Negima Club
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Yesterday brought some surprises- A mysterious footprint in town was discovered and on superiore, in alto of that, Negi and four of his students were face to face with what could be a shock of the century. Negi’s magic paid a great price when a large dinosaur that was covered with scars and had a piercing wound on its right leg was brought to full health and condition. What brought a total shock was that it also “spoke”. Without warning however, the giant beast made its way out of the woods and into who knows where. But the real deal was just beginning- can Negi, Konoka, Setsuna, and Nodoka keep what they experienced a secret? One thing is certain; they need to make sure Asuna doesn’t go insane about it. Keeping an eye on her will be tough than handling a barrel of monkeys.

As morning rises, Negi and Konoka were already awake. They just had their breakfast and got dressed. Asuna on the other hand was still busy sleeping on her letto bunk. “Time to wake up Asuna!” Konoka said. Asuna didn’t listen however and was busy snoring. Negi couldn’t do much but stand and smile. “Well, it’s a brand new day,” Chamo detto while racing up to Negi’s right shoulder. “Wonder what new things we will deal with today.” Negi’s mind soon drifted to yesterday. Seeing that dinosaur really shocked him. “What was it doing in the forest?” He asked in his mind. “It seemed rather friendly and it even spoke. Maybe it just wants to find peace.” Negi’s mind soon snapped after Asuna woke up- her loud voice made him snap. “I’m awake!” She screamed while quickly getting out from her bed. She quickly climbed down the latter and rushed to get change. Konoka giggled while watching her. “She’s like a roadrunner,” She detto while covering her mouth so she wouldn’t laugh too much. “She could also be like a cheetah too.” Not much chat was formed after that and everyone left the room. As they made their way to the outside, Negi stopped in his tracks. “Um, what’s the deal Negi?” Chamo asked. Looking at his face, he could tell something was up. “Do te think it’s the darkness again?” As soon as he detto that, Negi shook his head fast. “It’s not that,” He responded. “I feel as if someone o something is here, watching over us.” Chamo didn’t know how to react to that. “I think your mind is playing games,” He said. “If someone was watching over us, somebody would let us know right?” Negi nodded. “You’re right Chamo. I just need to get it together.” After taking a deep breath, he sighed and ran to catch up with Asuna, Konoka, and Setunsa, who already caught up with them. Despite Chamo’s advice, something was watching. A few feet from the building where they lived, a mysterious figure was watching the whole thing from behind some bushes. The identity of the figure is not revealed, but quickly dashes out from the bushes and ran into the woods.

Mahora Academy continues to go crazy over the footprint discovery. A lot of the girls continue sharing risposte and opinions over what left the track. Most of them believe it was a monster from legends, while a couple of them believe it might have been a prehistoric animal. While all of them had perfect opinions, they still were unsure. The situation grew stressful for Konoka, Nodoka, and Setsuna as they wanted to hear their opinions too. “What do te think Setsuna?” Makie asked. Setsuna couldn’t decide what to answer. Because she was nervous, Konoka offered to explain her own answer. “I believe it could be a living legend,” She responded. “Maybe it could be a Big Foot o a Yeti.” Everyone was wowed da her response. Ayaka however didn’t think it was so amusing. “Please shut up already,” She exclaimed while standing up. ‘You all are like a bunch of chickens that have gone wild. Do te all honestly care about what o who left the footprint? It’s just a print left in the sand. Why does it matter?” That was when the shocking result came through- it was because Ayaka was the only girl who never got a chance to see the footprint. Luckily, Kazumi had extra copies of the pictures she took. “Take a look at these,” She detto while handing Ayala the photos. “I’m telling you. te will be shocked.” She started looking at the foto and wasn’t at all too thrilled. “These pictures are fake,” She detto while throwing them to the floor. “And da the way- I have an opinion of my own to share. That footprint might even be a hoax.” All of the girls gasped after hearing that word. “How dare te insult my pictures!” Kazumi yelled while making her way to Ayaka’s desk. It appeared that a fight was going to happen. It wasn’t until Negi barged in and tried to stop them. “Come on! There is no reason to argue,” He detto while trying to get in-between them. “Let’s just try and drop this all out for a while. Is that alright?” The two girls looked at Negi and their expressions changed. “Fine,” Kazumi detto while turning around. “But my pictures aren’t fake. te keep that in mind Ayaka.” Ayaka turned while crossing her arms. “Whatever.” She said. Though things were back to normal, Negi wasn’t very happy with Kazumi and Ayaka recitazione like this. He wished there was someway he could help them. It would take a while to figure it out. As the hours passed, class was over. Negi was all packed and ready to leave when Konoka and Setsuna raced down the steps and made their way to him. “Negi, have te seen Asuna?” They both asked. Negi looked at them with confusion. “Asuna? Why do te want to know where she is?” That was when they explained to him about their promise to keep an eye on her so that she wouldn’t go too crazy over what occurred yesterday. “Oh right,” He said. “I don’t know where she is, but we can go find her.” The two girls agreed. They raced out of the classroom and made their way to the left side of the hallway.

