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A/N: It’s time for a bit of honesty. I’m going to be leaving this fandom shortly. And with that I give te my last fic that I will be Scrivere for Gossip Girl. It has been fun.

The elevator doors opened slowly and Blair peered into the constricted spazio only to see the one person that she swore she would never like to see again, but then why was her cuore beating so fast? There he stood, looking at her solemnly and holding fiori in his hands. She looked at him quickly, but she knew that he saw the disappointed look on her face. She wanted to mostra that she didn’t have any feelings o emotion left towards him, but she didn’t quite succeed.
They were silent for several secondi until he spoke up. “I’m sorry,” Chuck’s voice was grave and dire from the pain. “I screwed up.” He handed her a bouquet of fiori and she took them into her hands carefully.
She peered at the fiori before saying in a dispirited tone, “It’s too late, Chuck. I’ve stood da te through all of this, but I can’t watch te self destruct any longer.” She brought her eyes back to his and saw the same hopeless that she felt reflected in his.
“Jack set me up.” He detto it quickly and there was a plea in his voice. Chuck basso was pleading with her and any other time that might have mattered, but she had made her mind up before and she wasn’t going to let something as little as this make her instantly forgive him, like she had so many times before. The elevator doors began to close and Blair almost wished that the elevator would ingoiare, inghiottire him whole, so she wouldn’t have to deal with the constant pain that came with loving Chuck. Just in the nick of time, he banged his hand hastily against the doors, so that they remained open again.
She finally found her voice again. “You have no one to blame, but yourself. I believed in you, your father believed in you. You- are the only one who didn’t.” Tears began to cascade down her face. She paused for a minuto while trying to find the right words. “All I wanted to do was just be there. But today when te called me your wife,” he shook his head in denial, but she ignored him and plowed on, “you made it sound like the ugliest word in the world.” She looked down at the floor in defeat.
Chuck tried again. “Blair, please.” He reached for her, but she pushed him away adamantly.
Blair looked at him one last time before dropping her eyes to her shoes. It was easier to talk to her Lanvin appartamenti then it was to look him in the eyes and say the words. “Sorry…but I’m done.”
The finality of her voice must have alerted him to how serious she was about her decision. Chuck stepped fully back into the elevator and just before the doors closed, she threw the fiori that he had brought her back at him and they landed right successivo to the heel of his shoe. He stared at the fiori until the elevator came to a complete stop. He left them there. Blair was done with him and he never thought that this could happen, but she had just broken his cuore and nothing he would do could make her forgive him in this moment. He would do nothing. He made a decision then and there that he didn’t need anyone in his life, especially someone named Blair Waldorf.

