Penguinangel Wall

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mostra le note di 1-10 sulla bacheca di 41

Penguinangel detto …
50 fans! :D Whoo!!!! Thank te to my 50 (actually 49 and SARA TWICE) peoples who joined my spot! X) I'll try to put più stuff up, BUT, no promises. ^^ postato più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 commentato…
WELL JEEZ I'M SORRY. XD più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
GOOD, te SHOULD BE. XD Messin' up my fan numbers. XP più di un anno fa
KaylaFoxeh detto …
*stalk, stalk, stalk* 0-0 postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
KaylaFoxeh commentato…
Thats me alright! xD più di un anno fa
CrystalMirage detto …
Angel. 'Tis me. o3o postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
STALKER più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
...Wait. Why two fanpops? XD più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 commentato…
^'Cause I wanna. xD And there are a lot of people suddenly being banned. più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
True, but te don't see me making a secondo account. ...*knocks on wood* più di un anno fa
Penguinangel detto …
This spot seriously needs... stuff... posted. XD Imma work on that. ...Maybe. postato più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 commentato…
Yeah, it DOES need stuff. xD più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
MY SPOT IS AS DRY AS A DESERT. D: più di un anno fa
Gumball17 commentato…
Well, MY spot is as dry as the SUN! DDDDX più di un anno fa
1Amberpet detto …
Hi angel! I joined so ummm no hard feelings about the fight before? postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
No, I guess that was a long time ago. No point in holding grudges, is there? Hope we can be friends. :) più di un anno fa
1Amberpet commentato…
I do to! =) più di un anno fa
Jhordan232 detto …
Ok look i hope te don't mind Angel i joined again And i'm sorry about what happen Before then but i'm with Marlene and i'm not hitting other girls so i hope we can start over again postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Alright, apology accepted, Jhordan. :) Glad to hear you're not hitting on every other girl te meet anymore. Just don't go breaking Marlene's cuore now, mkay? ;) più di un anno fa
Jhordan232 commentato…
i won't like i detto i had a Crush on Marlene ever since i joined fanpop :) più di un anno fa
Penguinangel detto …
I'm so freakin' happy right now! :D It took 3 days and one big wild oca chase, but I got my psychology class changed to Symphonic Band for this trimester, so tommorrow I get a CLARINET! XD I've wanted to learn another instrument crazy bad for 2 years at least now, and I FINALLY get to! Heh, wish me luck though, I've never even attempted to make a sound on a reed before, and I'll be going right into High School-level music. Fun! X) postato più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 commentato…
Penguinangel commentato…
OH YEAH!!! XD più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Chibi-Baka3 detto …

link postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Penguinangel commentato…
Yeah, don't ask. XD più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 commentato…
Penguinangel detto …
The Pokemon Project!

This project is to draw every single Pokemon, starting with #1. First, free-hand the pokemon from another picture (the pokedex pic in my Platinum strategy guide, for me). Next, do a sketch-dump to figure out how to draw individual parts and from different angles. Finally, draw an original fanart of that Pokemon. Once te finish an evolution set, draw a family picture of them altogether.

Now wish meh luck, there's over 600 hundred of these suckers. XD postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel detto …
♪I'm a goofy goober, YEAH! You're a goofy goober, YEAH! We're all goofy goobers, YEAH! Goofy goofy goofy goobers, YEAH!♪ XD postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel detto …
I am such a dork. Such a total failure at life. XP postato più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 commentato…
Why do te say that? più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Because I still can't even get up the nerve to talk to a guy that I like. XP And at the Band Dance yesturday I had the PERFECT opportunity to ask him to dance, he was seriously slow dancing da himself like 2 feet away form me and Caitlyn was telling (or yelling at) me to ask him, and I got really bad farfalle and chickened out. I can't believe myself! DX più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
XD più di un anno fa
Penguinangel detto …
States yesturday was so amazing! We only took 8th place out of 12 when we should have taken at least 6th, but I don't care. Our performance was AWESOME, and the feeling I had walking off that field after was something te just can't forget. Not just from the performance, but because of how much it all means to me; the music, the people, the family. Afterwards, I had the strangest mix of emotions. I was smiling so big and laughing because I was so happy, but I was crying because now, it's over... postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel detto …
Thank te to the jerks at my school who thought it'd be fun to crinkle up my band locker poster. Who the heck cares that we're going to State finals on Saturday? We're all just a bunch of band geeks. It's not like Marching Band's HARD o anthing. Just 4 rehearsals a week June-Oct rain o shine, memorizing 8 minuti of Musica and sets, and working our butts of physically and mentally to the point of collapsing! Doesn't matter, because appearantly we don't deserve even a little sign on our lockers! postato più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 detto …
Angel, I'm spamming your bacheca to say this! xD

