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Which of the Big Five Personality Traits Are You?



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NatyLy said:
You Are Agreeableness
You are an unselfish and considerate person. You don't easily find fault with others.
You are helpful and polite. You forgive and forget. You try your best not to start drama.

You are warm and welcoming. You are truly happy to see people, and you're willing to give almost anyone a fresh start.
You like to cooperate, even if it requires a little give and take. You have a low threshold for drama.
posted più di un anno fa.
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You Are Openness
You are open to the whole world around you - without prejudice or judgment.
You are curious about many different things, and you are very interested in ideas.

You get bored rather quickly, and you're always dying to shake up your routine a little.
You are interested in art and culture. It's likely that you have sophisticated tastes.
posted più di un anno fa.
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ruby1000 said:
You Are Openness
You are open to the whole world around you - without prejudice or judgment.
You are curious about many different things, and you are very interested in ideas.

You get bored rather quickly, and you're always dying to shake up your routine a little.
You are interested in art and culture. It's likely that you have sophisticated tastes.
posted più di un anno fa.
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marwi said:
You Are Conscientiousness
You are extremely detail oriented and organized. You do a thorough job.
You stick with whatever needs to be done, no matter how long it takes.

You are highly motivated and energetic. You are a valuable employee and a trusted friend.
You are a planner, and you follow through with your promises. You take your commitments seriously.
posted più di un anno fa.
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Shepard14 said:
I am agreeableness!
posted più di un anno fa.
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You Are Agreeableness

You are an unselfish and considerate person. You don't easily find fault with others.
You are helpful and polite. You forgive and forget. You try your best not to start drama.

You are warm and welcoming. You are truly happy to see people, and you're willing to give almost anyone a fresh start.
You like to cooperate, even if it requires a little give and take. You have a low threshold for drama.

posted più di un anno fa.