He was drunk. Wickedly drunk. He looked around his suite and hardly recognized where he was. Room 1812, once such a symbol of peace and happiness for him, but it held none of that attraction anymore. He couldn’t even recognize himself anymore and he didn’t want to. Is this what grief felt like? It must have been because he had never felt like this before and he wanted to snap out of it, but he couldn’t and nothing irritated him più than that, except for the fact that he was having trouble having sex with other women. No. He corrected himself, not sex, fucking. He wasn’t going to go all soft now on that. Why was he having such trouble though? He used to always be able to get it up. What was different now? He knew the answer immediately. Her.
Chuck went over to the sideboard and lined up bottles of liquor in the way that he was going to drink them. He was already più than drunk, but he decided that it wasn’t enough. He would mostra them all that they were right about him. He was worthless and it was high time that he started mostrare them that. No one cared about him. Absolutely no one.
A half ora later the first bottle of alcohol had been consumed. Gin. He didn’t particularly care for it, but it was alcohol nonetheless and he didn’t want to feel anything. He wanted to be the Chuck basso that he had been little over a anno ago. Numb. He wanted to be completely numb and not feel a thing.
The successivo bottle went down a little rougher. Whiskey. It burned his throat on the way down and made his eyes water. He disregarded that fact and kept on drinking. He didn’t want his sanity any longer. He just wanted the pain to go away and to be able to forget everything. That was his reason for getting blazing drunk, to forget everything and everyone. It wasn’t working. Fuck. Nothing would make him forget.
He grabbed the bottle of scotch and started to down it. He would welcome when he would pass out, but for now that wasn’t happening. He couldn’t even get properly drunk anymore. What the fuck was the matter with him? He gulped down the first bottle of scotch within ten minuti and when it was empty, aimed for the garbage bin and threw it. He missed. The bottle shattered into millions of tiny pieces on the floor.
Chuck stood up on shaky legs and had to hold onto the furniture all around him to make it back to the sidebar and grab the successivo bottle of scotch. He took several sips before he realized that he had tears streaming down his face. That would be bad enough, but he knew it wasn’t from the liquor and instead from the people in his life.
He angrily wiped the tears away and hurled the bottle across the room and it smashed into the oval mirror framing the foyer. The crash resonated and made him curl his hands into fists.
He started to smash everything he could find, various expensive antiques lying around, glass, all the alcohol that was there, and anything that he could get his hands on. It was for them. As he threw everything against the wall, he thought of Bart and the grief that he felt over his death and how his father had never loved him, his supposed friends, Lily, the cagna who had as good as killed her father, and he even allowed himself to think of her. For the first time in weeks he thought of her and he hated himself for it, so he upturned a tavolo with items littered all over it and he forced himself never to think of her again o say her name. That would be the end of him.
Chuck found that he was blubbering like a baby again and crumpled on the floor again and allowed himself a moment of weakness. He could envision her tangle of russet curls and her headbands, her tights, the way she smiled when she was plotting something, and lastly the smile she reserved especially for him.
Darkness followed. And he went into the dark abyss of oblivion.

