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Getting There

A/N: So sorry guys for the lateness of this chapter, I've just been really busy and it's been really hot here the past week and it's just impossible to do anything, And I've been working on some art projects too so that's why it's late. Anyway I hope te enjoy this chapter, and to say thanks to everyone who reviewed so far, thanks and please keep commenting, I really appreciate it. Thank te xoxo

Rating: K+

Copyright: I own Nothing, Apart from my original characters.

Story Type: Multi Chapter

Published: 1st July 2009

Main Character: Blair Waldorf

Characters: Chuck Bass, Dan Humphrey, Nate Archibald, Serena furgone, van der Woodsen & Vanessa Abrams (Others will be included)

Summary: Inspired da the movie 'Little Miss Sunshine'. The NJBC have graduated high school and Serena persuaded the gang to take a road trip since they are all being separated successivo anno da going to different collages. They all go and have a few bumps along the way. Which makes them realise who their real Friends are.

più Details: Blair and Chuck did happen but after 1x18 nothing happened. Chuck left Blair and then that's how that kinda ended. They are kind of avoiding talking about their relationship and are kind of back like they were in the start of season 1. Serena and Nate did happen. Nate still has feelings for Serena even though he's not aware of it. Nate is dating Vanessa. Dan and Serena are still together.


Chapter 4: Slight Hitch

            The Volkswagen was gone. It was gone. Disappeared. Dan and Nate walked around the parking lot to check if they had got their parking spot wrong but they hadn't they were right. The furgone, van was nowhere to be seen. The boys made their way back to the others who were frustrated sitting on the pavement.
“I can not believe this”
Blair gritted her teeth and spat out the words, it was just so typical.
“No me either. Some people are just so awful. Who would steal a car from a couple of high school kids?”
Serena sat down successivo to Blair and placed her arm around her. Blair frowned and corrected Serena
“I meant I can't believe someone is that desperate they steal our piece of tin crap.”
“At least the tin crap was moving now we're stuck here thanks to someone”
Vanessa sighed and gazed in Chuck's direction.
He lifted his head and saw the dagger eyes he was getting from her.
“I locked it”
Chuck detto for about the hundredth time.
“Yeah right”
Vanessa grinned sarcastically. Chuck saw Dan, Serena and Nate turning and the lack of faith showed in their eyes. He shook his head and turned and walked a few steps away. Blair tried to pull him back but he resisted. She knew he wasn't lying.
“I can't believe we're stuck here because of Chuck”
Dan frowned continuing to stare at Chuck from a distance.
“I don't know maybe he just forgot. It was an accident”
Serena tried to stand up for Chuck but realising it was probable that he might have forgotten.
Blair looked over at Chuck who looked so upset at the lack of faith and trust that his Friends had in him but she knew she had to stand up for him. If she didn't no one else was going too.
“He didn't forget”
Nate asked.
“I saw him lock it. I was there with him”
That was a lie. She didn't see him, they weren't even together.
“Are te sure he locked it?”
Dan chuckled knowing that Blair would lie for Chuck, however he didn't mention it.
“Yes. 100%”
The others looked down mostrare their shame.
Serena called out to him, he walked back to unisciti them feeling and looking very unjustified.
They all mumbled under their breath none of them were big enough to give Chuck a full apology. It then dawned on Blair that Nate and Serena had been out in the parking lot that night.
“Anyway weren't te two out here last night?”
Their eyes shot at the others and widened they both detto across eachother.
The others looked suspicious and confused at them both.
“Well which is it?”
Blair asked.
“Yes but only for a little while. We didn't see anything”
Nate tried to save the situation while at the same time mumbling his words.
“Didn't see anything”
Serena smiled and agreed.
“Are te two okay?”
Dan asked picking up on the odd vibe that was between Nate and Serena.
“Yes fine”
Serena smiled and giggled.
“Fine apart from losing the van”
Nate thought quickly and changed the subject back to their missing machine. “So what are we going to do?”
“Go to the police”
Dan answered standing up and taking control of the situation he slapped his palms together and started walking.
“Where's that? We don't live here”
Blair argued with him.
“We can ask someone for directions”
Dan patronised Blair a little like she was so dimwitted.
“You mean walk?”
As all the others got up to follow Dan. Blair paused.
“You walk around Manhattan”
Dan seemed confused, what was the difference.
