Lara-Su the Echidna Club
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posted by Julie-Su2015
 Lara-Su of the House of Edmund
Lara-Su of the House of Edmund
i did not write this. i found this articolo on the Mobius Encyclopaedia but it is not mine link

Lara-Su is Knuckles's and Julie-Su's daughter from the future timeline known as Mobius: X Years Later. She was initially at odds with her father, who refused to allow her to become a Guardian. Eventually, he relented however, only for that future to be warped almost beyond recognition da an alteration of history from King Sonic. Lara-Su and a few others recalled the rightful timeline, and together fought the despotic King Shadow, Lara-Su herself ended the fight da imprisoning him with Chaos Control. Serving as a Guardian for five years, she also became a member of the Future Freedom Fighters when Shadow returned.


Unaltered Future-
Due to his own bad experiences in the position of Guardian, Knuckles refused to allow Lara-Su to begin training to become a Guardian, even though she wanted to follow in his footsteps. This continued until she was sixteen and had her Unveiling, a ceremony in which adolescent female Echidnas are introduced to adult society. Lara continued badgering her father to let her become a Guardian, leaving them both irritable to the point where Lara attacked her cousin Rutan in a school class that they shared. Despite her discontent with her father's wishes, Lara-Su agreed to go through with the ceremony, sharing a dance with Knuckles and with Vector the Crocodile's son Argyle. (StH: #131, #132)

Afterwards, she spoke with her mother about her father's stubbornness, but Julie-Su supported Knuckles in his decision. Unbeknownst to either of them, Knuckles was meeting with Rotor of the Kingdom of Acorn, who had discovered that Mobius was in grave peril unless Knuckles and Sonic, who had long ceased to be on good terms and argued constantly when together, put aside their quarrels and joined the resources of Angel Island and the Kingdom. (StH: #133, #134, #135, #136, #137, #138)

Blissfully unaware of the events unfolding around her, Lara-Su was più concerned with her social life. As the royal family prepared to visit, she learned that Sonic and Sally Acorn's son Manik had a crush on her, the thought of which horrified her-especially the idea of Rutan finding out and using it against her. She begged her aunt Lien-Da, with whom she was quite friendly, to swear secrecy, to which Lien-Da agreed with amusement. Soon afterwards Sonic, Sally, Manic, and Sonia,arrived for their stay with the Guardian family. While Lara and the other youngsters tried to enjoy the get together with some other Friends on the island-Espio the Chameleon's daughter Salma and an Echidna named Riki-Le-their parents found themselves reeling with what Rotor and his Dark Legion counterpart, Cobar, had to tell them about Mobius' impending doom. Oblivious, Lara and her friends-together with Sally and Julie-enjoyed a sleepover. Finally, though, Knuckles relented to her request for Guardian training after paying a visit to the grave of her grandfather, Locke. Before he could begin training her, though, Knuckles detto he had an errand to run-in fact, he was accompanying Sonic on a mission that would hopefully stabilize Mobius and prevent its destruction. mostrare that she was her parents' daughter, Lara-Su stowed away aboard the vessel that her father and the king boarded, only to disappear into thin air just as Sonic was being sent back in time. (StH: #139, #140, #141, #142, #143, #144)

Altered Timeline-
Whatever Sonic did in the past drastically altered the future that Lara-Su hailed from. Shadow the Hedgehog replaced Sonic as Sally's husband and the king of Mobius; Manik and Sonia ceased to exist; and Knuckles served as Shadow's enforcer with the Dark Legion backing him and Lien-Da serving as the king's advisor. Despite these negative consequences, Lara-Su found herself being trained as a Guardian, which she greatly enjoyed as her powers continued to develop. However, the arrival of Miles "Tails" Prower, her father's childhood friend who had also protected his memories and those of his family from the temporal alterations, brought an end to her acceptance of this timeline. When Knuckles seemingly refused to help Tails, Lara-Su agreed to, missing her now non-existent Friends and wanting to end Shadow's regime. The two found "King" Sonic homeless in an alley in the Echidna city of Portal, only to be caught and arrested da the Enforcer Knuckles and the local authorities. (StH: #166)

