Eminem Club
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added by vagos
Source: Screencaps da Me
added by Thundy-R
added by SAstudent1
Source: 300
added by 1luvaero
It's been a few years since "Hi my name is" premiered on TRL ,but I remember it like it was yesterday. I always knew eventually I would make a video of him I just didn't know when I'd get the inspiration.
Musica video
campaign speech
added by EminemAddict09
added by EminemAddict09
Source: Marshall
added by jessy-lu
added by harry_ginny33
Source: Tumblr
added by EminemAddict09
added by EminemAddict09
added by EminemAddict09
“I…I … I cant tell you,” te say softly.
“Yes te can,” she says with a smile as te walk towards home. te sigh then look down at the ground.
“Fine,” te say. “I’ll tell you, but not here, lets go over there!” te say and point towards the woods, te grab her arm and start to quickly walk towards the woods.
“Ahh, mostra down!! What could be so secret that te have to drag me to the woods to tell me,” she says as te get to the woods and she gets away.
“Cause,” te say. “I’ll tell you, but te got to swear that te wont tell, my mom, o anybody, nobody at all!”...
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added by simrananime
added by vagos
Source: Screencaps da Me
added by EminemAddict09
added by vagos
Source: Screencaps da Me
added by jessy-lu
added by OTHxLOVER
added by EminemAddict09