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posted by Ocean_Hedgehog
Ocean the Hedgehog

Age; 14.
Gender; Male.
Species; Hedgehog.

Ocean is a young Mobian Hedgehog who is detto to have a legendary bloodline. His parents were Anna and Cody the Hedgehogs, Anna being Shadow's daughter and Cody being Sonic's son. This makes Ocean the first pure crossover from both Shadow and Sonic's bloodlines, resulting in his incredible powers.


Ocean is immature. Enough said.

He loves video games, although he isn't very good at them despite his constant efforts.

He is happy, confident, and, to an extent, hyperactive. Coffee + Ocean = Bad mix. He will be bouncing off the walls for the successivo two days.

Ocean is reckless, and if something is annoying him, it will be destroyed within two minutes. te just best not hope that his fonte of annoyance is you.

That said, he doesn't get annoyed often; In fact, it's usually the other way around. He can pester someone unlike any other.

He takes after his grandfather, Sonic.

Despite this very immature being, when the situation is desperate, he can be quite the opposite.

When in such a situation, he will snarl, make a threat, and take it seriously. When in such a mood, he never bluffs o makes a joke.

In fact, this side of him is almost an exact reminant of his other Grandfather, Shadow.

Naturally, he has a few of his own traits, as does anyone. One of these is his crippling shyness when meeting someone new he's had no past referances to.

He is often described as 'The most huggable ledgendary hedgehog ever' da his best friend, Rebecca the Hedgehog, based on his kind, caring nature.

Friends, Allys, and Enimies

Ocean is the kind of person everyone likes, even though he's annoying.

His closest Friends are Rebecca the Hedgehog and Dark the Demon, followed closely da Danielle "Disco" the Hedgehog, Katie the Cat, Oscar the Hedgehog, and Pepsi the Bat.

He also gets on extreamly well with Mephiles' two children; Scarranna and Jet, even though they're a genertation above him.

Most of his allys died in a fight in Westopolis, as did most his family. He still mourns the mass loss-of-life that had occured.

Because of his (lets face it, pretty awesome) power, he also has made many enimies.

The most obvious to this rule is Richard "Lightning" the Tiger, who is the Leader of the Elite Military. Close under him is Scythe "Venom" the Hedgehog, Samantha "Cutie" the Bat, Revils "Vision" the Hedgehog, and "Boa" the Fox.

This group of incredible, modern army-force Mobians are probably the greatest wargroup in the world, surpassing all other magor organisations.

Close under these 5 is Leutienant Rachel "Mercy" the Hedgehog; easily the fastest person ever to be in the Elites miliaty, and probably the third strongest, to "Orc" and "Venom". She is, perhaps, Ocean's most deadly enemy.

Mercy has, however, prooven herself to be an ally to Ocean in several situations, despite her hatred for him. (She secretly likes his persoanlity, however)


Ocean is related to both Sonic and Shadow, being both Hedgehog's grandson. His grandmothers, however, proove to be Maria and Julie-Su. His parents were Anna and Cody the Hedgehogs.

His uncles were Anubis, Axubus, and Lance. Three of these people were killed, Axubus being the survivor.

Scourge can be seen somewhat as an Great Uncle, and Mercy is technically Ocean's half-aunt. Ocean does not see either of these people as family.


Ocean often feels presured into situations, and he often curses his 'ledgendary' blood, wondering why the heck he has to be bothered with saving the world every secondo day.

The only 'good' side he sees to it is his capibilies.

He can run at near supersonic speeds, rivaling Rebecca and Mercy at running.

Despite being slightly slower than the later, he makes up for it in his stamina. It is unknown where he gets all his energy from, but whereever it is, it has energy to burn.

He can spindash, create whirlwinds and tornadoes, and dig superfast.

Ocean also demonstrates other ablities; his control over chaos energy is immense. He can use Chaos Control, Chaos Snap, Chaos Blast, Chaos Spear, Chaos Rift, and a sposta he calls Chaos Chill, wich can freeze someone solid in a nanosecond.

He can read minds with a touch, but he's still trying to work out how to work it so he can find out how not to work it.

One last power he demonstrates is his ability to hover at will.

All and all, Ocean is a great friend and avantegous ally. He knows what is right and fights to defend it.
added by MephilesTheDark
A sad song...
posted by MephilesTheDark
I pumped my arms da my side as I ran through the bush, kicking up dust behind me and scaring the wits out of the birds nested nearby.

I paid them no mind as I struggled to keep up with a white hedgehog with gleaming red eyes and a black cape; Crescent.

He was a great friend, self-appointed "Healer" of our group, due not only to his medical expertise, but also his Supernatural abilitiy to heal physical wounds.

It was about 1:30 am, and the people of Australia slept, the locals unaware of two Mobians sweeping through the cespuglio, bush at near supersonic speeds.

Crescent led the way, as I was unsure of what...
continue reading...
posted by MephilesTheDark
I sat in a sparse amount of bush, nearby suburbia. I never ventured far on my walks, as I did not know my way around the Australian cespuglio, bush very well.

I was on a small rock, idly staring off into space.

I am Mephiles the Hedgehog, ex entity of darkness, and now an Australian Resident, living in the Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria.

My best Friends are Rebecca the Hedgehog, a.k.a "Scorch"; a hyperactive, fun-loving girl who could control fire, pull chainsaws out of nowhere, and run at supersonic speeds.

Then there's Crescent, the always-serious vampire hedgehog who hunts at night, and can heal...
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added by Thirddevision
i didnt make it but its funny!