Knuckles then revealed that the whole thing had been a setup: his own memories of the original future remained, and he had been planning to overthrow Shadow for some time. To her dismay, Lara-Su was left with the task of escorting an injured Rotor to safety while her father, Sonic, and Tails launched their attack to defeat Shadow and rescue Sally. When Sonic was defeated in battle as her father escorted Sally to safety, Lara-Su stepped in to confront Shadow herself. After a brief but intense contest in which Lara suffered an injury from Shadow's Chaos Spear, she was able to imprison him using Chaos Control. As Sonic and Sally were reunited, she then left on the arm of her proud father. (StH: #167)

For some reason, Lara-Su's unveiling was shown to have happened in 3262 in Sonic Universe #5, whereas in the unaltered timeline it was shown to have happened in 3261 in Sonic the Hedgehog #132. It is possible that due to King Sonic altering history her unveiling happened a anno later. It is also possible that the dance shown in SU #5 simply had similar characteristics to Lara-Su's unveiling but was a different event altogether.

Five Years Later-
Five years after this, now a fully fledged Guardian, her mother and father leave Lara in charge of things while they are away, and Lara reassures them both da saying that she is "ready for anything". (SU: #4)

Those "things", however, involved Lara-Su babysitting Manik and Sonia Acorn, the children of King Sonic the Hedgehog and Queen Sally Acorn, but Lara-Su seemed happy to do it, saying that she was perfectly capable of handling the two children. She soon found out how wrong she was: within hours, the two children had managed to knock over all the furniture in the living room while speeding around, and Lara had to resort to using Chaos Control in order to make them stop and go to letto and read them quite a few stories. She then contacted her parents via video-phone to talk about how things were going with the Mazuri Seperatists, and gave them her Amore before Sonia and Manik managed to run out of their room and engaged the two in a cuscino fight. Unbeknownst to the young Guardian, the Dark Presence's spy unit, the Dark Eyes, were keeping watch on her. The successivo giorno at the celebration of King Sonic's five anno rule, Lara-Su was feeling nervous about going on her first big mission without her parents o the Chaotix to back her up. Miles assured her that after completing an incredibly difficult task like defeating King Shadow, that everyone on Mobius would be confident in her keeping them safe. While performing a sweep of the city, Lara noticed a couple of Dark Hands setting up a bazooka to attack King Sonic with, but Lara quickly subdued them, only to see that the bazooka wasn't loaded and realized that it was merely a diversion. Her aunt Lien-Da, who was wielding the loaded weapon, then fired on King Sonic and his family, only for the projectile to be caught in the psychokinetic grip of Silver the Hedgehog. (SU: #5)

Lara-Su later confronted Rutan about what Lien-Da is up to, which almost resulted in fisticuffs between them. But Dimitri broke up the fight and recommended that Rutan contact Salma. Lara-Su then headed to Lien-Da's castello to blow off steam, but chose to head to castello Mobius to assist Sonic. Lara-Su came at a bad time, though, as the Dark Presence hacked the security system and she and King Sonic barely escaped a laser barrage. Outside, they found Skye and Melody Prower on the street, and try their best to calm them down. Lara-Su then told Sonic that Argyle had a sicuro, cassetta di sicurezza place for them to hide, and so the four of them headed to Argyle's. Dismissing any inconvenience to himself, Argyle welcomed them, at the same time revealing other guests who might be useful allies against Shadow: Jacques and Belle D'Coolette. Joining the new Future Freedom Fighters, she went to attack castello Mobius, teaming up with Melody and Skye to take on the Dark Presence. The team defeated their enemies, only to be met da a fusion of Tikal and Chaos known as Tikhaos, which Shadow had released and evolved into perfect form. (SU: #6, #7)

Lara-Su then explained the Elemental War and how Tikhaos came to be. She then proposed an idea: if they can weaken and contain Perfect Tikhaos, she can subdue her with the "Tikal's Prayer" ritual. While the King went to rescue Silver and his family, Lara-Su was put in charge. Though she was nervous, she instructed Jacques and Belle to attack the entity while Skye and Melody distract it. She tried to initiate the ritual, but was hit down da Perfect Tikhaos. With the help of Silver, Sonic, Manik, Sonia, and the rest of the team, she was able to revert her to normal. (SU: #8)

In Silver's future, the time-traveling Hedgehog researched who the traitor to the Freedom Fighters might be in a biblioteca on Onyx Island. The building was also home to a portrait of the Future Freedom Fighters, including Lara-Su. Later, as Silver made use of one of the Time Stones to travel back in time and engage the traitor he had apparently identified, he did so from the superiore, in alto of a statue resembling Lara-Su. (StH: #215)


