The Flash (film) Club
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posted by whatsupbugs
For years, there has been talk of the Flash getting his own film. After years of different ideas and significant delays, the Flash has finally gotten a film. The film is also notable for having Michael Keaton play Batman for the first time in thirty years.

When Barry Allen was a kid, his mother was murdered. His father was falsely accused of the murder, so the father was arrested. As an adult, Barry has become the Flash. He has the ability to run so fast that he can run back in time. He wants to go to the past, so he can prevent his mother's death. Barry manages to do this, but in the process, he gets into an alternate reality where General Zod is putting the whole world in danger. Barry has to team up with a younger version of himself, as well as Supergirl and an older Batman, to save the universe.

The Flash is a film that manages to be a great story for the protagonist in addition to being an exciting adventure involving various iconic DC Comics characters. Due to the inclusion of characters like Batman and Supergirl, there was a lot of concern about Flash getting sidelined in his own film. However, that turned out to not be the case. The film is an emotional story of Barry trying to change history despite how dangerous it would be to do so. Barry has to make some tough choices that will change his and other people's lives. The conflicting personalities of regular Barry and the Barry from another universe provide a lot of the character development, drama and humor of the film. Bruce Wayne gets a nice subplot about coming out of retirement, so he can help the two Barrys save the universe. Supergirl also gets a heroic, interesting subplot of her own.

Ezra Miller, the actor who plays Barry, has gotten into a lot of controversy in recente years. They have been seeking treatment for their mental problems, so I hope that they can recover and go through a much-needed period of redemption. As for Ezra Miller in the film, they do a great job in the film. The two Barries are very different from each other, so it required Ezra to give two very unique performances. Thankfully, Ezra was able to pull that off. As a character, Flash is the right mix of a dramatic hero and a funny person to be around. Going from family-related drama to goofy humor is no easy task, but the compelling Scrivere and excellent recitazione make it work. Both versions of Barry are well-developed, complex characters that pull on the heartstrings and make people laugh.

Newcomer Sasha Calle does a great job as the new Supergirl. Supergirl is dato a different enough backstory and set of personality traits to stand apart from Superman, while still having the same kind of inspirational optimism that Superman is famous for. Michael Shannon was awesome as General Zod in Man of Steel, so it's great to see him come back.

I have been excited for this film for years, because of Michael Keaton. Although Adam West has become my preferito Batman actor, Michael Keaton was my preferito Batman actor as a kid. Having the Batman of my childhood come back after all these years was an exciting experience. Michael Keaton proves that he's still capable of being an intimidating, cool and scene-stealing Batman. Ben Affleck also reprises his Batman role in a short but important role.

The film's visuals have gotten a lot of backlash, but I thought that the film looked great. Watching the Flash run so fast is such a thrilling experience. Also, Batman looks great in battle. The film is a dazzling experience to witness.

The costumes in the film are really good. Flash's costume is beautifully bright and eye-pleasing. Supergirl's costume looks similar to Superman's costume, while still being unique enough to stand out. Michael Keaton still looks imposing and stylish as Batman. He and his vehicles continue to impress.

The Musica in the film is really well done. When it comes to music, what stands out the most is the return of Danny Elfman's classic Batman theme. Having Michael Keaton's Batman be accompanied da his signature theme is a great experience.

I decided to make this a non-spoiler review. I highly recommend avoiding spoiler-filled reviews of the film. I personally couldn't wait, so I went out to find as many spoilers as I could before seeing the film. Without giving away anything specific, I can confermare that the film is full of surprises that fan of classic DC will likely appreciate. There's even references to older and più obscure DC things that I didn't expect to see.

It's going to be hard for any film that comes out this anno to superiore, in alto The Flash. It's true that anything's possible, but The Flash has set a high bar for films. The Flash is an emotional and exciting adventure that has fantastic recitazione and several of DC's greatest characters. There are so many superhero films that it can be hard to decide which ones to go see. The Flash is easily one of the best superhero films, so I can't recommend it enough.
The Flash is a film that I really like. I was hyped for it for such a long time, because of the return of Michael Keaton as Batman. In addition to being a very emotional, funny film for the titular hero, The Flash also gave Batman a chance to steal the show. The film had a number of other enjoyable elements, including Supergirl and General Zod.

For the most part, I Amore the film. However, there is an aspect of the film that I felt weird about ever since I first heard about it. That aspect is the film's series of cameos. Granted, there are some surprise cameos that are incredibly clever and...
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When I was a kid, various actors had already played Batman. Because of that, I had quite a few actors to pick from when it came to picking a preferito Batman. Before I came to appreciate Adam West as much I currently do, Michael Keaton was my preferito Batman. As a kid, I remember one of the first things that I searched for online was who was considered to be the fan-favorite Batman actor. When I saw people calling Christian Bale the best Batman, I was baffled. At the time, I failed to see how anybody could be ranked higher than Michael Keaton.

As a kid, I was obsessed with 1989's Batman and 1992's...
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