sisters of mercy Wall

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RockCityArt detto …
Smoking's Cool Exhibition at Rock City Art featuring a shot of Andrew Eldritch link postato più di un anno fa
SOMfan67 detto …
Anyone have a wallpaper of the "Floodland" album Can't remember if it was the front cover o the back, but it was a hazy image of Andrew standing on a hillsidepartly silouhetted da the sunset, with Patricai Morrison likewise silouhetted and performing a little twirl. Always struck me as a really surrealistic yet moody cover. Anyone know where I can get the wallpapaer'd be most appreciated postato più di un anno fa
lestat_lover detto …
How can there be so few fan for such an amazing band!!? postato più di un anno fa
SOMfan67 commentato…
Totally awesome band. Superb composition & orchestration, very percussive with a hint of "Techno". FABULOUS! più di un anno fa
lestat_lover commentato…
Exactly it is such a shame that many of the self proclaimed "goths" of this century no longer find an interest in the origional bands but instead turn to the suffacation of the fake :( (yes I am aware I am 13 but I personally think and see older in many ways and hate the current age for it's false stereotypes and "stolen identities too many fakes, posers ect are out there and destroy the meening to so many cultures and subcultures) più di un anno fa
RockCityArt commentato…
They are come to RocK City Art we have some great shots of her link più di un anno fa