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Man: (Cleaning a red Bodhi truck, witch is Trever's tradition car in the game).
Trevor: (comes in, wearing his traditional white t-shirt and sweat pants) Hey. Nice car man.
Man: Jee. Thanks mister..
Trevor: Say. Wanna see something, (gives the man a random magazine).
Man: (camera zoomed up on him) What am I suppose to do with this!? 
Trevor: (shown in the car when the camera zoomed back out) It's suppose to distract te as I steal your car.
Audience: (laughs and claps),
Man: (angrily) Hey! 
Trevor: (driving off) te just been T-Jacked, bitch! 
Audience: (cheers at this)  

Trevor: (still driving)
(the Lost appears in his path)
Trevor: Yo what the fuck cowboy!? 
Audience: (laughs) 
Johnny: (reveals himself) 
Audience: (cheers) 
Trevor: (annoyedly) Oh great. più bikers.
Johnny: I hope te don't mind us setting up home here? 
Trevor: No, no. I am okay with that.

(at the trailer) 
Trevor: (pacing angrily) I AM SO NOT OKAY WITH THIS!! 
Audience: (laughs)
Ron: Chill out boss. We can sell to them. They look rich.
Trevor: Ohh. And this is the part where I say "I am okay with that".. (laughs) WELL I AM!! 
Audience: (laughs) 
Trevor: Come on boys! The Lost is are new members.. What's the worst that can come from this.
Wade: Just try not to screw with them T.
Trevor: Of coarse I won't.

Trevor: (murders Johnny in cold blood) successivo TIME DON'T GET IN MY FUCKIN FACE! I JUST SAW A FUCKIN GHOST AND NOW I GOTTA HEAR YOUR CRAP! Get up! GET UP! 
Audience: (claps uncomfortably)

(in the trailer) 
Trevor: (grabs an conveniently placed AK47 from under his bed, and reloads it, along with grabbing a hat that he put on his head).
Ron: T- Trevor are te sure about this shit?, I'd rather just watch that movie DISGUISE, with Steven Ogg.
Audience: (laughs) 
Trevor: Why are te so obsessed with this Steven Ogg guy!? His voice sounds like two giraffes having sex.
Audience: (laughs) 
Steven Ogg: (speaking on the tv)
Trevor: te see!.. (yells at the tv) GET A REAL VOICE te MOACH!! 
Audience: (laughs and claps)  
Trevor: (smashes the tv) Now can we just hurry up and get in the truck. LET'S GO LADIES! 
(everyone gets into the truck, driving too the Lost members).

(later that day)
(when they reach the Lost members) 
Terry: yo, see seen Ashley? Johnny's looking for her.
Trevor: Oh, as a matter of fact I just did, not ten minuti ago. I saw her on the end of this penis here.
Audience: (laughs) 
Clay: Johnny's not gonna be cool if te messing with her again.
Trevor: Oh really, let's ask him. (lifts foot) ciao cowboy? te mind that I fucked your old lady? Oh, what's that, te DON'T mind.. Wha- because your a dead man!? And the only scented part of te left is this little piece of brain! And the grizzle on the end of my boot! WELL THANK te VERY MUCH COWBOYYY!!
Audience: (claps) 
Trevor: Oh I LIKE IT, denial! That's the first part of the grieving process brothers. Now let's all hold hands.
Audience: (laughs) 
Clay: THIS BETTER BE BULLSHIT! (they all ride off) 
Trevor: Oh, where te guys going!? LET'S GO LADIES!! (runs into the truck, as dose Wade and Ron).