There were bottles of alcohol everywhere. A pile of cocaine da the ashtray. A blunt rolled, but that had not been used yet. And Chuck realized that he hadn’t showered in nine days. That overtook everything. He planned on smoking and using everything, but first he had to shower. And then maybe he could get his life back into the order that it used to be…before Bart had died and Blair had left him. Those thoughts only served to depress him even more. He just wanted to feel whole again and maybe the first step to that would be to rid himself of all the temptations in his room. Maybe he would throw everything away, but that was a big maybe.
He turned at the sound of his best friend’s voice. Well his best friend who had abandoned him in the time of his greatest need. te couldn’t really call someone a best friend after that. He saw Nate standing at the entry of the doorway, casually standing like he didn’t have a care in the world and he knew that he didn’t care. He hadn’t seen him in months, but now that he was seeing him, he realized that he hadn’t missed much.
“Nathaniel. What do I owe this pleasure?”
Nate pulled a face. “Chuck, te know that…”
“No, I don’t. I haven’t seen te in what, four months?”
“I wanted to give te time, man.”
“And now you’re ready to be my friend again?”
He swallowed hard. “I’ve always been your friend.” He finally had the courage to look into Chuck’s face. “You know that, right?”
He didn’t answer Nate. He didn’t have to. He didn’t owe risposte to anyone who hadn’t dato a fuck, but now who finally felt ready to be a friend again. In some part of his still hazy grief stricken mind he knew that Nate and all the others did care about him and it was partly his fault because he had pushed them all away, but to him they had never tried hard enough. And that was unforgivable to Chuck.
Nate frowned and it only added to his usual appearance of confusion. “How have te been?”
He slapped Nate hard on the back. “Grand. Just grand, Nathaniel.” A semblance of a smirk spread across his lips. “I fucked a pair of twins last night. A blond and a brunette. Is that what te were looking to hear?”
Nate tried to look interested in that fact, but he failed miserably. “I would Amore to hear something like that if it meant that te were back to yourself, but I know that you’re not. I bet you’re even lying. They were no twins last night, were there?”
How did he know that? He couldn’t even lie to convince Nate anymore. How did something like this happen? He had developed feelings and that overtook every part of his brain. He sighed and whispered savagely, “You’re right. There were no twins. I only detto that so te would get off my culo and maybe I could crawl back into the hole that te all think that I come from.”
“Chuck,” he paused and after collecting his thoughts said, “We all care about you. No one has known how to get through to te and that’s why we haven’t been around.”
“You didn’t care enough to try.”
“We all care,” Nate shook his head in denial at Chuck’s statement. “We’re all pulling for you.”
“I’m not some fucking charity case!” the words exploded out of him and he wanted to make sure that he understood that he was not a charity case and never would be that low. “And who are these people that te keep referring to that care about me?”
“Well for starters, I do. I’m your best friend and maybe I haven’t shown that lately, but I’m always going to care what happens to you, Chuck.” Chuck snorted in disbelief. Nate didn’t pay any attention to that and plowed on. “Then there’s Serena, Lily, Eric, and…Blair.”
“Don’t mention her name to me ever again.” He growled. His voice had a hard quality about it now and the mere mention of her name seemed to set him off.
Nate knew instantly that it was Blair’s name that had upset him and not Serena’s o Lily’s. “She cares about you, Chuck. She does and always will, but she doesn’t want to get hurt again. Although she hasn’t been happy since everything went down and we all can see that she misses you. Why don’t te try calling her o texting her?”
“She gave up on me,” his voice granite only a moment ago, now had turned forlorn and desperate and he hated that about himself. “I don’t need her any longer, just like she obviously doesn’t need me.” As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he knew that it was a lie, but he was going to admit that.
“No, that’s not true.”
“Get out.” Chuck hissed.
“Why? I’m trying to help you.”
“I don’t want your help. I don’t need it!” He gave Nate a hearty shove towards the door and Nate had no choice, but to cooperate.
“Fine, but I’ll be back. I’m not giving up on te and te should realize that before te hurt yourself even more.”
And then he was gone and Chuck realized that it was the first human contact he had with the outside world in months, except for nameless whores that he had been trying to fuck. He missed them. His Friends and even…No, he wouldn’t allow himself to think about her again. She was done hurting him and he was done hurting her. It was better off this way.
He slowly began to creep out of his depressive state. The months of depression finally started to seep away and he began to feel human again. Chuck still didn’t feel whole, but he was beginning to feel somewhat like his old self again and it was because of her. Elle. She had made him forget a part of himself and discover something new.
He had met her around the time that he was still grieving his father’s death and he found out about the secret society club that he had been involved with, as was Elle and he still didn’t know the full story behind that. She was obviously beautiful and then there was the allure of protecting her and the mysteriousness that she was. Being with her proved to be a challenge, but te couldn’t say that it wasn’t exciting and Chuck basso lived for excitement.
He had even fancied himself in Amore with her when he agreed to leave the country with her, but he had just been fooling himself. He had wanted to fall in Amore with Elle and he convinced himself that he was, but it was all to forget about her. He wanted to be able to Amore someone other than her, but he found that he couldn’t and that irked him più than anything, so he told himself that it was true. He loved Elle, but the truth of the matter was that he didn’t and never would. He would have liked to believe it, but even he wasn’t that far gone to believe something of that nature.
Why did he make himself believe that he was then? What was different about Elle from all the other nameless women that he had fucked and forgotten about within a few hours? She was different because she had come to him after their official meeting and he missed the feel of human contact and someone coming to him for something other than pity.
He cared about her enough to help her, but he had never been in Amore with her. And within the successivo few days he found out that was a good thing because she betrayed him. She had never wanted him for anything other than help. Elle had never cared about him and that hurt.