“Oh Dan, Blair doesn't do walking”
Serena placed her arm around Blair and giggled.
“Yeah and anyway Manhattan is wonderful this is... Where are we?”
Vanessa answered trying to figure out which direction to go in.
“Oh my God”
Blair sighed and rolled her eyes in distress. She was not happy.
        Around half an ora later they had found a small town and Serena spotted a small crowd of about four people, she ran up to them to ask for help.
The oddly dressed man responded. Serena paused for a secondo examining his odd outfit, he obviously didn't read Vogue o Elle.
“Can te tell us where is the nearest police station?”
Serena finally got her words together and asked.
“Why do te want the police for?”
“Our furgone, van was stolen”
“Oh that's bad luck, down the road about two miles on the left”
The man waved at the rest of them, Blair frowned thinking what the hell is he wearing? Serena got back to them and made a suggestion.
“Look there is no point in us all going. Why don't half of us stay here and other half go to the police?”
“Yeah that makes più sense”
Vanessa agreed. “I'll stay”
Dan jumped straight in to stay with his best friend.
“Me too!”
“Who else wants to stay?”
Serena asked. It was obviously not going to be Chuck o Blair and Nate didn't want to be around Vanessa for a while, he still felt guilty.
“Right. Us four will go, te two stay here”
Serena rolled her eyes so the decision was already made.
“See te later”
Vanessa and Dan waved them off into the distance laughing as Blair took off her Prada heels.
        Dan and Vanessa stayed in town and found a café to wait in leaving the four best Friends to walk to the police station, which wasn't the best decision they had made. Nate and Serena walked a little ahead of Chuck and Blair.
“You did lock it didn't you?”
Blair felt like she had to know if she was really telling a lie to support another lie.
“You detto te saw me”
Chuck responded with a little confusion in his voice.
“I detto that but...”
Chuck realised that she had told a lie to protect him.
“You didn't? Why did te say it?”
“I believe you, if te detto te locked it, then te did”
Chuck was surprised that Blair stood up for him even though for all she knew he might not have locked it.
“At least there's someone who believes me”
Blair smiled at him as though telling him of course she believes him.
        Twenty minuti later Blair had caught up with Serena and Nate had dropped back to wait to talk to Chuck. Serena had to come clean to Blair about her baciare with Nate.
“You kissed him? te kissed Nate...” She smiled like she had never before trying to hold in the laughter. “Are te sure?”
Blair giggled hysterically. Serena's eyes shot across at Blair who was being insensitive about the problem.
“Shut up Blair”
Blair relished in Serena's admission.
“I'm sorry, but I can not wait to see Vanessa's face when she finds out”
“No one is finding out.” Serena grabbed onto Blair's arm and stood still and set Blair straight. “You're forgetting Vanessa isn't the only one involved here”
Blair nodded and thought,
“Yes Dan. I don't want to break up with him”
“Why did te baciare Nate then?”
Serena struggled to come up with any words to put together, she mumbled for a while before coming up with a pitiful answer.
“I don't know it just happened”
“It just happened. Great reasoning S”
Blair giggled but she knew how much Serena was worried about it. In fact she wasn't the only one who had confided in a best friend.
“You and Serena?”
Chuck's jaw dropped.
It was like Chuck and Blair were one mind he smirked and tried to stop giggling.
“It's not funny Chuck”
Chuck shrugged and smirked again.
“Of course not Nathaniel I mean your only cheating on your girlfriend”
“I'm not cheating on Vanessa it was just a one time thing”
“Which happened before if I remember. te have a thing about Serena, pity it only comes through when te have a girlfriend”
Chuck was spot on, every time Nate had someone else he seemed to want Serena back. His timing was always off.
        They finally arrived at the police station an ora later. It was a very typical all American station, there was one officer standing at the desk. Blair and Nate waited outside and let Chuck and Serena went inside, they thought being members of the basso family they could get risposte quicker.
Serena reported the crime for about half an hour, Chuck just stood sighing successivo to her. Serena punched him in the stomach a couple of time, she could see the police officer eyes moving to see a very frustrated Chuck giving out a snobby vibe that they weren't doing a good enough job.
Serena finished giving the information and finally the officer gave her the news she didn't want to hear.
“All we can say is te stay in town of a couple of days and hope that your furgone, van turns up”
