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What Flavor Gum Are You?



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inespinto said:
You Are Cinnamon Flavored Gum
You are daring, active, and a little outrageous.
You crave adventure and novelty. You like to mix things up.

Your personality is extra spicy and larger than life.
You love to have fun, and you are passionate about everything you do.

You're definitely a fiery person, and you don't back down from a fight.
Most people love your fire - but you can be a bit too intense at times!
posted più di un anno fa.
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You Are Peppermint Flavored Gum
You have a sharp mind that is always churning.
You are mentally hyper. You're always thinking of something.

And while your mind is always on, you're not the most physically active person around.
Some people make mistake you for being lazy, but the truth is: you never relax.

You tend to get so deeply into your projects that you ignore everything around you.
You are creative and cutting edge. You love telling people about your newest ideas and discoveries.

I think it's mostly true, but I'm REALLY lazy. =)
posted più di un anno fa.
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You Are Cinnamon Flavored Gum
posted più di un anno fa.
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You Are Fruit Flavored Gum

You are quirky and independent. You don't tend to follow any one style or rule book.
You are a mix and match type of person, and you draw inspiration from many sources.

While you're definitely a bit unusual, you get along well with other people.
You're eager to welcome anyone into your world. You are not judgmental at all.

You form close bonds with your friends, and your relationships tend to be very secure.
You hold firm to your beliefs and values, and you don't let anyone talk you into compromising them.
posted più di un anno fa.
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scififan said:
You are friendly, outgoing, and energetic.
You love life, and you can always find some reason to smile.

You are a bit hyper, and you're always looking for your next challenge.
You love getting things done - and you are usually on the go.

Your confidence and positive attitude makes you a very attractive person.
You can be a little flaky at times, but people are able to overlook that - because you're so fun!

Duh! Of course I'm flaky! Aren't all fanpoppers a bit? WHo else do you know who spends their weekends on their computer? All weekend...every weekend...ok, that's a bit of an exageration :)
posted più di un anno fa.
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You Are Fruit Flavored Gum

You are quirky and independent. You don't tend to follow any one style or rule book.
You are a mix and match type of person, and you draw inspiration from many sources.

While you're definitely a bit unusual, you get along well with other people.
You're eager to welcome anyone into your world. You are not judgmental at all.

You form close bonds with your friends, and your relationships tend to be very secure.
You hold firm to your beliefs and values, and you don't let anyone talk you into compromising them.
posted più di un anno fa.
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Sultana said:
You Are Spearmint Flavored Gum

You are a mystery to most people, even your friends.
Cool and a bit aloof, you tend to be a bit removed from the world.

And while you keep to yourself, you're no shrinking violet.
You have a strong personality, and you'll speak your mind when the time is right.

You are competent in all aspects of life. You're attractive, successful, and charming.
Many people want to be your friend, but you consider few people to be your true friends.
posted più di un anno fa.
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bebotx511 said:
You Are Bubblegum Flavored Gum

You are friendly, outgoing, and energetic.
You love life, and you can always find some reason to smile.

You are a bit hyper, and you're always looking for your next challenge.
You love getting things done - and you are usually on the go.

Your confidence and positive attitude makes you a very attractive person.
You can be a little flaky at times, but people are able to overlook that - because you're so fun!

Hey, I don't even like gum ;D
posted più di un anno fa.