He caught up with her as she was exiting her hotel room and hailing a taxi. “Elle,” he detto in surprise. “Where are te going? What happened to the plan that we had?”
She had sighed and stopped short. “That’s it, Chuck. I got what I wanted and I don’t need te anymore.”
Elle didn’t apologize, but acted as though he should have known that something like this would have happened. “You used me?” He felt like clutching at his heart, but he would never do anything like that in front of her.
“I had to. I’m sure te understand that. te seem like a great guy, but now that I have everything that I need, I really don’t have a use for te anymore.”
Elle’s words cut him deeply and he couldn’t believe that he could have been so naïve and actually thinkt that she had feelings for him. He couldn’t even blame her. It was his fault. It was another case of no one caring about Chuck Bass.
An uncomfortable expression crossed her face before she leaned over to baciare him lightly on the cheek. “Go find someone that truly cares about you.” With that she turned and walked out of his life, like so many other before her.
Losing her had been like losing a piece of himself and no he wasn’t talking about Elle anymore. He was talking about her. Elle’s words ran through his mind over and over again. Find someone that truly cares about you. For the first time in months he allowed himself to truly think of her. All of their games and the lies and the gossip didn’t matter nor did the past. He needed her. Blair. He could finally admit it. What he tried to hide for so long. His life wasn’t complete without Blair in it. It had taken him a long time to figure it out, but now that he had he wasn’t about to let her drop out of his life. Blair was it.


A/N: It would be lovely if te could review my final fic for Gossip Girl. Tell me how I did. Thanks to everyone who has always encouraged me and you’ll see me sometime soon in a different random.


Thankyou for all the reviews! te make my giorno and te definitely inspire me to keep Scrivere and trying to update asap! I know I totally owe te quicker aggiornamenti after my little hiatus so I will try my best! Thanks for reviewing and continuing to read!

By my recente standards I'd say this was a pretty quick update.....things start to pick up a little bit here and im still struggling to find the time to write but im trying my best not to be too slow.

I know I detto there would be around 6-10 più chapter but that was because I was going to do shorter chapters and quicker aggiornamenti but I've decided...
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Story: "Don’t leave me behind"

Author: edwestwick (Ana)

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip girl o used songs.

Summary: Chuck is going to leave New York for good after he saw Blair with Nate. Will Blair see who she really has farfalle for and what if it’s too late?

Here is new chapter, hope you’ll like it. I started new fic which is series of oneshots and it’s called Sparks so please check it out too. Ok end of the rant.

"Everyone knows I'm in
Over my head
Over my head
With eight secondi left in overtime
She's on your mind
She's on your mind”
"Over My Head” The Fray

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Mass mailing will happen in two weeks, on Friday, November 20. This should give te enough time to get started on your letters, because we're sure you'll have a lot to say!

We also strongly recommend te send in pictures of girls (heck, even boys) in headbands, especially our Gossip Girl cast. We've got a bunch of graphics here, but te can also make your own (we'll make an entry where te can share them).

The mailing address is:

The CW Network
c/o Gossip Girl
3300 West oliva Avenue
Burbank, CA 91505

Now aside from old school letter sending we'll be doing email and other forms of communication/promotion. So get ready for that too. If te can't send in printed headband photos, then te can certainly do it online.

Don't forget to keep promoting The Headband Project!
As we reported earlier in the week, Leighton Meester just released her new single "Somebody To Love," a collaboration with singer-songwriter Robin Thicke.

The awesome actress' precedente foray into music, Gossip Girl fan probably all remember, was guest vocals on cobra Starship's hit "Good Girls Go Bad."

Teaming up with the band was fun, but she's been in the studio, Scrivere and recording her own stuff. Here's what she had to say in a Q&A with Buzznet:

Q: Do te have a morning bathroom routine? If so what does it entail from when te get out of letto until te are dressed for the day?

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Even Blair Waldorf might take the subway if her reward on the other end was a Lady Gaga concert. The singer is filming an upcoming episode of Gossip Girl today on the Lower East Side, in which she'll perform as herself!

We imagine she'll be debuting some original Gossip Girl Musica on the show, which is pretty cool for Gossip Girl, whether you're a fan of Lady Gaga o not.