Serena looked worried and asked.
“What if it doesn't?”
His response was short and not sweet.
“Then you'll have to go home”
“Uh, how?”
Chuck sighed and gave him another annoyed look.
“Well te are the basso children aren't you? Bart and Lily Bass?”
Chuck agreed.
Serena shrugged hardly willingly agreeing.
“Well then...”
He smiled and got back to Scrivere up the paper work.
Serena joined Chuck being annoyed with the police service, they walked back outside
“Ugh! God!”
Serena sighed.
“So what did they say?”
Nate asked.
“We have to stay here for a couple of days in case the Volkswagen turns up”
“What?! Can't we just go home”
Blair was obviously going to suggest going home this trip wasn't her thing at all, and she wasn't having the fun Serena had promised.
“I don't want to go home, I wan to carry on”
Serena frowned and shouted out.
“Me too”
Nate agreed.
“Look why don't we just go buy another car?”
Chuck suggested.
“Ha! Buy another car! Ha...” Nate laughed hysterically like Chuck had suggested the most insane idea ever. Then he thought about it for a second. “Yeah why don't we buy another car”
“Okay we will is everyone okay with that?”
Serena agreed.
Nate nodded.
“Just get me out of here”
Blair frowned and sighed..
“Well there's no point doing it today, everyone's tired so we'll stay here and go get a car tomorrow”
Serena detto rubbing her eyes which were starting to get bags from the lack of sleep.
“What?! But I don't want to stay here”
“Blair te don't have to drive. We're tired just one night”
Serena snapped.
“Okay. Sorry”
Blair realized she was wrong and that Serena and Dan had been driving for hours on end, it was unfair on them. It was best to just agree and say no more.
        Nate, Chuck, Blair and Vanessa had gone to the nearest bar. Blair was starving for something to eat, Nate and Chuck just wanted a drink and Vanessa didn't want to bother Dan and Serena while they were trying to get some rest.
Nate and Chuck sat at the bar while Vanessa and Blair sat down to eat. Not the best idea in the world.
“Isn't there anything to eat here?”
Blair moaned while scanning through the menu.
“There's plenty here Blair”
Vanessa pointed to different options on the menu, trying to help Blair out for once.
“There's nothing for me”
Blair mumbled as the waitress made her way over to them.
“Hey. What can I do for te kids?”
Vanessa ordered first.
“Um, I will have the cheese burger and fries with a Cioccolato shake”
Blair sighed and found the only option on the menu she might like.
“I will have a insalata then”
“Blair, te have to più than that”
Vanessa stated.
“I'm fine, that will do”
Blair looked at her like how dare she even say that they weren't friends. They never would be.
        While Blair and Vanessa continued to argue over at the tavolo as Nate and Chuck sat at the bar, Chuck looked on and chuckled at Vanessa and Blair.
“So te talked to Serena yet?”
He asked Nate who was also gazing at Vanessa but in a totally different way to Chuck.
“When have I had a chance?”
Nate took another drink and wallowed in his sorrows.
“What am I gonna do man”
Chuck regretted ever bringing the subject of Serena up. He was going to be talking about her for the rest of the night, when ever Vanessa wasn't around.
“I'd Amore to know the risposte but unfortunately I don't”
“I'll wait till we're back in the city”
Nate responded and Chuck looked relived that this subject was closed, for not at least.
“Looks like our girls are getting on well”
Chuck smiled again seeing Blair totally and utterly in distress with Vanessa. Suddenly their voices got louder and the everyone's eyes drew to the girls' table.
“You are te such a pain in the ass?”
“Why are te such drama queen?”
Vanessa shouted back.
Blair rolled her eyes.
“You know what Blair why don't we just not speak”
“That sounds like a great idea”
Her tone got louder and più eyes got drawn to their table.
Vanessa agreed.
Chuck and Nate decided to put a stop to the girls arguing and made their way over to their table.
“Hey how are te two getting on?”
Both the girls sat silently giving each other evil glares.
“Or not”
“It's the latter”
Blair nodded.
“Oh my God if te say another word I'm going to kill myself”
Vanessa yelled as Blair thought 'now who's the drama queen?'.
“Whoo get the parade out”
Blair waved her hands around and smirked. Chuck laughed along with her. Nate was not amused.
Nate shook his head disapproving of Blair tone towards his girlfriend. Chuck grinned at Blair knowing that's what she was, a total bitch. But his words were right “Our girls” she was his girl... Just not yet.


A/N: Again sorry for the lateness guys, and A Million Amore Songs Later will be up later this week I just am really tired these days, but anyway I hope te liked this chapter. Please review thank te xoxo
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