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There are 12 among us. Saving us from humanity for a god damn living! They make peace and unite us together until they vanished. 1,00 years later,violence carried on. On the Mid Night ora of New Years,2120.....evil will raise from it's hiding places. The 12 warriors are weak and old and can't carry on to save humanity. Through their spiritual animal gifted to them from the Great Duke Esmond,will pass down to 12 wise ones to continue there quest for freedom and peace....If not,the fate of the world will burn in destruction and pain.
Ashton,Kate,Henry,Bailey,Danny,Beth,Lucifer,Victoria, David,Elle,Chase, and Naomi will do there duties to save the world with intelligence they got.

The Special 12....

(Hope te follow the series and hope te like it too....)
Winner: Sci-Fi future war between 2+ factions (maybe with Rebel group)

so far ya'll seem to want a futuristic Sci-fi based war between 2 o più factions, i'm awaiting for what the story is to be based off of, but for now I've already got a few scenarios set up for each result. i hope ya'll enjoy the roleplay when it's made, and if anyone has any specifications of what they'd like please leave it in a commento to this.

Winner: Tie between Ruler VS. Rebellious and Fight for Artifact, so why not both?

Since it was a Tie between 2 options, the result will be a war between a few...
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posted by BanetteGhosneir
A female warrior from an afar off land, in her land, Women weren't equal at all, any rebellion attempt was stamped out, any cry for equal treatment as men was ignored o destroyed, and Pauft would have this not.

she took wing under a Blacksmith of her lands, an old man apon a collina outside of her hometown, the Old Man was angry, crotchety, Old and senile.... but he was Wise and Patient, he did not judge others da their gender, race nor circumstance, he judged them da their spirit.

Pauft was determined not to have her future chosen da others, she would not be forced to marry a man she did not...
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posted by flippy_fan210
Chapter 2
I had just finished introducing flippy to brick and bone. Their expressions were blank. “he seems pretty weak scourge.” bone meowed. “he almost killed scourge! How is that weak?!” brick argued. “why exactly did he do that?” bone asked, glaring at flippy. Flippy sighed. “I'll tell te why, but it's a long story.” brick and bone exchanged a glance. “go on.”bone mewed. “it all started one fateful day, I was called out to serve in a war.” flippy began. “it turned out, two of my Friends were called to serve too. The giorno we got there I knew it wouldn't be easy....
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posted by Paramore-CSI
hi, so te actually do not have to read this but I saw soemthing on the bacheca that sort of upset me, and my response was to long to put in commenti so I am just going to put this out there.
theres nothing wrong with the word gay. did te guys know that gay actually means happy. yes that was it's first meaning, so saying justing bieber is gay never used to be an issue it would mean that he looks happy. But in the sense te are using it gay means homo-sexual. which in the sense there is nothing wrong with being homo-sexual it's a choice, like being straight is actually it's not a choice it's how...
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"Why don't te just go on and tell me what's wrong?" Mizukai detto to Suki.
She didn't say a word as they continued walking down the small pathway heading who knows where.

Mizukai had gotten impatient and grabbed her wrist pulling her close to him. "Tell me!" he detto frowning. Suki looked up at him a bit suprised at how short his attention span was today. Mizukai soon noticed they were standing under a gazebo with rose wrapped around the columns. He looked up at the stary sky.

"I'm sorry to tell te this but...I Amore you," she whispered out of the blue. Mizukai smiled a bit but then got a worried...
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posted by halz140
The once beautiful land was dying. Most of the good fate went bad as a full red moon was in place. The moon appear a mese fa and thing went bad. Doves went black, the fairy Queen die as so the king did too, werewolf are seen più as so are Vampiri#From Dracula to Buffy... and all creatures of the night in between. and mermaids. Most of the still good fate didn’t want to believe it but darkness was taking over again. There is a group that is making trouble. Can a group of fate save the world? (I will post who is who)


Thorn: A fairly girl that was the first fairy to go bad, is the leader of the group that causing trouble. Pet is a amber...
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posted by Nathan-Croak
1) What gender are you?
Male, the best of course

2) What is your age?
17 and a half !

3) Do te want a hug?
Is someone watching me right now?

4) Do te have any bad habits?
Ah.. I raid the fridge for Cibo late at night sometimes

5) What is your preferito food?

6) What is your preferito Gelato flavor?
I fucking hate Ice Cream

7) Are te a virgin?
No! C'mon, look at me !

8) Have te killed anyone?
Yes, a couple of people.

9) Do te hate anyone?
Yeah, Jason. Killed my father. He would've killed Gale and my mum if it weren't for Garland. And to think I actually forgave him for trying to kill me..
10) Do you...
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posted by TAIKAMODO

Wherewolves are real, as real as humans and the animali that inhabit this world.They exist among us, living peaceful lives in their human forms, some never knowing they even have the ability to change into their lupo forms.They have existed dor mant years right under the rest of humanity's noses, an entire society being hidden from the rest of the world.But over the past few years, some of the tribes have become restless due to hiding themslves so long, and rumors of a possible attempt at taking over humanity have been going around.The many tribes are diviso, spalato down the middle on whether or...
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posted by Hades_Shadow
For those who are role playing with magical powers, te know an instrument for using your magic is essential. Wands are some of the most common out there, mainly because they are personal, cheap, and concealable. I have made a precedente articolo explaining the Celtic wand calendar, plus my own systems for their cores and size. This is a great tool which I call link but being an antiquated system, it does not include all the different types of wand woods, cores, etc.

