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H.P.Lovecraft and his works have inspired quite a few modern giorno horror writers. Some admit to his influence and use it as a springboard for their own works while some deny any knowledge whilst stealing heavily from the the great author. Thankfully Mr Gonzalez falls into the first category and this collection of short horror fiction excels at giving a macabre modern twist on some of Lovecraft's fundamental themes. Borrowing place names and situations to delve deep into the mythos that Lovecraft created, that of cults and conspiracies, of Old Gods that now banished from this realm await the opportunity to return and tear the world asunder.

This collection contains seven stories including;

Tattoos; A young couple get tattooed da a world renowned artist but their joy at receiving unique works directly to the skin soon turns aspro, acida when the artist dies and the tatoos begin to take on a life of their own.

Going Home; A woman returns to her rural roots only to discover an old, dangerous promise her father made when she was a child still threatens her existence in this world.

The Revenge of Cthulhu; A wannabe actor has a very, very bad giorno which ends in him becoming the victim of something strange that lurks over his home in the hills.

The Watcher From the Grave; A novella length story which details a man investigating the mysterious death of an autore and the facts behind a fabled book that calls forth The Old Gods a race of people that pre-date modern man and now lurk within the stars.

Although this book won't take a long time to get through, the stories are all satisfying reads based on many different themes from westerns to humour but all with a strong and constant underlying theme of threat and horror. The autore introduces each tale with wit and honesty, making this book one fine collection of macabre tales.