As Negi, Konoka, and Setsuna were busy looking for Asuna, most of the students have gone home. Nodoka and herfriend, Yue however were out in the park area admiring the sunset while reading. “Nodoka,” Yue asked while putting her book down. “May I ask te something?” Nodoka stopped Leggere and looked at her. “Yes? What is it?” Yue took a little sigh. “What is your opinion over this whole footprint thing? I mean, do te care about it at all like the others do?” After hearing her question, Nodoka gasped loudly while covering her mouth. Yue looked at her with confusion. “Everything alright?” She asked. Nodoka nodded while still covering her mouth. Yue felt a little bad for asking that question. “I just wanted to ask te because…I have a little opinion over this myself, but I haven’t told anyone.” Nodoka’s expression shifted and uncovered her mouth. “Why didn’t te explain about it?” Yue sighed while looking down at the bricks on the ground. “It’s because I was afraid everyone would laugh at me.” She responded. Nodoka felt bad for her. “You know, te can always express your opinions with me,” She detto while gently holding her left hand. Yue gasped while blushing a tad and turned to see her face. She formed a little smile. “Thanks Nodoka. You’re a great friend.” Nodoka giggled. “Would te like to continue reading?” She asked. Yue got up and stretched. “Actually, I am going to get a juice. Would te like something?” Nodoka shook her head. “I’m good, but thanks anyway.” Yue made her way to the nearest drink machine. As she put her quarters into the machine, something caught her eye. She quickly turned her head the left and noticed a strange shape out in the open hill. Observing carefully, she was shocked to realize that it turned out to be a big cat of some kind. She pushed the button quickly and got her juice. When she looked up to the left again, she realized that the figure was gone. “This is starting to creep me out..” She detto while slowly walking backwards. After walking backwards a few feet, she turned around and quickly ran.

Things appear to be going mad at Mahora. Yue’s situation was quite interesting. But Negi, Konoka, and Setsuna were on a mission. They were trying to find Asuna. Their concern over her was to make sure she didn’t share anything about what they experienced yesterday. They asked most of the other girls and got no answers. One of them on the other hand detto that she already left school. After thanking the student, they turned and made their way out from the school. “I wonder where she could have gone.” Konoka said. “Maybe she went on home without us.” Stsuna said, hoping for the better. Negi wasn’t too sure. “I don’t think she would go home this early,” He said. “She must be out in the city somewhere. We better go check it out.” Konoka and Setsuna agreed. As they made their way to the city, Yue and Nodoka soon appeared. They were going to talk with Negi, but missed their chance. “Darn. We missed him.” Yue sighed. As she was about to give up, Nodoka could see him, Konoka, and Setsuna running from a distance. “Look, I see them.” She detto while pointing straight ahead. Yue turned her head straight. “Let’s go catch up with them.” Grabbing her hand, the two started running hoping to catch up with them.

Out on the city, Asuna is seen looking down at the footprint. She was smiling while laughing. “I can’t believe that this footprint came from that giant creature,” She exclaimed with excitement. She got too excited that she started jumping up and down a couple of times. “If only that thing would mostra up again- then the whole world could see it!” Asuna’s excitement wouldn’t last very long when something was spying on her a few feet away. The thing that was watching her looked like a robot o a mecha. As soon as the moment was right, the robot suddenly showed itself and tried to attack Asuna. It shot lazers from its eyes and tried to rope her with little ropes it shot from its fingers. This whole thing really ticked her off. “You idiot,” She yelled. “Think te can take on a hopeless school girl like me? Think again!” After saying that, she was hoping to find Negi with her but badly enough, he wasn’t there. “Negi! Where are te when I need you?!” Just then, the robot grabbed Asuna with its metal hands. She tried her hardest to break free but its metal hands were even tougher than she would imagine. It seemed liked hope was Lost for her when a voice suddenly struck through the moment. “Hey!” the voice said. The robot turned its head behind and noticed a big cat standing out in the middle of the pathway. The cat was revealed to be a mountain lion. “If te want to capture innocent girls, then why don’t te capture a big cat?” The robot didn’t budge and wouldn’t let Asuna go. Sense that didn’t work, the cat had to attack. It started running directly at the robot. Once when timing was right, the cat leaped and scratched the robot on the left shoulder with its sharp claws. The robot was stunned da the blow and dropped Asuna, freeing her. The cat meanwhile landed on its feet and slowly turned around. It looked up at the robot that was ready to attack. “Not through yet are you?” The cat detto while forming a slight grin. The cat’s claws were suddenly visible again. The robot was ready to make a move. Asuna turned to watch the whole battle. Her bet was on the mountain lion. “You can do it kitty!” She cheered. Though her cheering was good, the mountain lion didn’t like to be called “kitty”.