I HAVE 100 FANS!! 8D postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Tjat più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Pfft, faiiillll. XD That's awesome, Sara! :D I saw earlier today te had 99, I was just wondering if you'd hit 100 soon. Buut, te still don't have as many as meh. X) Just sayin'. XD più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 commentato…
XD Oh, you're on. I've been getting new fan pretty much every giorno now. owo; più di un anno fa
Penguinangel detto …
So it's not quite the Party Rock Anthem, but today at marching rehearsal my instructor did put in a couple new sweet visuals! We are so gonna kick butt at finals! XD Just as long as this new clock rotaty thing, o the giant prop, o the ladders, don't kill us all first anyway. XD postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel detto …
The morning Marching Band rehearsal Saturday for our competition (71.71 BTW) was crazy windy, so the ladders we use as props kept blowing over, even though they were weighted down. During the full run through at the end of rehearsal, the ladders got blown over again but I didn't know because they were behind me. So I start marching backwards at this fast tempo and I trip over the ladder and schiaffo, smack the ground! Thank goodness it was astroturf o I really could have been hurt! postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
I had to scramble to get back up before someone else ran me over and had to play catch-up to get back in form. I made it through the last little bit of the mostra fine after, and as soon as we finished my marching band instructor came straight to me to make sure I was ok. That made me feel good that he was più concerned with me than the ladder when I detto I thought I might have broken it. As it turned out, I DID break my ladder, and so did my friend Dana who also fell over one. The other kids in band were all like "Daaanng!" when they saw the ladder Dana broke, and the same a couple days later when they found out that I broke one, too. XD 'Course I have a lovely bruise on the back of my leg where I landed on the ladder, but at least I can say I hurt the ladder più than it hurt me! XD più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
...You cheat. XP più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 commentato…
Sort of. xD più di un anno fa
Penguinangel detto …
WHOOO!!! Just got back from my Homecoming game, and it was freakin' AMAZING!!! XD We creamed the other team 47-0, my friend won Homecoming Queen (luv ya, Emily! ^^), and I got to hang out with my AWESOME band for the last 4 hours! XD Homecoming dance is tommorrow, so exited! This is just an amazing weekend for me. X) postato più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 commentato…
Wowzers! They DID win! xD My dad was wondering who won today, so now I'll have to let him know. XDDD Glad that te had a good time, and it's awesome that your friend won! più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Yeah, cuz te LEFT so te couldn't tell him. XP Thanks, though. Haha, te should have heard the Marching Band when we got off the field. We all started cheering as loud as we could for Emily, I swear te could have heard us a block away over the noise of the rest of the stadium. XD più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 commentato…
XD I'm sure that we could have! If I were over at my mom's, that is. I could hear te guys just playing your songs and stuff from there, so...yeah. xD I'm sure that I'd hear te guys cheering as well. ...Wow, this is from a while ago. xD I'm so slow. più di un anno fa
Penguinangel detto …
I had the best giorno today! We got a Starwars piece in Band class and I got the solo, and at Marching rehearsal after school my band director complemented my marching TWICE, and he almost never gives out compliments! And then my flute instructor person detto me and my friend were shredding the ballad on our flutes (which for that part is definetely a good thing)!

Aaannnd, then I got home, and things turned to poo. Thank te my amazing sister fo assaulting me when I went to practice my solo. postato più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 commentato…
Ohhhh dear. Ya gotta Amore how home somehow destroys everything. :D più di un anno fa
Penguinangel detto …
For all of te awesome people that check my spot, te get to hear about the PoM OC comic that I'm planning first!