Trevor, Ron and Wade followed the Bikers to their backup, and once they reached the spot, Trevor got his AK47 ready.
Trevor: Watch the entrance boys..
Trevor: (runs to the bikers) GET READY TO DIEEEEE!! 
Audience: (cheers a litte) 
(a huge gun right begins to take place, when Andrew WK - Get Ready to Die, begins playing as suitable background music).
Trevor: (violently shooting) Step wait up! STEP WAIT UP! 
Trevor: (shoots a whole bunch of them, while Canto along to the song).
Biker: (shoots at Trevor)
Trevor: (almost dancing) (almost singing) I gotta taste for biker blood! 
(a large gas tank gets blown up) 

(skips to Trevor running down the trailer house, as the song dose the last chitarra verse).
Ortega: (angry about his house) WHAT THE FUCK TREVER!? 
Trevor: (pointing his AK47 and still wearing his arancia, arancio hat from earlier) This, IS, the fuck, my friend! 
Audience: (laughs) 

(skips to after Trevor decides to spare Ortega, believing he scared his straight).
Ron: Are te sure it was a good idea to spare him boss? 
Trevor: Coarse. What's the worst that will do.

(soon after) 
Trevor: (stuck in a gunfight with Chief) FUCKIN ORTEGA! 
Audience: (laughs)
Trevor: (violently shooting) Get some! GET SOME!!
(after a hevy amount of fighting, Ortega arrives) 
Ortega: Yo, Tre- (gets shot in the face and dies).
Audience: (laugh)
Trevor: Me importa un huevo! (I don't give a fuck!).

(after the battle) 
Trevor: (to the leaving chinesse men) I'll swing da and sign the contracts, just ignore the bodies.
Audience: (laughs) 
Chief: T? We still gonna cook that batch!? 
Trevor: FUCK YEAH!! 

Ron: So boss. Now that te took care of the bikers? What we gonna do.
Trevor. (stops at the Sandy Chores bank) te are not doing anything. But 'I' am stopping da the bank here.. I have a deposit to check out.
Ron: Well.. Have fun I guess.
Trevor: (gets out, and grabs shotgun and then cocks it).. Ohh. I intend too!
Audience: (laughs) 
Ron: (gasps) Wait! Is that a real gu- (Trevor runs in) TREVOR!!
Audience: (laughs harder).

Trevor: (dramatically bursts in, wearing bike casco to hide his face, and fires the shotgun into the air) NOBODY MOVE!! I'M MAKING A DEPOSIT!! 
Audience: (laughs and claps) 
Customers: (scream and run away from him) 

Trevor: (pounds on the glass) GET UP! o YOUR GET WORSE THEN HURT! 
Bank Employee: (tearfully reveals himself) 
Trevor: (dramatic voice while pointing the gun) This check is 'personal' 
Audience: (laughs) 
Employee: (crying) Checking o saving!? 
Trevor: Checkings! DO IT NOW!!
Audience: (laughs)
Employee: (crying) A Are te sure te don't want savings!? Think about your future!?
Audience: (laughs) 
Trevor: (dramatic voice) All my income is... Disposable.. (pumps the shotgun).
Audience: (laughs).
Employee: (screams) Endorse here! ENDORSE HERE!! (Trevor, with much difficulty, writes down his name).


Ron: ciao T. How'd it go in there? 
Trevor: (holding bag of money) Oh. te know.. Pretty 'average' 
Audience: (laughs and cheers).

EPISODE 3: (staring Michael) 
Micheal: (comes into view, making the audience cheer loudly about seeing him) 
Micheal: (opens fridge and sees large amount of pot) Da fuck is shit!? 
Jimmy: I.. I can explain.
Audience: (laughs) 
Amanda: God Jimmy!.. I only have myself to blame. It's not like your father can do anything.
micheal: (sarcastically) Yeah. Because all I did was pull te out of a trash town and into a mansion in Los Santos.. And what do I get!?.. Nothing., nothing but an old picture of te in an old Hooker uniform, that I occasionally masterbate towards.
Audience: (laughs) 
Jimmy: As do I
Audience: (laughs) 
Micheal: (disgusted) OH MY GOD!! That's disguesting! That's your mother! 
Audience: (laughs and claps)
Jimmy: I'm just being hones- 
Micheal: (angrily) Get out! Get out of my house!
Jimmy: Bu- 
Micheal: (punches violent hole in wall) I detto GET OUT!!
Jimmy: (runs off in fear) 
Audience: (laughs) 
Micheal: (after calming down) but serious Amand- 
Trevor: (comes into view making anouther loud cheer from the audience).
Trevor: Did somebody say Yoga.
Amanda: ... No. Don't think so.
Audience: (laugh) 
Trevor: Whatever..
Amanda: I don't like this Micheal.
Jimmy: Yeah.. Uncle T? Man? 
Mixheal: (glares) Jimmy?... Who let te back in the house 
Audience: (laughs) 