Asuna was experiencing the most epic battle of a lifetime. A mountain lion that could speak, battling against an armored mecha. It was the most exciting moment for her. “Let’s get them cat,” She cheered. “Show that tin can who is the boss!” After a minuto of sizing each other up, the mountain lion made the first move. It tried to pounce on the robot, but it moved quickly out of the way. The cat was able to regained control of itself and quickly turned around. Luckily, the robot didn’t attack yet. Just before the successivo sposta could occur, Negi, Konoka, Setsuna, Nodoka, and Yue finally located Asuna. The moment they walked to her, their attention was caught in the middle of the battle. Everyone was speechless. “T-T-T-That’s the thing I saw!” Yue detto while pointing at the mountain lion. Everyone’s attention turned to Yue. “That’s what te were trying to tell me?” Nodoka said. Yue nodded. After that, their attention drew back at the battle. For hours, the cat and the robot were squaring it off. The robot was all scratched and out of control. It appears as if the cat was winning. Asuna kept on cheering while the others could only watch with astonishment and shock. Negi was surprised the most. After a couple of più squaring off, the robot finally found the winning chance. It quickly pinned the mountain lion to the ground and grabbed its neck while raising it off the ground. The cat was being choked. “Oh no,” Konoka exclaimed. “What should we do?” After being choked, the robot threw the cat against a tree. Everyone gasped with fright as the cat slowly slumped to the ground. “That does it,” Asuna detto while making her way down. “I cannot take this anymore!” “Asuna!” Konoka yelled. After making it down, Asuna tried to get the robot’s attention. “Hey metal pants,” She detto while waving her arms. “Cone and get me!” It turned around, focusing away from the cat. Just as the robot made its way towards her, Asuna looked directly at Negi. She gave him a nod. Negi nodded back and started to form the magic in which he activates Asuna’s card form. After the magic was performed and after a card was picked, Asuna was transformed into a very strong warrior. “It’s high time this ends,” Asuna says while putting out her giant sword. “Let’s see what you’re made of!” She screamed while charging directly at the robot. She slashed the thing using her giant sword. The tin can was broken into five pieces. This meant that the robot was done for. Asuna saved the day.

Despite her bravery, she was weak and hungry after her powers ended. As Negi and Setsuna helped her out, Konoka and Nodoka were checking on the mountain lion. “It appears to be breathing.” Nodoka detto while checking to see if it was still breathing. “That’s wonderful,” Konoka detto while forming a smile. “But I wonder what we are going to do with it.” Negi, Setsuna, and Asuna walked to them. “What kind of cat is it?” Negi asked while looking at it. Nodoka, who is a bookworm, has obviously read a book o few about animals. “This is a mountain lion.” She answered. Everyone was astonished da how she knew what it was. “How did te know that?” Konoka asked. Nodoka explained that she has read many libri based on animali and thereby knows a lot about them. They were impressed da what she learned. While the others were gathering around the big cat, Yue was busy looking at the pieces of the robot. It looked as if she knew exactly what the robot was. Nodoka walked to her. “Hey Yue,” She asked. “What are te doing?” Yue turned to her. “I know what kind of robot this was.” She responded. Nodoka looked at her with surprise. “You do?” Yue nodded and explained that it was one of Satomi’s inventions. Nodoka was amazed. “How could it attack like that?” She asked. Yue had no idea how but she believed it probably had something to do with magic. Nodoka gasped with fright. “What’s the matter?” Yue asked. Nodoka shook her head quickly and responded, “It’s nothing.” Yue could feel that something was troubling her, but she didn’t want to pressure her. After looking at the robot pieces one più time, Yue and Nodoka walked back to the others who were still looking down at the mountain lion which was still passed out. “Did it really save you?” Konoka asked. Asuna nodded. “It really did! It was so awesome!” Negi was a little confused. “Why would a wild animal save a girl?” Negi asked in his mind. “It doesn’t make any sense.” At that moment, the cat’s ear started twitching. Everyone watched closely. The cat’s eyes also started to open and looked up at them. The cat quickly raised its head off the ground and looked at each of them closely. “Oh, it’s te guys.” It said. Everyone gasped while taking a jump back. The cat rose its whole body up and yawning. “What’s the matter?” Everyone was entirely speechless.

After the silence was over, everyone including the mountain lion was gathered around the footprint which was still visible. “Oh, this? Yeah it was from me.” Everyone was wowed with astonishment. “So that was te yesterday?” Everyone asked. Yue on the other hand didn’t know what was going on, so she didn’t say it along with them. The mountain lion turned its whole body around while looking up at everyone. “Yesterday?” That was when Negi explained everything that occurred that day. The cat finally remembered. “Oh yes. te were the one who healed me.” It detto while putting its left paw on its forehead. Most of the girls were awed da its cuteness. “But wait a minute,” Asuna interrupt. “If te were that giant thing yesterday and te left this mysterious footprint, then that means…” The cat looked at Asuna with fright in its eyes. “Dear gosh,” It detto in its mind. “Is she going to pop my powers to everyone? But I was supposed to tell them.” It appears that the beginning of something new will occur for Negi and his thirty one students. Who exactly is this cat? Is there anything to trust about it?

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