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What Should te attraversare, croce the World To See?



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ecpjll said:
You Should Go See Acropolis
You can be quite academic in your approach to things. You are scholarly and bookish.
You are high achieving. You perform well no matter what situation you're in.

You are resourceful and capable. You have an ingenious way of getting things done.
You are very opinionated. And you never keep your opinions to yourself!
posted più di un anno fa.
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You Should Go See the Taj Mahal
You have a fun personality, and you find it easy to get energized about almost anything.
When people meet you, they tend to remember you for a long time. You create a lasting impression.

You are open to the world, and that's part of what makes you unforgettable. You are free-spirited.
You try to keep things flexible because you're always picking a new path. You value adaptability.
posted più di un anno fa.
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xangelx said:
You Should Go See the Pyramids
You are very giving - so giving that you occasionally get taken advantage of.
You let yourself escape whenever you need to. You don't think there's anything wrong with a little daydreaming.

You get easily swept away and are a total delight to fall in love with. You are prone to whirlwind romances.
You are a mystical person at times. You believe there's more to this world than what you see.
posted più di un anno fa.
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NatyLy said:
You Should Go See the Colosseum
You are original in both your thoughts and actions. You think the status quo is boring.
You are gentle and mild-mannered. You are open to what the world has to offer.

You attain mastery of whatever interests you. You are extremely sharp and a quick learner.
You are inventive, creative, and completely ingenious. You are extremely gifted.
posted più di un anno fa.
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You Should Go See the Eiffel Tower
You are a fun-loving and social person. Your friends and family are everything to you.
You have many admirers and romantic prospects. People are drawn to you.

You're almost always the center of attention. You have that "je ne sais quoi" that people talk about.
You are well known for your sense of style. You look put together - even on laundry day.
posted più di un anno fa.
last edited più di un anno fa
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You Should Go See the Taj Mahal

You have a fun personality, and you find it easy to get energized about almost anything.
When people meet you, they tend to remember you for a long time. You create a lasting impression.

You are open to the world, and that's part of what makes you unforgettable. You are free-spirited.
You try to keep things flexible because you're always picking a new path. You value adaptability.

posted più di un anno fa.