Trevor: Tell me what te been doing the past 15 years?
Michael: I've been in hiding.. But I DO see a therapist every so often.
Trevor: Therapist huh? I tried that once.. Didn't go so well.
Audience: (laughs a little) 
(cut away).
Trevor: (in a therapy room) I'm telling te doc! I grieved him!.. And he wasn't even fuckin dead!.. The turd lied to me for all these years.
Doctor: I see.. And how dose that make te feel.
Trevor: (angrily) What is it with you!? Always with "feelings".. 
Audience: (laughs) 
Doctor: Just trying t- 
Audience: (laughs)
Doctor: And how dose that make te f- 
Trevor: (angrily breaks the doctors neck, killing him) FUCK te BITCH! WHO THE FUCK te SPEAKING TOO! WHO!?
Audience: (laughs harder)
Trevor: (angrily throws something) FUCKED WITH THE WRONG MOTHERFUCKER!!
Audience: (laughs)
Trevor: ...... FUUUCK!!

Our anti Heroes parked at the Fame o Shame studio.
Trevor: (to Micheal) Come on te fat fuck! Let's go inside already!
Audience: (laughs) 
Michael: (flips T the middle finger but follows him anyway.

Man: Hello sirs? Can I please have your nam- 
Trevor: (grabs the man's throat) Where the fuck is Tracy Townley.. Tracy fuckin de Santa.. SCREW THAT!! WHERE THE FUCKS LASLO!!
Man: (frightenedly points to where Laslo is).
Michael: happy now T?
Trevor: Are te too chill to say my name!? Is one letter all te can spill out in your lazy fat ass!?
Audience: (laughs) 
Michael: Why are te so angry!?
Trevor: BECAUSE! If I don't get angry, then my mostra would be boring!
Audience: (laughs) 
Michael: But it isn't healthy to always be so angry. It's not like I ever get angry.. (a bunch of cutaways, that prove otherwise).

Trevor and Mike sneaked into the Fame o Shame set.

Man: (finishes dancing bows) 
Lazlo: (comes into view) 
Audience: (cheers a little at seeing him) 
Lazlo: (claps) Thank te Mike. For... Whatever that was.
Audience: (laughs) 
Lazlo: Welcome back to Fame o Shame.. I'm the host. Because "apparently" I have nothing else to do on a Saturday evening.
Audience: (laughs)
Lazlo: Now. Up successivo it's Tracy De Santa.. Audience.. Tracy De Santa.
Tracy; (in overly REVEALING outfit) H. Hi
Lazlo: Now Tracy's a "dancer" but she also enjoys singing, and long walks on the beach.. That's wonderful. Your so original. Like a rainbow. o a basket of puppies. o a.. Pile of puke.
Audience: (laughs) 

(skips to when Trevor and Michael are chasing Lazlo's battery car) 
(inside the truck) 
Michael: (hearing FIREWORKS playing loudly in the truck) Is this Katy fuckin Perry!? 
Trevor: Yes.. Look. Just leave it on, it helps relax me!

