I'm holding a contest to see who likes rush and who doesn't! So start comenting!!!!

Rush will die
Hermionze posted più di un anno fa
maybe te should get out of that rock te been living under and find out. Rush has had più hits than te care to know. I have heard your band and I don't think te could ever withstand thirty years.
dmrivas posted più di un anno fa
I think they are the best band ever as well. I'm not a huge concerto goer but one of the things on my bucket lista is to see them in concerto in NOLA on the 22nd. Those that are true fan will be kind enough to give me the passcode so I can get decent seats. The fan club page I'm currently on password is not working. Please help if te can! I'm 47 F and have never been able to make a concert. Have all their albums and stuff but haven't seen the real thing.
TIBECDOUX posted più di un anno fa
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Rush Risposte

dmrivas said:
Rush is one of the best rock n roll bands of all times, I guess some of te guys are just bambini to recognize that fact.

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jmv9998 said:
Like Just bought tickets for San Antonio mostra in Sept.
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bytor2112 said:
i saw them open up in 1976 for baciare and they came out and play 2112 from front to finish and afterwards no buddy even cared about kiss. it was truely amazing and that was it from then on i knew that rush was the best , perfectionist. the necromencer , the first album 2112 and everthing else its all good and the only band that NEVER selled out there integrity good for them and phuck te hall of fame dumbazzes

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posted più di un anno fa 
Disk said:
Uh . . . "RUSH SUCKS"!!!??? SERIOUSLY!? Hello, not only is Rush awesome, but te need to seriously cnsider what te just posted.
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posted più di un anno fa 
Prettytroll said:
Rush is the best band ever!
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