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Misty had been at her gym, waiting for something to do. Suddenly she got an idea I have an idea! I can call up Serena and maybe Dawn, May, and Iris will want to come along with me too. detto Misty After making her decision, she began calling Serena. Serena! detto Misty Misty! What's up? Did te want to hang out? asked Serena Yeah. I actually wanted to have a night out on the town. detto Misty Okay. There's Lumoise City that has lots of shops and restaurants for us to check out. detto Serena Yeah! That sounds like a good city to check out! detto Misty Who else did te want to invite? asked Serena...
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The main fonte of this articolo is Bulbapedia.
These are some of the episodes where Pokéshipping hints occured. иote: This articolo focuses only on the best Pokéshipping episodes.
No Movie hints, only from the anime! (the titolo says it xD)
Okay, so here are the episodes. Episodes are arranged in a serial manner.
Ash Catches A Pokémon
Ash, willing to continue his journey alone, is followed da Misty. Upon noticing her pursuing him in Viridian Forest, Ash puts her on the spot and asks her, "Why are te still following me?" Misty sweat-drops and unconvincingly stutters back, "M...My bike! I'm holding...
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10. Iris

I admire Iris because of her spirit and how good she is with Pokemon. She's not all that great with people though. I don't understand why she has to tease Ash so much and call him a little kid for not knowing something o for doing something wrong. Newsflash Iris, Ash IS a little kid, he's only 10, but that doesn't mean te have to be rude to him for not knowing how to do something.

9. Clemont

He's super sweet and kind to others especially Bonnie. I like that he allows Bonnie to carry Dedenne with her wherever she goes and to allow Bonnie to take care of Dedenne despite her not...
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 Poster for new Pokemon Movie.
Poster for new Pokemon Movie.
The new 15th Pokemon Movie (Pokemon: Kyurem vs the Sacred Swordsman) was revealed on a Pokemon Sunday episode (at least that is what I assume since it looked like Pokemon Sunday) and is expected to be released in Giappone theaters July 14, 2012. Currently, there is not much info on the new movie, but a teaser trailer was released on Youtube mostrare Ash entering a town and discovers, to his surprise, the Legendary Musketeer Pokemons, Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion standing a superiore, in alto a cliff. Suddenly, a hail storm occurs and crashes into the town and almost kills Ash. The screen then turns to Kyurem, mostrare off it's power to control Ice, and then the title, Pokemon: Kyurem vs the Sacred Swordsman, appears on screen.

What do te think?