Trevor: Ohh.. All out of batteries.
Lazlo: Pleas don't kill me.. I've been in EVERY grand theft auto game!
Audience: (laughs) 
Trevor: Yeah well.. That little girl sat on my leg when she was small. And I swore to god I would the face off anyone, who fuckin wronged her!
Michael: Yeah.. As he said,
Lazlo: B.. But.. If te spare me. I'd give te my pet pony!
Audience; (laughs) 
Michael: te have a pet pony? 
Lazlo: (holds out the MLP character Pinkie pie, as she looked 'extra' cute with her eyes widened like a puppy).
Michael: It'll take più than tha- 
Trevor: I Amore IT!! (grabs pinkie and 'uncharacterically' starts hugging her a bunch of times).
Michael: ... Wow.
Audience: (laughs)
Lazlo: Dose this mean you're spare me!? 
Trevor: Fine.. Fuck off already.
Lazlo: Gladly.. (starts running off).. So glad I didn't di- (gets randomly hit da bus, and killed instantly).
Audience: (laughs)

Trevor: (still holding Pinkie like a pet) 
Michael: Your not REALLY gonna keep that are you, T? 
Trevor: What's the worst I can do to her..

(a few days later) 
(a full on repeat of everything from SMILE HD, due to Trevor's "influence" on the young mare, and it's impled she now lives as his pet).

EPISODE 6: (staring Micael):
Michael approched Doctor Fredlanders office.
Fredlander: So.. I see your back around and making time for your mental health.
Michael: Not sure da I came to be honest.. Your not really doing much to help me.
Fredlander: Well.. The usually implies your value yourself only s others value you. Witch is usually the result of result of having a miserable childhood.
Audience; (laughs)
Michael: Well.. I had a perfectly wonderful childhood.
Fredlander: (unconvienced) Really.. Tell me about it? 
Audience: (laughs) 
(20 minuti later) 
Michael: (sobbing uncontrollable and lying on the couch, with. Box of tissues, and lots of rolled up tissues around him) and above all else., when I was 11, my mommy told me that my pet tartaruga ran away.. (sniffs) but he didn't run away.. TURTLES CAN'T RUN!!
Audience: (laughs) 
Michael: (continues crying loudly)  
Fredlander: I see.. (writes down on his note pad) 
Michael: (sniff) are te getting good infomation? 
Fredlander: What?.. Oh. Right.. (shown to simply be doodling) coarse I am.
Audience: (laughs) 

Michael approached Dave Norten.
Michael: Davy!? Sup!? 
Dave: About as much as can be expected., but the news is 'not' good.
Michael: Ahh.. Why are te always tripping on life, yo!?
Audience: (laughs) 
Dave: (annoyed) Why are te talking like that? 
Audience: (laughs harder) 
Michael: Don't trip on my voice bro!
Audience: (laughs) 
Dave: (angrily) Shut up! 
Audience: (laughs)
Michael: Whatever.
Dave: Anyway.. I know te did that fuckin jewelry job.
Michael: Dave. Really. Your imagining things.
Dave: Fuck, you.
Michael: Fine. te got me! Arrested me! te know what, your be saving my life.. Because te called it motherfucker! 
Dave: What!? 
Michael: You, called it! 
Dave: ......... Trevor! 
Michael: Yeah. A couple days ago.
Dave: we're screwed.
Michael: Story of my life.
Audience: (laughs) 
Dave: So. If. Your problems, are my problems. Then I guess. My problems are, sort of your problems.
Michael: Fine. Whatever.. What te need.
Dave: (briefs Michael on the mission) 
Michael: How am I suppose to get in here-
Dave: (whacks a night stick over Mike's head, knocking him unconscience) 
Dave: (voice fading) call me when te wake up.

Inside the IAA building, a doctor opened a body bag, when suddenly the assumed dead Michael burst up, and cried out "Back from the dead mother fucker!" before stabbing the doctor in the throat with a piece of glass, killing him.

(shortly after)

A IAA gunmen went to investigate, but Michael sneaked over to him and stabbed him the head with anouther piece of glass. Killing him.

Michael: (soon discovered the guy Dave is making him look for isn't in the room, and told this to Dave, but when he ended the conversation Michael heard voice.)

