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posted by disturbian
There are ten short stories here with no stinkers in the bunch. In fact, I enjoyed this book so much that I finished it in one sitting, constantly saying just one più story, just one più story and then when I had finished I wanted more.

There are a mixture of genres included here. A little bit of erotica, gore, gross, mystical, magical, twisted and nasty. You're personal tolerance for horror is your own of course, but this is certainly not the nastiest most horrific collection I have read but it does have enough great stories that, once read, sit at the back of your head and scratch at your brain.


Spelunking: Two men, hoping to find a new cave system that they can lay claim to end up discovering something so foul and dangerous that it is better left undiscovered.

Excitable Boy: A run-down theatre harbours dark secrets. Are the rumours about something hiding out in there true? A young couple looking for a good time are about to find out.

On Fine Feathered Wings: Can a convict escape prison on wings made from the discarded feathers of the crows that constantly cerchio above. The guards and inmates laugh as he tries to fly but with his feathered Friends helping him will he get the last laugh?

Yellow: A writer moves to the woods hoping to re-kindle his marriage. Instead, he discovers a cave with a strange hot spring filled with weird yellow pesce and a couple of fertility statues, the male version of which makes a deadly request.

This is quite a good collection of stories from some of the best horror short story writers around. Each story contains a brief bio of the writer and information on how te can find out più about each one. Even though the stories are good, they are very short and the book will not take te very long to get through. This is no bad thing however as it is best to have a short collection of interesting rather than a long collection of rubbish.
Leave 'em wanting more. This certainly does.
Thanks for reading.
added by EdwardLee
added by disturbian
Source: leisure fiction/wrath james white