C’era una volta How Regina Became Evil And How She Met Rumple?!

zylice posted on Aug 29, 2012 at 10:29AM
My Theory:

Regina was so depressed and fled from the kings castle. She found Rumple (somehow) and begged him for help. He said that he could make her 'powerful' and afraid of 'nothing.'

But.....she turned 'bad' (Same as Rumple needed help and HE turned 'bad' also.) Regina could NOT be cured because her 'true love' is dead...So she remained 'cursed'.

When and IF Rumple takes her powers AWAY...will she turn 'good' again???!

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più di un anno fa zylice said…
I re-watched the season finale and Regina said that Rumple manipulated all this! He was selfish enough to use Emma AND Regina for his OWN benefit! (I don't think he's an 'evil' character though.) I also noticed him and Regina acting strange towards each other and how HE made the curse! Hmmm! Interesting!