(begins playing the Begining chitarra verse of Korn - Beg for me several times on repeat)..

As one of the workers got closer while carrying an MP5, suddenly Michael, while screaming out "AMERICA!" head butted him and took the gun, and shot him from the ground, like in Max Payne three.
The other other enemies opened fired on Micheal.

Michael: (takes cover).
Michael: Hey! I already died once today! 
Audience (laughs)

(skips to upstairs).
Michael: (again references Max Payne when he dramatically dives in the air while the chorus of the Korn song plays). 
Michael: (falls painfully onto the ground witch stops the song) AHH!! Fuck that hurt! Why do fuckin play that game!? 
Audience: (laughs) 
Michael: (angrily) It's not funny!
IAA guy: (grabs Michael's gun and points it him) Prepare to die!
Michael: If your gonna shot me may wanna clean your camicia first.
IAA guy: (looks at shirt) Wh- 
Michael: (tackles the guy and breaks smashes his face though a huge spike like object, and grabs his gun).

Michael: (shots his way though the guards, killing about 20 before dramatically diving though the window but the lid of the cassonetto, dumpster closes and Michael lands painfully against it, nearly breaking his back, and slides off in pain).
Audience: (laughs)
Michael: It's not fun- (gets suddenly hit da a car and falls onto the ground).
Audience: (laughs) 
Driver: Are te okay!? (opens his door but it smashes Michael in the face).
Audience: (laughs).

(preparing for the mission where they break into the IAA building).

random pilot: Alright. Let's do this.
Michael: Where's Trevor? 
Pilot: He detto he was too busy..
Franklyn: What could that crazy man POSSIBLY be busy with!?
Audience: (laughs) 
Michael: Who knows.. But I'm sure whatever it is, is completely violent and terrifying..
Audience: (laughs) 

Meanwhile in Trevor's trailor house..
Pinkie: (sitting cutely)
Trevor: (literary training her) Alright.. Where gonna try this one più time.. (extends hand) Gimme paw?
Audience: (laughs)
Pinkie: ...... (extends her hoof onto his hand) 
Trevor: Good.. Now... Other paw.
Pinkie: ....... (extends 'same' hoof).
Trevor: (annoyedly) No, 'other' paw!
Audience: (laughs)
Pinkie: ........ (again extends the same hoof) 
Audience: (laughs)
Trevor: (getting angry) For god sakes, we practiced this! Your gonna make me look bad in front of the others!
Trevor: other paw..
Pinkie: ...... (finally extends the right hoof) 
Trevor: Finally! 
Audience: (laughs) 
Pinkie: (annoyingly) te know this reminds of the time wh- 
Trevor: (deeply annoyed) Shut up! 
Audience: (laughs) 

Song: link

Hawkeye: The Adventures Of arcobaleno Dash, and Trainz have entered the SSSS.
Mr. Bruce: Stop the Eastern Pacific!!!!!!!
Panzer: But they haven't done anything yet.
Jack: I bet that Mr. Bruce forgot where they are.

They were far away, out of sight from Mr. Bruce, and his engines on the Northern Errol Line.

Mr. Baldwin: Hi. Mr. Baldwin here ladies, and gentlemen. I maybe just a man sticking a blue megaphone out of a window, but I am also this week's host for Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories. Our schedule for tonight is down below.

The Adventures Of arcobaleno Dash: Rated TV-G
Adventures Of...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
It is in this part that we meet the Sand Brothers. Timothy played da Robert Deniro is the one in control of the entire organization. Marco played da Al Pacino is secondo in command.

