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~Told da Joss
a new story....u c, we figured if some1 like Ed could get a state license so could we. Not even a possibility b4 with Bradley, but now tht mustang is running things, well...who knos?
“we wanna get out state license.” I reply 2 mustang when he asks y we're there.
“well, do u now?” he laughs and gives tht smile tht, b4 I met James, would have made my cuore skip a beat. Not anymore, I'm happy 2 say. “u kno I won't just give it 2 u even after u helped out, rite?”
“we kno.” we say at the same time.
“we only have 1 request.” I say.
“if u take 1 of us, u have 2 take us both o at least give the other the same access 2 things.” Cylon replies.
“right. We always work better as a team.” I nod.
“and some1 has 2 make sure she doesn't go off on some1.” Cylon adds.
“yeah, and tht u don't git lost.” I retort. mustang laughs again.
“u 2 will never b mistaken as anything other then sisters. I can make sure tht u 2 get the same access 2 things. Tell me, what type of alchemy do u 2 work best in anyways?”
“well so ur teacher can b chosen” Hawkeye says as she walks in.
“oh, we do mostly elemental alchemy...”
“like earth?” Hawkeye asks. About then Alex walks in and stops almost in the doorway.
“well tht'd b an element so yes....i'm best with air, earth and plant alchemy.” I reply.
“and me? I'm fuoco and water mostly.” Cylon says b4 I can stop her. And now...i'm rlly glad I didn't...the look on mustang and Hawkeye's face was priceless...
“fl...flame alchemy...?” mustang stammers.
“Impossible.” Hawkeye risposte “all the documents pertaining 2 flame alchemy were destroyed.”
“it's tru.” Olivier says, pushing her way in behind Alex.
“we saw them with our own eyes.” Alex nods. “such a splendid work of art!”
“yeah yeah...shut up, brother.” Olivier rolls her eyes.
“well I suppose if 2 of our most trusted people say...” Hawkeye starts.
“prove it.” mustang says, calming down quickly.
“o...ok...” I stammer slightly, confused. Then I remember he's the type tht doesn't believe until he sees it. “right.” I nod. “sis...control urself...”
“Joss, I may not have as much control as u but I do have control.” she retorts, snapping her fingers and making a small dragon from flame with the spark from the spark glove. “c!?”
“fine, sis....i believe u. now, wut-do-ya say we add something?”
“right.” she makes it avvolgere around her arm so it looks like it's part of it and makes it shoot a small lightning ball after it opens it's mouth. I catch the ball and throw it bak at the dragon, which she makes appere 2 explode on impact. In reality she absorbed both the fuoco and the lightning.
“catch.” I snap my fingers and make a fuoco ball and throw it at her.
“whoa!” she barely catches it. “i got it!”
“good job.” we finally get out of our little world and look around, noticing tht every1 is staring at us, bug-eyed. “um....ta-da...?” I say awkwardly.
“did we do something wrong...?” Cylon asks, looking and sounding like a little girl despite her hair style and her paint-plastered face...
“um...no...” mustang seems surprised...and confused...and some other -ed word tht I don't even kno. “i just thought tht all the stuff 2 learn it was gone...”
“well ur still here.” Cylon replies, shrugging.
“i suppose ur right.” he laughs slightly “but I don't kno any1 who can use lightning.”
“well we learned tht from...” she starts and I cover her mouth.
“we made a mistake while Scrivere symbols and we made lightning.” I say b4 she can kill our secret.
“very suspicious.” Alex says, doing tht camicia rip-off thing he's known 4. we roll our eyes and every1 else looks horrified.
“tht doesn't work with us...” Cylon sighs.
“TELL US!” he makes himself bigger.
“PLEASE TELL HIM!” the rest yelp.
“fine...” I mumble “but u won't believe us...” and I told the story, minus a few parts like the part where we were tortured and half of y we transmuted our mother. Partly because Cylon doesn't remember it and I intend 2 keep it tht way. It took a while 2 tell the story but...
“so wait...tht's how u kno so much?” Hawkeye asks.
“yes.” I nod.
“well tht explains a lot...u came from the other side of tht thing.” mustang replies.
“yeah.” Cylon replies. “we weren't even sisters.”
“we were as close as a pair of sisters, tho. An interesting fact, a baby doesn't gain a soul until about 4 months in2 pregnancy...we found tht out in the truth place 2. tht's y we're here. Our minds and souls passed thro the gate after our bodies died.” I shrug. “and they were placed in2 a pare of twins about 2 weeks b4 the 4 mese date. Tht's when bambini r born early o l8, when the mind and soul r placed early o l8.”
“such a strange fact...so u were born 2 weeks early?” Hawkeye asks.
“yes. And tht's not even close 2 the end of the weird facts...but I don't feel like going in2 those all...” I reply, forcing myself not 2 look at my arm...the 1 covered in what were dubbed “birth marks” which r actually scars I got on the other side....only they changed 2 being slightly darker then my skin rather then being lighter. And my back, leg and the 2 limbs i'm missing were like tht 2...but now I have new scars 2...i sigh inwardly. Y is my whole lives full of hate and rage and people treating me like shit? Yeah, tht's right, lives....plural. Both of them....fuck 'em. I'm jus tryin' 2 sposta on. We all got problems...and we all gotta over come. I've Lost so much blood...and shed so many tears. Don't ask me what's wrong, ask me what's right. We had everything taken, isn't a arcobaleno suppose 2 come after a storm? Hope's gone, fate left, and luck was never around. What have we done so bad 2 deserve this? But I suppose the 1 thing they can't take is heart...all this shit...and they wonder y I hate humans and don't trust them...
“well it seems like u don't need a teacher.” Mustang's voice pulls me from my sea of loathing suddenly.
“actually...” Cylon starts.
“well, while we can control small flames perfectly fine but...when we make large flames we can't control them well at all...” Cylon replies.
“yeah. We couldn't figure it out...the largest thing we could control was about the size of a car without it getting away from us...” I nod.
“what about those dragons?” Alex asks suddenly.
“tht's y I used 2. They were both smaller then a car if u don't count the tail I was using 2 control them.” Cylon replies.
“and I can only use small things in general.”
“well it seems the only 1 tht would b able 2 teach u is Mustang...” Olivier replies. We all turn and look at him. He gets wide-eyed.
“hey, maybe u could learn some things 2.” Olivier replies.
“yeah, we could teach u 2 use lightning!” Cylon risposte as I remember tht he can transmute without a cerchio 2.
I nod “equivalent exchange.”
“hm...lightning hu...? tht might b helpful, actually...” he replies, looking thoughtful. “ok, fine. If u can teach me 2 use lightning i'll teach u control over fire.”
“yay!” Cylon cheers. i facepalm and every1 else laughs.
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added by zutaradragon
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