It'll have a few characters from PoM along with a bunch of my own OCs, but the main story will be around Angel and Skipper, who get trapped in a strange universe and need to find a way back home.

I'm in the process of planning out some of the characters right now, so I'll be posting thier pics here as I finish them, and possibly profilo descriptions. postato più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 commentato…
I think I'm ahead of everyone. xD più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Well, yah, but I see te at school sooo, doesn't count. XD più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 commentato…
Yeah, that's the hardest part. xD I'm doing a comic right now with my deviantART buddy; it's a collab. I thought that we could do this without getting bored with it, but we might not finish it in the end. It's hard to say. più di un anno fa
Penguinangel detto …
So it's official. School has started, and Junior anno is not looking very easy.

So I won't be online as often between school and Marching Band, plus my computer appearantly got a virus that I gotta check (wish me luck, I suck with computers) so I won't be on meebo at all until that's fixed. But I'll still make sure to squeeze in some time for fanpop every day, even if it's only 5 minutes. postato più di un anno fa
SPKR689 commentato…
Good luck with everything. Oh and don't die :3 più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Thanks. :) Turns out that my mom fails harder than I thought the computer's just fine, so that's good. Now I just has to deal with piles of homework. XD più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 commentato…
That sucks. D: più di un anno fa
Penguinangel detto …
ciao everyone, I know some of te do already, but te know te can just call me Angel if te want. postato più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 commentato…
I already did that before anyone else, 'cause I'm awesome. >w> *shot* più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Well yeah, but te knew me first. XD *pokes* più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 commentato…
OH NOES. I'VE BEEN POKED. D8 *pokes back* più di un anno fa
mixmaster15 detto …
fan number 30! ^^ postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Yayness! :D Thanks for joining, mix! più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 commentato…
OMG Angel IS ON 8D più di un anno fa
mixmaster15 commentato…
No prob! ^^ più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 detto …
This spot definitely needs più people. xD I mean, you're just so awesome.

Should I stalk some peoples for you? >w> *shot* postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
XD Na, I don't need hundreds of people here. I just need my good fanpop buddies. ^^ Although a little più stuff here might be nice... Heeeyy, te should post some video and shtuffs. X3 Cuz I'm too lazy to. XD più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 commentato…
Any vids and pics? Well okay then. xD I'll see what I can do. più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 commentato…
OH NOES D8 più di un anno fa
big smile
urumica detto …
Hi P-Angel :D (You know I Amore that nickname XD) postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Hiii, Mica. Yes, everyone seems to Amore that name. XD più di un anno fa
Penguinangel detto …
I ♥ Sit'n Spins!!! X3 postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel detto …
te know how sometimes te get a song stuck in your head, but te only know the words to one o two lines? Yeah, well right now I have ♪I gotta pocket, got a pocket full of sunshine!♪ repeating over and over and over! DX postato più di un anno fa
SPKR689 commentato…
Gee thanks for getting that stuck in my head too!!! più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
No problem, that's what I'm here for. XD più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
lol No, no I cannot. XD più di un anno fa
Penguinangel detto …
I'M BACK FROM BAND CAMP!!! XDD Man, it was hard and painful and mentally/physically axhausting, but I had a blast. There's nothing quite like spending a week living with my AWESOME band family. I just can't believe that I only have one più Band Camp left now! D: postato più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 commentato…
ciao THAR BUDDEH 8D più di un anno fa
pomfan2 commentato…
Oh glad te enjoyed it! I missed you..... :) And one thing more, maybe its just me, but the POM caption contest seems a little, inert to me since I posted. Maybe te could drop da that forum....And a question: Can I add a caption to my own pic? più di un anno fa
pomfan2 commentato…
Thanks a lot :) più di un anno fa
Penguinangel detto …
Anyone else notice that the song Last Friday Night da Katy Perry has totally taken over lately? I mean, it hardly played at all the last several months, and now it seems like it's on the radio every hour. And it was even in the background in those Comic Con videos! Well, at least it's a good song. XD postato più di un anno fa
pomfan2 commentato…
I did notice it was playing in the comic con! XD più di un anno fa
Metallica1147 commentato…
No, I hate Katy Perry's songs XD più di un anno fa
PenguinTDWT commentato…
she rocks più di un anno fa
GwenHeather detto …
ciao Angel why are te mad at me? It seems that after Metallica1147 told me about this kind of crazy person, nobody from the POM fanclub added me?? (just guessing??) postato più di un anno fa
GwenHeather commentato…
ok im leaving fanpop so bye più di un anno fa
kissgwen13 commentato…
everything better now cody? più di un anno fa
PenguinTDWT commentato…
Penguinangel detto …
Pre-camp's a pain. 3 days, 21 hours of practice, and I got totally friend in the first day. XP Remember kids, ALWAYS WEAR SUNSCREEN. Especially if you're white as a sheet of paper like me. XD postato più di un anno fa
SPKR689 commentato…
I didn't wear it for 4 days once :) I am tan and I do not burn! *knocks on wood* più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Yeah, sure, that's what they all say right before they become a lobster. XD più di un anno fa
Penguinangel detto …
Blah, I'm bored. I have a whole spot now to post whatever I feel like, and I can't think of anything. XD Any ideas anyone? o I dunno, any one wanna talk, o do a Q&A o something? Like seriously, bored out of my mind here. XP postato più di un anno fa
beastialmoon commentato…
Are te still bored now? =D 20th "Fan"! più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Mmm, somewhat. XD Thanks for joining though! :D più di un anno fa
Penguinangel detto …
I am just totally off tonight. First, I accidentally kicked my dad's shoe into my dog's water bowl, and then I broke the antenae on my sister's radio trying to push it down. Then when I was washing my hands I squeezed the soap too hard and it went flying across the counter, and I rammed into the door on the way out because I was laughing to hard. And now I almost choked on my cheeseburger!