Henry: *Arrives at their mansion in the buick, repainted in silver, with white bacheca tires, and an upgraded engine*
Timothy: Our black friend got the car we wanted.
Marco: Good. I'll go down there, and talk to him.
Henry: *Running to the gate. It is locked, and he can't get it open*
Marco: *Arrives* te look worried.
Henry: Two cops from New Jersey are here.
Marco: So what? They're not going to do anything. How can they?...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme Song

Kevin: *Plays piano*
David: *Playing bass*
Liam: *Playing drums*
Liz: *Plays guitar*
Mr. Nut: *Sings* Welcome everybody to The Nut House. Thankfully this is not in Laos. Come on everybody into The Nut House. te can wear anything except for a blouse. Come on everybody, step into The Nut House.
Everyone: The Nut House!

Episode 2: The Book

Parker: *Reading a book*
Liam: *Walks in with David*
David: Is that Parker Leggere a book?
Liam: This is interesting. *Walks with David over to Parker* Well, I didn't know te liked to read.
David: Neither did I.
Parker: You're not going to make fun of...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Bill, and May got out of the hotel, only to four più Highway Patrol officers.

SHP 59: *Shoots a bullet, hitting the bacheca to the left of Bill*
Bill: *Runs while holding May's hand*
May: What are te doing?
Bill: Getting out of here with you! *Running to the car*
SHP 8: Get the airplane!
Bill: *Drives out of the parking lot*
SHP Officers: *Shooting bullets, but miss, hitting buildings Bill drives past*
SHP 82: *Flying an airplane*
Bill: *Drifts to the left*
SHP 82: *Follows Bill, and shoots 17 bullets. One of them hits the trunk*
Bill: Still have that gun I gave you?
May: Of course.
Bill: Shoot the pilot....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Alan, and Harry arrived at the dealership. The taxi driver that brought Andrew, and Daniel over was waiting.

Harry: *Parks the car*
Alan: *Looks at the taxi driver* Did te make the call?
Taxi Driver: Call? Oh, te must be the police. I couldn't tell since you're not in uniform.
Alan: I'm Alan Martinez, and this is my partner Harry Penn.
Harry: Our dispatch detto someone here made a call to us about a disturbance here. Was that you?
Taxi Driver: That's right. This Scottish guy with white hair pointed a gun at me. He, and another Scottish man with black hair bought a green Corvette here. A brand new...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
sean the hedgehog
Tom: Now this section of the video focuses on parts of our mostra where the Mane 6 made special guest appearances, o played as characters in skits. For instance, arcobaleno Dash played as Marisa Sayers in The culo culo Inn skit.

We're starting off with that female alicorn with the voice of Ice Cube, Twilight Sparkle

Audience: *Cheering*


Twilight: Whad up niggas?
Audience: *Clapping*
Twilight: Let's start off our first giorno of school with some arithmetic. What is one plus one?

Link to how Pinkie Pie is talking: link

Pinkie Pie: Nein nein nein nein nein nein nein!!
Audience: *Laughing*
Pinkie Pie:...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
This is another story with Con Mane in it. Right now he is planting explosives in a russian military base disguised as a bar.

Con Mane: Ok time to head up. *walks into bar*
Scarlet: *singing* Everytime it rains it rains pennies from heaven *eyes Con*
Con: *walks up più stairs heading in the bathroom*
Russian pony: Hey. I saw te enter the explosive room.
Con: Oh did you? *fights russian pony*
Scarlet: What are te doing?!
Con: *throws russian into bathtub*
Russian pony: *pulls out gun*
Con: *throws fan into tub which electrocutes the russian pony* Shocking. Positively shocking.

Mares and stallions,...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
We'll dosey doe in the snow.
sean the hedgehog
posted by Seanthehedgehog
This is a parody of My Little Pony. The voice actors for the mane 6 are..

Ice Cube - Twilight Sparkle
Kath Soucie - arcobaleno Dash
Sargent Schultz from Hogan's Heroes - Pinkie Pie
Wally from The Cleveland mostra - Fluttershy
Tabitha St. Germain - Rarity
Ashleigh Ball - applejack

Now, let's begin. Twilight Sparkle was driving her car in Pornstarville, with Spike sitting successivo to her. They were going to collect più ammo for Twilight's shotgun.

