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posted by gossip-girl999
Getting There

A/N: Right I know this is really late but the summer is here and I've been really busy with my friends. I think I've been to the spiaggia about fifty times already!
Okay Nate might seem a little out of character in this one but te have to understand that he's confused about Vanessa and Serena and so his feelings are all over the place, and te might feel a little deprived of Chuck and Blair in this one, because this is mainly a group chapter that focuses on Serena, I wanted to do at least one chapter mostly about her so here it is. I hope te all like it the same. Thank te for all the commenti and reviews so far! They mean so much to me. Thank te and keep commenting. Thank te so much xoxo

Rating: T

Copyright: I own Nothing, Apart from my original characters.

Story Type: Multi Chapter

Published: 24th July, 2009

Main Character: Blair Waldorf

Characters: Chuck Bass, Dan Humphrey, Nate Archibald, Serena furgone, van der Woodsen & Vanessa Abrams (Others will be included)

Summary: Inspired da the movie 'Little Miss Sunshine'. The NJBC have graduated high school and Serena persuaded the gang to take a road trip since they are all being separated successivo anno da going to different collages. They all go and have a few bumps along the way. Which makes them realise who their real Friends are.

più Details: Blair and Chuck did happen but after 1x18 nothing happened. Chuck left Blair and then that's how that kinda ended. They are kind of avoiding talking about their relationship and are kind of back like they were in the start of season 1. Serena and Nate did happen. Nate still has feelings for Serena even though he's not aware of it. Nate is dating Vanessa. Dan and Serena are still together.