This articolo is a compiled lista of know magic woods and cores, some divided da region in which they are found.


American Wand...
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((A possible Roleplay I may end up posting in the near future.))

“That was what this place was called . . . The City of Souls. There are probably many other Padrones within the world but in our city, Tokyo, is where most of the activity seems to be. Everywhere I go I see dead people, and they can be so noisy sometimes. Their conversations are annoying and they are pretty uninteresting, except for the ones that talk about a certain organization known as Pieces. The Souls apparently get a bad vibe from them, and that group apparently has some pretty strong Soul-Mates. The Souls can sense it....
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WARREN MFG. CO., WARRENVILLE, S. C. Capital, $500,000; Spindles, 33,000; Looms, 900. President, E. F. Verdery. In IHIS mill is located in South Carolina, at the junction corporated 1896,

THIS nljn js located in South Carolina, at the junction of the- old Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, and the South Carolina and Georgia Railroad, about twelve miles from the cit) of ^^313, Ga. It is situated between the tracks of these two railroads, on a beautiful clear stream 0f water.

The mill is 127 foot wide-. 264 feet lone. 24 bays of 1.. feet, 8 inches each, and is...
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The days grew dull and cold. There was nothing to do on the streets. No people communicating. No anything!. Even if te wanted to plant a wouldn't even bloom. August,08,2120.....when everything was clearly...only one......was when....the 12 warriors came back. But it wasn't team as was them as their symbols. Some thousand years ago.....on this very day....the special 12 got there powers da Ribelle - The Brave animals. Who gave them their own way of battling.

Ashton's grandpa sat on the hospital bed. " I *cough* can't live forever Ashton. te will know what is from right...
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A werewolf, also known as a lycanthrope (from the Greek λυκάνθρωπος: λύκος, lukos, "wolf", and άνθρωπος, anthrōpos, man), is a mythological o folkloric human with the ability to shapeshift into a lupo o an anthropomorphic wolf-like creature, either purposely, da being bitten da another werewolf, o after being placed under a curse. This transformation is often associated with the appearance of the full moon, as popularly noted da the medieval chronicler Gervase of Tilbury, and perhaps in earlier times among the ancient Greeks through the writings of Petronius.

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Watt’s contribution to engine design was one of practicality and reliability. Corliss’s contribution was one of efficiency, creating engines that took advantage of every last drop of energy available to it. Because of these improvements steam engines were finally able to surpass water power in terms of economic feasibility and surge ahead to become the de factor power fonte of the late 19th century.

On its surface the Corliss styled engine is very similar to its Watt’s style brethren. Steam is delivered into a large cylinder through means of a throttle valve, which is automatically...
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posted by southern-belle
It was December of 1863 around midnight, Delphine was in her bedroom talking with Clara, her best friend. Clara was the daughter of one of Mr. and Mrs. LaLaurie's house slaves, Jenny. Jenny worked mostly for Mrs. LaLaurie, helping out with sewing and house keeping and what-not. Jenny is also Mr. LaLaurie's lover, Mrs. LaLaurie is aware of this and doesn't mind though no one outside the house-hold knows. Jenny was treated nearly as well as Mrs. LaLaurie herself.

Clara was born blind and couldn't work, most of the time she stayed in Delphine's room at night, they were best Friends and half-sisters....
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posted by demon_wolf
Ok so this is getting on my nerves and it is happening A LOT latley.

There are tomany roleplays that are the same. Here are some examples.

link VS link VS link VS link VS link

link VS link

link VS link

Do te see the point I am making?

There are too many roleplays and forum that are the same, o have the same guide lines.

There are a bunch that deal with VAMPIRES, WEREWOLVES, and WOLVES! Yeah I wouldn't really care sbot the Lupi thing but there are jus to may that I am now caring.

What I am saying here is that, try to keep ideas original. Don't use the same ideas as ones that are already there....
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posted by demon_wolf
What is your name?
Melody Jean Smith

Whats your gender?

Do te have a nickname?
Momo. Its what dad called me and now everyone does.

What do te consider your greatest achievement?
Ummmmmmm I don't have one

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Eating biscotti, cookie whenever I want.

What is your most treasured possession?
Necklace with a picture of mom and dad in it.

What o who is the greatest Amore of your life?
I Amore my brother.

When and where were te the happiest?
When me and tana, den lived with mom and dad.

What is it that te most dislike?
Bad werewolfs

What is your greatest fear?
Getting sick like...
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posted by BanetteGhosneir

Winner: Atlantians and Militarial

Currently it's got Atlantis and a Military, now a few più things to be decided.

Winner: Atlantis protecting it's home from Humans

Humans have discovered the Lost city of Atlantis, with it's inhabitants quite still alive, deciding that the ancient knowledge of Atlantis would be beneficial to Society, they ordered their military to invade.

"Knowledge is power, and power is Divine, Man strives to be Divine, but in the process drags down others into hell"

Winner: Magic

Atlantians have the knowledge of the Universe, the power of Magic,...
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So, yeah. I know these three things seem totally weird when i say i wanna put'em together, and to be honest, i can see why. I mean, what the heck am i going on about? Why am i asking myself domande i know the answer to? When will i GET TO THE POINT!? Well, right now actually. Jeez, no need to rush me. Chillax.


Anyway, this articolo will break down each aspect of the Rp and how each of the above series influence it. So first, i'll start with the setting!

SETTING: Earth, but not our Earth. Not geographically, at least. te see, on this Earth there are only four continents. The Northern Continent,...
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