I think I'm just gonna stop trying to do anything and hope the computer doesn't blow up in my face. XD postato più di un anno fa
SPKR689 commentato…
I had to commento on this XD if I could, I would give te an award for that. It is such a fail it's a win! più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
lol Ikr? XD I'm doing alot better today. Haven't broken a single thing yet! più di un anno fa
SPKR689 commentato…
Congradulations! You'r still alive! XD più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Aw, thanks! X3 più di un anno fa
big smile
urumica detto …
Yay! I joined! =D postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Awesome, thank te Mica! :DD più di un anno fa
urumica commentato…
No problem Angel ;) I'm happy I joined :D YAY! più di un anno fa
Jhoman12 detto …
I Joined Awesome Club Angel ;) postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Cool, thanks Jhoman! :D più di un anno fa
Jhoman12 commentato…
anytime ;) più di un anno fa
big smile
Colonelpenguin detto …
10th fan :P postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Yays! :D Thanks for joining! più di un anno fa
Chibi-Baka3 detto …
Wow! 8D This is amazing! Congrats, Angel! x3 postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Thanks! :D più di un anno fa
thespikedturtle detto …
7 fans! Party central!!!! :D postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Paarrrttyy!!!! *confetti falls* XD più di un anno fa
thespikedturtle commentato…
Yay! Confetti! *balloons fly out of my mouth* più di un anno fa
SnowshoeAviator commentato…
Well I have. B3 And te need to decide when your party is going to be. o else I'll grope you. più di un anno fa
big smile
Ancsa13 detto …
YAY, I' m the 6th fan! X3 postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Awesome! Thanks for joining! :D più di un anno fa
Ancsa13 commentato…
You' re Welcome! ^w^ più di un anno fa
Penguinangel detto …
I finally have my own spot! A place to talk about everything Angel-ish. Yay! :D

So I'm fine with pretty much anything being postato here. I'll probably be posting mostly my drawings and stuff related to PoM, Pokemon, Marching Band, and Musica myself. Only rule is: NO HATING! Ranting's fine, but flat out hating on stuff is NOT cool.

And thank te to my 5 whole fans! :DDD

postato più di un anno fa
quasomeness detto …
4th fan on your spot! postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Sweet! And secondo to post on the wall! :D più di un anno fa
Icicle1penguin detto …
2nd fan! (Cause Penguinangel's first)

I feel awesome! :D postato più di un anno fa
Penguinangel commentato…
Yayness! :D High five! più di un anno fa
Icicle1penguin commentato…
Yeah! *high fives back* più di un anno fa