Kurt Hummel Club
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posted by katiegleek
Kurt: te know what Jacob? It doesn't take much courage for people to park their cottage cheese behinds in their Barkaloungers and log onto the Internet and start tearing people down, does it. But te know what does take some courage? Standing up and Canto about something. So here's a message for everyone that reads your blog. successivo time, instead of posting an anonymous commento online, say what te have to say TO MY FACE!!
Azimio: (throws slushie in Kurt's face) Welcome back, Lady!
Kurt (to Jacob): I don't suppose te could just cut out that last part, is there?

—Kurt, Audition

“ We get it Mr. Schue. Everyone still hates us. So what? So we're plankton on the high school Cibo chain. The only difference now is that none of us really care.

—Kurt, Audition

“ Mercedes: Is that a men's sweater? (The sweater in domanda clearly is not.)
Kurt: Fashion knows no gender.

—Kurt and Mercedes, Audition

“ Kurt: Geesh! Let loose will ya! STOP BEING SO FREAKIN' UPTIGHT ALL THE TIME!!!! Will: Kurt, I will see te in the principal's office.

—Kurt (To Will), Britney/Brittany

“ (seeing Rachel has blue teeth) Kurt:Oh My God

—Kurt, Britney/Brittany

“ There's a burgeoning Facebook campaign that has swelled to over FIVE members. Their ardent demand? That this week, at the fall homecoming assembly, the McKinley High School Glee Club perform a number da -- wait for it -- Ms. Britney Spears!"

—Kurt to Mr. Schuester, Britney/Brittany

“ Why no Britney, Brittany?

—Kurt to Brittany, -Britney/Brittany

“ Burt: And last week te had to camp out early so te could be first in line for those Grey's Anatomy DVDs. :Kurt:"SEASON SIX Dad." ”
—Kurt and Burt, -Grilled Cheesus

“ Sorry, uh, but if I wanted to sing about Gesù I'd go to church. And the reason I don't go to church is because most churches don't think very much of gay people. o women. o science.

—Kurt, -Grilled Cheesus

“ "You can't prove there isn't a magic teapot floating around the dark side of the moon with a dwarf inside of it that reads romance novels and shoots lighting out of its boobs, but it seems pretty unlikely, doesn't it"?

—Kurt, Grilled Cheesus

“ Thank te Mercedes. Your voice is stunning but I don't believe in God... You've all professed your beliefs, I'm just stating mine. I think God is kind of like Santa Claus for adults. Otherwise, God is kind of a jerk, isn’t he? I mean, he makes me gay and then he has his followers going around telling me it’s something that I chose. As if someone would choose to be mocked every single giorno of their life. And right now I don’t want a heavenly father, I want my real one back.

—Kurt, -Grilled Cheesus

“ I'm very impressed with everyone's Sunday best. It's so Christ-chic. I hope our genuflection to the great spaghetti Monster in the sky doesn't take too long...

—Kurt to Mercedes, -Grilled Cheesus

“ Rachel: I think te and I are più similar than te think. :Kurt: That's a terrible thing to say. ”
—Kurt and Rachel, -Duets

“ He's on Team Gay. No straight boy dyes his hair to look like Linda Evangelista circa 1993.

—Kurt to Mercedes (about Sam), -Duets

“ Rachel: Hey, I have something I want to talk to te about. :Kurt: Please, not another pregnancy. ”
—Rachel and Kurt, -Duets

“ I have three gifts: My voice, my ability to spot trends in men's fashion and my ability to know when it comes from a bottle.

—Kurt (about hair dye) to Sam, -Duets

“ Finn: te can't do this to him. :Kurt: You're overreacting. :Finn:If he sings with you, you're painting a bull's eye on his back. :Kurt: Once again your closeted homophobia seeps in the surface on the contents of a cracked cesspool. ”
—Kurt and Finn, -Duets

“ Sam: Aren't duets supposed to be like, between a girl and guy? :Kurt: Well, Gene Kelly and Donald O'Connor would protest. :Sam: Who? :Kurt: Make'em Laugh? Canto in the Rain? :Sam: (looks confused) Sorry. :Kurt: 1952? Nothing? Okayyyyyyy, maybe te are straight. ”
—Kurt and Sam, -Duets

“ Don't worry, I'm not going to go all Shawshank on you.

—Kurt to Sam, -Duets

“ Kurt: te know they make shampoo for color treated hair. :Sam: I don't die my hair! :Kurt: Uh-huh. ”
—Kurt and Sam, -Duets

“ No. There is no way I'm playing a transvestite in high heels and fishnets and wearing lipstick.

