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 Forget Ginny Weasley - Hermione is the one for Harry!
Forget Ginny Weasley - Hermione is the one for Harry!
Harry and Ginny are like James and Lily? Certainly not!

All Harinny supporters Amore to tell us how Harry and Ginny are a replica of James and Lily.
“Ginny and Lily share common traits” they say. Ask them to mostra a lista of evidences – te wont find anything beyond “Both have red hair.”
Oh wow! What a big proof! Now this is why Ginny is Harry’s soulmate – she has red hair. So hair colour is enough to make her Lily? Hermione can dye her hair red guys – don’t forget that there is a whole range of colour dyes available. LOL!

Hermione is the one who is più like...
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Hello my fellow Harmony shippers and all others open to different ideas. A few words about myself first, I used to be a Draco/Hermione shipper and anti-Ginny/Harry. Recently I moved on to Ginny/Draco and I started shipping Harry and Hermione. How I started shipping Harry and Hermione deserves a brief explanation, as well. My friend and I were talking about the libri one night. We were discussing romance in the novels and agreed that we only felt“it“, oddly, with Lucius and Narcissa in the last book. We always thought Draco's dad was a cold and perhaps a più patriarchal sort than he turned...
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posted by iceprincess7492
Harmony Because…

1. Because they are suited.

2. Because they think on the same level.

3. Because they don’t need parallels, but Lily and James would approve.

4. Because in times of trouble, they reach out for each other.

5. Because they compliment each other.

6. Because Hermione wanted Harry to be a Prefect with her.

7. Because Harry and Hermione have friendship, bravery and love.

8. Because they admire each other.

9. Because he thinks she’s jaw-droppingly attractive.

10. Because Harry doesn’t want to disappoint Hermione with low scores.

11. Because they talk about each other to their crushes....
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posted by emilykuru
This is an articolo supporting all Harry-Hermione fan that I wanted to write. An articolo supporting the Harry-Hermione ship.Thanks to Amber as I took some good points out of her articolo “Is our ship Sunken”. I dedicate this articolo to all the Harmony supporters who tirelessly defend Harmony is every possible way. And a special dedication to my Harmony besties over here – OnlyHarmioneHJP and Tasha!

“JKR has decided Romione and Harinny as end game.”
“Harry and Hermione are never gonna be.”
“Harmony shippers are delusional.”
“It is already decided.”
“The subject is closed.”...
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posted by OnlyHarmioneHJP
 Harmony: The OTP Forever and Always
Harmony: The OTP Forever and Always
So this is just an off the cuff H/Hr summary I ended up Scrivere while goofying around on Facebook. It's basically a anno da anno satire on the obvious reasons why Harmony should be togther. Enjoy!

Year One:
“Come here Babe, let me fix your glasses and tell te you're Ribelle - The Brave and fearless before te go get the Sorcerer's Stone.”
“Oh thanks Hon, you're the best! Clever and cute too. I'm Harry da the way.”
“I know, I'm Hermione...”

Year Two:
“Babe, you're glasses are broken again. Let me fix them and give te the answer to the Chamber of Secrets before I'm petrified.”
“Thanks for...
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This is just a rant of a harmony fanboy, not an actual fan-fiction. However I am Scrivere this to address a very specific point so feel free to read and commento whether you’re a harmony fan o not. However note that I am a Harmony fanboy and will not be being overly sensitive in reference to other ships. Also note I’m addressing harmony fan specifically in this.
    Harmony (H/HR) fan have taken their fair share of hits over the years. The most obvious being harmony did not become canon, JKR had a different idea of how romance would occur amongst her characters. I am...
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posted by RespHarmony
The Black Lake

The Black Lake in the Hogwarts Grounds looks mystical during the sunset. There are different shades of blue, rosa and purple in the darkening sky, all reflected on the magical lake full of merpeople, grindylows and the Giant Squid. The forest and the Grounds were full of greens, te could even smell the forests natural scent. The soft surface of the erba was pleasing, relaxing even. This is a great place to come and think things through, to escape from reality.

The smeraldo eyed, raven haired Harry Potter was sitting near the Black Lake, gazing at the sunset, thinking of everything:...
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[...] and his vision was completely obscured da a large quantity of very bushy hair. Hermione had thrown herself on to him in a hug that nearly knocked him flat [...]
"HARRY! Ron, he's here, Harrys here! We didn't hear te arrive! Oh, how are you? Are te all right? Have te been furious with us? I bet te have, I know our letters were useless - but we couldn't tell te anything, Dumbledore made us swear we wouldn't, oh, we've got so much to tell you, and you've got things to tell us -the Dementors! When we heard - and that Ministry hearing - it's just outrageous, I've looked it all up, they...
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Now first of all let me state that I’m a true harmony fan and I hate any other shippings of girls with Harry. Because I am firm believer that harry is for hermione and no one else can come between them!
Now getting on to the point, before I read HBP I never bothererd to even give a secondo thought for Ginny weasley. Who was she any ways? I never bothered for her at all. So I dindt in any way notice her. But the thing started in HBP and I grew so sick of her!

Now lets see how ginny weasley came into the story!

Until the Chamber of secrets, ginny was just like any other muggle mentioned in the...
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posted by xharmonystx
Well, many have been thinking: Why should Harry and Hermione end up together?

Think of it,

1. Ginny is nearly a carbon copy of Harry's mother, and normally, you'd not want to end up with someone like your mother. It's disgusting! As if you're baciare your own mother.

2. Even though the Film mostra più chemistry between Harry and Hermione, Hermione and Ron, in the books, always fight about at least one thing in every single book.