Lara-Su possessed exceptional determination and dedication, no doubt taught to them da her father. In either form, Lara often finds herself utterly confused da a number of situations, and she has a rather vulnerable nature at times. This has led her parents in both futures to mislead her o deny her certain privileges, but in the end they did it out of love. Lara-Su is also shown to have her parents' gung-ho fighting style and somewhat smug attitude. She also has her mother's hatred to "dress up" and hate having to wear a dress, even on special occasions. Lara-Su also regards several of the Chaotix in a family capacity, referring to both Espio and Vector as "Uncle."


As Knuckles's daughter, Lara-Su commands Chaos energy through a link to the Master Emerald. She has been trained da Knuckles in the use of her powers and thus is più proficient, capable of matching Shadow's use of Chaos Spear and Chaos Control and even surpassing them. Lara-Su has shown to use this power to sposta objects, freeze Mobians o objects in time, grab anything she wishes, and release Chaos energy from beings through the use of her Chaos powers. She also commands Knuckles's strength, and has fist spurs similar to his, which she can retract at will. She has received training in other areas as well, notably learning stealth techniques from Espio.


Vector's son, Argyle, may have been interested in Lara-Su in the unaltered timeline judging da how he wished to dance with her at her Unveiling, and Lara seemed to also be interested in him in both timelines judging da how she was happy to dance with him and in the alternate timeline called him her "good friend" and was shown to be quite comfortable being in close contact with him. She also showed a hint of jealousy when Belle D'Coolette began to flirt with him. (SU: #7)

While Lara hasn't shown any romantic interest in anyone else herself, she was the object of a crush from Prince Manik in the unaltered timeline. It is also possible that Skye Prower has a crush on her as well, as he seemed a little nervous (even più than usual) around her. Jacques D'Coolette was also quite charming to her in their first encounter, though it is possible that this is simply the result of his gentlemanly upbringing. (StH: #132, #136, SU: #5, #6, #7)

Background information

* Lara-Su's name is combination of the first name of her grandmother, and the last name of her mother (Lara-Le, Julie-Su) .
* The glasses in Lara-Su's design were inspired da fan Noele Carballo.
* Lara-Su's braid on the left side of her hair may be an homage to her mother's precedente sole cybernetic dreadlock, which has since been either removed o restored, as she now has normal dreadlocks like any Echidna. The braid could also be an homage to her grandmother, Lara-Le, who once had a left-sided braid early on in the comics.
* A version of Lara-Su appeared first in Sonic the Hedgehog #106 — #109. This was stated to be a different reality from that of Mobius: 25 Years later da writers Ken Penders and Ian Flynn.
* Even though this is a "possible future" and is subject to changes within the timeline, Lara-Su currently stands as the secondo female member of the Brotherhood of Guardians in history, behind her great-great-great-grandmother, Janelle-Li.


Lara-Su is a red echidna with purple eyes and rosa hair. She wears a braid on her left. While stemming from the same basic concept designs, this Lara-Su bears slight differences as compared to the "alternate" version. It is possible that some of these changes, such as the lack of purple in her hair, were unintentional. This Lara-Su generally dresses in faded black; she wears a vest (with a collare and light trim), a shirt, a cintura (sometimes off to the side with tassels), boots, and white gloves (sometimes with black cuffs) with lines stemming from her knuckle-spurs (which can retract - her gloves otherwise feature circles on the backs). Her braid is sometimes segmented da black bands. Unlike the other Lara-Su, she wears glasses rather than shades; these were inspired da fan Noele Carballo.

Lara-Su has occasionally been depicted in other outfits. These include a floor-length rosa ballgown with puffed shoulders and fluffy trim, a dark purple-black single-piece bathing suit, and viola pajamas.
 Lara-Su dancing with Argyle at her Unveiling
Lara-Su dancing with Argyle at her Unveiling
 Lara-Su defeating King Shadow with her Chaos Control powers
Lara-Su defeating King Shadow with her Chaos Control powers
 Lara-Su using Chaos Control
Lara-Su using Chaos Control
 Lara-Su and Rutan argue.
Lara-Su and Rutan argue.
 Lara and Argyle
Lara and Argyle