Chapter 6: Locked Up

        Dan and Blair got everything they needed from the station store plus a lifetime supply of Oreos. Dan made Blair carry all the bags which she did with an annoyed look of expression on her face but she didn't argue with Dan, after all he had just answered that all important domanda of hers and her guilt was starting to take over. She never felt guilty about anything. Ever, but this time and she would NEVER say this out loud. Dan Humphrey was growing on her. They got back in the furgone, van and kept driving until the morning when they crossed the state border into Kentucky and Serena decided it was time for a breakfast break.
        Dan pulled over at the nearest town to fill up on gas and for everyone to get a chance to stretch their legs. Vanessa decided to stay in the furgone, van and take a sleep, it had been a bad night for her. She had been awake all night.
All night.
Serena burst out of the furgone, van and rushed straight into store, Nate was starving too and he quickly followed her while that left Chuck and Blair to wander to the nearby café for at least something that was freshly cooked, unlike Serena they weren't eating anything straight out of a packet.
As soon as she entered the store, being a teenager was no longer an asset. The man standing behind the counter kept his eye always on her, making sure she wasn't about to steal anything, but Serena wouldn't do anything like that, she was reformed. She was a good girl.
She held onto the bottle of Sunny D and a Special K bar before, being Serena she just didn't think.
Spotting the furgone, van in the corner of her eye and noticing there was someone hanging around the left side. Her thoughts instantly sensed there was another thieve around. In a blink of an eye she ran straight out of the store- without paying.
“Hey!!! Get back here”
The man yelled viciously and rapidly followed her in pursuit.
“Oh it's te Nate! I thought someone was breaking in again”
Serena felt quiet foolish but she had grown protective of her little van. She loved it.
The man caught up with Serena and grabbed onto her arm.
Serena tried to pull away before Nate walked over and shoved the man away from her.
“Yes! Gonna pay for those?”
He shouted and yelled at her.
“Oh my God! I didn't realise! I was just worried someone was going to...”
Serena shouted in shock at her mistake.
“Yeah yeah! te were making a run for it”
He continued to fight her, not believing a word.
“No I wasn't I was just...”
Serena continued to protest and gazed at Nate for support.
“Lets see what the police have to say then shall we?”
His voice tone lowered and pulled out his cell phone.
“Oh for God sake...”
Nate muttered.
“You're a thieve”
“No I'm not!”
Serena was barely able to contain herself. She felt so cheated when it was just an accident and the stubborn store owner was just not believing a word.
“She didn't do it on purpose did she? Christ sake!”
Nate continued to defend Serena but the man wasn't taking any notice he continued to dial on his phone.
“Nate calm down”
Serena held onto his arm and tried to calm him down. It surprised her why he was defending her so much.
About ten minuti later a police officer arrived.
“What's the problem Mike?”
He asked while he pulled out his handcuffs ready.
“Thief ”
He mumbled under his breath and pointed at Serena, she was nearly in tears being accused and not having a chance to explain her actions.
“How many fucking times!!!”
Nate was really losing it with the store owner. He had been distracted the last few days with Vanessa and Serena, but having someone make Serena upset made him even più angry.
The police officer continued to speak to the store owner for the successivo ten minuti before he walked up to Serena and gave them the decision.
“Look he's willing to drop it, so just get out of here”
“Yeah get her out of here”
The owner muttered as he wandered back towards the store.
“Lets go”
Serena pulled at Nate's arm not before Nate heard what was meant to go unheard.
“Thieving little bitch”
That was the last straw, no one was going to disrespect Serena like that. He reacted in the one way he knew how and this time it was his brain which had stopped thinking. He clenched his fist and threw a punch, punzone at the owner. He dropped down to the floor.
Serena yelled at him.
Vanessa who had decided to get breakfast with Dan came running over to see what was going on.
“What's going on?”
Dan yelled in confusion.
“He called me a bitch”
“What?! Right!”
Dan yelled out and reached out to the man ready to give him his own punch, punzone in defence of his girl, but Dan just didn't get the chance he was pulled away da the officer trying to keep Nate and Dan under control.
“Right just take them all in we'll deal with it at the station”
He yelled to his partner who had remained in the car until this point.
“What?! No te don't understand I've been in a cell before it ain't pretty”
Dan protested while he was being placed in the handcuffs.
“Don't care sunshine. Get in”
Dan continued to shout out.
“Dan do something, negotiate”
Vanessa shouted being the victim in the situation having done nothing wrong.
“They're police I don't think I can negotiate that would be called bribery and that's illegal”
Dan detto in a very patronising manner before all four were placed in the back of the car.
        Meanwhile totally unaware of what was going on just outside Blair and Chuck were in the café getting some much needed breakfast although Blair still had things from her precedente evening still on her mind, and Blair was never one to hide her feelings well and Chuck was starting to notice.
“What's wrong with you?”
She she muttered back.
“Nothing Okay!?”
She snapped and tried to sposta away.
“Don't lie to me Blair”
“If I tell te you'll just deny it”
“I can't deny anything unless te tell me”
“Well... Oh my God, they're going in a police car”
She thought now was a good a time as any to tell him what she was thinking but finally they took notice was what was going on outside.
“Nate's in handcuffs!”
Chuck repeated still confused da what was going on.
“Oh my God! What's happened?”
da the time Blair and Chuck got outside the police car had driven off leaving a very confused basso and Waldorf standing on the curve side.
        It was checking in time. They all queued up da the front desk.
“Serena Celia furgone, van der Woodsen”
“She's on record”
Dan muttered to the police officer that was queuing up with him.
Serena pushed his arm in revenge.
“What? They would have found out anyway”
