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Avira didn’t know what she was expecting when she walked into school with Misty but what happened shocked her to the core.
“Hey misty nice scars what happened did te turn emo?” A kid shouted.
“What’s with the scars? Are they a part of your soulless eyes.” Another yelled. Avira saw Misty turn red but she never detto anything. Avira wanted to hit them all.
Don’t worry about it Avira, this is my life. Always has been but it won’t always will be, I will mostra them, I will mostra them all and they will see who I am
Misty thought projected to Avira. Then Avira saw Misty straighten up and walk tall and proud. Even when a kid pushed her and knocked her dangerously close to the fountain. Close to where Miss Watts was killed.
Avira walked up and knocked the guy into the water.
“Oops sorry didn’t see te there” Avira smirked mockingly then strutted after Misty who smiled at her thanking her with her Pearl- White eyes.
“No problem Mist, te will mostra them; if Evan detto it then it’s true” Avira told her then walked towards her locker leaving Misty smiling to herself.
Not only had Avira heard what was in Misty’s mind she also saw the pictures of what Misty was thinking of and they were of Evan after he had been killed. Avira shrugged the thoughts away and got her libri for her classes when her phone rang.
“Hello?” she asked into the phone.
“Avira I need te to come home sweetheart, it’s your parents” Rose, Avira’s neighbour detto over the receiver. Avira hung up and ran straight into Misty and Talia.
“Mum” Avira sobbed and they kept running.
Avira got home with Misty and Talia ten minuti later. There were two ambulances out front and they were being loaded with bodies in a black bag in each. Avira screamed and ran over to them.
She unzipped one and saw her mother, her neck had been snapped, Avira oblivious to anyone around her placed her hands on her mother’s neck and tried to bring her back but it was too late. The reaper and took her soul. She ran to her dads but it was too late also.
“Avira” Misty asked and Avira turned around and fell into her arms sobbing brokenly.
“Why? Why them?” She cried as Misty tried her best to comfort her with words that made no sense to Avira. When Avira looked up she saw Misty’s hair had turned white.
“What’s wrong?” Avira asked as she stopped crying.
“We will kill them all Avira, all of those incubus bastards I promise” Avira nodded and stood up when she was enveloped in Misty’s and Talia’s arms. Talia looked serious and her thoughts were the same as Misty’s.
It’s time for them to pay
Avira walked over to one of the ambulances and asked if she could ride with her mum but he shook her head.
“There is no need Amore she won’t be coming back” Avira flinched and walked away before she hit the guy how could he be so insensitive?
She walked into the house unnoticed and ran up to her parent’s room cops were in there taking photos. They had been killed in their sleep.
“Hey you’re not supposed to be in here” a police officer informed her but Avira ignored her and walked into her room where the cop followed.
“Excuse me, who are you?” she yelled making Avira turn around.
“I’m Avira the daughter! Who gave te the right to yell at me when I am in my own house and my parents have just been murdered!” the police officer paled and stuttered out an apology.
“first the ambulanza driver then you, for god sake te people are supposed to be nice, look I don’t want apologies I just want to pick up a few things then leave, I assume te want to domanda me and then investigate the house, feel free I’m over 18 so I can give permission without a cerca warrant but do it quickly I have things to organise”
The police officer nodded so Avira went on packing thinking about where she could go. Her parents were dead, first Evan now them nothing was fair. Avira suddenly straightened her spine.
She would kill every one of them even if it killed her in the process.
With that resolution in her mind she zipped up her few possessions she could fit in her bag and walked out.
Onyx looked down at his phone and saw a text message from Misty.
Get Seth and meet us at the cave now.
Onyx frowned but raised his hand and detto he wasn’t feeling well and got a pass for the sickbay then walked down to Seth’s class he was looking at the classroom door with a nod from Onyx Seth raised his hand and was excused from class.
“What’s going on? Something feels wrong” Onyx shrugged and went to his locker to grab his bag Seth did the same.
“I don’t know but I got a text from Misty saying to get te and meet ‘us’ which I’m assuming is the girls at the cave”
“She text you?” Seth asked. Onyx nodded then smiled.
“Seth I am her best friend. I have known her a long time besides I’m assuming te and her are fighting” Onyx guessed and saw Seth tighten his fists.
“How did te know?” again Onyx smiled.
“I heard her leave last night” he answered and they walked in silence to the cave where Misty was pacing out front her hair was white.
“We have to kill them all, they killed them and we didn’t help so we are getting our revenge.” Onyx’s smile left his face.
“Who died?” Seth asked taking a step towards Misty.
“Avira’s parents; both of them, necks snapped in their sleep” Misty growled then continued pacing. She was pissed.
“Are te ok?” Seth asked all anger gone.
