Michael Jackson Legacy Club
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added by liberiangirl_mj
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by homeroller
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by liberiangirl_mj
Michael got married to debbie rowe in 1996 and they were happy together. In 1997 debbie was pregnant with their soin prince he was born febuary 13, 1997. Paris jackson was born April 3, 1998 and finally Blanket jackson was born febuary 2002. Michael was the best father figure that I ever saw he really was a great dad. Michael took his kids shopping evey once in a while and they got spoiled. Michael really loved his children and wanted them to have a better childhood. His kids got the best childhood they could ask for. Michael celebrated their birthdays and halloween, and Natale with them....
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added by liberiangirl_mj
added by cherl12345
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by liberiangirl_mj