NCIS - Unità anticrimine ^, >, v Game

Blue85 posted on Aug 08, 2009 at 06:10AM
I've done this on other forums that I've been apart of so I thought I would try it on here. All you need to know is:

^ Answers the question.
< Tell what you're doing.
v Ask a new question.

V Who is your favorite couple on the show?

^ Tony and Ziva.
< Reading fanfiction and listening to music.
v Will you be watching NCIS:LA when it comes on?

The next person would answer that question, tell what they're doing and then ask a new question, and it would keep going from there.

NOTE:The questions do not have to be about NCIS. Ask whatever you want.
last edited on Apr 02, 2011 at 06:43PM

NCIS - Unità anticrimine 7556 risposte

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Showing Replies 5401-5450 of 7556

più di un anno fa friendsfan101 said…
^ I think now that he's more confident, McGee.

< Same.

v Who do YOU think will make the first move: McGee or Abby?
più di un anno fa Blue85 said…
^ I'll also say McGee. He does seem to be a lot more confident now.
< ...
V Were you glad that we finally got to see Palmer again in Tuesday's episode?
più di un anno fa friendsfan101 said…
^ Absolutely! I love Palmer; he's one of my favorite characters. =)

< Same.

vWho will make the first move: Tony or Ziva?
più di un anno fa Blue85 said…
^ I'm not sure why exactly, but I think Ziva will be the one to do it.
< Time for a shower.
v Do you think the next McAbby moments that we have will be better than the ones that were in Cracked?
più di un anno fa smileandnod said…
^ I think Tony has to. I feel like Ziva's pretty much put her hand on the table and it's up to Tony to take the next step.

< bed time. Gotta get up early to ice the Boss's cake. 2 days to my cruise!! woo hoo!!

V reask: Who will make the first move: Tony or Ziva?
più di un anno fa NCISLuverjk93 said…
^ I really hope so :/
^I think... Ziva will <3
< Trying to sleep
v *spoiler related*

If Tony or Ziva is the one 'shot' then do you think it may lead to a big, Epic Tiva moment/scene?
più di un anno fa NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ It's a possibility. I suppose it could make for a very heartfelt don't you die on me, I need you, I love you scene! =]
< Work. Calves hurt sooo bad I can barely walk. Note to self: Never ever walk down 14 flights of stairs even during a practice firedrill.
v Do you picture their moment being sort of forced (ie: someone is hurt badly etc) or a relaxed moment?
più di un anno fa friendsfan101 said…
^ Maybe a little forced.

< That 70's Show.

v Even though we know they will get together, what would your reaction be if Tiva didn't get together at the end of the show?
più di un anno fa NCISLuverjk93 said…
^ I would... die. Okay no but definately Cry. Be angry with SB... god I don't even want to imagine it! :(
< Watching Reba
v Reask: Even though we know they will get together, what would your reaction be if Tiva Didn't get together at the end of the show?
più di un anno fa friendsfan101 said…
^ Destroy everything in my house in an angry rampage.

< Nothing.

v Favorite show other than NCIS?
più di un anno fa NCISLuverjk93 said…
^ The Vampire Diaries, hands down. :)
< Same.
v Same train of thought, what would you do if McAbby wasn't endgame? xO
last edited più di un anno fa
più di un anno fa NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ They totally are endgame just like Tiva... nothing to worry about there.
< NCIS Scare-a-thon =] A weekend full of NCIS! <3
v Favorite scary NCIS episode... well not scary, but Halloween-ish or creepy-ish?
più di un anno fa NCISLuverjk93 said…
^ I Loved Chimera {Watched it earlier on the scare-a-thon haha}
< Same.
v For Tiva, which do you want more right now, a kiss or a confession of feelings?
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più di un anno fa Blue85 said…
^ How about a confession of feelings followed by a kiss. :D But if I have to choose one over the other, I'd go with a confession of feelings.
< Making NCIS stuff and listening to music.
v Do you think Gibbs will ever find another woman like Shannon?
più di un anno fa p690327p said…
^ No.
< just out of bed
v Do U think that, somebody of the main characters will die in this season?
più di un anno fa Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ Nope. :D
< Season 3 Marathon. :D Right now, Light Sleeper. :D
v Favourite scene from Light Sleeper?
più di un anno fa Blue85 said…
^ Probably the end when Gibbs is talking to Tony and Ziva about staying when he told them to leave while they were trying to defuse the bomb.
< Lunch.
v If you've seen all(or even just some) of the Cast Roundtables that they have on the DVDs, which one is your favorite?
più di un anno fa friendsfan101 said…
^ I've never seen them, unfortunately