The New York Daily News reported the NYC native's guest role today. Are te excited for più stella, star power coming to the Upper ... er, Lower East Side?
Gossip Girl features ensemble cast of nine regular speaking roles which were mainly adapted from the book series. The series began with the mysterious arrival of fromer 'it girl' Serena furgone, van der Woodsen (Blake Lively), who attempts to start a new page in her life with her Friends and family. Dan Humphrey (Penn Badgley), an outsider who becomes a part of the turbulent Manhattan scene, is Serena's main Amore interest whom she starts dating in the first episode. Blair Waldorf (Leighton Meester) is a beautiful Queen Bee of Manhattan's social scene, Serena's best friend, ally, and often rival, on...
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Anger is the Best Remedy for Love- Chapter Six

“Carter Baizen.”
She felt her mouth go dry and found that no words could even express her shock and surprise. First Dan, then Nate, and now Carter. “Are te sure it’s his?” Blair whispered.
Serena took it as a sign that Blair hadn’t bolted yet that she was going to help her out with this. “I’m sure,” she confirmed. “Dan and I haven’t slept together in months because of some problems, with Nate it was only that one time and we used protection, but with Carter it’s been più than once and we haven’t used anything.” She tilted...
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posted by Yankeesam32935
A/N: Okay, this might be the last thing that I ever write. There is still going to be a C/N Slash fic, but I do hope to continue this story is the future. Hope being the key word. If this is indeed my last story, I want to thank a couple of Friends who mean a lot to me. First off to Laura for encouraging me like no one else does. She has convinced me time and time again that my Scrivere does not suck and she’s always willing to talk me through things when someone else isn’t. I appreciate it and I do the same for you. To my first ever reviewer who turned out to be…Alicia. That doesn’t...
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Gossip Girl Spoilers: Vanessa and Scott?
postato on July 10th, 2009 7:47 AM da LovelyLively
Filed under: Chris Riggi, Gossip Girl Pictures, Gossip Girl Spoilers, Jessica Szohr
As yesterday's Gossip Girl spoilers certainly hinted, Vanessa will be getting involved with someone we met at the end of last season. Scott certainly came to mind.

Well, here's Jessica Szohr with who we believe to be Chris Riggi (Scott) on the set of the mostra in NYC. Think they make a cute couple? We may soon find out ...

Jessica Szohr (Vanessa) and Chris Riggi (Scott) on the Gossip Girl set.

Click to enlarge più pictures of the possible new pair - including one indicating that they may be progressing from Friends to più than Friends pretty quickly ...
Temptation of the Best Kind- Chapter Ten

A/N: If te are a Nate fan, I would warn te not to read this. 

The crack of a fist hitting someone’s flesh reverberated through the school hallways. The two men that used to be best Friends stared at each other, and shakily Nate brought a hand up to his aching jaw. Chuck forced himself to calm down and looked at his bloody knuckles. He had really dato Nathaniel a good veloce, swift punch, punzone in the face. Nate continued to look dazed, but Chuck wished that he could punch, punzone him again. Hitting Nate once was never going to be enough after all of the pain and heartbreak...
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Author’s Note: Well, I hope all te readers enjoyed the first chapter! And hopefully, you’ll enjoy this chapter and the rest of the story!

Anyways, I’d really appreciate it if te could leave a review for me! They are adored/loved!

~Blair’s POV~

“Who’s the father?”

I gulped. “You,” I answered faintly.

“You sure?” He seemed happy about my answer. But wait, Chuck Bass, happy? As if. He was only happy when he was in letto with some random whore, “making love.” But I must admit, he has changed in the past couple of months. Well, a little.

I nodded. “I took a paternity test while...
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posted by luvrgirl101
Standing on the balcony staring up at the night sky, he took comfort in the stars. They were so beautiful, yet so simple. The exact opposite of his life right now. For the first time in a very long time, Chuck basso was scared, terrified even.

