Latin Culture Club
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posted by Priscilita22
te know are te a Latino o Latina when...

- Your mother yells at the superiore, in alto of her lungs to call te to cena and te only live in a small apartment/house.

- te know at least one person in your family named Maria, Carlos, Juan, Jose, Tito o Luis.

- te are in a 4-passenger car with 7 people in it and a person shouting, "SUBANSE, TODAVIA CABEN!" (jajaja)

- te get people's attention da saying "chhh chhh" o "Pssssst."

- Your grandmother thinks she has the miracle cure for everything.

-You have your country's flag hanging in your car/bedroom/house...

-You're an adult and you're still forced to be with your family at 12 midnight on New Year's Eve

-Others tell te to stop screaming when te are really just talking! (oh god, this has happened to me so many times!)

- In your barrio, there are più people on the streets at 3am than 3pm

- te consider it rude when te throw a party and people mostra up on time... while te are still making preparations (obvio)!

- No matter what country te are in, te always greet people with a baciare on the cheek...even though they consider it an invasion of their personal space.

- te have watched many TELENOVELAS, several of them with similar concepts, but still tune in every day.

- te have dinners/reunions in your house with più people that can actually fit, and nobody comes to complain about the noise.

-You usually complain about things that are wrong with your country, but the secondo te leave, te look for every oportunity to tell EVERYONE how great it is!

Compiled from different sources:
1) link
2) link