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Sonic the Hedgehog Domanda

do u have a Sonic character who u really hate and want to complain about but u don't because u want to be the bigger person?

i do and i want to complain about her so bad but i try not to because i don't want to sound immature
yeah why do people have to be so immature and hate on characters?
whiteclaw posted più di un anno fa
i actually don't hate on her anymore. Sally rocks
Sally_Fan posted più di un anno fa
Yes I agree, It's stupid when people hate on characters. Especially when their reasons are illegitimiate o they're opinion-nazi's.
Goldilottes posted più di un anno fa
i don't like hating either
BlazeMyLilacCat posted più di un anno fa
 Sally_Fan posted più di un anno fa
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Sonic the Hedgehog Risposte

Goldilottes said:
I don't particularly hate any characters because most of them are good in different ways, and the Sonic bosses have been filtering out the Mary-Sue's and discontinuing them, like Sally.

I don't like her at all, but I don't extremely hate her. I don't hate anyone, because you're just using energy on hatred that eats away at no one but yourself. And I'm not 13, so I'm not going to be pathetic enough to hate on a character, o anyone for that matter.
About Sally, I think she's prettymuch boring and personality-free, and a totally predictable 'princess' and Mary-Sue. It's over-used and she's such a cliche. She's a brat, she's like 17/18 and needs to act her age. She throws tantrums - one very embarassing jealous one in public- and Sonsal simply failed.
Mainly because 'hero marries princess' (yawwnn, how many times have we seen that before) and then it was like "so where do we go now??" and kids & teens started to lose interest. Sonally totally got in the way of Sonic's job as a young 15 anno old hero, thats what he should be. not tied down with marriage and kids.

Thats why Sonic and Sally was doomed to fail, and for them to discontinue one of the two to get out of the Sonally mess. and it obviously wasn't going to be Sonic. So the poor lil cagna got the chop and since that last archie comic episode, none of the characters- including Sonic :) - have even so much as mentioned her. So he obviously doesn't Amore her anymore. That's where Amy comes into it ;)Sonamy was a breath of fresh air. Not many strings attached because they are only loosely in love. yet the chemistry is so strong.

It's my opinion. And a lot of other people's opinions too.
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posted più di un anno fa 
I agree, I think your point is truthful and well-structured. I agree with your point. I also think sonic is better off with Amy.
IHeartSega posted più di un anno fa
BlazeMyLilacCat posted più di un anno fa
We can even see it in a metaphore: "An acorn is too heavy to follow the wind, for the two to be together one would have to contain the wind in a bottle, taking away it's freedom. On the other hand the petal of a rose is light, and it will always follow the free wind, never slowing it down, let alone obstructing it."
MaxTheHedgehog posted più di un anno fa
NearRyuzaki said:
a few but I'm actually too lazy to make anything online against them.
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posted più di un anno fa 
lol but te get where i coming from
Sally_Fan posted più di un anno fa
easily, I agree with u here, most people cause shitstorms here for because of their opinions
NearRyuzaki posted più di un anno fa
Heartisalone said:
I do.
te can complain about it if te want though...
I don't think it makes te immature, your just giving your opinion.
Like me, if I don't like someone/Something I say it.
Now, don't get me wrong, i'm not gonna make a big scene o anything, but if the subject does come up,then why not?
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posted più di un anno fa 
i agree
Sally_Fan posted più di un anno fa
I agree too.
Goldilottes posted più di un anno fa
shadowknuxgirl said:
Yeah. It's so hard to hold it inside. Especially since im XX years old. (lol if te think your gonna get my real age, fat chance! XD)
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posted più di un anno fa 
soniconpudaisy said:
yes im the same way to there some characters that i hate but im not going to say because it always start arguments and stuff
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posted più di un anno fa 
nicothewolf said:
Hate amy becauseshe is a bag of shit.
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posted più di un anno fa 
I hate amy too.........>:D
shadowknuxgirl posted più di un anno fa
Me too!!
tailslover9 posted più di un anno fa
invader_bruce said:
I don't like Shadow a little.
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posted più di un anno fa 
i kinda hate Mina
Sally_Fan posted più di un anno fa
stacycam said:
dark sonic....i mean sure its annoying always stalking him.i always play dark sonic on super smash bros brawl(sonic with the black arm bands and shoes) hese annoyed with hell when ever i be that person...
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posted più di un anno fa 
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