< ...

v Re-ask: If you've seen all (or even just some) of the Cast Roundtables that they have on the DVDs, which one is your favorite?
più di un anno fa NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I don't think I have a favourite. I love them all! I love seeing them interact with each other and make jokes & stuff. <3
< Handing out candy (mostly to teenagers). Had a headache for days that I can't get rid of.
v Ravenous vs Bloodbath?
più di un anno fa friendsfan101 said…
^ Bloodbath. =)

< That 70's Show.

v Favorite season 2 episode?
più di un anno fa Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ The Good Wives Club?
< Chilling/Fan Fiction.
v City vs Country?
più di un anno fa Blue85 said…
^ Country, I'm definitely not a city girl.

< Watching Pratical Magic and eating Halloween candy.

v Do you have a favorite scary/Halloween-type movie that you like to watch on Halloween?
più di un anno fa NCISLuverjk93 said…
^ I always watch the 4 "Scary Movie's" because I don't want to be alone& watch a real scary movie lol
< Scary Movie 3, handing out candy
v Did you dress up for halloween?
più di un anno fa friendsfan101 said…
^ No, unfortunately.

< ...

v How was your Halloween?
più di un anno fa Blue85 said…
^ It was okay. I bought huge bag of candy and didn't get any trick-or-treaters, so now I have to eat all of it by myself.. Would anyone like some candy? :P

< Now watching Van Helsing.

v What is your favorite NCIS Halloween episode so far?

più di un anno fa p690327p said…
^ 04x06 - Witch hunt
< just out of bed
v Did you dress up for halloween?
più di un anno fa NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Nope. Just handed out candy & took photos of the neice & nephews when they came over dressed up. Natalie was a mermaid, JJ was Woody from Toy Story, Ryan was a fireman and Jacob was a line backer. So cute!
< Work.
v What is your favorite holiday & why is it your favorite?
più di un anno fa p690327p said…
^ Xmas, because I'm with my family and i get presents,And New Year's Eve, because I'm with my friends and we have a party.
< watching gossip girl
v Ur least fave holiday?
più di un anno fa NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Labor Day and/or Memorial Day... they are kinda like no big deal to me in the least.
< Work.
v You get to choose a themed birthday party what do you choose? (ie: Luai, 50's, rock & roll, etc)
più di un anno fa Blue85 said…
^ 1940's USO.
< Listening to music.
v What is your favorite decade/century?
più di un anno fa worthy1990 said…
^ well my favorite decade was the 90's just becuase thats when i grew up and had the most fun in my life
< watching Chuck (well and truly obssessed)
v has any of your shows first few episodes not been up to par with previous seasons?
più di un anno fa friendsfan101 said…
^ Yes. There's Glee and mostly Lie to Me.

< Bones.

v If you were to make NCIS a show genre other than Drama/Crime, what would you make it be? (Comedy, soap opera, etc.)
più di un anno fa yay4wicked said…
^ Musical comedy! Just kidding. . .hmmm... it wouldn't really work as anything other than Drama/Crime. I guess comedy, although comedy without plot loses its appeal for me.
< Studying
v Are you spontaneous or do you like schedules?
più di un anno fa Blue85 said…
^ I'm spontaneous for the most part. I only schedule stuff that's important.