Link to Teaser Trailer: link
While I was searching to find più about the manga adaptation of the Lugia movie, I have managed to find pictures of a Japanese book that is an adaptation of the Lugia episodes from the Johto series that I have found from this link which surprise me when I first saw it and I was very glad that Ritchie, Butch and Cassidy were presented in this adaptation unlike that adaptation from Ash & Pikachu manga that disappointed me because they didn't appeared in it at all. From what I have seen from the pictures, this look like a great adaptation to the original Anime episodes and like the artwork...
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Okay, so even though there have only been 2 Pokemon All Stars DVD sets made so far, but what if there happened to be a 3rd volume and 4th volume?
Here's what i think the episodes would be if that could happen:
Volume 3:
21. Ditto:
Ditto's Mysterious Mansion, Enter the Dragonite, Imitation Confrontation
22. Shellder:
The Bridge Bike Gang, The Evolution Solution, Nice Pryce Baby
23. Omastar:
Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon, Fossil Fools, A Ruin with a View
24. Scyther:
Showdown at Dark City, Tracey Gets Bugged, Gettin the Bugs Out
25. Beedrill:
The Fourth Round Rumble, A Shipful of Shivers, The...
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posted by purrloinedlove
 kawaii shishiko desu
kawaii shishiko desu
As our Heroes were on their way to Santalune City, Damascus wished for a Flying-type Pokémon to beat Viola but be wouldn't bring it up. Farrah is stupidnted with picking her teeth with those weird toothpicks. (Don't tell Damascus that it's called bracket floss.) They find a Pokémon Center to stay at for the night, which Noir tbe Noibat insisted that she was (the night, that is).... Strange. Lit, Froakie, Blaze, and Chester were più than glad to play with Farrah, which was not always fun for the others. Damascus backtracked their route. " Home... check. Stuffy forest with all those Scatterbug...
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posted by YolentaShield
Dawn go to Princess Salvia's house. In Princess Salvia's house, Dawn must change dress and footwear. Dawn also must remove beanie, scarf, Pokétch and hair clips and for use da Princess Salvia. After that, Princess Salvia must change dress and footwear. Princess Salvia also must remove headband, collana and princess guanto in order to use Dawn's Diamond and Pearl outfit. Princess Salvia will go to contest with her Togekiss. Princess Salvia win in superiore, in alto 8. After 6 contestants lose, Princess Salvia and Jessie will battle with their respective Pokémon in 5 minutes. After 4 minuti and 24 secondi elapsed, Princess Salvia win. Princess Salvia dato the ribbon. But Princess Salvia give Jessie a ribbon for her goodness. Jessie angry but the ribbon make Jessie win at the contest. After that, in Princess Salvia's house, Dawn and Princess Salvia change outfit to their usual outfit; Princess Salvia give Dawn Togekiss due changing are made da Dawn and Princess Salvia.
posted by usernameinvalid
Gengar and Clefable have, through trademarking and beta art, been proven to have been some of the earliest Pokémon made. (Coincidentally, they are also some of the first Pokémon when te lista the original 151 da index number, with Gengar appearing shortly after Clefable.) Also, Clefairy was originally going to be the mascot of Pokémon (instead of Pikachu), so it was going to be a pretty important Pokémon. Gengar is known as the "Shadow Pokémon", but what exactly is it a shadow of? Take a look at a picture of Clefable, and then one of Gengar. Their body shapes are almost exactly alike,...
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(verse 1)
I want to be the very best,
Like no one ever was.
To catch them is my real test,
To train them is my cause.

I will travel across the land,
Searching far and wide.
Each Pokemon to understand
The power that's inside

(Gotta catch 'em all)

It's te and me
I know it's my destiny


You're my best friend
In a world we must defend

(Gotta catch 'em all)

A cuore so true
Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and I'll teach you

(Gotta catch 'em all)

(verse 2)
every challenge along the way
with courage i will face
i will battle everyday
to claim my rightful place

come with me the time...
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posted by PeterMWou
This is the only Pokémon Rumble game to be dato an ESRB rating of E, with all other Pokémon Rumble titles such as Pokémon Rumble World having been dato a rating of E10+.

This is the only Pokémon game to be dato the ratings of ESRB's E, PEGI 7, USK 6, and ACB PG at the same time.

This and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates To Infinity are the only Pokémon spin-offs to be dato an ESRB and ACB ratings of E and PG respectively.

This is the only Pokémon spin-off to be dato an ESRB, PEGI, and ACB ratings of E, 7, and PG respectively.

This is the first Pokémon game to be dato an ESRB, PEGI, and ACB ratings of E, 7, and PG respectively.
gelsomino signals her arm for the start of the battle,"Let the battle begin".

Ash makes the first attack,"Pikachu use Quick Attack",pikachu quickly charges toward Arcanine is a quick speed.John Smith the captain of the secondo says,"Amazing his pokemon is got to be the fastest Pikachu in the world".Pikachu is almost about to hit Arcanine,Ash happily says,"Yeah Pikachu is totally going to hit his target".Then Leonardo makes an evil smile and tells Arcanine,"Move to your left",Arcanine moves to its left very quickly and Pikachu misses and becomes surprise,"Pika".Ash is also surprise,"What ? but how...
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posted by StarWarsFan7
Name: Aurora Crystal Ramirez
Age: 16
Region: Sinnoh
City/Town: Hearthome City
Status: Trainer and Coordinator
Pokemon: Raichu, Glaceon, Kirlia, Roserade, Chikorita, Togetic
Eye Color: Coffee Brown
Hair Color: Velvet Red
Outfit: White tank top, rosa sparkle scarf, denim shorts, rosa high tops, pigtails
Boyfriend: Tobias
Family: Cristina (mom), Ann (grandmother)(dead), Esperanza/Espie (little sister), Hunter (dad)(divorced)
Born: May 25th
Hobbies: Sings, Trains, Writes, Cleans, Reads
Food: Velvet Red cupcakes
Book: Challenge of Champions by: Shauntal (Elite Four from Unova)

Biography: Aurora wants...
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The story of The Evil Frosslass began like this:

Kieran (chocopockyninja) and Sofie (Lolly4me2) were engaged in a Pokemon Role Playing game over Pictochat, when they decided the successivo scene of the plot would be to have Sofie's Frosslass become evil and attempt to not kill only the Trainers, but the Pokemon that belonged to them.