“Do I look ok? Will Avira be ok? Who cares about me it’s her, she just Lost her family. I know what that is like, but at least mine came back o are. Her’s wont! Seth don’t ask if I’m ok ask if Avira is” Misty yelled and walked into the cave. Avira was staring at the water; with Talia sobbing quietly beside her.
“Hey Avira, how are te doing?” Onyx asked sitting beside her.
“They killed them and I couldn’t help, I have been so busy with training I forgot about them, my own parents” tears leaked down her face but she didn’t brush them away.
“I tried to bring them back but their souls were already gone, I couldn’t even do that, but I will get them”
“So we train?” Seth asked standing up.
Onyx watched as Avira, Misty and Talia shook their heads.
“No, we go after them” Avira whispered.
“We will set a trap” Talia followed.
“And we will kill them all” Misty finished. Onyx was shocked at the strength in their voices.
“How do te expect to do that?” Seth growled then grabbed his head and fell to the ground.
Seth realised almost straight away that he was having a vision.
The moon had become full, they were all surrounding the Incubus; there had to be at least a hundred of them.
Talia sent a boulder at them and killed a few who didn’t get out of the way in time, then sent vines after some more, the power emanated out of her.
Misty sent a gust of wind at some sending them at least fifty feet in the air then smashed them down, one came after her and somehow broke through her force field o used it against her and she slammed against a boulder she was knocked unconscious.
Seth ran towards her with flame in his hand but it was too late the incubus had picked her up and put his hand through her chest, she woke up and screamed then slumped forward, it was over in a few seconds.
Seth came back to himself and screamed in agony. He was going to lose Misty no matter what happened. He looked at all the concerned faces until he found Misty’s.
“You die” he choked and saw Misty smile quickly then she turned to the rest.
“Let's get going” Seth watched everyone jump in the water and disappear except Misty she waited till last.
“Why did te smile, what are te planning?” Seth demanded he may have been mad at her but he didn’t want her dead.
“Don’t worry Seth I’m not going anywhere, at least not yet” she patted him on the chest and went to jump in but Seth grabbed her.
“What are te planning?” he yelled then grabbed her shoulders and shook her until her hair turned white.
“I’m not planning anything, let me go Seth, concentrate on beating those bastards alright” with that she wriggled free and jumped in the water to disappear with the rest.
Seth yelled and punched the cave making it shake. He took and deep breathe and jumped in the water, a part of him just wanted to stay in there but if Misty was planning something wreck less he would stop it.
He re-emerged from the water to face Avira.
“Don’t try and stop her Seth, I know what she is thinking and it will work, do not try and stop her” with that she walked away and went to Onyx and started talking to him.
Seth went to Talia who immediately looked at his face and hugged him.
“It will be ok, we will stop them, we won’t let Misty get hurt, and the only ones who are going to die are the incubus” she reassured. Seth looked over her shoulder to find Misty talking to her brother Evan. She glanced at Seth and smiled like he knew her secret.
Unfortunately Seth was beginning to figure it out.
“Evan I need to talk to you” Misty called across the field from the others. She knew Seth would try and stop her, almost as much as Avira wouldn’t let her get hurt o for her instance die permanently.
“What is it?” Evan asked appearing out of thin air, something told her he knew what was going on even if he wouldn’t admit it to himself.
“Seth had a vision and in it I die, I need te to let that happen, I need te not to collect my soul until Avira brings me back, if she is too late then te can let me die permanently” Misty watched her own brother try and deny it and say it couldn’t be done; but she knew that it was just that he didn’t want to risk her dying.
“If I live then they won’t have something to push them over the edge, it’s what they need to win, te and I both know it and so does Avira” Misty added he sighed and looked away.
“You know I’m right, so can te do it o not?” she demanded he looked at her and nodded.
“I can, of course I can, do I tell father?” she smiled faintly.
“No Evan that’s a horrible idea, dad won’t allow me to be put in such danger as far as he is concerned I have died o almost died too many times for his own liking”
“Yes I would say he has dealt with death a bit too many times” we both laughed and hugged him.
“You’re an amazing brother, I missed te so much” she whispered in his ear then looked over his shoulder to see Seth staring at her.
“What are te going to do about him?” Evan asked noticing that Misty was watching him.
“I don’t know brother, I honestly don’t know” Misty looked one last time and turned back to Evan.
“What are te going to do about Avira?” she asked in return.
He looked in her direction and smiled shyly.
“I honestly don’t know, but whatever happens I know that my future lies with her” Misty smiled, that was the way she felt with Seth even though she was too mad at him to admit it out loud.
“She’ll be ok wont she?” he asked still looking over at Avira who was talking to Onyx, they seemed to be arguing.