The successivo police officer asked Dan.
“Ohh Daniel Jonah Humphrey. I have no precedente record...Well I did punch, punzone someone once but that was in defence”
He mumbled on and on about his past inprisonment.
“So was this”
Nate mumbled.
After their records were taken they were all slung into a police cell.    
“I thought this trip was going to be fun I didn't pack for a police trial”
Vanessa detto standing and staring through the barred windows.
“You think I did”
Serena answered. After a while they got bored, Vanessa tried to patch up Nate's bruised fist, but Dan had much a much cheerier agenda.
“Lets play that game!”
He stood enthusiastically.
“What game?”
Vanessa moaned.
“You know someone starts da saying a word then the successivo person says a word to do with that and then it just keeps going”
Dan tried to explain to the others.
“Okay I'll start. Prison”
They agreed and Serena begun the game.
Dan grinned.
Vanessa detto next.
Nate smiled.
Dan muttered and laughed under his breath.
Nate and Serena yelled at the same time.
“Nate detto Blair and te detto Chuck?”
Serena asked all confused.
Dan nodded.
“Because it's true”
“So the first thing te think of when te think of Blair is Chuck?”
“Yeah. That and bitchy and annoying and everything I'm stand against but I've gotten used too because she's your friend, but come on Serena te can't say te don't think they'd be perfect together”
Dan made his explanation clear.
“No but I just thought that was over”
“Yeah Blair thought so too”
Before Serena got to domanda him about this the police officer who had arrested her opened the hole in the door and yelled her name.
“Van der Woodsen!”
        She was taken into the small interview room. She begun da not saying anything, but then all of his stupid statements got a little boring.
“Okay technically te have a point!” The officer groaned, in annoyance with Serena's mumbling on. “Technically but lets look at this realistically shall we? I had money I was going to pay for the stuff the whole situation just got out of hand”
“Hmm you're telling me”
His face was buried in his palms.
“If you're going to arrest me then do it now but be warned I know some very good lawyers and have a water tight case”
She held out her wrists together ready for the cuffs.
“Of course I would Amore to sit here and listen to your many... Many stories Miss furgone, van der Woodsen but I think we've got to the bottom of this case”
“So I'm free to go?”
“As a bird”
He pointed to the door.
“What about my Friends and my boyfriend?”
“They are being let off now, Mr McGuire decided not to prosecute just to tell te to leave”
Serena skipped towards the door.
“Next time keep your boyfriend under control and don't think twice about walking out of a store with unpaid goods”
“Sure thing officer”
Serena gave him two thumbs up and skipped her way out of the station. Not realising she hadn't corrected the officer's mistake about calling Nate her boyfriend.
        By the time they got back to the furgone, van things were all very quiet. Nobody was that eager to explain to Chuck and Blair about what had happened.
“Is anyone going to explain?”
Blair turned to all four of them, only getting silent looks in response. Dan was driving and that was his excuse to not answer any questions, but he was about to have too since they were going to have their secondo brush with the law in one day.
“Oh Christ... I'm being pulled over.” Vanessa giggled thinking he was joking but she turned around and saw he unfortunately was not. “Everyone just shut up and leave the talking to me”
“Leave it to you? Oh my God we're going to prison this time”
Blair sniggered sarcastically.
“Shut up! Just act normal”
Dan pulled over to the side of the road.
“This is great isn't it! I'm going to get arrested twice in one day”
Serena hid in her sede, sedile hoping to avoid the law. A very familiar came wandering up to the window.
“What can I do for te officer?”
Dan smiled before the officer took off his hat.
“Where te aware te were going over the...” He stopped in his sentence when he saw who he was speaking too. “You lot again!?”
“We just can't stop bumping into eachother can we officer?”
Vanessa grinned from behind Dan's seat.
“You were over the limit”
He preached.
“No we weren't!”
Nate smugly said.
“Don't argue- we'll end up back in jail! Yes we were officer”
Dan agreed with everything the officer said.
They all yelled at him, but the officer was just not interested in più annoying teenage kids.
“Get on your way, stick to the and please don't let me stop te again”
“We wont be back here for a long time officer don't worry about that”
Serena smiled and shoved Dan a couple of times to get the furgone, van going again.
        Serena offered to drive through the successivo few miles of Kentucky, with Nate at her side through that evening. Until they stopped for più gas.
“Do te two want anything?”
Serena shouted to Chuck and Blair who were barely awake. Blair headed was lying on Chuck's shoulder.
“No thanks S”
“No thanks”
Serena had to shake her head there for a second, Chuck and Blair having manners? They detto thank you. This trip was doing them both the world of good. She stepped out of the furgone, van and went over to Nate who was just filling up.
“I'm sorry for going over the superiore, in alto today. Just that guy...”
He gave her the cucciolo dog eyes in defence.
“Thank you”
“I was just trying to help you”
“Well te got me thrown in jail- and te know how much I'm a fan of jail”
“You've got your own mugshot at least”
He joked with her.
“Hey! That was a mistake”
She giggled.
“You want me to drive for a while?”
Nate offered.
“No te don't have too”
“Serena you've been driving non stop for hours let me take over”
“Okay fine. I could do with a sleep actually”
“Settled then”
He took the keys from her hand and waited in the furgone, van for Serena to pay.
“Nate are te okay?”
Blair noticed him pressing his head against the staring wheel and muttering under his breath.
“Yeah”. He gazed over at Serena and saw her Unbelievable beauty, she was... She was Serena. “Yeah I think I am”.


A/N: I'm really happy with this chapter. I tried to make then being arrested funny and Dan of course I try my best to get his humour right so I hope I do okay, and I know I'm trying to push più for più Dan/Blair but purely just Friends because I just Amore them so much. Anyway successivo time più CB, I promise. I will update in a week o so... Please do commento before te leave. I really appreciate it. Thank te so much xoxo
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