Twilight: Nigga, is it a nice giorno out, o wut?
Spike: Everyone is out enjoying the sunshine.
Twilight: *Stops at Sugarcube Corner, and sees her "friends" talking...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
sean the hedgehog
sean the hedgehog
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Johnny was sitting in a room cleaning his Remington 1911R1.

Commander Kane: *Walks into the room* Morning Johnny.
Johnny: Hey.
Commander Kane: How did your precedente assignment go?
Johnny: Unfortunately my two allies from MI6 were killed, but the Anti European Intelligence Service Lost their overpowered grenades.
Commander Kane: te can't have the good without the bad. te definitely will need to be careful if te ever do come across Discord.
Johnny: Yes, I remember. te told me he caused the original Johnny Lightning to crash his car. Then his nervous system broke. I hope I can do right da him, and...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
sean the hedgehog
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme Song

Kevin: *Plays piano*
David: *Playing bass*
Liam: *Playing drums*
Liz: *Plays guitar*
Mr. Nut: *Sings* Welcome everybody to The Nut House. Thankfully this is not in Laos. Come on everybody into The Nut House. te can wear anything except for a blouse. Come on everybody, step into The Nut House.
Everyone: The Nut House!

Episode 21: Take Out

Kevin is driving his truck with Liam riding shotgun. They are going to The Nut House to pick up an order they made on the phone.

Liam: Did te hear that parks are being reopened?
Kevin: That's good. We're making some progress.
Liam: A lot of people think we...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Pattenburg, New Jersey. At one of the many houses, dozens of people were enjoying a pool party.

Smoky: We have been in operation for only six days, but we are financially growing big.
Guard 24: Where do te want us to send the successivo shipment of weapons?
Smoky: I should have your lista in a few minutes. In the meantime, enjoy some booze. *Goes inside the house*

There were a few più guests having chips, pretzels, and alcohol.

Smoky: *Grabs a plate, and takes a few pretzels*
Guard 27: *Vaping* ciao Smoky. *Blows smoke towards her butt*
Smoky: *Farts, blowing the smoke back*
Guard 27: That was awesome.
continue reading...
Song: link

Kevin: Here's another song from J+1.
Buttercup: Is Parker going to freak out again, o will he seriously be the host?
Kevin: Keep your fingers crossed, and we'll find out.
Buttercup: Fingers? *Looks at her hands* I don't have fingers.
Kevin: Oh...
Parker: *Arrives* Hello everyone! My name is Parker from The Nut House, and I got a good lineup for te tonight.

8 PM - Now

Ponies On The Rails - TV-MA
Gran Turismo - TV-PG

8:30 PM

The Nut House - TV-G. Bak2Bak

Theme song: link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Red Rose From CrazyWriterLady...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Mount Stewart, Northern Ireland

Commander Kane: Gentlemen, we have invited the eight of te here, for a special exercise.
MI6 Commander: te will attempt to infiltrate a camp set up da my boys. Good luck to te Yanks.
Commander Kane: And good luck to te fellas as well.

After five minuti of getting everything set up, the CIA agents were allowed to go to the MI6 camp. Everyone was wearing black, and were carrying paintball guns.

One CIA agent, was actually an enemy spy. He was trying to find a car to use to get to the airport.

Enemy Spy: *Walking along a castle, he sees an MI6 agent walking from...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Dunedin, New Zealand.

Lewis: This assignment is tougher than any of us expected.
Derek: Yes, I agree. Thankfully, we still have enough ammunition to last us a couple of days.
Lewis: But what if her men attack us again? First they kill a dozen of American tourists, then two men from ASIS. How much longer is this going to happen?
Derek: I don't know. One thing's for sure, we're going to need help.
Lewis: Okay. Look outside, and keep guard while I call our superiors.

London, MI6 Headquarters.

MI6 Operative: *Walks to a man sitting behind a desk* Sir, Agent's King, and O'Rourke on the white scrambler....
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