As his gaze moved to look at the lights of the city below him, he thought back to the giorno of Bart's funeral.

Blair had finally detto those three words, she finally admitted she loved him, and she tried giving him comfort, the comfort and Amore he so desperately needed, and she wanted to be there for him. But he pushed her away, he wouldn't -- couldn't so those...
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The Mess that is Chuck Bass~Chapter 8

He was seething. “So that’s your big ploy to get me to come back to New York with you? To withhold sex from me?
Blair looked straight ahead. This wasn’t going how she planned, she had thought as soon as she detto there would be no sex until he came back with her, that he would agree immediately. But Chuck could be just as stubborn as she was.
“I’m serious, Chuck. There will be no sex until te decide to come back with me. I don’t want to see te waste your life here anymore.”
“Get out.” He detto in a low and venomous voice.
She looked at him...
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posted by Bla-bla
 How have te been?
How have you been?
Blair is one mese Pregnant

V: Good mourning(kisses)
C: Good mourning (kisses back)
V: So another business trip to France ( looks at ticket)
C: Yes why?..
V: Because Chuck te go there a lot
C: Just business
V: Sure I believe you...

Blair has been dating a hot guy named Anthony. He knows about the baby and knows that it is Chuck's. Him and Chuck are like best-friends.

B: ciao An
A: ciao Blair (hugs)
B: So Chuck coming today exicited
A: Definitely, Only two più hours
B: Well I am glad your happy
A: Well I'm glad I have te (kisses)

Chuck is at the airport with Blair and Anthony waiting for him. He gives them...
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 Rehearsing For Play
Rehearsing For Play
Chair Tales S02E06- The Way She Moves

It's been a couple of days since Chuck and Blair's fall out and Blair has been staying with Serena and Dan.
At Yale, Blair is in rehearsal's with her drama Friends messing around and having fun. At the end of rehearsals Zane invites Blair out for something to eat, she agrees. They are at a cafe having a coffee and some food.

Z: So, how are te finding the play...you still loving it?
B: Yeah of course! It gets più and più exciting the più we practice!
Z: We're nearing the end now too....soon we're going to have to rehearse our...ummm...intimate encounter......
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posted by nataliaryanfan
A/N: Takes place during the ‘Chuck/Blair at the bar’ scene in 1.13, “A Thin Line between Chuck and Nate.” Please review! They are my love!

Blair’s POV

I don’t want te anymore, he had detto to me.

His words hurt me più than Nate’s. più than anybody else’s. I sat there trying to gather all the information in my head.

Then, I realized no one wanted me o wanted to help me anymore. Not even Serena, who was supposed to be my best friend. o Nate, whom I’ve loved for years. And now, Chuck, the person I had Lost my virtue to, had rejected me as well.

I slowly got off the bar sgabello and...
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"No, no. Stop here! Right here is fine." Blair demanded, shifting uncomfortably in the leather seat.

She peered out of the tinted window at the school ahead. If Eleanor hadn't of started paying più attention to her than usual, she wouldn't even be there. It didn't take a psychiatrist to know that she wasn't ready, not even close. But there she was, waiting in the town car, refusing to be driven to the front as usual.

Spotted: B finally resurfacing into society after a two week rest. Why wasn't she seen leaving her apartment until just this morning, te ask? Only time will tell. te know you...
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Something was wrong. Chuck had gone to Blair's after school yesterday and Dorota stopped him at the elevator, explaining that she was sick, and shouldn't have visitors. After listening to her scold him for not calling first, he took off. Today, she still wasn't at school and wasn't answering any of his calls o texts. Leaving her alone was a stupid decision. Of course something like this would happen. He was the only one, aside from Vanessa, who knew what was really wrong with her.

"Chuck?" A voice called from behind him. Serena. "Have te heard from Blair? She's still not answering any of my...
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added by laurik2007
Source: yellow-cat @ tumblr
added by Kirsty
Source: spoilertv