“not for a while, it took a long time for me to be able to think of te without tears, and over the years I thought of te all a lot, time won’t heal all her wounds but it will lessen the sting of it” she reassured then patted her brother on the arm.
“I will get her for te it’s time for a little talk with Onyx anyway” with one last hug I walked over to Onyx and Avira.
“How do te propose we set the trap then? What do we do? Wing it?” Onyx argued back it was obvious he was trying to keep calm because he didn’t want to upset Avira, but Misty could tell that he was losing his patience.
“No we don’t wing it, I suggest we cover the entrance and kill them as they come” Avira snapped and glared at him, her eyes were still red from crying but her spine was straight and she looked fierce.
“Hey te guys, we will plan this all later, Avira? Evan wishes to speak with you” Misty informed Avira who in turn looked at her and asked.
“I assume te dealt with it?” I gave a nod and she walked off.
“What was that about?” Onyx asked but Misty only smiled.
“Onyx we will talk about this later” he went to argue but was interrupted but Talia who came up and whispered in Onyx’s ear. A smile spread across his face and they turned to look at Misty.
“We have an idea” they detto in unison.
Talia smiled at everyone and sat down.
“Since this is where we first had our meeting to help Miss Watts I thought it would be a good idea to re-group and plan here” she explained
Avira and Misty shifted uncomfortably and looked away. Misty was sitting away from everyone, distancing herself somehow.
“We failed last time, but we did win a small battle, we took out our first lot of incubus, we got used to the kill” she rushed on in explaining.
“Talia is right, we are più experienced” Onyx added and smiled.
“She forgot one thing though, the fact that Misty is going to die in my newest vision, we do something wrong, no matter the vision all o at least one of us die” Seth growled from near the fire, he had his hand in the flames without even noticing it.
“People die, it’s what they do and as long as we are careful everything will go according to plan and I won’t die” Misty snapped at him and looked away. Talia hated that they were fighting, she hated the fact that it was over a simple misunderstanding, and did her brother seriously think that Misty would leave him?
“Right like last time? We followed everything according to plan and she still died” Seth yelled at Misty then grabbed his head.
“Still have that headache?” Misty asked smiling although Talia could see the worry in her eyes and the changes in her hair.
“Like te care” Seth snapped then stood up and walked out, Talia watched as Misty followed.
“When will they realise that they are fighting about nothing?” Onyx asked then rubbed Talia’s arm.
“I thought it was a great idea sweetheart, what are we going to do about the plan though?” he asked obviously trying to block out the yelling from the other room but it was no use.
“You’re an arrogant bastard Seth and I should kick your ass” Misty yelled
“Right I’m arrogant because I don’t want te to die o leave me behind” Seth yelled back.
“I’m not leaving, I told my father no, te stubborn ass, your my family now, I Amore them just like I Amore te all but I became someone else when they died and I can’t leave this place it’s my home” Misty shouted and Talia heard a collective gasp then Seth trying to talk but Misty shouted again.
“Don’t touch me, te doubted me and that’s worse than anything, Keep away from me Seth; it’s over” then Misty re appeared in the lounge room.
“I’m not feeling very well, I’m going to lie down, when Seth comes back in tell him that his first vision of me dying didn’t happen, and when te have a plan write it all down we will go over it tomorrow, I’m so sorry” Talia saw the tears streaming down her face and her hair change colour but Misty turned away and ran upstairs before Talia could even say a word.
“Well let’s get this planned, it appears we have another crisis going on, come on lets avenge my parents” Avira startled everyone into speaking at once.
“Sure let’s do it” Talia and Onyx replied in unison and a
“Let’s get this over with” from Seth.
added by FashionInnit
Source: picnik.myself
Made By: "witchboy94" on Youtube
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
 The Fourth Former-What it signifies: The golden wings of Eros are the fourth formers’ symbol. Eros – the Amore god – is the child of Nyx’s seed. The symbol reminds the fourth formers of Nyx’s capacity to Amore and also represents the students’ c
The Fourth Former-What it signifies: The golden wings of Eros are the fourth formers’ symbol. Eros – the love god – is the child of Nyx’s seed. The symbol reminds the fourth formers of Nyx’s capacity to love and also represents the students’ c
BREAKING NEWS: TEMPTED (the 6th book in the HOUSE OF NIGHT SERIES) comes out OCTOBER 27, 2009 To learn everything on the HOUSE OF NIGHT series, then go to
and have fun!!!
WARNING: some spoilers may be contained in the site so be careful!

DISCLAIMER: PROTECTED is not one of the HOUSE OF NIGHT books, and I don't own anything of the HOUSE OF NIGHT series--god I hope I did cause they are REALLY great!--and I just want to say give all credit to P.C. Cast and her daughter: Kristin Cast. Enjoy the story I tell below in ZOEY'S...
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Source: Official House of Night website
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