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Ice's Zelda Central

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Classic Zelda games, info, strategy, music, and più from Ice's Zelda Central
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Am I the only one that thinks the name "Skyward Sword" is a little naughty?
Welcome back to Ice\'s Zelda Central, truly a sight for sore eyes. Call us crazy, but after 12 years we\'re still here, playing the games we love. Talking obsessing, writing. Jump in with both feet and join us ... you know you want to!
Your presence here is appreciated. And keep an eye out for portals into the Golden Land ...
I\'ve been asked both to clarify and to weigh in on the fan translation of the Hyrule History timeline that was released this week. Never one to disappoint Zelda fans on Christmas, I compiled this new editorial called The Three Timelines. Hope that answers some questions.
Still playing around with Skyward Sword. Still too linear for me (and with the big glitch out there I\'m not gonna try to break sequence anyway) but you can tell a lot of work was put into the game, and the dungeons are top-notch.
I\'m a full ten hours into the game now. Fully enjoyed the two dungeons I\'ve played so far ... second one was one of the best in the series. Not a bad game at all. A few minor complaints (I\'m old and this is what old people do): I don\'t care for the overworld situation on the linear-style of gameplay ... also flying around takes too long ... and I\'m not a huge fan of the motion controls. Combat is fun though.
New and old fans alike should check the game out.
I got the game over the weekend, and I\'ve sunk two hours into it. To be honest it\'s kinda boring. I don\'t want to sit here and read a ton of text, nor do I want to find penguins. Feels like I just walk from cutscene to cutscene. Maybe that\'s how games are made these days.
Poked around a bit online this afternoon and it appears I\'m alone in my opinion ... what do YOU think? Mail me at or use the contact page.
Over the coming weeks and months I\'m sure I\'ll give it another shot, and yeah I know they have to teach you the controls and everything ...
Click here to answer current opinion question:
New domain is live ... we\'re now at ... easy enough to remember. I also pulled together a variety of answers for the old opinions question, which you can read here: Which Zelda game has the best overworld?.
Just thought I\'d pop in and give everyone an update. I haven\'t had much time for additions to IZC lately due to vacations and some new business ventures, but I did want to check in and let everyone know that I do have a couple plans for IZC that will achieve fruition soon, one of which is a domain name for the site.
More short-term than that, I will be posting the new Opinions section in the coming weeks, and a Links page is being worked on. Some content dealing with the new Zelda game for Wii is coming as well.
Remember also that one of the main reasons this site exists is to give people access to all of the older content, so updates aren\'t always going to be a main feature of the site. Most of us have various interests that pull us away from it once in awhile, but rest assured that over time our classic content will be balanced with new and improved features, sections, and even technologies.
As always, questions or comments can be sent here. Thanks for visiting!
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