3. Fighting, according to me, doesn't mostra sexual tension. It shows dislike o even hatred towards a person.

4. Hermione is always there for Harry. Like that time where...
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posted by Harrypotter148
It was a dark rain night and Harry and Harry and Hermione were sitting in the tent, Hermione was reading, while Harry was scratching down random things from him last inside into Voldermorts mind. Ron had left weeks ago, and harry knew he was not coming back. Hermione stopped crying herself to sleep two weeks back, this made Harry sleep better at night. He knew she was crushed da Ron's actions, but he knew better then to push her about it, Hermione was strong.

"Harry, I'm going to go to bed" she closed her book and half smiled at him, he only nodded. a about ten minuti later her soft snoring...
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posted by iceprincess7492
I decided to use the word ‘relationship’ for this pair because its the best term to describe them and “charged moments” just the two of them, something special which Harry and Ron do not share nor do Hermione and Ron, its these moments which make Harry & Hermione a relationship that is worthy of its nickname which the fandom has dato to them - Harmony.

While there may be a lot of people Leggere this articolo who could have different choices, mine is my own opinion and choice and preferito so the best thing to do is respect our individual differences if they exist. To me, Harry &...
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posted by iceprincess7492
I found this post on tumblr, can't remember the exact blog url so if anyone recognizes it I can add it in the credit/source at the end! Definitely one of my preferito articoli on Harmony for sure!

When asked why I ship Harry/Hermione (Harmony), I realize ‘because they’re perfect for each other’ doesn’t cut it. So here, in semi-order, are the superiore, in alto 5 reasons I ship Harmony. I understand these will intermingle at points but I’m going to try to keep them as separate as possible.

1. Great foundation of friendship

I’m not going to deny Ron and Hermione have a friendship. They do. They’re...
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posted by anubisfan1
Hermione:Harry of course I'll go out with you!
Harry:ok I have to go back to my room it's late.
Hermione:k Amore te Harry.
Harry:love te to hermione.
In the boys room.
Ron:I hear that te and hermione are an item now huh.
Harry:yea so what do te care.
Ron:what do I care!I care that's my girl.
Harry:no it's not te broke up with her.
Ron:I was going to apolegize when I over heard that te ask her out.
Harry just go to bed.
The successivo morning
Hermione:hey Harry.
Harry:hey hermione how did te sleep.
Hermione:good you.
Harry:I slept perfect because I was dreaming with you.
Harry:so what class do...
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posted by ratava123
I think I have figured out why Harry and Hermione never happened.
It's because J.K. Rowling isn't so great at Scrivere about romance. I mean she's a great writer when it comes to action scenes and complessivamente, generale adventure. But when it comes to couples and romance she kind of fails. If te think about it, Rowling seems to have just taken the main characters and slaped them together without much of a great build. Some may argue that Ron and Hermione were always bickering and arguing and that they were hiding their true feelings and other blah stuff like that but in reality the people who always bicker...
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posted by anubisfan1
Ron:what do te want to tell me that te and harry are going to makeout huh.
Hermione:huh huh (tears running down her her cheeks)
Ron:hermione don't cry but if te are then I have to tell te something I like lavender so I'm breaking up with te for lavender sorry.
Hermione:huh sniff te know what Ron fine I don't care just leave.
Ron walks away
In the boys room
Harry:I hope hermione and Ron are okay
Slam huh can't believe him
Harry:Ohooh I know that voice.
Harry enters the girls room
Harry:hello anyone here I heard someone come in.
Hermione:oh (huh)sniff...
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I'm not sure if anyone else did this :/ If not YAY if so I'm super sorry........Credit to shorttext.com

1. She was the first one to fix his glasses.
2. And always will be.
3. A great wizard deserves the brightest witch.
4. She knows what he’s thinking.
5. She knows più about him than he does.
6. She’s sure his baciare is più than satisfactory.
7. He thinks she’s brilliant.
8. “She didn’t something she had never done before…”
9. “… And kissed him on the cheek.”
10. We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.
11. She never misses his quidditch matches....
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Chamber of Secrets
"Proud? Are te crazy? All those times I could've died, and I didn't manage it? They'll be furious..." - Harry to Hermione, when she asked whether his aunt & uncle will be proud of what he did.

Harry, who was feeling distinctly hot in the face, said, "Whatever you've heard about my greatness is a load of rubbish. I'm not even superiore, in alto of my anno at Hogwarts; that's Hermione, she -" But he stopped quickly, because thinking about Hermione was painful.
"It's not my fault," retorted Draco. "The teachers all have favorites, that Hermione Granger -"
"I would have thought you'd be...
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Guys! Have a look at this! ^_^

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In a new interview conducted da Emma Watson, Harry Potter autore J.K. Rowling drops a bombshell: She’s not so sure she should have put Ron and Hermione together.

The shocking revelation came in the new issue of Wonderland, of which Watson is a guest editor this month. The commenti were obtained da The Sunday Times.

Rowling says that she should have put Hermione and Harry together in the Harry Potter series instead of Hermione and Ron, according to the publication’s headline, which reads, “JK admits Hermione should have wed Harry.”

“I wrote...
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Harry suspected that Ron had warned Hermione not to call, which was a pity, because Hermione, the cleverest witch in Harry's year, had Muggle parents, knew perfectly well how to use a telephone, and would probably have had enough sense not to say that she went to Hogwarts.

Harry laughed as he put Hermione's letter aside and picked up her present. It was very heavy. Knowing Hermione, he was sure it would be a large book full of very difficult spells -- but it wasn't. His cuore gave a huge bound as he ripped back the paper and saw a sleek black leather case, with silver words stamped across it,...
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