< Looking for JAG pics and watching Castle.


In a TV Guide article for November, it says that on Nov 9th Ziva goes undercover with DiNozzo Sr. When you saw the photo that was posted of Ziva and DiNozzo Sr. all dressed up, did you ever thinkj/suspect that they're "date" was actually an undercover op?
last edited più di un anno fa
più di un anno fa friendsfan101 said…
^ I had my suspicions.

< ...

v Re-ask:


In a TV Guide article for November, it says that on Nov 9th Ziva goes undercover with DiNozzo Sr. When you saw the photo that was posted of Ziva and DiNozzo Sr. all dressed up, did you ever thinkj/suspect that they're "date" was actually an undercover op?
più di un anno fa NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Yes becuase why else would they be going on a "date". An undercover op was the only option for me.
< Work.

Do you think Ziva's undercover op with Sr plays into his & Tony's IM?
più di un anno fa Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ Definitely.
< Road Kill. Just out the bath.
V Faith or Silent Night?
più di un anno fa friendsfan101 said…
^ Hm, maybe.

< That 70's Show.

v What do you think Sr.'s problem is?
più di un anno fa Blue85 said…
^ Dannii's: Faith.
^^ I'm thinking that he probably owes people money or something along those lines.

< Waiting for my supper to finish cooking.

v What episode do you think they'll show tonight since we won't be getting a new one?
più di un anno fa friendsfan101 said…
^ I checked on my DVR schedule and it says the one with the Marine who loves practical jokes.

< That 70's Show.

v On my DVR thingy, it says for Broken Arrow that


"The team is stunned by Gibbs' decision to enlist the help of DiNozzo's father, which could play a vital role in a murder investigation."

How do you feel about this?
più di un anno fa Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ IDK really. How could Snr have tangled himself up in a MURDER investigation?!
< Tiva videos.
v Do you think Tony will be happy to see his father?
più di un anno fa friendsfan101 said…
^ Half and half. I's his dad, but still..

< That 70's show.

v favorite forum on here?
più di un anno fa NCIS_Addict_87 said…
*Code of Conduct is on tonight for all those wondering.*

^ The icon contest & this one.
< Bones & then NCIS in a few min. Oh & eating ice cream despite it being sooo cold outside! lol.
v Do you think Sr is involved in the actual murder or just perhaps knows the victim?
più di un anno fa Blue85 said…
^ I think that he probably just knows the victim or something.
< Watching Dancing with the Stars.
v How do you think Sr.'s undercover op will go?
più di un anno fa NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I think he's good at charming people & manipulation so I think he'll be a pro at it.
< Work.... sooooo cold this morning!
v Do you think the undercover op will happen right off at the beginning of the episode?
più di un anno fa friendsfan101 said…
^ I think it might take a little time.

< Sign Language project.

v Would you like McAbs to ever go undercover?
più di un anno fa Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ Janie, this is me you're asking. :P
< Gonna dry my hair.
v What do you think of the fact that the team are closer to each other than their actual families?
più di un anno fa friendsfan101 said…
**LOL Dannii. xD

^ Well, I'm not sure about that for Abby or Palmer (or for that matter McGee & Vance) but I think it's sweet that Tony, Gibbs, Ziva, Ducky & even Jenny had people to fall back on-that they could trust. It shows that NCIS is their family, even though they're not related-and early in the series it really made you wonder how their lives were to actually be closer with the team than their actual families.

< Same.

v Since it was a fab question: What do you think of the fact that the team are closer to each other than their actual families?
più di un anno fa NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I adore it because I am happy that they have found a family that they can trust with their lives and with their secrets. I don't think blood is what makes a family, it's so much more than that.
< NCIS Marathon.
v Since it was a fab question & my mind is currently blank: What do you think of the fact that the team are closer to each other than their actual families?
più di un anno fa friendsfan101 said…
^ LOL same as you, Jenna. =)

< Same.

v Are you excited for next weeks' episode?