—Kurt to Mr. Shue, Rocky Horror Glee Show

“ You, like everyone else at this school, are too quick to let homophobia slide. And your lessons plans are boring and repetitive.

—Kurt to Mr. Schue, Never Been Kissed

“ It's very civilized for te to invited me for coffee before te beat me up for spying.

—Kurt (after being caught at Dalton's), Never Been Kissed

“ There's this Neanderthal who's made it his mission to make my life a living hell - and no one seems to notice.

—Kurt (to Blaine), Never Been Kissed

“ te can't punch, punzone the gay out of me any più than I can punch, punzone the ignoramus out of you.

—Kurt to Karofsky, Never Been Kissed

“ Kurt: Hey, You! I am talking you! Dave: Girl's locker room is successivo door. Kurt: What is your problem? Dave: 'Scuse me? Kurt: What are te so scared of? Dave: Besides te sneaking in hear to peak at my junk? Kurt: Oh yea every straight guys nightmare that all us gays are out to secretly out to molest and convert you. Well guess what hamhock. You're not my type! Dave: That right? Kurt: Yea. I don't data chubby boys who sweat too much and are going to be bald da the time they are 30. Dave: (holds up fist) Do not push me Hummel. Kurt: te gonna hit me? Do it. Dave: (angrier) Don't push me! Kurt: Hit me cause it's not gonna change the way I am. te can't punch, punzone the gay out of me più than I can punch, punzone the ignoramus out of you! Dave: GET OUTTA MY FACE! Kurt: te are nothing but a little boy who can't handle how extrodinarily ordinary te are! (Dave Kisses Kurt) (Dave attempts to baciare Kurt again and is pushed away) Dave: UGH! (Dave leaves, leaving Kurt shocked.)

—Dave Karofsky and Kurt, Never Been Kissed

“ Ms. Holliday's right. Mr. Schuester's set lista sometimes makes it seem like he hasn't listened to the radio since the 80s.

—Kurt, The Substitute

“ te smell homeless, Brett. Homeless.

—Kurt, The Substitute

“ Kurt: On the count of three, name your preferito 2010 Vogue cover. 1...2...3! Blaine and Kurt (together): Marion Cotillard! Blaine: (gushes) Oh my god, stop it! Kurt: I know, I know. She's AMAZING! Blaine: She's Amazing!

—Kurt and Blaine, The Substitute

“ Kurt: Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay... Blaine: Gay, gay... Kurt: Oh my god, I opened my mouth and a little borsa fell out! How'd that get there? Blaine: That's so gay!

—Kurt and Blaine (in Mercedes imagination), The Substitute

“ Long story short – you’re having a Glee wedding!

—Kurt to Burt and Carole, Furt

“ I will take care of it from here. I have a tronco full of wedding magazines hidden under my bed. I’m thinking of a russet and cognac theme. Those are colors, Finn. Fall wedding colors.

—Kurt to Finn, Burt and Carole, Furt

“ Finn: Are te sure we should free 300 live doves indoors? Won't that get messy? Kurt: That's why we feed them glitter.

—Kurt and Finn, Furt

“ Trust me on this. I’ve been planning weddings since I was 2. My Power Rangers have gotten married and divorced in so many combinations it’s like they’re Fleetwood Mac.

—Kurt to Finn, Furt

“ I don't want te near me.

—Kurt to Dave Karofsky, Furt

“ te are as brilliant and talented as te are irritating.

—Kurt to Rachel, Special Education

“ Kurt: How come te were never this nice to me before? Rachel: te were my only REAL competition. Kurt: (smiles) True, true.

—Kurt and Rachel, Special Education

“ Mr. Schuester: Who's that? Someone special? Kurt: Just a friend. But on the upside, I'm in Amore with him and he's actually gay. I call that progress.

—A Very Glee Christmas

“ Blaine and I Amore Football. Well, Blaine loves football. I Amore scarves.

—Kurt to Rachel and Mercedes, The Sue Sylvester Bowl Shuffle

“ Why hasn’t Finn told me anything about this? We live together. I bring him a glass of warm latte every night just in hopes that we’ll have a little lady chat.

—Kurt to Rachel and Mercedes, The Sue Sylvester Shuffle

“ Blaine: Warm milk? Really? Kurt: It's delicious.

