory I wrote for each. I'll also be crossposting these articoli to the Disney Princess club. All the characters will be level 3 to ensure that they all have a chosen subclass. Sourcebooks used to build these characters include the Player's Handbook, Volo's Guide to Monsters, Xanathar's Guide to Everything, and Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Anything written in italics is an author's note explaining my reasoning behind certain character choices.


Human Monk - Way of the Kensei / Background - Noble

I know Raya is also technically not an official DP, but I like her so I'm including her in this series. There were multiple DPs that I had trouble deciding what class to give them because I didn't feel like any fit, but Raya was the only one where I had trouble deciding because I felt like too many fit. Initially I wanted to make her a rogue because her story is literally all about stealing things, and I also considered fighter because of her excellent combat skills, but the più I thought about it the più I realized that all of her training was conducted in a temple with the intention that she would use her skills to guard a sacred relic. That's a monk if I ever heard of one. I struggled with which subclass to pick as well. I think there were multiple that could've worked well, but I ultimately went with the Way of the Kensei because they focus specifically on training with certain weapons, and Raya states in the movie that she prefers blades over fists. I gave her the noble background since she was born and raised a princess.

Character Stats

Level 3

STR +1 (13) DEX +3 (16) CON +2 (14) INT 0 (11) WIS +2 (15) CHA -1 (9)

I used the standard array to generate stats. I tried to assign them in a way that would allow for a strong D&D character while still remaining mostly true to the attributes of the character in the film.

HP 24
AC 15
Initiative +3
Speed 40 ft.

Saving throws: Str +3, Dex +5

Skills: Acrobatics +5, History +2, Investigation +2, Persuasion +1 (For her class skills I gave her Acrobatics and History. She's clearly very acrobatic dato her monk training, and being a "dragon nerd" essentially means she's a history buff in her world. Persuasion was granted da her background, and then I got to choose one more. I picked Investigation since she spent so many years searching for Sisu.)

Languages: Common, Draconic, Undercommon (Since she's Friends with a dragon Draconic is a no-brainer. I also gave her Undercommon because I can imagine she might need it when navigating the seedy underbellies of the various kingdoms of Kumandra.)

Tools: Calligrapher's Supplies, Cartographer's Tools, Three-Dragon Ante Set

Features and Traits

Unarmored Defense: While not wearing armor and not using a shield, your AC equals 10 + DEX modifier + WIS modifier.

Martial Arts: While te are unarmed o wielding only monk weapons and te aren’t wearing armor o wielding a shield, te can use DEX instead of STR for the attack and damage rolls, te can roll your Martial Arts damage die in place of the normal damage, and when te use the Attack action on your turn, te can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.

Ki: te can spend Ki Points to fuel ki features. te have 3 points per short rest and your Ki save DC is 12.

Unarmored Movement: Your speed increases da 10 feet while te are not wearing armor o wielding a shield.

Path of the Kensei: Kensei Weapons - te choose kensei weapons, gain proficiency with them if te don’t already have it, and they are treated as monk weapons.
- Longsword (Wanted to give her a longsword since the sword she uses in the movie appears to be something similar to that. Unfortunately, you'll notice she doesn't have a longsword listed under her actions. That's because it's not an option in the starting equipment for monks. But I'm sure she'll find one quickly once she begins her adventures!)
- Longbow


Dart: +5 to hit, 1d4+3 piercing damage

Shortsword: +5 to hit, 1d6+1 piercing damage

Unarmed Strike: +5 to hit, 1d4+3 bludgeoning damage

Agile Parry: If te make an unarmed strike as part of the Attack action on your turn and are holding a kensei weapon, te gain a +2 bonus to AC until the start of your successivo turn, while the weapon is in your hand and te aren’t incapacitated.

Bonus Actions

Flurry of Blows: After te take the Attack action on your turn, te can spend 1 ki point to make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action.

Kensei's Shot: te can use a bonus action on your turn to make ranged attacks with a kensei weapon deal an extra 1d4 damage of the weapon’s type until the end of the current turn.

Patient Defense: te can spend 1 ki point to take the Dodge action as a bonus action on your turn.

Step of the Wind: te can spend 1 ki point to take the Disengage o Dash action as a bonus action on your turn, and your jump distance is doubled for the turn.

Unarmed Strike: When te use the Attack action with an unarmed strike o a monk weapon on your turn, te can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.


Deflect Missiles: te can use your reaction to deflect o catch the missile when te are hit da a ranged weapon attack. When te do so, the damage te take from the attack is reduced da 1d10 +6. If te reduce damage to 0 and have a free hand, te can spend 1 ki point to make a ranged attack (as with a monk weapon) with a range of 20/60.


Backstories have been created with a combination of the stories from the films and rolling randomly on the random tables in the "This Is Your Life" section of Xanathar's Guide to Everything, which is why some of these backstories have some wild things that really come out of left field lol.

I was born to Chief Benja of cuore and his wife Nur. My mother abandoned us when I was still too young to remember her, and my father never liked to speak of her. We lived an aristocratic life in our palace, but I was destined from birth to be the successivo protector of the Dragon Gem, and as a result others saw me as being different from them, and so I had few companions when I was young.

I trained hard until I mastered the teachings of my father, but disaster struck when my father invited our rival tribes to a feast. I befriended a girl from Fang, Namaari. We became fast friends, and I chose to mostra her the Dragon Gem. She betrayed me though, and in the ensuing fight the gem was shattered and each tribe ha rubato, stola a piece for themselves. The monstrous Druun returned and my father was turned to stone.

I spent the ensuing six years searching the rivers of the land for the legendary last dragon, Sisu. I found her, and together we traveled the land restoring the Dragon Gem. We were successful, and because she empowered me to trust Namaari again we were able to vanquish the Druun and restore Draghi to the world.

Since then, Namaari and I have rekindled our friendship, though I hope there is a spark of something più between us.

Recently, Sisu has disappeared. She was last seen in the temple in Heart, but all that was left behind was a few blood spatters and two vials containing blood I believe to be hers. Namaari and I have ventured out together to determine what has happened.

We were initially being helped da a halfling rogue who called herself Blossom, but she double crossed us and ha rubato, stola one of the vials. We're not sure where she's gone.

Raya and Namaari are gay and in Amore and te cannot convince me otherwise.
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added by glelsey
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added by glelsey
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added by glelsey
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