Coming soon across America-- and hopefully the rest of the world-- WE, not anyone else on earth, but WE, chocopockyninja and Lolly4me2 will introduce and release The Real Evil Frosslass into the world of Pokemon, where te can get it only from trading and the GTS.

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1. Ash's Snorlax

True to his species, Snorlax eats lots of Cibo and then falls asleep, and as a result of this, Ash has difficulty with Snorlax and getting him to wake up and battle.

2. Ash's Oshawott

He is very gluttonous and most of the time takes Cibo from other Pokemon and doesn't mostra any regret unless he gets caught. He mostly did this to Ash's Pignite, resulting in a fight between the two of them. This has caused trouble for the gang o a member of the gang. An example of Oshawott stealing Pignite's Cibo that caused trouble for the whole gang was in "Baffling the Boufflant" which took place...
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posted by AninditaS
This articolo contains opinionated view so this is/may not be factual.

In No particular order, here:

1. Ash and Red
 Ash and Red
Ash and Red
"Are they the same person?", the most common and the main discussion of this topic.
Though they are not but this domanda has always been raised. They are also compared in their Pokemon training skills.

2. Mew vs. Mewtwo
Another topic which has been heavily discussed. Mew vs. Mewtwo is one of the most popolare Pokemon comparison. With Mewtwo clearly having higher base stats than Mew, and also the highest base stats of the Kanto region, the other side still holds good....
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Is it just me o are there so fewer Pokemon stuff than there were in 1998/1999/2000/2001? I feel as though Pokemon like Kalos Pokemon have diminished to 1/4th of the product we use to have back in 1998-2001. Maybe it was because I was much younger then, but it seem like a whole set of Pokemon stuff like Pokemon oro and Silver came out each anno around Natale time. I never got finished Scrivere o typing my list. Pokemon brought me tons of stuff like Pikachu and Charizard on Natale and I still didn’t have everything on my list. The successivo anno I would put the same Pokemon things like Pokemon...
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After I have done with the testing of characters' screen time in this episode, I decided to write an articolo for this episode. In this episode, Ash was still disappointed that he had Lost in the final round and didn't feel like doing anything but sitting on his letto and worrying about it. Then Misty came to him to cheer him up but Ash was still in denial that he pissed her off and they started fighting until Pikachu electrocuted them to stop fighting anymore. But the TV was suddenly turned on da Pikachu's electricity which showed the announcer announcing the successivo round which Ash and his friends...
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 Jirachi Wish Maker
Jirachi Wish Maker
(some sort of wind sound)
(music starts)

When daytime turns to night
When the moon shines bright

When you're tucked in tight
When everything's all right

Slip softly to that place
Where secret thoughts run free

There come face to face
With who te want to be, so...

Swim across the ocean blue
Fly a rocket to the moon

You can change your life
Or te can change the world

Take a chance, don't be afraid
Life is yours to live!

Take the chance and then the best has yet to come!

Make a wish!
It's up to you!

Find the strength inside
And watch your dreams come true!

You don't need a shooting star
The magic's right there in...
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Ash, Brock, and Misty were on their way through a uva, pompelmo grove near Olivine City, grabbing as much uva, pompelmo they could until Ruby ran towards them, stick in hand. I got te now! she detto running towards Brock, Ash, and Misty Miss! Please! We're not the thieves! detto Brock, flirting with Ruby until Misty dragged him away If te three aren't the thieves, then who are? asked Ruby We don't know. That's why we're hoping te can answer that domanda for us. detto Ash Okay. Then why don't te three come with me so te can answer that domanda for me. detto Ruby (With Ruby, Brock, Ash, and Misty...
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