—Kurt and Blaine, The Sue Sylvester Shuffle

“ Jeremiah: No one here knows I'm gay. Kurt: Can I be honest?... Just with the hair, I think they do...(rolls his eyes)

—Kurt to Jeremiah

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“ Kurt: So, it's just like 'When Harry Met Sally'. But I get to play Meg Ryan. Blaine: Deal. (pauses) Don't they get together in the end? Kurt: (smiles and ignores the question)

—Kurt and Blaine, -Silly Amore Songs

“ Kurt: Are te not drinking? Finn: No. Designated driver. What about you? Kurt: I'm still trying to impress Blaine. Can't get too sloppy. [Blaine is seen dancing drunkenly] Kurt: Clearly he doesn't have the same concern.

—Blame It On The Alcohol

“ Bisexual is a term that gay guys in high school use when they want to hold hands with girls and feel like a normal person for a change.

—Kurt Hummel to Blaine, Blame It On The Alcohol

“ Rachel: The data was lovely. We saw Amore Story at the Revival Theatre - we even dressed up as the characters. Kurt (sarcastically): That's not gay at all.

—Blame It On The Alcohol

“ I don't doubt that te and Blaine would have a jolly good time shopping at Burberry's and arguing who would make the best Rum-Tum-Tugger, but there's something te and Blaine will never have and that's chemistry.

—Kurt Hummel to Rachel, Blame It On The Alcohol

“ Blaine is the first of a long line of conflicted men that te will date, that will later turn out to be only the most flaming of homosexuals.

—Kurt Hummel to Rachel, Blame It On The Alcohol

“ Rachel: Blaine and I have a lot in common. Kurt: A sentiment expressed da many a hag about many a gay.

—Blame It On The Alcohol

“ "I've tried watching those Film but I just get horribly depressed and I think about how they were all kids once, and how they all have mothers and - God, what would their mothers think of them and WHY would te get that tattoo there?"

—Kurt to Blaine, Sexy

“ Can I be really honest with you.. because it comes from a place of caring? Been there, done that!

—Kurt to Blaine, Original Songs

“ Kurt: Look, Blaine, I don't feel like we're the Warblers. I feel like we're 'Blaine and the Pips'. ”
—Original Song

“ (After Kurt and Blaine's first kiss) Blaine: We should practice Kurt: I thought we were. (Both boys lean in for another kiss)

—Kurt to Blaine, Original Song

“ Kurt: I just really, really wanted to win. Blaine: te did win. So did I. We got each other out of all this. That's better than a lousy trophy, don't te think? (Blaine holds out his hand and Kurt takes it, and they walk away together)

—Kurt and Blaine at Pavarotti's funeral, Original Song

“ Oh, how I've missed your insanity.

—Kurt to Rachel, Rumors

“ Blaine uccello canoro, warbler will te go to Junior Prom with me?

—Kurt to Blaine, Prom Queen

“ Eat your cuore out, Kate Middleton.

—Kurt, Prom Queen

“ Doesn’t matter if they are yelling at me o whispering behind my back: they can’t touch me. They can’t touch us o what we have.

—Kurt, Prom Queen

“ I think the color is wrong. Let’s go navy! It’s chic and slimming.

—Kurt to Lauren, Prom Queen

“ Go with God, Satan... Santana.

—Kurt, Prom Queen

“ Jesse St. James totally Jesse St. Sucks!

—Kurt about Jesse, Funeral

“ She can be difficult, but, boy, can she sing.

—Kurt about Rachel, Funeral

“ We have to go in. Strike that, we have to break in.

—Kurt to Rachel, New York

“ Kurt: We all just looked at the superiore, in alto ten lista for showcase and we all just went numb. And then Jesse just kept going on and on about how Rachel and Finn's baciare was what cost us nationals.
Blaine: While I do understand passion I do think that was unprofessional. Sorry keep going.
Kurt: And then we get back to the hotel, and Santana loses it. ”
—Kurt and Blaine, New York

“ Kurt: I mean, on the plane ride home it was completely silent, like no one detto a word. We just sat there with our faces buried in our complimentary issues of SkyMall.
Blaine: Wait a second...I don't get it. te don't seem that sad at all.
Kurt: It was still amazing. I mean, I flew in a plane for the first time in my life, I had breakfast at Tiffany's, I sung on a Broadway stage.
Blaine: I Amore you.
Kurt: [swallows his coffee with a shocked expression on his face, then silent for a few seconds] I Amore te too. te know when te stop to think about it, Kurt Hummel's had a pretty good year.
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